Chapter 261 Du Yu vs. Xiao Yuanshan! - The first more votes!
Elder Xu turned to Du Yu, deeply admired him, and said, "Young Master Murong, we beggars have wronged you. But you repaid your grievances with virtue, secretly found out the truth, killed Quan Guanqing, and avenged my brother Ma. If it weren't for you Madam took her away, how dare she tell the truth?"

Du Yu nodded slightly: "It's easy to say!"

He received a reminder from the space: "Your favorability in the Beggar Gang has accumulated to 80 points. The previous favorability points were 40 points for the Xinghualin Rescue the Beggars, 20 points for fighting Xiao Feng side by side, and 20 points for uncovering the truth about Ma Dayuan's murder. "

Elder Xu sighed: "Mrs. Ma, no matter whether you are involved in this matter or not, the crime of not reporting what you know and framing the gang leader is not a light crime. My beggar gang will definitely not tolerate you. Go yourself!"

This is to drive Kang Min out.

Duan Zhengchun said: "Xiaokang! You have nowhere to go right now, why don't you come to Dali?"

Kang Min glanced at Du Yu.

Du Yu nodded slightly.

This woman is very scheming, if used to deal with Duan Zhengchun, the effect will be astonishing.

The task he gave to Kang Min was to steal Duan Zhengchun's Yiyang Finger and other Dali Duan style martial arts!
Every piece of martial arts, sent to Huan Shi Shui Pavilion, will be rewarded with a huge villain value.

Anyway, Kang Min was just a plaything, so Du Yu didn't bother to take this femme fatale away.

Seeing that her father had flirted with him again, Ah Zi had messed with Kang Min, and shouted, "Hey! Are you really shameless?"

Duan Zhengchun's face darkened: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ah Zi was so angry that she walked away.

After the Beggar Gang dealt with Bai Shijing, all the powers surrounded Xiao Yuanshan, Xiao Feng and his son again, but they didn't know what to do?
Originally, the reason for besieging Xiao Feng was that he killed his master, father, mother, and his fellow martial artists.

But at this time, things became clear, none of these evil things were done by Xiao Feng himself.

Not only was he not wrong, but he was meritorious.

I waited for others to besiege him. Now that I think about it, I can only feel ashamed!
Master Xuannan of Shaolin deserved to be an eminent monk, he joined hands first and said: "Xiao Feng, I am so ashamed! I don't know people well, and I did such a wrong thing."

Elder Xu said dully: "Xiao Feng, it's just me being foolish. I actually listened to what Quan Guanqing and Bai Shijing said, thinking that you were the murderer of Ma Dayuan and that you were a Khitan, so I abolished your martial arts and tried every means to oppose you."

Xiao Feng successfully cleared his grievances, but

What's the point?

His father, Xiao Yuanshan is the real murderer of all murders!

The so-called father's debt is paid by the son.

How can he get out of the way?
Everyone's eyes focused on Du Yu.

Du Yu looked at Xiao Yuanshan, and said leisurely: "The so-called grievance has its head, and the debt has its owner. Xiao Yuanshan killed Xuan Ku, Qiao Sanhuai and his wife, Zhao Qiansun, Tan Gong and Tan Po, and others, lurked in the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and stole a lot of money. Cheats, trying to bring back to the Liao Kingdom, to deal with me in the Central Plains, should you die?"

Xuan Nan, Xuan Ji, and Xuan Mie breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "30 years ago, we made a big mistake in the Central Plains, but the retribution will be 30 years later. Donor Xiao Yuanshan, please come with us to Shaolin again, and read the scriptures to cultivate your character." , for the rest of your life."

Naturally, the Beggar Gang and Duan Zhengchun want to take Shaolin as the leader and gear up to deal with Xiao Yuanshan.

Xiao Feng shouted: "Who dares to attack my father? He is my sworn enemy!"

