Chapter 283 Xixia Palace Du's Prognosis! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Li Qiushui said: "What's even more rare is that you released four villains and the Vulture Palace to confuse my judgment. It took me more than a month to find out where you are."

Du Yu felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

This Li Qiushui had the overall upper hand in several fights with him on the road.

By joining forces with Tianshan Child Elder, she was somewhat sure of killing her, but this time she preemptively took advantage of Child Elder to go out to suck blood, and severely injured Child Elder, breaking the cooperation between herself and Child Elder in one fell swoop.

Li Qiushui was graceful and graceful, with a slim waist, squirming gracefully, walked down the ice cellar, and said softly: "Senior sister, since you have come to my little sister's house, why are you hiding in this cold underground? It seems that my little sister is not mean enough, It's like refusing to do the landlord's kindness."

Child Elder panted, raised her head, her left leg was pierced severely by Li Qiushui's crystal dagger, blood gushed out, and she lost consciousness.

Du Yu's heart sank when he saw the mighty Child Elder being severely injured by Li Qiushui.

When I was training with Child Elder, I also fought many times.

At this moment, Child Elder's power is already enough to suppress Du Yu.

At this time, she was suppressed by Li Qiushui again.

Li Qiushui's strength is indeed much stronger than her own.

Du Yu once thought that Li Qiushui fought with him three times on the road, but so, Child Elder smiled wryly: "That bitch doesn't want to kill you and me, but wants to pretend that his martial arts are a little higher than yours. Give you some hope. In the end, crush your hope completely. Cat and mouse, that's it."

Child Elder shouted: "Life and Death Talisman, shoot!"

Du Yu coldly grabbed a piece of ice, crushed it, and turned the water into ice, and the cold internal force adhered to it.His internal energy has been passed down by Wu Yazi, as many as 450 points, which is enough to support the continuous firing of powerful life and death talismans for a while.

A life and death talisman shot out!

Li Qiu flipped his hand, and a crystal dagger appeared in his hand, only to hear the jingle, she actually swung away all of Du Yu's life and death charms in the dark ice cellar.

However, Li Qiushui's expression also changed.

Obviously she felt Du Yu's inner strength, which was extraordinary.

"In your inner strength, apart from Wu Yazi's depth, there are also thousand-year-old ice silkworms?" Her voice trembled slightly: "Quickly tell me! Where did your thousand-year-old ice silkworms come from?"

Tianshan Child Elder laughed out loud, with indescribable joy in her voice: "Dear junior sister, what do you think? Of course we use local materials."

Li Qiushui was so angry that he almost passed out.

When she found out that the child elder and Murong were hiding in the ice cellar, she felt bad.

This millennium ice silkworm was a gift from old friend Ding Chunqiu.

This Ding Chunqiu is strange to say.He worked hard, found a rare treasure, a thousand-year-old ice silkworm from the top of the Tubo Daxue Mountain, and dedicated it to himself, begging himself to forgive him for killing his mentor Wu Yazi back then.

In the end, he left the thousand-year-old ice silkworms in the cellar, and when the millennium passed, he absorbed them and strengthened his cold internal energy.

She was originally good at Xiaowuxianggong and Tianshan Zhemeishou. If she can get the power of the thousand-year ice silkworm, she can overwhelm her senior sister.Even in the future, if the senior sister masters the art of self-respect in the world, with the thousand-year-old ice silkworm, it will be bright for a while.

Unexpectedly, by mistake, this priceless thousand-year-old ice silkworm was actually taken away by the senior sister and this devilish boy while he was not around!

This treasure turned around to deal with her, making her very angry.

However, judging from the performance of the senior sister when she was attacked by me in the imperial kitchen just now, the senior sister's skill has only recovered to her 40s, which is still far behind her current self.Although Murong Fu is powerful, he is only a leader of the younger generation, and he is far behind himself.

Even so, Li Qiushui's cautious and vicious personality made her choose to sneak attack Child Elder and succeeded in one fell swoop.

Child Elder underestimated Li Qiushui's investigative ability, she thought that it would take at least 7 days for Li Qiushui to return from Helan Mountain, and she suddenly suffered a big loss.

At this moment, Du Yu can only deal with the mighty Li Qiushui with an injured child elder!
Li Qiushui's icy eyes revealed infinite sinisterness, but his voice was even more gentle: "Senior Sister, why have you repeatedly opposed me?"

Child Elder panted: "Bitch! I wish I could kill you. Since I was a child, when I was practicing Liuhe Bahuang only me, you would yell behind me, scaring me into a madness. Since then, my body is only a 6-year-old girl. I can no longer grow taller, that's why Junior Brother Wu Yazi abandoned me and married you, how can I not hate you to the bone?"

Li Qiushui cast his eyes on Du Yu: "Young Master Murong, if you are willing to leave now, I can spare your life."

Child Elder laughed wildly: "You are not at home these few days, I, as a senior sister, will make the decision for you and marry your granddaughter Li Qinglu to Young Master Murong! Haha, you don't know how loving they are."

