Chapter 258 A man's true colors, the peak battle! - One more ticket!
Although there are risks, but his own son, after all, cannot sit back and watch him do stupid things.Duan Zhengchun knew that with Duan Yu's bullish temper, this kind of suicide could definitely be done.

He sighed: "Since Master Ku Rong taught you the six-meridian sword and said that it does not violate the ancestral precepts, I will not stop you! But if you lose the bet and lose the ancestral treasure to others, you will have to give up everything Fantasy, follow me back to Dali immediately!"

At the end of the speech, he was very stern!
Duan Yu nodded and looked at Murong: "Young Master Murong! Are you clear? I want to make a bet with you with the Six Meridian Excalibur from the Duan family! If you can beat my elder brother Xiao Feng, I will take the Six Meridian Sword!" I'll give you the divine sword. If you lose, please give Miss Wang to me!"

All eyes were on Du Yu.

Du Yu looked up to the sky and laughed!

Wang Yuyan felt sad: "Could it be that my cousin is greedy for this world-famous martial arts, and wants to bet me? No way. He loves me so much, but because of his cousin's ambition to become stronger, unify the world, and revive Dayan, he sacrificed a Little cousin, it seems impossible to fulfill his great cause! If my cousin really loses me to this son, I would rather commit suicide on the spot."

She was so tender that she wanted to cry.

Duan Yu heard Murong Fu laugh, there seemed to be indescribable contempt in the laughter, he said in his heart: "Mr. Murong, what do you mean?"

Wang Yuyan wept: "My cousin smiled so happily, I must agree to this honor."

Du Yu said loudly, "I would like to take the liberty of asking Lord Duan."

Duan Zhengchun said: "Young Master Murong has the grace to save me, but it doesn't matter."

Du Yu said: "My family also has tens of thousands of books in the Shishui Pavilion, and all kinds of unique skills in the rivers and lakes are all collected in it. It can be said to be a great sight."

Duan Zhengchun nodded deeply: "Huan Shi Shui Pavilion has a large collection of books, martial arts in the world, everything is inclusive, and everyone in the world knows about it. I don't know how many times Duan has dreamed. I am blessed to enter the eye-opening world."

Du Yu said again: "I've heard that Mrs. Zhennan Wang's wife Dao Baifeng is as beautiful as a flower. If I am willing to let go, I will return Shi Shuige and let Prince Duan take a copy of the secret book in exchange for Mrs. Zhennan Wang's spring night. no?"

Everyone's expressions changed, Master Xuannan put together his palms together and said, "Amitabha, how can Master Murong speak nonsense?"

Duan Zhengchun said angrily: "Murong Fu! I am grateful for your life-saving grace, but I will not let you insult my wife!"

Du Yu interrupted coldly: "Murong is rude because your son just tried to use this chapter of cheats to exchange the same beloved with me!"

Wang Yuyan heard the word "beloved", raised her head in a daze, but saw Du Yu's angry eyes.

Her heart was immediately filled with happiness and sweetness!

Facing the world-famous Six Meridians Excalibur, my cousin was upright and blatantly denounced it!

In his heart, the most important thing is me!

Bao BuTong waved his fist: "Here! My lord! That's a good word! Duan, you are trying to exchange a broken six-veined sword for my mistress, Miss Wang! I don't know if you are fooled by lard." , I’m still stupid when I read books!”

Deng Baichuan, Feng Bo'e and others glared at Duan Yu.

Even the heroes of the world showed disdain for Duan Yu.

Du Yu said loudly: "Young Master Duan, your biggest mistake was to equate the value of your beloved girl with something. You must know that it is easy to get a thousand gold treasures, but it is difficult to find a lover! Is the love between me and my cousin a mere six-veined sword?" Can you buy it?"

Wang Yuyan turned her head to Duan Yu and said, "Young Master Duan, you have followed me all the way and told a lot of jokes to relieve boredom. I am very grateful. But this time, you have used such a crooked mind to insult me ​​with this six-veined sword! From now on, I don't want to see you again. Please do it yourself!"

Duan Yu was in a daze, and suddenly stretched out his slap, slapped himself, and cried: "One thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon. I am blinded by greed! You deserve it! You deserve it! Immortal girl, I If you use this six-meridian sword to tarnish your reputation, you should kill me."

Wang Yuyan turned her eyes lightly, and said softly: "How can you kill yourself so easily with such a promising body. If you have the heart to repent, why don't you give me this six-veined sword?"

Duan Yu was ecstatic: "Really? Are you really willing to forgive me?"

Wang Yuyan said in her heart: "Young Master Duan, using such means to take away your Six Meridians Excalibur, I really can't help you. But since my cousin loves me so much, why don't I help him collect martial arts from all over the world?"

