Chapter 267 By chance, Zhenlong appears! - One more ticket

Jiumozhi pointed to Xu Zhu next to him: "This is a young Shaolin monk, why did he come here?"

Xue Muhua replied on his behalf: "The Shaolin monk was poisoned by Ding Chunqiu, and he was sent to seek medical treatment, not to break Zhenlong's chess game."

Jiumozhi held the flower and smiled: "Buddha said, all dharmas arise due to karma, and I say it is karma; I say so when karma is exhausted, so I say so. The little monk followed Murong almsgiver and came to the treasure land by accident, so it is predestined. Since there is a predestined relationship , why don't you allow me to play a game? Understand this fate?"

His voice at this time is as sweet as fairy music, full of magnetism and persuasiveness, making people listen, and they can't help but want to get close to him and listen to his Dharma.

But Du Yu knew very well that this was Jiumozhi's unique application method of internal force, similar to the effect of Elizabeth's charm technique, which could enhance persuasion.

Mr. Congbian and Xue Muhua looked at each other, seemed to be hesitating, and finally nodded: "Although it is far from the object and image we chose, but now time is tight, I can't choose, so I have to let you try. But May your chess skills be as good as your tongue, and your tongue is as bright as a lotus flower."

Jiumozhi seemed to see that there was a great opportunity here, smiled slightly, sat opposite the chessboard, raised his hand and played a white chess piece.

Mr. Congbian said in a low voice, "Okay! Sure enough, you have a clear heart! You have an extraordinary hand!"

He made a black move.

The two played against each other.

Du Yu didn't know anything about it, but with Duan Yu by his side, he kept showing off his chess skills and explaining to Wang Yuyan.

"Unexpectedly, this fierce monk can play chess at a good level. His calculation ability is very good, and the calculation of small parts is so ingenious. Meimei can find a way to take the lead with her backhand in the unthinkable. Self-proclaimed Confidence in chess skills is indeed not weak."

Knowing that her cousin is not good at chess, Wang Yuyan deliberately lured Duan Yu to say a few more words, and said in a manly voice, "Then can he beat Mr. Congbian?"

When Duan Yu heard Wang Yuyan ask him actively, he was like hearing fairy music, his body was not heavy, and he said lightly: "Difficult!"

He bluntly said that even though Jiumozhi was immersed in playing chess, the anger flashed in his eyes.

Just as Duan Yu was about to talk, a pine nut fell from the top of his head and hit him on the head, causing him to groan in pain, and a lump swelled up.Duan Yu cried out: "It's not good to go out! Why are these pine nuts so powerful?"

Du Yu and Duan Yanqing looked at each other in shock.

They could naturally see that Jiumozhi annoyed Duan Yu and said he was going to lose. When he lightly dropped the chess piece, he poured his supreme internal force into the chess piece, and the vibration was transmitted, shaking off a pine nut on top of Duan Yu's head. A little internal strength.

This level of internal strength is not enough to hurt others, but it will give Duan Yu some pain.

Although the internal strength of the two can be said to be profound, through the long chain of chess pieces, chessboards, stones, ground, tree trunks, and pine nuts, the internal strength reaches Duan Yu's head.This skill is simply amazing!

Jiumozhi's defeat just now was due to the joint efforts of Du Yu, Yue Laosan, Yun Zhonghe and Duan Yu. If he was singled out, he might be able to defeat the four of them.

He was defeated by the four of them just now, but he didn't leave, but came after him. His intentions were sinister, so it was obvious.

Du Yu's heart was awe-inspiring.

He was even more afraid of Jiumozhi, who was really wise and clear, and won the opportunity to enter the room and receive Wu Yazi's 70 years of inner power infusion by beating Mr. Congbian.In this way, this person immediately becomes the most terrifying opponent!

Not to mention the world of the eight tribes of heaven and dragon, even if Du Yu wanted to retreat completely, it would be as difficult as ascending to the sky.