Li Qiushui's expression remained the same, but there was an indescribable sinisterness in his voice: "Senior Sister, you still like to joke so much."

Child Elder shouted: "Young Master Murong is the head of my Xiaoyao Sect! Don't say you want a Li Qinglu, even if you order this bitch Li Qiushui to serve you, she dare not refuse to listen. Isn't it? Junior Sister?"

Li Qiushui naturally didn't believe that Li Qinglu was captured by Child Elder, as if she was extremely shy, she coyly said: "As long as you don't dislike me as the boss, I will be fine."

As she spoke, her body suddenly disappeared in place!
Moved the ultimate move!
The crystal dagger pierced the wind and slashed towards Tianshan Child Elder's right leg!

Li Qiushui was so angry that he wanted to cripple Child Elder's legs as soon as he came up.

As her revenge for snatching Li Qinglu privately.

Child Elder moves the Tianshan Zhemei hand to welcome Li Qiushui.

The two clapped their hands and counted.

Child Elder shouted: "Life and Death Talisman!"

Regardless of herself, she made a move of "Flying across the Tianshan Mountains", completely disregarding her own defense, and the move of killing the enemy together, so that Li Qiushui had to dodge, and the empty door was exposed.

Du Yu poured his inner strength into the Life and Death Talisman, and it shot out in a burst!

Li Qiushui is worthy of being a grandmaster of a generation, when there was no time to spare, he dodged left and right, but he didn't hit a single one.

But Du Yu's proficient technique of the Life and Death Talisman had already posed a huge threat to her.

Du Yu quickly shot the life and death talisman, and rushed towards Li Qiushui.

He wants to attack this life and death enemy with Child Elder.

Xiao Longnu, Li Mochou and Ning Zhongze appeared around Li Qiushui at the same time.

Li Qiushui giggled and whistled.

The four top masters of Yipintang jumped out of the ice cellar and rushed in.

Xiao Longnv and the others looked at each other and greeted the four of them.

As soon as a few people fought, Child Elder was startled and angry, and shouted: "The moves used by these masters of Yipintang are clearly from my Xiaoyao School! You actually deceived the master to destroy the ancestors, and spread my Xiaoyao School Kung Fu to the outside world!"

Li Qiushui shouted: "That's right! But the moves engraved on the cliff of your Vulture Palace are not all my Xiaoyao School's exercises? You allow disciples with excellent martial arts skills to go and watch, isn't it spreading the Xiaoyao School's martial arts to the outside world?"

Du Yu originally planned to besiege Li Qiushui with the wolf pupil team, but Li Qiushui was in his old lair and had already prepared, so the plan fell through.

He still wants to fight Li Qiushui viciously with the child elder.

Li Qiushui moved Tianshan Zhemei hand, beat the child elder who had not regained her internal energy, she took a step back, and vomited blood.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms struck.

At this time, his palm technique has advanced to the sixth level, and his internal strength has greatly increased. The power of one move shakes the heavens and the earth!

Li Qiushui's face changed slightly, but he didn't panic, he moved Tianshan Zhemei Shou, and fought Du Yu several times.

After several moves, she suddenly jumped away and shouted: "Murong boy! I will never give up with you!"

It turned out that although Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms failed to break through her Zhemei Hand defense, her palms were faintly covered with a layer of iron-blue icy cold poison!
Du Yu's thousand-year-old ice silkworm, the coldness and poison attached to the inner force!
Du Yu was afraid that this formidable enemy would not die, so in this move, he didn't spare his inner strength, and his inner strength burst out completely!

The poison of the thousand-year-old ice silkworm can be injected into the enemy's body through the wind of the palm, causing abnormal states such as stagnation of internal breath and slow movement!
Even Li Qiushui, who is proficient in martial arts and unique in the rivers and lakes, can't help the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, which combines Wu Yazi's 70 years of vigorous internal strength and 1.5 times the damage of cold poison!
Her palm was poisoned by the cold, and it was inconvenient to move for a while!
The Tianshan Child Elder was overjoyed, she launched her Heaven and Earth Sovereign Skill, and made sixteen consecutive strikes, making Li Qiushui take a step back.

Du Yu took the opportunity to jump to Li Qiushui's side, and started fighting with each other!

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms launched!
Cold Poison Inner Power Unleashes!
Li Qiushui was besieged by Child Elder and Du Yu, he had no choice but to slap Du Yu again.

This palm was even more amazing, Du Yu's cold poison appeared superimposed, the cold added to the cold, it was even more powerful.

Li Qiushui's teeth itch with hatred.

Her strength is obviously stronger than Du Yu and Child Elder combined, but under Du Yu's brave lion-like dashing and dashing and the cold poison of the thousand-year-old ice silkworm, she is actually restrained and unable to fully display it.

At the same time, four Xixia Yipintang masters who had been carefully trained by her used Tianshan Zhemei hands to fight against Xiaolongnv, Li Mochou and Ning Zhongze, but the battle situation was far beyond her expectations.

