Chapter 292 Jiumozhi!Garuda! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Although Li Renxiao was not killed, his energy and energy seemed to be emptied in an instant, and he fell to the ground powerlessly, his body twitching endlessly.

Du Yu landed beside him, picked it up, and shouted: "Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!"

The masters of Xixia Yipintang stopped their hands one after another.

Emperor Li Renxiao was arrested, and it was meaningless to resist.

But Jiumozhi confronted Xiao Feng vigorously, while urging the Shaolin Vajra Body cultivation technique, and slammed into the palace wall!

He is running away!
Du Yu shouted: "Brother Xiao, you must keep this person!"

Xiao Feng slapped the flying dragon in the sky and blasted it down in the sky!

Jiumozhi and Xiao Feng clashed palms with all their strength, with the help of Xiao Feng's palm strength, they flew back!

"Rebellious ministers and thieves! Jiumozhi will definitely tell the world about your rebellious deeds, and you are waiting to die!" He laughed loudly and was about to leave.

Suddenly, a figure appeared beside Jiumozhi, intercepting Jiumozhi from mid-air with one palm!
Jiumozhi was furious, and Duo Luoye pointed continuously, but under this person's palm, there was no effect at all!

Du Yu and Xiao Feng rushed over, but they saw it was Xu Zhu!
"How did you come here?" Du Yuqi asked.

Xu Zhu stopped Jiumozhi, put his palms together and said: "Xiao Hero, Murong Hero, I came in time, I didn't let these monks escape. Jiumozhi, you can return the few books you stole from my Shaolin. Give it to Xu Zhu?"

Only then did Du Yu and Xiao Feng find out that Jiumozhi secretly sneaked into the Buddhist scripture pavilion and stole several Buddhist scriptures while the people on the holy mountain were entangled with the Shaolin monks.

Although he was taught by Murong Bo and had a copy of Shaolin 72 stunts, Murong Bo just wanted to use him as a guinea pig to test the authenticity and side effects of these Shaolin stunts, and secretly hid several copies of the best skills. The version that was copied to him was an abridged version.

When Jiumozhi sneaked into the Sutra Pavilion, it happened that the sweeping monk, Murong Bo, Xiao Yuanshan and other strong men were not in the temple.After he succeeded, he continued to provoke Shaolin and was defeated by Xu Zhu.

As the apprentice of the sweeping monk, Xu Zhu is in charge of counting the Sutra Pavilion.After counting, he found that the scriptures had been stolen, so he chased him all the way, and finally stopped Jiumozhi.

Jiumozhi shouted: "The little monk is the head of the Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain. Sanskrit scriptures are written in great numbers. How could he steal your Shaolin scriptures? How can you make such a reason?"

Xiao Feng strode forward: "Jumozhi, fight me!"

Du Yu stopped Xiao Feng: "Brother Xiao, leave it to me. Jiumozhi and I have our own accounts to settle!"

Xiao Feng and Xu Zhu looked at each other, and gave Jiumozhi to Du Yu.

Du Yu strode forward: "Jumozhi, let's decide the winner today!"

Jiumozhi put his palms together and said, "If that's the case, I won't be polite."

With one move, he followed his legs like a shadow, and swept towards Du Yu's lower body first.

Jiumozhi was besieged by the three masters Xiao Feng, Xu Zhu, and Du Yu. For the current plan, if he wanted to escape, he had to defeat Du Yu, so he might have a chance.

Du Yu concentrated his attention, it was no easier to fight against Jiumozhi in his prime than against Jinlun Fawang, if he was not careful, he would die a miserable death.

Jiumozhi slashed at Du Yu with a flaming saber move.

Du Yu's battle turned and the stars moved, rebounded and returned!

However, the flame knife did not bounce back smoothly as Du Yu predicted, but exploded in the air, making Du Yu's palm numb, and the internal force swept in like a raging fire, and Du Yu suffered serious internal injuries immediately!

Jiumozhi laughed loudly: "Since I have fought against you, I have been thinking all the time how to break your Murong's way of using one's self to the other, and return it to the other. The answer is change!"

"Murong's way of using the other's way, but also to the other's body, there is a certain premise, that is, he has studied the opponent's moves."
"My flame knife is quite similar to one of Shaolin Temple's 72 unique skills, the wood-burning knife technique. After learning from each other and confirming it, changes have taken place."

"This wood-burning saber technique is said to be the best at Master Xuanku, Master Xiao's master. After his death, no one in Shaolin practiced this technique, and it is close to being lost. How about Xiao Wuxiang's imitation of this technique by Xiao Wuxiang?"

Jiumozhi hit Du Yu with a flaming sword move!

Both the flame knife and wood-burning knife technique use masculine internal force to form a lethal force similar to flames. If the fiery internal force invades the meridians, even first-class warriors may be in danger of their lives.

Jiumozhi, full of ambition, raised his palm again, intending to release the flaming knife.

But his smile quickly froze on his face.

It took only a moment for the flame on Du Yu's body to disappear.

