Chapter 304 Catherine's Coronation Crisis! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
No matter how difficult the plot world is, there are always rules to follow.For example, in any difficult plot world, it is absolutely impossible for Du Yu to encounter the thrilling adventures of three top assassins in the outer city!
It is impossible for the plot world to give such a mortal situation and test!

But in the bloody city, as long as the shadow thieves are willing, they can even use the god-level assassins in the inner city to assassinate Du Yu.Du Yu has no temper at all!
In the bloody city, there is no protection for newcomers!
Du Yu finally couldn't bear it anymore: "I was hunted down by the imperial court and powerful forces, why didn't space stand out to protect me?"

Catherine seemed to be looking at an alien, contemptuous and joking.

"You seem like a newcomer."

"But I can't tell you the whole truth of the space, because no one can clearly know the ins and outs. I got a scrap of claw from the records of the Dark Council and the Habsburg family."

"Originally, there was a protection mechanism in the space. In the original space, people could not fight, they could not be hostile, and the monsters on the wilderness blood field could not invade the city. Although adventurers cannot avoid intrigue, due to the existence of the protection mechanism, they will basically not There is a certain death situation where you are besieged by assassins from the outer city."

"But later, the energy in space gradually dried up"

"The space cannot maintain the protection mechanism for adventurers, and it is even unable to stop the large-scale invasion of monsters in the wilderness bloodland. That is, the tide of beasts."

"Although the large-scale invasion of beasts was repulsed, the unorganized adventurers also paid a heavy price. For the first time, the adventurers in the bloody city realized that someone must stand up and replace the dying Space Will , to rule this loose city of adventurers."

"The first generation of adventurers who stood up included warriors, heroes, heroes, and traitors, but without exception, they all had extraordinary courage and strength."

"The adventurers gradually or actively or passively united around these adventurers who stood up, formed teams, gangs, armies, and finally formed a country!"

"The formation of the four great powers has its inevitability, and it will become the supreme authority to rule instead of the gradually disappearing will of space." Catherine's beautiful eyes flashed, her spirits were high.

"And then?" As a novelist, Du Yu naturally guessed the development of the story.

"Then after successfully resisting the invasion of the beast horde, the spatial will has faded to the point where only some basic instincts remained, and the rule of the four great powers gradually stabilized. The emperor, the sultan, and the speaker replaced the heroes and became the supreme ruler. Huge bureaucracy The institution revolved around the emperor, and gradually improved. The emperor, the sultan, and the speaker have become the indisputable gods of space!" Catherine sighed, but Du Yu clearly saw the ambition from her downcast eyes.

Du Yu sighed and said: "So that's how it is. In my space, the rare madness of the wolf and guerrilla just happened to encounter the vision of the sky wolf attacking the crape myrtle, and it became a thorn in the emperor's eyes and a thorn in his flesh. If you don't get rid of me, the emperor will kill me." You can’t eat all day, can you?”

Catherine looked at Du Yu with icy beautiful eyes: "If I were the empress, the first person I would kill would be someone like you!"

Du Yu showed no sign of weakness: "Unfortunately, you dark saint, in the Holy Roman Empire, is also the target that the church and the emperor want to get rid of quickly. Let's get rid of each other!"

At this time, in the Huangcheng District, pass through the Yellow Trousers Avenue, the Sanhe Building in the north, look at Wazi Lane in the south, go to the Tongguo Street, and turn into the Suffering Lane at the end of the street, and you will see the six gates, which are located there. It's not very resplendent, nor too luxurious and spacious, only a little ancient, a little old, and a little gloomy.
Hou Xiaobai raised his leg and walked into the six doors.

He walked through the screaming cell, through the interrogation lobby, and came straight to a quiet place.Under a big old tree with a canopy like an umbrella, beside a small ancient well, a suave and leisurely middle-aged man is concentrating on making a cup of tea.

"Master Zhuge." Hou Xiaobai bowed respectfully.

"Xiaobai, are you back? How many times have you told me to call me Xiaohua?" The middle-aged man fanned his fan and motioned him to sit down.

"My lord, please forgive me for not following my orders. My father will break my leg if he hears about it." Hou Xiaobai smiled wryly.

"Okay, you father and son are so rigid. Sit down." Zhuge Xiaohua poured tea for Hou Xiaobai.

Hou Xiaobai looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

No one could believe it when he said it. This middle-aged man, who seemed to laugh before he said anything, was obsessed with wild fun and tea art. He was his immediate boss, Zhuge Xiaohua, the manager of the six doors.

Zhuge Xiaohua, whose age is unknown, looks like a middle-aged uncle in his 40s. He is suave and suave, and loves tea art (average level) and beautiful women.

What Hou Xiaobai couldn't understand the most was that Zhuge Xiaohua had a maverick personality. He was supposed to be the six gates of the imperial court, but after he took over, his style of handling cases changed. Sometimes executed speciously.

Hou Xiaobai gradually tasted that Zhuge Xiaohua was not so much loyal to the emperor as loyal to order!
Yes, what he cares most about is the order of the empire!

Hou Xiaobai had no doubts that if betraying the emperor could bring stability and peace to the empire, Zhuge Xiaohua would be the first to do so.

