Chapter 297 Capture Nanjing Murong Fuguo! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Although Yelu Niegulu was mobilized in full force, he also left his last force in Nanjing, with tens of thousands of people.Du Yu's army was only 4, and it was extremely difficult to conquer Nanjing within three days.

Du Yu smiled at Xiao Feng: "Brother Xiao, are you interested in going to town with me tonight?"

Although the city of Nanjing is majestic, it is not difficult for a master like Du Yu and Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng nodded: "The sooner the city is broken, the rebel Yelv Niegulu will be defeated sooner. Xiao is very happy."

That night, the besieging army was stationed outside the city.

Yelu Niegulu's confidant General Yelu Moge was in charge of guarding the city. Under his strict orders, tens of thousands of soldiers were divided into shifts and took turns to guard the city.On the tens of miles long city wall, there are people patrolling intensively all the time.

In the middle of the night, a school official, leading dozens of people, patrolled past the north gate with open flames.

"Damn, it's so cold at night." A Khitan soldier shivered.

"I thought I would stay in Nanjing instead of following the king, and go to Langya Mountain to fight Yelu Hongji. I escaped from death. I didn't expect that there would be disasters in defending Nanjing. The Xixia army would start a fire and loot so quickly." The school officer scolded.

"Our lord, didn't we send someone to ask Li Renxiao for marriage? Why didn't the marriage come to fruition, but turned against each other and attracted the Xixia army?" A clever little soldier sighed and cursed.

"I heard that Li Renxiao was overthrown by a son of the Song Dynasty named Murong Fu. Murong Fu took the empress dowager and princess of Xi Xia together." A bearded man obscenely laughed.

"This man is really amazing!" A group of soldiers laughed lewdly.

Suddenly, a laughing voice sounded from behind.

"You all know? The news spread so fast? Ashamed! Ashamed!"

The school officer reacted the fastest: "Enemy attack!"

Before he finished speaking, a white light flashed, and his head was in a different place!
Du Yu used a golden sword and a black sword, and his swordsmanship and swordsmanship were incomparably weird, and combined with the left and right fighting skills, he swept across!

These soldiers are the elites of the Liao Kingdom, and their personal strength is good, but in front of Du Yu, whose strength and internal strength have soared, being killed is only a matter of a few tricks.

The clever little soldier was about to call for the warning, but was punched down by a stalwart figure, and his skull was shattered to death in the air.

Du Yu and Xiao Feng went to the city hand in hand.

Xiao Feng threw down the two ropes, all the beggar gang members and Shaolin monks climbed up the rock one after another.

Du Yu threw life and death talismans one after another at the rushing soldiers.

The soldiers fell to the ground one after another. Once the life and death talisman was hit, thousands of ants bit their bones and immediately lost the ability to resist.

Elder Xu led the beggar gang members to climb up, formed a dog-beating formation, with bamboo sticks and big knives, greeted the soldiers of the Liao Kingdom unceremoniously, and cut their flesh and blood.

Shaolin monks, led by Xuannan and other eminent monks, also climbed up the tower and rushed towards the city gate.

Outside, there are Xixia iron kite cavalry, waiting to attack the city.

At the gate of the city, the Liao Kingdom deployed a thousand elite soldiers on duty day and night. When they saw someone stealing the city, they waved their weapons and hacked and killed them.

Xuannan waved his big sleeves, full of true energy in his sleeves, and sent the three Liao Military Academy soldiers who were charging forward flying backwards.

Du Yu volleyed down and rushed straight for the gate of the city!
The city gate is the key to this battle!

Open the city gate, you can lead the cavalry into the city and occupy Nanjing.

Crowds of people surged, swords and guns were like forests, and the Liao army fought to the death without retreating.

Du Yu and Xiao Feng fell into the crowd at the same time.

The ghost prison roared, resounding through the night sky.

Pieces of Khitan soldiers fell to the ground in shock.

Du Yu's fists and feet were like the wind, blowing the heads of every Khitan warrior!

He charged in.