He looked a few more steps and found that Jiumozhi was really extraordinary.

He knew that it was absolutely impossible to pass the Zhenlong chess game where the overall situation had been decided, and to turn the game over as a whole.Judging from Mr. Congbian's extremely fast moves, he has been immersed in this game of Zhenlong for decades, so that he can deduce every step and change countless times, almost playing chess with himself with his eyes closed.

But the only thing that can beat him is his own calculation ability.

A small group of people calculated, accumulated victories, and lured Mr. Congbian to rush into trouble, lose his sense of normalcy, and finally regained this huge defeat.

Duan Yanqing looked at it for a while, and said in his belly: "Not good! This monk really has some skills. Mr. Congbian has already tied the lead from 8 points ahead."

Du Yu saw a rare drop of sweat on Mr. Congbian's forehead.

Xue Muhua's fist was clenched tightly.

Du Yu became nervous.

No wonder this Jiumozhi wants to play chess first, he is afraid that his own research will break Zhenlong's chess game.

If it's not possible, Du Yu secretly made up his mind that he would rather reveal the real identity of Wu Yazi in this room and trigger Ding Chunqiu to kill Wu Yazi, than allow Jiumozhi, an evil monk, to gain Wu Yazi's 70-year kung fu!
Duan Yanqing looked over, met Du Yu's eyes, and knew that the other party was not willing to let Jiumozhi win.This Jiumozhi is the tutor of Tubo, and Tubo and Dali are neighbors with feuds and often fight.Although Duan Yanqing hated brothers Duan Zhengchun, he was a son of the orthodox Duan family, the heir to the throne, one day he would regain the throne, how could he let the Tibetans benefit?

The two were eyeing each other, trying to destroy Jiumozhi's chess game.Suddenly, Mr. Congbian chuckled, and a ball landed in front of Jiumozhi!

A big white dragon that Jiumozhi painstakingly managed was blocked to death in a corner, leaving only one alive!
He tried his best to fill in the huge gap of 8 pieces one by one, and the situation he created turned into nothing in an instant!

Jiumozhi's eyes were dull, he didn't even know the chess piece fell on the ground.

Mr. Congbian sighed: "Fan Seng, you have no wisdom, no talent, no martial arts, but you are entangled in dog flies, calculating and calculating, without great wisdom and big heart, and you are doomed to fail." Big climate. Just like this game of chess, you are unparalleled in the world in terms of calculating the gains of individual chess pieces, but I will give you the territory of individual chess pieces step by step, so that you will be tempted to continue to build thick on this big dragon, and finally I will catch you! It's just seeing Xiaoli forgetting righteousness, picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon!"

Jiumozhi was in a daze, suddenly showed a fierce look, and grabbed Mr. Congbian: "Are you kidding me?"

Xue Muhua reached out to stop him, but was pushed away by Jiumozhi's palm, and grabbed Mr. Congbian's neck: "Today, I will let you taste the Fudo Mingwang fire of my flame knife!"

Du Yu shouted, "Let go of Mr. Congbian!"

He jumped up high, and with a powerful palm, he punched Jiumozhi.

Jiumozhi was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, so he fought with Du Yu'e.

Du Yu knew that he would imitate Shaolin's 72 stunts with the tantric flame knife and the small non-phase kung fu, so he was naturally wary.

Duan Yanqing and Mr. Congbian watched Du Yu fight Jiumozhi intently.

Jiumozhi shouted: "Young Master Murong, you have repeatedly made things difficult for me, why?" He said a flaming knife, and rushed towards Du Yu with great speed.

The Flaming Sword is a unique skill passed down from the Nyingma School of Esoteric Buddhism. It can gather internal energy in the palm and send it out to hurt people with illusory strength. It is a rare magical skill similar to the Six Meridians Excalibur.

