Chapter 1533 Prepare for the decisive battle!Yuanshi Tianzun!
The Gui Xianren and Crane Immortals in Hou Shenjiang's camp spread rumors that they were no match for Jiang Ziya and others at all, and boasted that Jiang Ziya was born to be rare and invincible on earth. "

Li Tang said angrily: "These two shameless guys are also worthy of being the Zifu District of the Tang Dynasty? Pooh!"

Du Yu smiled: "Don't worry, I have my own measure."

The three daughters Su Daji, Pipa and Jiji came together, Jiao Didi said: "We are ready, we can enter the list of gods."

She winked at Du Yu and said, "Although Jiang Ziya stipulated that I was only allowed to join your camp, he forgot that Pipa and Ji Ji were also from the list of gods. There will be two more female generals in our camp."

Zhao Yun rode a Magnolia White Dragon Colt with a Yajiao gun in his hand, galloped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Second brother, I have been waiting impatiently for a long time. When will I go to the world of the Conferred God List?"

The Queen of Shinra, Catherine, has already arrived as promised, with a phoenix crown and a golden armor, riding a tall pure-blooded European war horse, majestic and majestic, she will not let her eyebrows down.

Du reserved the last spot for his beauties.Summoning beauties has its own strengths and can adapt to changing situations, which can be called a universal option.

Du Yu smiled and said, "Since we have all the staff, let's go."

They walk towards the teleporter plaza.According to the agreement between the two parties, the teleportation will be held there.At the same time, the gods will all be present to witness their competition.

This is related to the ownership of the entire Great Tang Empire, and even affects the fate of the entire space!

If Du Yu is unfortunate enough to miss, both Yunmengze and Xindu will become the objects of Lord Hou and his teaching, and become Jiang Ziya's spoils of war.

But if Du Yu succeeds, Jiang Ziya will lose everything, and even the vast territory of Hou Shenjiang will become Du Yu's possession.The Tang Empire could re-complete the basic unification without going through the baptism of swords and wars.

How is this matter not important?
Du Yu, Su Daji, Zhao Yun, and Catherine, under the escort of the wolf pupil team organized by Maishela, rode to the teleporter square on horseback. Adventurers from the Tang Dynasty kept coming after hearing the news and pointing at them with reverent eyes. point.

On the teleporter square, the three gods, Empress Nuwa, God Fuxi and Athena, had already been waiting there.There are three gods sitting in town, even if this is the capital of the Tang Empire, Yu Wentuo, who controls this place, dare not order soldiers to arrest Du Yu and Hou Shen, the two rebels.

Seeing Du Yuqi Yu Xuanang approaching, Empress Nuwa and Athena's eyes lit up.

Compared with before the retreat, Du Yu's temperament has undergone a great change.

It was Fuxi who had the most poisonous eyes, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Little friend Du Yu, congratulations, your realm of cultivating immortals has improved again. You have reached the realm of stepping through the void."

Du Yu said modestly: "I am really ashamed. Although I am listed as a god in name, my strength, let alone compared with the three gods, even some strong people in Zifu District are more solid than me. Several great gods can Calling wind and rain in space, I can only continue to climb step by step."

Fuxi was filled with emotion, patted Du Yu on the shoulder and said: "Nowadays people are impetuous, give him three or two meters, and there are many people who dare to take care of thousands of people. Like you, you have already won the godhead in the western mythology world, and you have the priesthood but are still down-to-earth. There are very few monks who practice step by step. I think this is also the reason why you can walk all the way without incident, but instead step by step steadily and defeat powerful enemies repeatedly."

Nuwa laughed and said, "Hugh is too modest. Even the three of us admire your ability. Otherwise, why would we stand by your side this time, cheering for you? Cheering for you?"

Athena said coldly: "At this time, the powerful enemy in space is looking around. The demon will not die. I hate Jiang Ziya and others for helping the tyrant, helping God General Hou, creating divisions, and weakening our strength against the demon. Thinking about it makes me angry. "

At this time, a voice as loud as a bell rang in the ears of the three: "Three fellow gods and Taoists, what you said is wrong!"

A ray of light flashed across.

Jiang Ziya, Nezha, and Yang Jian appeared on the opposite side coldly.Behind them are Hou Shenjiang, Hou Xiaobai and Hou Xiaofeng, father and son of the bet.

It was Jiang Ziya who spoke just now.

His complexion was as usual, and there was no sign of happiness or anger, but Nvwa could feel that this trip to the battlefield of gods and demons had brought about a great change in his temperament.Jiang Ziya's brilliance is introverted and hidden, but every move is more in line with the way of heaven, so profound that people can't see through it.

Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other, originally because of Du Yu's great progress, he felt the confidence to win, but due to the sublimation of Jiang Ziya's temperament, it was covered with a thick layer of haze.

Jiang Ziya is a strange person in history.

His genius, his aptitude, and his ability are beyond doubt!

Who knows how much he has benefited from the battlefield of gods and demons?To break through again in just one month, how terrifying is Jiang Ziya?
Perhaps, when Du Yu was searching for the alien treasure land and flying across to practice hard, Jiang Ziya was also practicing hard with the help of Yuanshi Tianzun and Chanjiao, and only then did he feel uneasy when we met today.