But the Khitan soldiers were tenacious in fighting, and they greeted Du Yu desperately with swords and guns.If it weren't for the soft armor defensive artifact, Du Yu would have been tied into a hedgehog long ago.Even so, Du Yu was seriously injured.

On a huge battlefield, a single hero is no match for a steel division.

After receiving the summons, the guard army of Nanjing City is rushing here.

With waves of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, Xiao Feng swept away the approaching enemies.

But these one thousand soldiers were all dead soldiers of Yelu Niegulu, they insisted on it to death, more than half of them died in the battle, and none of them surrendered.

Just when the two were helpless, the reinforcements of the Liao army had already reached the front.

The pressure on the intruding troops suddenly increased.

At the command of the intruding troops, thousands of hard bows fired a salvo, and the heroes of the beggar gang who came up were hit by arrows one after another and fell to the ground to die.

The army of the Liao Kingdom kept firing bows and crossbows, and the gang of beggars and monks fell down.

This is a cruel battlefield.

Du Yu roared and waved his hand.

Little Dragon Girl, Li Mochou, Ning Zhongze, Yilin, Elizabeth, etc. appear on the battlefield!

Li Mochou waved her hand away, and a wave of sad and crisp breeze greeted the wind.

As she stood on the tower, the colorless, odorless and sad breeze fell among the Khitan soldiers.

A large group of Khitan soldiers fell down immediately.

Everyone in the beggar gang, who was being shot by the Khitan's hard bow, suffered heavy casualties, seeing the Khitan people also being hit by this sad breeze, they immediately cheered in unison, and took the opportunity to rush forward to fight.

Little Dragon Girl wears the anti-drug silk scarf given by Yilin, and rushes into the enemy's formation, a gentleman's sword and a lady's sword, sweeping away!
Ningzhong opened and closed, the Quanzhen sword's sword qi criss-crossed, cutting the blood of the Khitan Tartar soldiers like a spring, and flying with broken limbs. One general was even cut horizontally by the jade girl of Huashan, and the blood sprayed more than ten feet high.

The four swords of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, together with Jiutian Jiubu and Cave Master and Island Master, descended from the sky!

Falling into the camp of Khitan soldiers, they killed and killed.

The four swords of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum cooperate with each other tacitly, and there is no single enemy in hand.

The island master and the cave master are not good at dealing with martial arts masters, but all kinds of poisoning, hidden weapons, and group fighting skills are suitable for use in large-scale battles. All kinds of insidious tricks immediately made Liao soldiers complain.

The female general of Nine Heavens and Nine Divisions is dressed in a tight-fitting battle armor. She looks like a crane with a monkey shape, breasts and buttocks, long legs are straight, and she holds a light long sword in her hand.With a graceful figure, fluttering like a butterfly, Liao soldiers clutched their slit throats as they passed by, falling to the ground and twitching in disbelief.

Heroes, gather at the north gate of Nanjing City!
Du Yu and Xiao Feng saw that the little dragon girl and the four swords of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum blocked the enemy's counterattack, and turned their attention to the city gate again.

Open the city gate and win!
However, several attacks were blocked by the Liao army who swore to resist.

Xiao Feng's body was hanged in several places, his sword and ax were seriously injured.

Although he was invincible in miraculous skills, he rushed into thousands of troops, whether he was injured or not, it all depended on luck, and martial arts didn't work at all.

Du Yu was also wounded in many places. A long arrow pierced through the soft hedgehog armor and hit his chest.He's almost running out of health.

After fighting fiercely for more than an hour, Dongfang showed his fishy belly.

Suddenly, Du had a premonition that the ground trembled slightly, like a sign before an earthquake came.

In the distance, the shouts of the Liao people were heard.

"The king of Chu is back!"

"The king of Chu is back!"

Immediately, from the mountains in the far north, the army rushed out of the sky.

