Chapter 1543 Just follow the plan, Du predicts a clever plan!
I heard that his brothers, Mo Liqing and Mo Lihong, had been killed by Jiang Ziya, and they were somehow transformed into people from the Western Zhou Dynasty.Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou were puzzled and angry.

How could you betray the lovely King Zhou?

But at this moment, a servant came to report: "The two masters, Mo Liqing and Mo Lihong, have arrived at the checkpoint, and they want to see their brothers by name, that is, you two."

Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou looked at each other.

Although I don't know why, but they are brothers after all, the four generals of the Mo family, why should I meet these two brothers, and see what they say?
If it was someone who came to persuade him to surrender, it was a must. Even his own brothers could only be escorted to Mengjin City and handed over to Zhou King Du Yu for personal disposal.

But at this moment, a pair of black hands suddenly grabbed Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou from behind!

Mo Liqing and Mo Lihong swaggered, walked into the checkpoint, went up the tower, and soon saw Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou.

When the four generals of the Mo Family met, they were naturally affectionate.Although Molihai and Molishou are still demon generals now, Moliqing and Molihong are already the four heavenly kings of teaching.

After the guests and hosts were seated, the atmosphere became tense.

Mo Lihai played the black pipa like no one else, no matter how late the night was, when other people were sleeping, he played twice without public morality, and the sound of killing shook the eardrums of the two brothers with ulterior motives.

Mo Lishou, on the other hand, concentrates on teasing his pet flower fox mink.This Huahu mink is a psychic monster, connected with Mo Lishou, squeaking, with a pair of small eyes shining brightly, always staring at Mo Liqing and Mo Lihong.

Mo Liqing and Mo Lihong looked at each other in embarrassment.

The two brothers didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd. They actually saw the two of them without saying a word. This is not like their style.

Finally, Mo Lihong coughed and spoke.

"Two brothers, to tell you the truth, Mo Liqing and I have turned our backs to the light and became one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Western Zhou Dynasty." Mo Lihong chuckled: "Good birds choose trees to live in, and good officials choose masters to serve. Now King Zhou is fatuous. Licentiousness, pampering the three great enchantresses, and the unfavorable battle situation, the Western Zhou army is about to capture the Yellow River Ferry. Brothers, why don’t you join the new master quickly? Find a good backer for the fourth general of the Demon family in the future?"

He looked at the sea of ​​magic rituals expectantly.

Mo Lishou let out a groan, and the flower fox mink in his hand disappeared at some point.

When the flower fox reappeared, it was actually holding two jet-black daggers in its mouth!Zhizhi pointed at the two heavenly kings and shouted.

Mo Liqing and Mo Lihong were shocked!
These two daggers were none other than Jiang Ziya's hidden weapon that Jiang Ziya handed over to the two of them before he left to prepare for the failure of persuasion, and to secretly kill his two brothers' blood-sealed throats!
Before going up to the checkpoint, soldiers from Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty also searched their bodies.Moliqing and Molihong hid the two daggers in the flesh of their thighs.As gods, they already have certain supernatural powers, and they can wrap this hidden weapon without hurting themselves.

Unexpectedly, without anyone noticing, the Huahu mink found these two hidden weapons and stole them!

Mo Lishou's face darkened, he laughed and said, "Two brothers, you have these two handfuls of poison in your possession, are you going to give them to us as a meeting gift?"

Mo Lihai was furious, stood up, pointed at the two of them and said, "I still treat you as brothers, but I didn't expect you to plot against me?"

Mo Liqing and Mo Lihong saw that the matter was brought to light.They couldn't imagine why Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou could see through their tricks so quickly?
They came here with heavy responsibilities on their shoulders. They were lobbyists first, and if they were too soft, they would change jobs to become assassins and be tough on their brothers.Anyway, Jiang Ziya patted his chest and promised that even if Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou died, he would be treated the same as them. He would be hired as a full-time employee of the Western Zhou Dynasty through invoking souls and enshrining the gods. Great king.

Mo Li Hai and Mo Li Shou, why do you want to see through my brother's plan, so that we can kill you, so why don't you reunite and become the Four Heavenly Kings?

With a roar, the two summoned their treasures Hunyuan Umbrella and Qingyun Sword out of thin air, trying to fight against Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou.

But unexpectedly, when the two lobbyists and assassin kings were about to fight Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou, two mighty figures suddenly appeared behind them, and grabbed the two assassins who were about to forcefully fight live!
The two turned around to see that it was Mo Li Hai and Mo Li Shou!

Two pairs of Magic Lihai and Magic Lishou?
The two were stunned, and turned to look again.I saw Mo Li Hai and Mo Li Shou in front of me, but they gradually turned into Du Yu and Su Daji!
72 changes!

During Du Yu's 171-month training process, he did not neglect this extremely practical spell.He took advantage of this rare time to upgrade the 72 change by two levels.

From a first-level spell, only 9 changes, to 27 changes.

Among them, there is the option to change into an adult.

Therefore, Du Yu chose to become the sea of ​​magic rituals, and Su Daji, as a demon fox, is her housekeeping skill (for details, refer to the change of Su Daji at the beginning of the Romance of the Gods), it is also easy to become a demon fox. .