He said, but coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Just now in the wheel battle with Du Yu, he was seriously injured and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

Xiao Yuanshan looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Just because you cats and dogs want to keep me?"

His eyes stayed on Du Yu: "Back then, your father framed me and ruined my family. Today, I will let his son pay off the debt!"

Master Xuannan shouted: "Master Xiao, don't try to be fierce!"

As soon as he made a move, Xuan Ji and Xuan Mie started at the same time.

Vajra finger, flower finger, and Qiankun in the sleeve greeted Xiao Yuanshan one after another.

The beggar gang also besieged.Elder Xu and the four elders jumped up one after another, coordinated up and down, and attacked Xiao Yuanshan.

Duan Zhengchun's Yiyang finger, with strong force, shot towards Xiao Yuanshan.

Du Yu's Jade Bee Golden Needle shot at Xiao Yuanshan at the same time.

He had to rely on these masters to weaken Xiao Yuanshan to the greatest extent.

Xiao Yuanshan pinned the angry Xiao Feng, smiled slightly: "Feng'er, just sit still. Let's see how your father will defeat these so-called masters!"

He was talking, but his figure kept shaking.

Xuanji exclaimed in surprise: "This is the Bodhidharma movement method in the 72 stunts - crossing the river with a reed?"

Xuan Mie snorted coldly: "Sure enough, it's a monster. I don't know how long I have been peeking at the scriptures in my scripture pavilion, and I have learned this trick."

Back then, when Patriarch Bodhidharma was crossing the Yangtze River, he stepped on a reed and floated away, which shows how brilliant his lightness kung fu is.

Xiao Yuanshan has studied in the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple for 30 years, and naturally he has learned most of Shaolin's 72 unique skills. Thirty years ago, his martial arts attainments were already unfathomable, and now of course it is even more unstoppable.

Yiyang Finger, Nianhua Finger, and Vajra Finger, the three top fingering techniques in the world, all failed!

The weapons of the five great elders also fell into the empty space one after another
Du Yu's heart palpitated for a while, this Xiao Yuanshan was worthy of being the peerless powerhouse hidden in the Tianlong world.

Xiao Yuanshan escaped the wild attacks of Shaolin Xuannan, Xuan Ji, Xuan Mie, the five elders of the beggar gang, Duan Zhengchun, etc., smiled slightly, his figure moved, and shouted: "You Central Plains martial arts have always regarded themselves as orthodox, thinking that the world is invincible, I How about learning your martial arts with Shaolin's unique skills?"

As he spoke, he pointed at the wind with one move and stabbed at Master Xuanji.

Xuan Nan, Xuan Ji, and Xuan Mie's expression changed at the same time, and they exclaimed, "Diamond Finger?"

Xuan Ji dodged in a hurry, but was still hit by Xiao Yuanshan's Vajra Finger, and a dark red blood arrow shot out from his chest, and he was already seriously injured.

Xuannan was surprised.He knew that Xuanji had already mastered Golden Bell Kung Fu, even the hard kung fu such as Shaolin King Kong Subduing Tiger Fist, and his attainments were extremely profound, not inferior to him.Ordinary punches point to the palm, it is extremely difficult to hurt him.This Xiao Yuanshan pointed across the air, using his internal force to release outwards, he actually severely injured him, which shows the depth of his kung fu.

He practiced Shaolin Kung Fu even more profoundly than Shaolin eminent monks!

How much Shaolin Kung Fu has been leaked?

Thinking of this, Master Xuannan felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles, and shouted: "Don't be a thief!"

With his sleeves puffed up, he rushed towards Xiao Yuanshan.

Xiao Yuanshan said with a smile: "There is a world in your sleeves. Compete with me in internal strength? Good!"

He imitated Master Xiao Feng's technique of Breaking Mysteries and Difficulties, using Taizu's Long Fist, a light straight fist, with deep inner strength, sent out from the air, and hit the big sleeve.

Master Xuannan couldn't help the fire of ignorance rising in his heart.