But what made him even more incomprehensible was the emperor.

It is clear that the head of a secret iron-blooded organization like the Six Doors should be the emperor's absolute trusted confidant. It is clear that Zhuge Xiaohua values ​​the order of the empire more than being loyal to the emperor. It is clear that she is the most fanatical and paranoid person who implements the emperor's orders, but the emperor is calm This position was given to Zhuge Xiaohua.

I am young and promising, but I can only take the position of chief catcher and obey Zhuge Xiaohua's orders.

Plus Yin Mei, who was stuffed in by the emperor again.

Hou Xiaobai couldn't understand the emperor's chess moves more and more.

"Master Zhuge" Hou Xiaobai seldom calls Xiaohua, it seems too childish, he also doesn't like others to call him Xiaobai.

"How is the treason case going?" Zhuge Xiaohua drank the tea leisurely.

"My lord, the traitor fled to Shenluo and hid beside the princess. We worked hard several times, including diplomacy and arrests, and they were all resolved." Hou Xiaobai said in a low tone.

Zhuge Xiaohua slapped the cup: "So, what do you think?"

Hou Xiaobai hesitated for a moment: "Can the four famous arresters be dispatched to arrest the culprits?"

Xiao Hua pondered and said: "But he is beside Princess Shinra. You know, I value order and peace the most. If it causes the two countries to enmity, I will not approve it."

Hou Xiaobai smiled: "In the bloody city, he can naturally list women and eat soft food, but in the world of plots, there is no crown princess. As far as I know, he is still hesitating whether to join Shinra. We want to take advantage of his transfer. , act first and bring him to justice. I heard that His Majesty the Emperor has recently intervened in this matter."

Xiaohua nodded: "Yesterday, His Majesty the Emperor called me into the palace and asked about this matter. Now that you have made up your mind, I have no objection to arresting this traitor. Among the four famous arresters, Leng-Blood and Ruthless are handling the case in the Far East." , Iron Hand is on vacation, only Zhui Ming can go. But you said that you want to follow into the story world to arrest, Zhui Ming's strength is a top expert in the inner city, so he is not qualified to enter."

Hou Xiaobai was overjoyed when he heard that Zhuge Xiaohua agreed to transfer Zhuiming to him, stood up and thanked him, and said with a smile, "Don't we have a gold medal from the imperial court?"

A look of displeasure flashed across Xiaohua's face: "I said before, you must handle the case in an upright manner, and don't use system loopholes, what a shame!"

Hou Xiaobai's face turned blue and then pale.

But the other party is the immediate superior, he could only hold back his anger for a while, swallowed and said: "I am in a hurry to obey the authority. If the emperor blames me, I can hardly shirk the blame, but the six doors are not easy to explain."

Zhuge Xiaohua thought for a while, nodded, and stopped talking.

A trace of concealment flashed in Hou Xiaobai's eyes, and he bowed his head and stepped back.

Zhuge Xiaohua drank the tea in one gulp.

Catherine said to Du Yu: "The best way to train you is to join Shinra's Western Garrison. Remember that time you and I met, the patrolling cavalry in the rainy night? Alone, patrolling the border, Kill all kinds of monsters such as violent apes, deal with various situations, and improve your strength the fastest."

Du Yu curled his lips: "These people also have the highest death rate in battle."

Catherine nodded: "But Shinra has an unwritten tradition. If you don't have a prominent background, joining the Patrol Cavalry is the fastest way to advance. If you can survive a few worlds, you can be promoted and reused. Many adventurers know that Dangerous, I still chose to join."

Catherine said: "Originally, to join the Shinra army, you need to pass a complicated review. But I am here, and all the procedures are covered by me. The biggest advantage is that once you become a Shinra soldier, your nationality will automatically change. In the world, it will be difficult for Datang's six goalkeepers

As soon as Du Yu heard that Catherine had asked him to join the Shinra army, he knew what the princess was up to.

Seeing that it was not possible to persuade herself to surrender directly, she persuaded herself in a roundabout way.

Once he joined the Shinra army, Du Yu had to constantly attach himself to Catherine if he wanted to be promoted.

He shook his head resolutely: "Cooperation is fine, merger is off the table."

Catherine was so angry that her brows stood on end, and she had nothing to do with Du Yu.

She pulls out a map: "Okay. Tell me about the serious thing I called you here."

"About the next world, Joseph will replace the seriously ill emperor and be proclaimed as the new emperor. The old emperor is terminally ill and basically hopeless." Catherine said indifferently.

Du Yu laughed heartily: "You, the crown princess, are going to be promoted to queen. Congratulations."

"However, the church, on the grounds that I have not been baptized with holy water, firmly opposes my becoming a queen. Pope Paul proposed that if I want to be canonized as queen, I must go through the baptism ceremony personally presided over by him."

When it came to holy water, Catherine couldn't help showing a hint of fear on her face.

Du Yu immediately understood.

Catherine used various means to conceal the fact that she was a member of the Dark Council, but once she was poured with holy water by the church, her identity would be revealed to the world.

"The trick of the church is really ruthless." Du Yu laughed loudly: "If you want to be a queen, you must pass it, otherwise let alone a queen, even normal people can't do it."

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(End of this chapter)

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