Jiumozhi's face darkened: "What the hell is going on here? My flame knife, combined with the wood-burning knife technique, can set a forest a hundred meters away on fire. The internal force of my tantra is extremely pure, how can you Can you resist?"

Du Yu smiled slightly, but didn't say anything bad, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon came here to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

He can easily destroy the flame internal force that invaded his body, which is naturally the insidious internal force of the thousand-year-old ice silkworm, combined with the effect of Wu Yazi's 70-year-old skill.The reason why Jiumozhi had high expectations for this move was because once the flame internal force invaded the enemy's meridians, even if it was finally suppressed, it would still cause huge damage.It's a pity that Du Yu has the yin and cold internal force of the ice silkworm, and his internal force is not inferior to that of Jiumozhi. He can easily extinguish the flame internal force.

Jiumozhi was puzzled, but forced himself to resist.

The two fought faster and faster, Jiumo Zhizhen is a genius in the world, Shaolin 72 stunts such as Arhat Boxing, Eagle Claw Hands, Tathagata Thousand Hands, and Vigorous Vajra Fingers emerged one after another.

The small non-phase kung fu, practiced to a broad and profound level, can infinitely imitate the martial arts of other schools, and its power is even better than the original version.

Jiumozhi relied on this skill and intensively studied Shaolin 72 unique skills, which is equivalent to a mobile Buddhist scripture pavilion, and he fought Du Yu quickly without losing the slightest advantage.

Seeing Shaolin's unique skills, Xu Zhu was imitated by this foreign monk from Western Regions, he was startled and furious, he repeatedly said he had committed ten crimes.If in the end Jiumozhi escaped from this place and returned to Tubo, and spread the word widely, Shaolin Temple's prestige will certainly be discredited, and the crimes of the sweeping monk and Xu Zhu will not be small.

The more Du Yu fought, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help roaring.

He felt that Wu Yazi's internal strength, the martial arts taught by the child elder, and the power of the millennium ice silkworm gradually merged into one body and became a part of his body.

His strength made him extremely confident, and the style of punching he punched became even fiercer.

In contrast, Jiumozhi became more and more frightened as he fought.

He felt that his flaming saber was deflated on Du Yu's body time and time again, but Du Yu's punching force from his counterattack was full of an indescribable vicious internal force. Even the blood and bone marrow were frozen.

He finally couldn't help it, and resisted: "Young Master Murong, you are a descendant of a famous family, how do you use this cold poison? If I spread the word, how will you behave in the Jianghu in the future?"

Du Yu laughed: "Great Monk, I have never used poison, it is cold internal force, you will experience it again!"

He said, with a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the fish leaped into the abyss, like a carp jumping over a dragon's gate, it plunged straight into Jiumozhi's arms, knocked out and beat, and slammed into Jiumozhi's heart with one palm.

Jiumozhi felt that his arms were filled with lead, extremely heavy, and his bone marrow was cold. The longer the battle, the more powerless he was. He was surprised and shouted: "You still say it's not cold poison? Look at the trick!"

With a wave of his sleeves, he cut through Du Yu's ice-cold palm with his inflated sleeves, leaped up by himself, and rushed to the outside of the wall like a big bird, trying to break through.

How could Du Yu allow him to retreat?

His fighting blood was throbbing, his true energy flowed abundantly, and he was about to show off his skills. This Jiumozhi was such a formidable enemy, he just used it to sharpen his fists!
He waved and flickered, frantically chasing after him.

Jiumozhi smashed through the wall of Wang Taifei's palace and fled quickly.

Du Yu pursued him in the air, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms hit Jiumozhi.

In this world, he has gained a lot, and his internal strength has improved by leaps and bounds, which is incomparable.

Jiumozhi knew that he couldn't escape tonight, so he shouted loudly, and slashed at Du Yu with a bright flaming knife!
Most of his internal energy was condensed on this flame knife.

It was the time when the moon was full at this time, the bright moonlight sprinkled all over the earth, the moonlight entered the water, and the huge silver plate hung in the sky, it seemed that even the crater mountain could be seen clearly.

The flaming knife that Jiumozhi used all his internal energy to shoot out was like a dazzling firework, shooting towards Du Yu!

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, like a flying dragon outstanding in the sky, roared and slammed out with all its strength!

Xiao Feng and Xu Zhu chased out from below, but they saw Jiumozhi's Flaming Saber and Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms collided in the air in the middle of the huge silver plate, creating an incomparably bright flame!

Two peerless masters of the time, at the pinnacle of the Xixia Palace, face off to the death!
Whoever loses this trick will die!

Of course Du Yu wanted to kill Jiumozhi to clear the way for the Eastern Expedition, but Jiumozhi was desperate to escape from birth!

The two finally hit each other together!
Du Yu's hand bone was broken, he let out a scream, and flew high!

Jiumozhi's skill at this time had reached its peak state, and Du Yu's internal strength was as high as 45 points, which also suffered a great loss!
But Jiumozhi was also blown away by Du Yu's thick palm strength and icy-cold inner strength, so that he vomited blood and flew backwards!

Both of them will lose out!