Although Xiao Feng was crazy, he still hit his sleeve with his fist, and only then did he defeat this move.This Xiao Yuanshan was so arrogant that he tried to use his internal force to attack someone again?

My decades of internal strength must have been obtained for nothing!
He poured pure luck and internal energy into his sleeves, and swung his big sleeves backwards, intending to make Xiao Yuanshan suffer a great loss!

This kind of universe in the sleeve is only capable of internal strength, and all attacks are based on internal strength.

As the head of the academy, the eminent monk whose status is second only to the Abbot of Shaolin, Master Xuannan is usually diligent in practicing kung fu, and when it comes to kung fu, he is only slightly inferior to Abbot Xuanci.

But the wind of Xiao Yuanshan's fist hit the swollen sleeves, only to hear the sleeves burst open with a slap!
Master Xuannan was shocked by the internal force and took two steps back, while Xiao Yuanshan was also pushed back by the internal force that rebounded.

Master Xuannan's expression was extremely surprised.The other party fought against him with the internal force of the space, and he took advantage of it, but he was the one who lost?
Xiao Yuanshan was taken aback, and laughed loudly: "Sure enough, he is an eminent Shaolin monk with pure internal energy. I, Xiao Yuanshan, underestimated the heroes of the world. Disrespect and disrespect!"

Judging from his tone, it was his great mistake not to get through Master Xuannan's sleeve this time.

All the heroes present couldn't help being angry.

Xuan Mie shouted: "The lunatics are rampant!"

As soon as he used his finger-twister, Xiao Yuanshan snorted coldly, and hit with the same finger-trick!

It turned out to be against Shaolin's unique skills with Shaolin's unique skills!

It seems that Xiao Yuanshan's obsession with Shaolin's unique skills is not inferior to that of Shaolin eminent monks!The two of them pointed at each other, as if Shaolin eminent monks and brothers were feeding moves, the coordination was perfect.

Xuan Mie was furious, how could he lose to Xi Beihuo after practicing the flower finger for decades?

But the reality is brutal.

Martial arts prodigy Xiao Yuanshan, for the past 30 years, hid in the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple and practiced Shaolin 72 stunts. Although there are so many martial arts and it is impossible to master them all, he has already mastered half of them.This finger-picking is to seek epiphany.Xiao Yuanshan hasn't been practicing for a long time, but his kung fu is really profound.

Under the pairing of the two, Xuan Mie was seriously injured, while Xiao Yuanshan just flickered.

So far, the three great monks in Shaolin were all seriously injured, and the injuries were under Xiao Yuanshan's hands.

During this period, Du Yu's Jade Bee Golden Needle never stopped, and kept shooting out, interfering with Xiao Yuanshan's power generation, but every time it flew a few meters away from him, he was hit by his proud and powerful internal force, which reached 8 layers The Jade Bee Golden Needle scattered in all directions and disappeared.

Xiao Yuanshan is like a demon god, no matter how powerful his kung fu is, it is all vain in front of him.

Du Yu deeply understood the feeling of helplessness and icy hands and feet when facing the enraged Xiao Yuanshan who would tear his own body apart when many tyrants in the Central Plains ambushed Xiao Yuanshan and his wife outside Yanmen Pass.

This Xiao Yuanshan is simply invulnerable.

Du Yu felt that with all his skills, if he went up to fight him, the only thing that could hurt him was the soft armor.

Xiao Yuanshan pushed aside another wave of flying shots and came to the Jade Bee Golden Needle, with a smirk on his face: "Boy! Your Murong family is my blood feud. It's okay to get retribution on you first!"

He flew towards him, his speed was as fast as that of ghost shadow pupils.

When a catastrophe loomed, Du Yu calmed down instead.

Panicking will only kill you faster.

He forced himself to concentrate on observing Xiao Yuanshan's trajectory.

Wang Yuyan couldn't help at all.

Because Xiao Yuanshan was too fast.

