Chapter 300 Monk Yizhen's stunt! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
It was fine if he didn't jump, but he caught the attention of passers-by.Suddenly, a female adventurer who chose to hide her face rushed over and fired a bolt of lightning.In the space, adventurers are not excluded from fighting, and this lightning strike slashes at Yizhen monk.

Yizhen was startled, jumped up clutching his ass that was struck by lightning, and howled, "What are you doing?"

The female adventurer seemed to have a great hatred for this truth, and screamed: "You eastern liar! The A-level item that was sold to me last time - the Nanhai electric eel jellyfish core is a counterfeit at all! Pity me for creating The Stone Staff of Haridar, and other B-grade materials that I managed to get together! At least [-] survival points were lost! You bastard, you even discounted [-] survival points to lie to me! My priceless Stone of Haridar The staff is all destroyed in your hands."

While weeping, she used a claw-shaped staff holding an electric jellyfish core, gritted her teeth and fired various electric spells.But unfortunately, the core of the electric staff kept flickering, like a light bulb with unstable voltage.Finally, after a thunderbolt and lightning operation, it made a ziba ziba sound, burst with a bang, and flickered into countless blue crystals in the air, which is really beautiful.

Obviously, this Xibei product is a South China Sea electric eel jellyfish core that a real monk cheated money, sex and guns to entrap innocent consumers.That staff is the stone of Hiruida made of materials above grade B.

Yizhen's hair stood on end, his face was pitch-black, and his body was convulsed. It was thanks to his substandard products, otherwise the female electrician mage would have electrocuted him to death.

He smiled all over his face: "Helena, you have to believe in my sincerity. Whether in business or in bed, I am your sincere partner. I have something to do, so let's go first."

He grabbed the monk's robe and garbage bag, and fled in a hurry.Mage Helena, howling and crying, chased after him like a wild dog.

Du Yu was sweating profusely as he watched the farce come to an end, and found the dark group of tendons of the yellow dragon on the ground.

If Yizheng hadn't been so complacent and Helena had killed him in time, he might have been cheated.

He picked it up, and found that the description of the S-level equipment materials was gradually fading away.

"Damn it, this one can actually partially modify and smear the equipment description?" Du Yu was stunned.

In the end, the sticky, black tendons of the yellow dragon turned into "bamboo leaf green snake skin".The description is even more infuriating: "This is the commonly seen green bamboo-leaf snake skin. This snake is non-venomous and non-aggressive. It can be seen in urban parks. It sheds its skin once a year. This is the snake skin that sheds automatically. It is flexible. Poor, even worse defense, and barely worth anything other than a bum's belt."

The ordinary snake skin, which is not even a D-grade material, was sold for 20 survival points by this black-hearted Yizhen.If someone is tempted, it is a ghost to buy it.

But Du Yu is a cautious person. He was very serious when he read the S-level material just now, but he could actually change the description of the space.

Du Yu has been wandering around in the space these days, and he has never heard of someone who can modify the description of the space, which requires too high authority and is almost impossible.

He thought of the girl in white.

He thought of Hou Xiaobai.

These two people have the ability to break through the barriers of space and plot.

Space, how many secrets are there?
Du Yu walked towards the hotel in the city.

He wants to gather intelligence first.

In the last world, Du Yu's biggest gains were various oriental exercises. He planned to sell some low-level C-level exercises in exchange for survival points, and to take root in the Holy Roman Empire first.

Eastern exercises are very popular among western adventurers, and they are worth a lot, even higher than what they can sell in Datang.

Du Yu walked into a tavern, spent money to buy a glass of whiskey, and sat drinking while listening to other people's high-spirited talks.

He didn't need to pay to buy information, and after sitting in the tavern for half a day, he could have a panoramic view of major events in Shinra, Datang, Sultan, and Parliament, like a briefing.

The adventurers who drank alcohol talked loudly and freely, even some secrets of space and adventure knowledge, they would speak out without restraint.

Sure enough, a group of adventurers laughed and drank wantonly, boasted about their adventures in the previous world, and spit and broke the news loudly.

As the bottom of society, they have no other way of entertainment, only bragging.The closer the content of the discussion is to the core of the space, the higher it seems to be, and it is superior to others.

"I heard no, our venerable emperor, His Majesty, is about to die."

"The power of the Habsburg family has long since fallen into the hands of Queen Tracy, that old bitch"

"I heard that Tracy also went out of this area for a while back then."

"The empress and the crown prince have a good relationship, but the princess, that cold beauty, has trouble with Tracy. This time, the church is on Tracy's side and firmly opposes the crown prince Joseph marrying the beauty."

"I heard that the beauty is amazing. Very powerful!"

"Do you want to say that she is very good in bed?"

"Bah, if I have that good fortune, I can live a few worlds less."