The three of Xiao Longnv were outnumbered, but they beat the four of them to the ground one after another.

Li Qiushui snorted coldly, Tianshan Zhemei drew many phantoms.

Child Elder blocked several moves, but in the end she couldn't resist the mighty Li Qiushui, she was beaten until several sternum fractures were broken, Li Qiushui's beautiful eyes flashed viciousness, and the crystal dagger slid down hard.

Child Elder cried out in pain, one leg was cut off.This crystal dagger is not only invisible and colorless, but also silent, and it is a rare treasure.

Li Qiushui severely injured Child Elder with one move, and then stabbed Child Elder's vitals.Although she was afraid of Du Yu's cold and poisonous internal power, she was even more afraid of this great enemy of life and death.

Du Yu shouted: "Hugh is crazy!"

With a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he blasted towards Li Qiushui.

Li Qiushui didn't dare to meet his palms again, she pulled back, she still won a complete victory in this battle.

Du Yu tapped the acupuncture points of Tianshan Child Elder to stop her bleeding, and gave her a Hengshan elixir to help her recover.He picked up Child Elder on his back, stepped on Lingbo and took small steps, and rushed outside.

Li Qiushui shouted: "Want to leave?"

She whistled, and four Yipintang masters appeared at the entrance of the ice cellar.

The three of Xiao Longnv jumped up and attacked the master of Yipintang.

Li Mochou's Ice Soul Silver Needle and Xiao Longnv's Jade Bee Golden Needle knocked the two masters to the ground.

Du Yu carried the Child Elder on his back, and instantly protruded from the hole.

Suddenly, two Yipintang masters appeared in front of them, and they slapped Du Yu viciously with both palms.


But Du Yu's Lingbo microsteps deftly avoided Yipintang's siege, left and right fighting and Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms were launched at the same time!
Double Dragon fetches water!

Megatron hundreds of miles!

One move is divided into two moves, distracted and used for two purposes, hitting two people!
Two first-class masters, thinking that the two of us can't beat you alone?
Unexpectedly, he didn't take back his palm, and fought Du Yu head-on!
Du Yu was shocked by the strong inner strength of the two, and his blood was boiling.The two are indeed first-class masters of the rivers and lakes.

But his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms caused even greater fear to the two of them!

The force of the powerful palms rushed towards them like mountains and seas. Needless to say, there was vicious internal cold energy lurking in the waves. Following the pulse of the waves, they went straight up, and the arms of both of them were completely crippled!
Du Yu didn't expect that this palm would annihilate two first-grade masters whose strength was almost the same as his own. He slammed out with another palm, and the two people's chests were sunken, and they flew upside down. They seemed to be dead .

Another two masters rushed forward.

This time, Li Qiushui brought a total of 12 first-class masters from Yipintang.As the imperial concubine, she doesn't want to be known by many people in the palace by herself.Although there are many masters in Yipintang, they are not Chinese cabbage, and there are even fewer well-tuned ones.This time, she was able to mobilize with all her strength, thinking that adding herself, to deal with a Child Elder and a Murong Fu, it was enough to be sure.

Who would have thought that by Du Yu's side, not only Tianshan Child Elder, but also three powerful masters, including Xiao Longnv, could crush Yipintang masters.

She didn't even expect that Du Yu's strength could kill several masters in one fell swoop, and even she didn't dare to beat them directly.

It's not that he can't take down Du Yu, but he is also a bit afraid of Du Yu's cold poison.

Du Yu carried the Child Elder on his back, he didn't want to get entangled with these Yipintang masters who came out endlessly, he fought left and right again, one palm after another, beat the two Yipintang masters, the cold poison broke out, and he was complaining incessantly, but he didn't dare not stop The imperial concubine's mortal enemy.

Du Yu finally broke through the encirclement and escaped in an instant with the three of them.

The child elder said bitterly: "This is the Xixia Palace, since that bitch knows we are in the ice cellar, she must arrange it properly, we will not be able to escape."

All around, there were indeed a large number of first-class hall masters, coming and going, besieging everywhere.

When Du Yu saw Princess Xixia's Yinchuan Palace, a cunning flashed in his eyes, and he shouted, "Let's go down!"

Several people rushed towards Yinchuan Palace quickly.

The masters naturally refused to let it go, and chased after him one after another.

Li Qiushui is not in a hurry, this is her own lair, guarded by countless masters of Yipintang, the seriously injured Child Elder and Murong Fu, like two scurrying mice, will never escape from her palm.

Du Yu fled into the Yinchuan Palace, but passed by in a flash and did not stay.

Child Elder shouted: "Boy, you don't use Princess Xixia as a cover, where are you going?"

Du Yu blinked: "Child Elder just needs to follow me, don't worry about the rest."

 Thanks to Knight Raven, Undulating Waves, Gu Yun Gu, Liu De Qing Shan and other brothers for their enthusiastic rewards!Please subscribe!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!This world is coming to an end, think about where you want to go in the next world, and tell Lao Zhu in the book review area.

(End of this chapter)

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