Du Yu was in the air, struggling to throw a handful of life and death talismans!

Jiumozhi's flame knife turned the life and death talisman into water!
As soon as Du Yu landed on the ground, he kicked his legs and popped out like a cannonball. Jiumozhi will not be allowed to escape!

His will to fight is as strong as steel!

Under the tempering of space, Du Yu changed from an otaku to a warrior at this time!

A warrior who never lets himself and his enemies relax!

Jiumozhi roared wildly, with a faint purple aura on his face, just like the legendary King Kong Wei Tuo!

King Kong is not bad body magic power!
One of Shaolin 72 stunts!

Du Yu used his broken palm to hit him with eighteen palms to subdue the dragon, but he failed!

Jiumozhi grinned grimly: "I have the Shaolin 72 unique skill, which has never been seen before or since! You are so knowledgeable in martial arts, you can only die if you face me. I can't say it today, so I have to stop thinking about old friends!"

His Mount Xumi palm volleyed towards the back of Du Yu's head!
Du Yu turned around and moved his palm back, Jiumozhi vomited blood and flew up.

The two clearly possessed the most brilliant skills and internal strength in the world, but they were like two wild beasts. Under the clear moonlight, at the peak of the Xixia Palace, they had the cruelest life-and-death duel.

Du Yu slapped him again, in his eyes, there was only a fiery fighting spirit!

The will to fight is a warrior's thirst for courage and victory, desire!
Only a hungry fighting spirit can give birth to the strongest fighter!
Du Yu doesn't lack martial arts, opportunities, or even talent. What he lacks is fighting!
Fight like a wolf!
Thirst for victory like a wolf!

The image of a dragon and a wolf on Du Yu's chest was roaring wildly!
It longs to see the blood of its enemies!
It longs to rip the throats of mighty enemies!
It longs to devour the souls of its rivals!

In Jiumo Zhifa's eyes, Du Yu's image gradually changed from a human to a wolf!
"Amitabha, Mr. Murong, you are possessed!" He gritted his teeth and slammed his palm down!
Du Yu's dragon-wolf aura successively devoured the auras of Kublai Khan, Jinlun Fawang, Li Renxiao and other nobles and powerful people, and became more and more greedy. This Jiumozhi is a supremely powerful man with unique aura power. Naturally, it became the coveted object of the dragon and wolf.

The dragon wolf jumped out, with wings on its back, leaping towards Jiumozhi.

On the top of Jiumozhi's head, there unexpectedly appeared the appearance of a Garuda!

"Garuda" means "Garuda God".This is a large bird with various adorned and precious colors on its wings, and a large knob on its head, which is a wish-fulfilling pearl. This bird sings in sorrow and feeds on dragons.It eats one dragon and five hundred baby dragons every day.At the end of its life, it vomited poison and couldn't eat any more, so it flew up and down seven times, and died on the top of Vajra Wheel.Because it feeds on dragons (big poisonous snakes) all its life, it accumulates a lot of poisonous gas in its body, and when it is dying, it sends out poisonous gas and burns itself.After the body is burnt away, only one heart remains, which is the color of pure blue glaze.

"The Eight Divisions of Heavenly Dragons" The eight divisions include one day group, two dragon groups, three yakshas, ​​four gandharvas, five asuras, six garudas, seven kinnaras, and eight mahurakas.The eight parts of Tianlong correspond to the eight main characters in this world.

The symbol of Jiumozhi is Garuda!

Dove originally refers to birds.He feeds on dragons, and some Buddhist scriptures say that he is hostile to dragons. Jiumozhi has serious feuds with the masters of Tianlong Temple, and has been making things difficult for Duan Yu in order to practice the Six Meridians Excalibur, which has caused great harm to Dali and Tianlong Temple. The threat of being hostile to the dragon; because he secretly learned Buddhist Kungfu and couldn't resolve it by himself, he became insane (too much poison, poisoned hair), and finally Duan Yu (Dragon King) in the dry well rescued him and saved his life.

In this way, when Du Yu's aura of greedy wolf devoured Kumozhi's aura, he met the legendary Garuda who had boundless magic power and ate dragons in the Buddhist scriptures!
In the clear night sky, a burst of golden light suddenly appeared. A gigantic golden roc bird that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the sky, looking at the rushing dragon and wolf with disdain.

Seeing this vision, Longlang was even more ecstatic. Regardless of his small size, he still jumped up and pounced on Garuda's neck!
Garuda burst into anger.

As one of the Eight Dragons, it is the eight strongest Dharma protectors in the Buddhist scriptures. It belongs to a god-level existence that is both good and evil, and has boundless skills. How can it put a mad wolf in its eyes?
After a palpitating cry, it flapped its boundless wings, and the golden wings set off gusts of wind, and the wolf that rushed up was thrown away effortlessly.

 Thanks to Chaos Pangu, Undulating Waves, volt002, End of Fleeting Years, etc. for their enthusiastic rewards!There is also sweet-scented osmanthus wine, which is really fragrant!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Please subscribe and reward!

(End of this chapter)

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