"Du Yu, it's dangerous." Fuxi sighed and said, "I think Du Yu can break through two levels in a row and become a strong man who can break through the void. His progress is fast enough. Breaking through the void is the lowest threshold for cultivators in Zifu District. But it's a pity that Jiang Ziya's cultivation achievements during this period seem to be no less than Du Yu's. I think he has reached the Dzogchen realm of the Great Luo Jinxian!"

"Oh?" Empress Nuwa gasped.

The 7 stages of cultivating immortals and the 5 strength ratings of space do not exactly match.Generally speaking, reaching the sixth stage of cultivating immortals and stepping through the void is already the lowest threshold of the Zifu District of space.In other words, Du Yu could now stand shoulder to shoulder with the weak in Zifu District.

But there is no limit to cultivating immortals!

The Eastern powerhouse at the Da Luo Jinxian stage can even crush the Western Zifu district powerhouse of the same level!
Everyone is in the Zifu District, but the Eastern Immortal Art is more powerful than the later stage of the Western Divine Art system, that's how willful it is!
For example, Long Shengtian, who was surrounded by Du Yu's ingenious plan, according to Nuwa's observation, is only a strong man in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.But he has already passed the test of Zhaixing Pavilion!

Everyone has their own opportunities, which cannot be generalized.

But in any case, Du Yu's realm of breaking through the void is at a disadvantage compared to Jiang Ziya's realm of Da Luo Jinxian, even more than one level!
In a face-to-face battle, Du Yu's celestial power is only one-tenth of Jiang Ziya's!

or even less.

Of course, this does not count Du Yu's divine power and abilities, but the gap is still huge.

What if the treasures of both sides are counted?Du Yu has a lot of cards in his hole.

But Jiang Ziya's trump card is more!

SSS level fairy treasure conferring god list!

The strange treasure taught by Yuanshi Tianzun, hit the magic whip!
Although Du Yu has many fairy treasures, there is nothing that can compete with [Fengshen Bang] in terms of level!Especially in the world of Fengshenbang, the world is named after [Fengshenbang], one can imagine how powerful this thing will be?
The strength gap between the two sides, not only did not narrow, but widened.

Nuwa's eyes were dark.

She couldn't figure it out, why Du Yu had to have a 5v5 team battle with Jiang Ziya in this world of Gods List?

Where does his grasp come from?

A mirror of fate that can be read once?

If you can save the first day of the junior high school, can you still escape the fifteenth day?Don't forget, the two sides have to fight a total of 16 plot battles, and the winner of 9 battles can win everything.One or two local victories will hardly change the overall situation!

Empress Nuwa couldn't understand it.

Jiang Ziya's footsteps were steady, walking like a tiger, walking in front of Du Yu, and said confidently: "No matter what moves you have, you will lose! Because I represent the way of heaven!"

He proudly waved the whisk in his hand!

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky, as Jiang Ziya's background, as if the sky was responding to the chosen one, roaring and demonstrating against Du Yu.

Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "The Way of Heaven? What do you know about the Way of Heaven?"

In his eyes, there was an unyielding light!
Even if you, Jiang Ziya, use the righteousness of heaven to suppress you, and claim yourself to be the will of heaven, Du Yu, as a typical rebellious and rebellious person, will never give in!Not to obey!
Du Yu and Jiang Ziya stood facing each other, the two strong-willed commanders had only each other in their eyes, and the "Tao" that they believed in and believed in was burning in their eyes!
Jiang Ziya's way is the way of heaven taught by Master Yuanshi Tianzun.

But Du Yu's Tao belongs to him, he walks out step by step and realizes it with his heart!
Du Yu's Tao is one's own heart!
Listen to your inner call, listen to your original decision, listen to your deep desire, listen to your truest self!
Don't follow blindly, don't obey, and don't let others fiddle with your own destiny!
Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other.

The dispute between Du Yu and Jiang Ziya is not about loyalty, grievances, or personal ambitions, and even transcends the conflicting interests of the teachers!

Their greatest contention lies in Taoism!

Every hero has a Tao in his heart.Because of the Dao that is regarded as the standard, they have overcome all kinds of difficulties and dangers all the way, and have come to where they are today.

But the biggest contradiction is also because of the Tao. The understanding of Tao is different, so the heroes have to draw their swords to face each other.
Different road non-phase plan!

A gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness, and a villain is a metaphor for profit.Don't think that this is a compliment to a gentleman, because on the other hand, it is just a small benefit, which can mediate the conflict of villain's views, but when there is a conflict between gentlemen because of righteousness, there is nothing to adjust !

Only you die and I live.

Just when Du Yu and Jiang Ziya were facing each other, because of different ways, they confronted each other, a deep and deep voice came from afar.

"Tao can be said, not eternal. Name can be named, but not eternal."

The voice was slow and long, as thin as a gossamer, but also as loud as a bell, it was like hearing the sounds of nature!
This level of skill, this level of cultivation, can be called a god!

Nuwa's complexion changed, and she exclaimed, "Yuanshi Tianzun!"

As one of the three highest main gods of Taoism, Yuanshi Tianzun has finally arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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