She has never asked for anything from others, but because of Murong Fu, she even got involved with Duan Yu.

With a thud, Duan Yu knelt on the ground, held the sword manual of the Six Meridians Excalibur with both hands, and cried: "Sister Immortal, I feel so guilty for you, it's hard to express, only this sword manual you can take a look at , Dedicated to you, only to relieve the guilt and guilt in my heart! If you have pity on me, then accept this sword manual."

Duan Zhengchun was about to stop talking, but when he saw Du Yu's deep gaze, his heart shuddered.

"Just now, I was saved by this Murong Fu, and I can't repay my life-saving grace. Yu'er just made a slip of the tongue and wanted to exchange the sword manual for his fiancée. If such words are spread in the Jianghu, it will greatly harm my reputation. "

"If you can exchange Murong's forgiveness with the sword manual of the Six Meridians Excalibur, Dali Duan Shiqing Yu will be kept, and my life-saving grace will be repaid, and Yu'er will also be able to reduce her self-blame a little, killing three birds with one stone."

With a long sigh, he turned to Du Yu and said, "Just now, Mr. Murong righteously saved Duan Er's life. Duan Er then agreed with Nizi to give this sword manual to Miss Wang for a few days. I just hope that after Miss Wang reads it, no one but himself No more leaking. Dali Duanshi, thank you very much.”

Because what Duan Yu wanted to give was Wang Yuyan and not Murong, Duan Zhengchun begged Murong to just learn it by himself and not show it to others.

At this moment, Duan Zhengchun still had a little luck in his heart.

Master Rongku of Tianlong Temple in Dali, with such profound skills, even after six years of practice, he still failed to master the six-meridian sword.Even if Murong Fu got the Six Meridians Excalibur, he could only look at it.

Du Yu nodded slightly to Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan took the Six Meridians Excalibur and said with a smile, "Mr. Duan, thank you! We are still good friends."

Duan Yuhun flew 9% of the time, nodded repeatedly and said: "That's good! That's good! I just hate that I am not good at learning, and the only three kinds of kung fu are all given to Mr. Murong. If there are any more, I will definitely dedicate them to you .”

Duan Zhengchun's eyes darkened, this silly boy, I'm afraid that people's collection of Dali Duan style martial arts is not comprehensive enough.

He had been among thousands of flowers, but he didn't leave a single leaf behind him, yet he had such a pustular son, he was deeply ashamed of being out of his wits against a woman, he coughed and said: "Young Master Murong, let's deal with Xiao Feng first."

Du Yu received a prompt from the space: "You have received a b-level skill from Duan Yu - the Six Meridians Excalibur. According to the villain's reward, you have obtained 1000 villain points. Because the difficulty of obtaining it is too low, you can't kill it by killing it." Or snatch it from Tianlong Temple, this skill can only be used as a reward for the villain, and cannot be cultivated. But there is an unlocking task attached to it, and after completing the task, you will automatically be eligible for cultivation."

Du Yu curled his lips, it was another book that could only be read but not practiced.

However, he has already practiced too many exercises in this world, and he can't eat too much.

If you have time, you can unlock the task of the Six Meridians Excalibur and turn it into a practiceable skill.This six-meridian sword should be the strongest existence among long-range attack skills. When attacking a line, it has pierced through holes and is unmatched.

Du Yu was a little curious.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Little Wuxiang Kung Fu, Lingbo Weibu, Six Meridians Excalibur, Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, Left and Right Mutual Fighting Skills, which are well-known in Jin Yong's world, can only be evaluated as B-level kung fu.It seems that except for some skills of Yi Jin Jing and Nine Yin Manual, which received S-level evaluations, Du Yu has never seen A-level and S-level attack techniques.It seems that Space has a preference for internal skills that improve internal strength and cultivation aptitude, and has a higher evaluation, while attacking skills are not the same.

Just imagine, skills like Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms can only be rated as B-level, so how strong should S-level and A-level skills be?
Du Yu vaguely felt that being able to obtain B-level skills in the slums was not an adventure that normal adventurers could achieve.

It depends on the villain weather.

Just imagine, if Du Yu didn't have the dragon and wolf spirit, how could he gather such a powerful force in just a few worlds?
The invincible exchange ability can not only exchange for the heroine, but also directly exchange for the protagonist's skill level.

As long as you have enough villain points, you can even change a certain skill from not being able to do it at all in an instant to being able to practice it to the top!
This heaven-defying setting greatly surpasses ordinary adventurers!
Du Yu reckoned that his combat power at this time would be insufficient to deal with the shadow thieves or the Shinto Society of the previous world, but it would not be a big problem if he scattered them and wiped them all out!
He is already a man standing at the pinnacle of difficulty for adventurers in the slums!

Of course, compared with the masters in the entire space, there might be hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the space, and there may be even more heaven-defying existences, so he can't know.