Du Yu learned of Jiang Ziya's strategy and chose to follow suit.

He knew that if he told Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou directly that their brothers were going to assassinate them and take the opportunity to seize the level, these two brains with muscled idiots would not believe it.

So he and Su Daji simply trapped Mo Li Hai and Mo Li Shou first, and let them quietly watch the development of the plot behind the door.

Sure enough, Moliqing and Molihong lived up to Du Yu's expectations. They hid poisonous sharp blades and prepared to murder their brothers.Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou could see clearly from behind the door, their eyes spit fire.

Now, no matter how Du Yu dealt with the two traitors, Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou would have no objection.

But Du Yu's actions are always so unexpected.

He captured the traitors Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou, but did not kill anyone.

Du Yu must consider the brotherhood between Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou, but this is not the reason why Du Yu did not kill the traitor.

The real reason is that Du Yu intends to use these two ineffective traitors to teach the arrogant Jiang Ziya a lesson!
He ordered Su Daji to use the soul search technique.

The art of searching for souls is Su Daji's unique skill as a ten thousand-year demon fox. Simply put, it is to use demonic methods to directly invade the minds of the soul-searching objects and obtain information directly.

Su Daji was a genius designer of all kinds of torture, and he didn't need to be polite to this kind of traitor, and even showed a charming smile.

Not long after, Jiang Ziya and Yang Jian, who were waiting hard at the pass, received the long-awaited signal.

The Hunyuan Umbrella of Magic Ritual Red emits streaks of red light, dazzling and eye-catching in the night.

Agreed signal.Hunyuan Umbrella is a signal to attack the gate.

"Great! They succeeded in this magic gift red." Yang Jian was very excited: "I will organize an army, rush into the pass, and take this pass. Hmph, the two major crossings in the north and east have missed at the same time. I think How does Du Yu live?"

Jiang Ziya frowned: "Why didn't I get the souls of Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou? It is said that after Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou died, their souls should be attracted by my list of gods and return to the altar of the list of gods? "

As expected of an old, treacherous and cunning person, at this juncture, he can still remember this detail.

Unfortunately, Du Yu had already thought of it.

Ever since he knew the possible uses of the Fengshen Bang, Du Yu has been thinking hard, how to crack it?

Not long after, the two souls were indeed floating, floating towards the Lingtai in the list of gods.

"A soul is coming!" Yang Jian laughed loudly and said, "Is it time for us to attack?"

At this time, there was a red Hunyuan Umbrella light in front of it.

Obviously, after Mo Lihong and others killed Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou, there was no one to support them, so they got impatient.At this pass, Shang Zhou had hoarded heavy troops.Once the commander was found killed and the soldiers attacked, Mo Lihong and the other two couldn't resist.

Time is running out and there is no time to think about it.

Jiang Ziya, who always felt that something was wrong, finally nodded.

But he was always feeling uneasy, not knowing what went wrong.

With the permission of the prime minister, Yang Jian was relieved and bold. With a roar, he rode on a horse, cut off the antlers at the pass, and rushed into the pass with 200 main soldiers and 100 swordsmen.

Jiang Ziya watched Yang Jian rush into the pass, as if he had entered no one's land, and the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense!
Because, Yang Jian is not like entering the land of no one, but really no one can stop him!
There is no one guarding this pass?

This is a trap!

"No! Quick legs!" Jiang Ziya finally knew what was wrong.

He took a closer look at the souls included in the list of gods.

That's not from Molihai and Molishou at all!
But two unidentified souls.

It was the souls of two enemies released by Du Yu from the soul arresting tower in the heart of his castle.

The Soul Detention Tower was originally a place for Du Yu to imprison all kinds of enemies, and the most indispensable thing in it was the soul.

Du Yu is really bad.

On the one hand, he released his soul to paralyze Jiang Ziya's enemies, on the other hand, he let Mo Lihai use his brother's magic red Hunyuan Umbrella to constantly urge Yang Jian to enter the army.

Under the rush of time, Jiang Ziya failed to notice the changes in details, and was finally caught by Du Yuyin!
This was also the moment when Du Yu was elated.

Yang Jian was brave and invincible just now, and rushed into the pass with Roaring Dog, Pu Tiandiao and a large number of Western Zhou troops. On the passes on both sides, in the dark night, the tall and terrifying figures of elf shooters suddenly appeared!

This is the 1000 elf shooter that Du Yu summoned by taking advantage of the Mengjin battle to obtain 100 villain points.

There was only a sound of clappers, and 100 elf archers shot a rain of precise arrows into the backs of a large number of Western Zhou soldiers who rushed into the city.

The soldiers of the Western Zhou Dynasty were killed and wounded all over the place.

Not only that, behind Yang Jianjun, a large number of yellow scarf fighters appeared.

Du Yu's summoning technique is not just about summoning elf shooters.

After Xiuxian broke through the realm of stepping through the void, Du Yu's immortal technique of "spreading beans into soldiers" was also extremely powerful. With his abundant immortal power, he summoned 500 yellow scarf warriors in one go.Of course, they only lasted for a while and disappeared after the war.

(End of this chapter)

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