Even if she saw through Xiao Yuanshan's weakness, she still didn't have time to call Du Yu to fight back.

The dragon and wolf look on his chest suddenly moved.

Du Yu poured a little killing point into it and activated the [Bloodthirsty] skill.

His eyeballs seemed to be possessed by a dragon wolf, emitting a green light!
Xiao Yuanshan's movements finally slowed down by a thread. Although they were still astonishingly fast, Du Yu was able to capture his trajectory!
He mobilized all his internal energy and started to move!

The turn of events on the 8th floor is the bottom line of the Murong family, and it is the only hope for Du Yu to survive at this moment!

Xiao Yuanshan saw that Du Yu was still using the highly accomplished Dou Zhuan Xing Yi under his coercion, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but his heart to kill Du Yu was even more determined!
There is a fierce light in the eyes!

The Murong family has such a good son, let alone let him live!

His Shaolin Fuhu Fist hit Du Yu's all-out Dou Zhuan Xing Yi with one punch!
It was as if an incomprehensible turbulent flood had hit a breakwater!
Evil waves are rolling!

Inner breath splash!

Du Yu only felt a burning pain in his arms, and the skills of transporting force, unloading force, and rebounding of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi seemed to have no effect on Xiao Yuanshan!

He can only do his best, before his arm breaks, pour all his internal energy into Dao Zhuan Xing Yi, try his best to increase the limit of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi's use, and fight against Xiao Yuanshan's terrifying internal power!

Xiao Yuanshan only felt that at least 3% of his internal force was bounced back, offsetting his fist wind, so he could only use the remaining 4% of his internal force to attack Du Yu.

But there was a grin on his face.

"Boy of the Murong family! You are dead! Even if I only have 4% of my internal energy, I can kill you!" Veins popped up on his head, and the pleasure of revenge filled his chest!

He waited for this moment for at least 30 years!
He previously focused his revenge on Murong Bo.Before confirming Murong Bo's life and death, he will not attack Murong Fu easily.

But after several fights in the Shaolin Buddhist scripture pavilion, he was sure that Murong Bo was still alive!

In this way, killing Murong Fu by himself will definitely make Murong Bo feel the pain of losing his son!

He murdered his wife with a trick, and ruined his family, so he killed his son for revenge!
Xiao Yuanshan's internal strength became more aggressive, crushing him with coercion.

Du Yu tried his best to resist, but retreated steadily.

Although his internal strength has reached as much as 25 points, it is still far behind Xiao Yuanshan who has extremely deep internal strength.

"Did I die here?" Du Yu was a little desperate.

Why hasn't the agreed upon figure appeared yet?

When he was in a decisive battle with Xiao Yuanshan, Elder Xu hesitated for a moment, and rushed forward with the five elders of the Beggar Gang!

"Young Master Murong is very righteous to us, how can the old beggars sit idly by?" Elder Xu slapped Xiao Yuanshan with a slap.

While resisting Du Yu's battle, Xiao Yuanshan turned his head to Elder Xu and the others with a smile, "30 years ago, Wang Jianxing was beaten so weakly by me! You old guys are so stupid that you can't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and expel Feng'er. Save me a lot of trouble! Lie down for me!"

He temporarily withdrew some of his internal energy and waved it with a palm!
Du Yu got a temporary respite and stabilized the battle line. Elder Xu and other five Beggar Clan elders were slapped by Xiao Yuanshan one by one, and they were blown away in the air!

Xiao Yuanshan was also hit by Elder Xu's palm, his body trembled, but he didn't care, he laughed wildly.

This wild laughter resounded over Juxian Manor.

The feud of 30 years ago has finally been resolved today!

Let the Central Plains Wulin pay a heavy price for their credulity and mistakes 30 years ago!
Du Yu gasped for a while, but the elders of the Beggar Clan didn't delay for too long, Xiao Yuanshan turned his attention to Du Yu again.

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(End of this chapter)

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