Yelu, the king of Chu, pinched his bones!
It took him such a short time to rush back to Nanjing from Langya Mountain with his army!
It must be light soldiers and less lines, advancing twice the road, and rushing back from thousands of miles!
But even so, there are more than 3 troops around King Chu!
If this army cooperates with the Khitan army in the city, Du Yu Xixia and the Central Plains army will be wiped out!
King Chu, it really isn't that easy to deal with!

This Great Yan's founding of the country, as high as 5000 villain points, is not so easy to complete.

At the moment of life and death, Du Yu faced the soldiers who were blocking the north gate, and suddenly let out a dragon and wolf look!

There was a trace of loss in the eyes of the soldiers.

They had seen the king of Chu, who was so majestic that people could not help obeying him.

But Du Yu's aura is even more awe-inspiring.

Du Yu devoured Kublai Khan's and Li Renxiao's true dragon spirit, and cooperated with Li Mochou's sorrowful breeze, finally dispersed the Liao soldiers guarding the city gate, killed them, and opened the city gate.

2 Western Xia iron kite knights rushed into the city of Nanjing like a dam breaking, and the overall situation was settled.

The Liao soldiers who were desperately resisting were killed in pieces. Du Yu led his army to rush into the imperial city, captured the palace, and rescued part of the royal family.

Yelu led his troops and rushed to the city of Nanjing with exhausted people and horses, but found that the city gate was closed. The Xixia and Central Plains allied forces successfully broke through the city.

He jumped and cursed.

Du Yu and Xiao Feng appeared on the city gate!
"King Chu, who do you think I am?" Xiao Feng shouted.

Seeing Xiao Feng again, Yelu Ninggulu was startled.

Ever since Du Yu taught him a lesson in Xixia, Yelu Niegulu has attached great importance to Xiao Feng, last time in the decisive battle on Langya Mountain, he used thousands of people to trap Xiao Feng and escaped.

But he escaped the first day of the junior high school and did not escape the fifteenth day. This Xiao Feng still went to Xixia Lingzhou, captured Li Renxiao, and brought Xixia soldiers and civilians with him to destroy his lair.

Xiao Feng intended to capture the King of Chu, but Du Yu did not take any action.

It will take time for him to occupy the sixteen prefectures of Youyun, and the king of Chu cannot die yet.

Seeing that the siege was fruitless, the king of Chu, dejected, led his soldiers and fled to Tokyo.

Xiao Feng was overjoyed to see that he had successfully captured the old lair of the King of Chu, and that the King of Chu was about to collapse. He went to see Yelu Hongji.

Yelu Hongji was originally in Langya Mountain, but gradually fell into a disadvantage. Suddenly, the king of Chu led his army south. According to the intelligence, it was the Western Xia army led by Murong Fu and Xiao Feng, who had occupied his old nest and had to return to the army.

Yelu Hongji, who had a chance to breathe, frowned after hearing Xiao Feng's report.

"The sixteen prefectures of Youyun are the foundation of my Khitan. Shi Jingtang dedicates this land to my Khitan to achieve supremacy. How can he easily borrow it? It's a joke!"

Xiao Feng didn't change his face: "Brother Yi, Murong Fu is a believer, so he must be true. Besides, it will take time for me to destroy the King of Chu, and it will be almost a year before the King of Chu is destroyed."

Yelu Hongji thought the same thing, he still had the King of Chu still alive, so he must settle down first, let Murong Fu occupy Nanjing first.If he doesn't leave for a year, it won't be too late to start the war.

After Du Yu occupied Nanjing, he dispatched troops to attack and expand in all directions.

Within ten days, they occupied Youzhou, Shunzhou, Ruzhou, Tanzhou, Jizhou, Zhuozhou, Yingzhou and other places.

At the same time, Li Qingluo and other Xixia rulers and officials also arrived in Jizhou.

Du Yu knew that there was not much time to complete the task, so he proclaimed himself emperor in Jizhou, and his country name was Dayan!

The territory of Dayan includes all of Xixia, part of Youyun Sixteen Prefectures, and the Misty Peak area of ​​the Western Regions, stretching across the northern part of China and spreading for thousands of miles.

Du Yu's proclaiming ceremony was very simple, even hasty.

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