Du Yu's move of Kanglong Youhui failed, he hit backhand with a backhand blow, and bounced the flame knife back.

Jiumozhi was taken aback, although he had been friends with Murong Bo decades ago, but it was a long time ago, he didn't expect that Murong Fu, at such a young age, actually got the true biography of the star shift.

He had no choice but to fire the flame knife again to neutralize the power.

The two flaming knives collided in the air, the flames were not exhausted, Du Yu rushed out of them fiercely like a cheetah, and slammed his palm at Jiumozhi.

Jiumozhi hated him so much, he made a thousand tricks with one move, and exchanged dozens of wavings with Du Yu.

Du Yu's fighting left and right is a more sophisticated method than Lai Qian's.The longer it is used, the more proficient it will be, and the more powerful it will be.With one move, the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon and the Prajna Kung Fu of the Dragon Elephant, Jiumozhi was dizzy and surprised inwardly.

Especially when I saw the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, I was even more shocked.

"This Murong family claims to be omnipotent in all martial arts, and it really is no small matter. Not only can he use the layman's Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, the Taoist's Lingboweibu, acupuncture point kung fu, and the family's fighting and star shifting, but he can also use my tantric kung fu. This kind of kung fu is obviously my tantric move, but I have never seen it before. Could it be a lost kung fu? It is extremely brilliant!"

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu is to form a dharma seal and use the supreme internal force to drive the attack. It is a unique move, so it was recognized by Jiumozhi.

The moves of the two were rolling, breaking through hundreds in an instant.

Jiumozhi saw that Duan Yu and Duan Yanqing were both eager to try, and seemed to have the intention of helping Du Yu, so he immediately stopped fighting, leaped aside, and said coldly: "Since Mr. Murong insists on favoring this reputation, I will go to Shaolin Temple to find Mr. Murong. Let him judge!"

Du Yu wished that the unlucky Jiumozhi would go to the Shaolin Temple quickly to find Murong Bo, and it would be best to meet a sweeping monk and be caught by the sweeping monk together. Like Murong Bo and Xiao Yuanshan, he would be forced to make tofu and cabbage every day, practice Zen and worship the Buddha, and never again. Come to find your own bad luck.

Seeing Murong Fu's majesty, Jiumozhi sighed, turned around and left.

In this wooden house, he faintly felt that a great opportunity was waiting for him, but unfortunately, with a formidable enemy like Murong Fu blocking him, his chess skills were not as good as Mr. Congbian's, and his success fell short.

Du Yu turned his head and saw that the chessboard between Jiumozhi and Mr. Congbian was at the end of the game.

Seeing the besieged dragon, Du Yu almost screamed out.


Isn't this the Zhenlong chess game in Xu Zhu's legend that he blocked his own dragon, committed suicide and then survived?
The so-called blessing in disguise!
This unlucky Jiumozhi rushed out to make trouble, but with his superior calculation ability, he forced Mr. Congbian to play a rare chess game similar to his predecessors!

Mr. Congbian saw that Murong Fu was so powerful, he used his peerless martial arts to force the mighty monk away, smiled slightly, and looked expectantly at Du Yu.

He sat down and was about to mess up the chess game and re-arrange the Zhenlong chess game, but was stopped by Du Yu.

"Mr. Congbian, I wonder if you can let me continue this game?"

Mr. Congbian glanced at Murong Fu in amazement, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

He lowered his head and glanced, and said calmly: "I have something to say first, this set of Zhenlong is even more difficult to play than in the beginning! In the beginning, the white stones lost 8 points to the black stones, but this set of Zhenlong, although it seems to be a tie, has a big white square dragon, Dead and not dead, alive and not alive, after counting, white square loses to black square at least 12 eyes! Do you really want to play?"

 Thank you for your favorite book friends such as Adiwang, Yiyinu, GZ56 and so on!Today's fourth update broke out to ask for a monthly ticket!Be sure!Ask for recommendation tickets and rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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