"A lot of sneaky spies have come to Datang recently."

"Our police department was not idle, and arrested some of them. They also hired some like us to deal with them secretly. Several people died on both sides."

"The gate of the bloody city is closed, and another world is about to open. It's hard for everyone to survive, and these courts and royal families are still doing this secretly."

"So, if you have wine today, don't worry about any enhancements! It's time for the beautiful waitresses, so just throw that poor survival point into their breasts, haha!"

After hearing this, Du Yu stood up slowly and was about to leave.

Suddenly saw a familiar figure, walked into the tavern, ordered a large glass of the cheapest ale, and took the opportunity to pinch Mimi, the waitress who delivered the wine, and smiled wretchedly at the waitress' vicious eyes.

"Yizhen? Didn't this guy get killed by the electrician female mage?" Du Yu laughed for a while.

Yizhen was so frightened by a guy who stood up and clenched his fist when he saw him flirting with the waitress, he was so frightened that he begged for mercy, walked over with square steps, and saw Du Yu at a glance.

Du Yu thought he was going to turn around and run away, but Yizhen seemed to have discovered Columbus in mainland China, and rushed over in surprise.

He grabbed Du Yu's hand and said with a smile: "We meet again, you are really blessed."

Du Yu shook off Yizhen's hand angrily, and said coldly, "You were not beaten to death?"

Yizhen stroked his unshaven chin proudly, and said with a smile: "Women, you know, they are very thirsty, but they are embarrassed, and they always have to find a reason to communicate with you, hehe."

Du Yu couldn't help laughing: "I see that female mage looks very thirsty, but she can't wait to drink your blood."

Yizhen coughed twice: "She doesn't understand! I repaired her Hayride's stone a little bit, and it will be effective. You didn't see how happy she was when she left, and she promised me with her body and made out with me After a while."

Du Yu looked at his watch: "I've only been sitting here for 5 minutes, and you're so efficient in bed! It looks like it's a fake too."

Yizhen smiled obscenely: "Time is money. I am so busy with business, how can I have time to do these evil karma? Amitabha, I am a good monk."

Du Yu couldn't help but said, "You're not afraid of being caught by space authorities for selling fake products? Someone must have sent you to the police station, right?"

Yizhen coughed and said, "Who says I'm selling fakes? What I'm selling are genuine, high-quality and cheap real goods!"

Du Yu threw over the green snake skin with bamboo leaves and said with a smile, "What kind of real thing is this?"

Yizhen brushed his hand over the snake skin, the snake skin seemed to have been polished, and it bloomed with dazzling splendor!

Du Yu's eyes were straightened, and the drunks who were shouting loudly next to him all focused their greedy eyes on this place.

The jewel of material, the most precious and eye-catching light in the space, represents wealth, strength and the hope of survival.

As soon as he coughed, the snake skin suddenly became dull.Everyone thought they were dazzled, so after watching for a while, they turned their heads and continued chatting.

Du Yu looked at the really modified snake skin again, and found that it had turned into Huanglong's tendons again, but behind the Huanglong's tendons, there was a series of faintly visible small characters: "The time limit is one hour. After that, it will turn into green bamboo leaves. Snake skin. If you want to use S-level materials to play a role, you need to find "sincere Yizhen" to inject mana every once in a while. You will be charged 2 survival points each time, and the monthly package discount price is 100 million survival points. Call sign: 88888888-transfer to the secretary. Sincerely, Yizhen will serve you wholeheartedly."

Du Yu was completely amused: "You're the only one who is sincere? Your harmful S-level material can only last for one hour? You charge 2 for each injection of mana? 100 million for a monthly package? Why don't you go grab the money?"

Yizhen shook his head: "How do you think the real communication companies and insurance companies make profits? I am a business model that is innocent. I provide ultra-low-priced but flawed high-end materials. If you need it, you can continue. Let it work at any time. This is the gospel of adventurers who 99% of the space can’t afford, and even die without seeing S-grade materials! Isn’t it so?”

Du Yu was defeated by him, and said weakly: "The person who was deceived by you, didn't call the police to arrest you?"

Yizhen laughed and said: "When I make trouble with the government, this can only be regarded as a minor price fraud, and the people who reported me will not be worth the loss in the end. I clearly wrote it clearly, reminding you that there are defects, you are greedy for cheap, follow me What's the matter?"

Du Yu drank the wine in his glass, stood up and said, "Very good and powerful. But I have something to go."

Yizhen smiled slyly: "I'm here to make a deal with you."

Du Yu shrugged: "You can't show anything that I'm interested in. Let me state in advance that I'm not interested in defective things."

Yizhen hehe said: "Defective things? Space itself is a flawed thing. How can there be perfection in the world?"

 The second update is here!Please subscribe!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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