Of course, there are behemoths like the imperial court. Even if Du Yu is very powerful, he will inevitably keep a low profile and continue to accumulate strength.

At this moment, he is about to face the challenge of the peerless strong Xiao Feng again!

Although Xiao Feng was wounded in many places and poisoned, his internal energy was consumed a lot, but Du Yu was still not sure of victory in a fight to the death with him who had raised his fighting spirit to the limit and brought his amazing strength to its peak!

5120 points.

This is all the villain values ​​on Du Yu.

Xiao Feng, who is in his prime, has no hope in the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

The only thing Du Yu can rely on is the change of stars.

At this time, it has been upgraded to the sixth floor: the skill priority is 36 (the fourth-level branch reward has been calculated), and the reboundable skills are not higher than B-level skills.If the rebound is successful, the damage is completely exempted, and if the rebound fails, the damage will be increased by 20%.Each time it is used, it consumes 26 points of internal force.

But Du Yu reckoned that Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are both B-level, at least at the 8th and 9th level, and the sixth level is not necessarily able to beat him.

The only way to do it now is to raise the Dou Zhuan Xing Yi to a higher level.

Du Yu was ruthless and spent 2100 and 2400 points to upgrade Dou Zhuan Xing to the 8th floor!
The 8th layer of star shift: the skill priority is 40, and the reboundable skills are not higher than A-level skills.If the rebound is successful, the damage is completely exempted, and if the rebound fails, the damage will be increased by 10%.Each time it is used, it consumes 22 points of internal force.

For the 7th floor branch reward, Du Yu chose to increase the priority by 4 points, raising the priority to 44 points.

With a priority of 44 points, if he still couldn't deal with Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Du Yu had no choice but to abandon his weapon and drag his troops, and fled in embarrassment.

Xiao Feng looked at Du Yu and said: "The battle with Brother Murong in Wuxi that day, I don't know if today can be as happy as that day." As soon as he finished speaking, he slapped him!
Du Yu immediately felt a strong wind, suppressing it!

He used the 8th layer of fighting and star shifting to bounce back Xiao Feng's palm!
Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are like a real dragon's wrath, a thunderous blow, and Du Yu's star movement is like an ancient well without waves, unpredictable!
I saw a sharp palm blowing down, but the light flashed, Du Yu only felt a burning pain in the palm!

The 8th floor is turning and the stars are moving, can't even stop Xiao Feng?

Isn't he too badass?

As Du Yu predicted before, Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms has been practiced at least to the ninth level. If Du Yu and Xiao Feng confront each other in the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Du Yu must be the one who suffers.

Fortunately, Du Yu spared no expense to upgrade to the 8th floor of his Battle to the Stars. In addition to the rewards of the 4th and 7th branches, he chose to increase the priority of skills, so he was comparable to Xiao Feng's 9th floor Jianglongshi Eight palms reached a tie!

Even so, Xiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms and Du Yu's Fighting Star Shift are just a tie, both sides are invincible and invincible!

Xiao Feng was in a frenzy, and laughed loudly: "It really is Brother Murong, the opponent in this world! The one who can completely block the power of my Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, you are No.1!"

Master Xuan Nan, Xuan Ji, Xuan Mie and other monks, Elder Xu Tai and other six elders of the Beggar Clan, Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yu, Wang Yuyan and others were all stunned.

Xiao Feng murdered countless people at this Juxianzhuang meeting, and his power was unstoppable. Even the respected Shaolin Xuannan and other masters suffered a lot.There are as many as hundreds of martial arts masters who died in his hands.Shaolin, beggar gang, and Prince Duan besieged him, but they couldn't win.Murong Fu alone can block his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?
This Xiao Feng said that he was once defeated by Murong in Wuxi Songhe Tower, everyone didn't believe it before.Now it seems that Murong does have the strength to defeat Xiao Feng.

Du Yu's heart is called a fluke.

In the competition at the Songhe Tower that day, Xiao Feng only used martial arts to make friends, he had no intention of killing himself.I used all my strength to do it, and it was Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and Wang Yuyan's pointing, so I was lucky enough to beat him with half a move.Today Xiao Feng's state reached its peak, and he played the battle of the eternal masterpiece, if he hadn't accumulated more than 5000 villain points, he really couldn't beat him.

Xiao Feng said with a smile: "Come on, let's continue the competition!"

He flew over, propelled by his strong internal force, his speed was unimaginably fast.

Du Yu calmed down.

Although this Xiao Feng is an invincible hero, how can he be afraid of him after going through the trials of life and death in four worlds?

This life-and-death juncture is the best time to sharpen your fighting spirit, hone your skills, and break through the bottleneck!
Xiao Feng's Shuanglong fetched water and blasted in front of Du Yu!

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(End of this chapter)

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