Chapter 317 Monster Lizard Abyss Warcraft Two Heroes! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

As the level gets higher and higher, Du Yu must grasp every possibility to improve his strength!

Sometimes, comprehending a skill, raising a level, raising a little attribute, or even raising a priority is the dividing line between life and death, victory and defeat, king and bandit!

Du Yu, who was walking on the edge of death, had a deep understanding of this statement!
His dharma seal hit the shadow, and the shadow was stunned, but he raised his head proudly, threatening to spit out the letter of the snake!
It turned out to be a mutated boa constrictor!

Ordinary boa constrictors, up to 10 meters long and as thick as the mouth of a bowl, are very rare.But this big boa constrictor has a green body, coiled and knotted, more than 30 meters long, and the tail is not visible. It is as thick as one person hugs, blue snake pupils, exuding strange eyes, and hissing blue snake letters. , which is daunting.

"This snake is poisonous!" Li Mochou pondered: "Generally, the more poisonous the snake, the smaller the body. The boa constrictor wins with brute force and does not need to use poison. But there is no beast in this place that is not poisonous. Judging from the snake's skin and the snake's letter, this The poison on the snake is definitely not shallow."

Her eyes lit up: "Perhaps this snake can regain its place in the Shenmu King's Bowl, and I can use Quan Guanqing's snake flute to drive it to fight for me."

Wang Yuyan was so scared that she hid in the heart of the castle, but she was still reading books to help the team in combat.Her voice came: "Cousin, this poisonous snake is a space variant named Lanxinbi Python! In the abyss of poisonous lizards, it is the only race that can fight against poisonous lizards. Among the 99 poisonous species in space, it ranks first. The 200th place is at the C level. This snake wears a golden ring on its head, and it can be a king that can only be born in about [-] years. The level may reach the CC level! If it can enter the Shenmu King Bowl to warm up for a period of time, maybe there will be If the chance breaks through to B-level, it will be much more powerful."

Du Yu nodded.

He has the sacred wood king bowl, the sacred wood king tripod, and the snake flute, which are most suitable for catching snake-like monsters.This blue letter python can be ranked in the list of C-level monsters and space poisons, which is an extraordinary thing.This snake is the crown king.

But the snake didn't seem to pay attention to the wolf pupil team at all, the snake pupil exudes a cold color, staring at the mountains in the distance.

"What is it looking at?" Du Yu wondered.

"It doesn't take us seriously!" Li Mochou knew the snake's nature well, and snorted coldly: "It thinks that its strength has reached the standard of the top experts in the outer city, so it doesn't bother to fight us."

"Set up the formation and clean it up!" Although Monk Yizhen didn't want this snake, since it can enhance the team's combat effectiveness, Du Yu would not let it go.

"I have a better idea. This is the home ground of the blue letter python. Why don't you lure it to the open hillside with the Shenmu Wangding, where it has nowhere to hide, and you can beat it hard." Ning Zhong was as careful as a hair.

Du Yu and the others retreated slowly.

Lan Xin Bi Python swam slowly, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to the team, but he didn't want to let the group of guys who invaded the territory go.

Du Yu was retreating when suddenly his chest felt hot.

This means that there is a strong threat, and the wolf pupil team is eyeing!

Du Yu was surprised.

He used scouting to observe the surroundings in a full range.

Sure enough, a gigantic poisonous lizard made the sound of stamping its four claws on the ground, and slowly turned out from behind a jagged boulder with extraordinary momentum and calmness!
When Du Yu saw this poisonous lizard, he instinctively felt threatened!
The usual Comando monster lizard is 10 meters long, but this monster lizard is 20 meters long, which is twice as long as the normal monster lizard!
Its size naturally rises and rises, four times the size of ordinary ones of the same kind!
The 2-meter-long lizard Nobuko, like a swimming water snake, slowly expands and sucks in the air, continuously scrolls various air elements, scrolls into the bloody mouth, and conducts various environmental analysis.

Enemies, prey, mating, and the environment cannot escape its detection.

It already knew that a group of enemies had broken into this territory.It was chasing slowly all the way, and was about to hunt down the invading enemy!

"Oops! Cousin, this giant poisonous lizard is so huge, it must be the overlord of this abyss of poisonous lizards, hidden BOSS. Its rank is a whole level higher than the ordinary C-level poisonous lizards, reaching CC Level standard!" Wang Yuyan exclaimed.

Team Wolf Tong accidentally provoked two CC-level overlords, Lan Xinbi Python and King Venomous Lizard!
This kind of overlord, if you encounter one, you will let the wolf pupil team peel off the skin. If two enemies meet at the same time, wouldn't you want to kill them?
Two monsters gradually approached the wolf pupil team from different directions.The wolf pupil team gradually shrank and was surrounded in the center.

King Monster Lizard, the ice-cold Nobuko, keeps scrolling.It clearly smelled that the group of people in front of them had killed many of their own kind!

Although these same kind were not the object of its concern, but many females were killed, it wanted to tear this group of intruders into pieces!
The blue letter python also showed its full true face, with a body length of more than 40 meters, which is no less than the king poisonous lizard.

The wolf pupil team, like a hydrangea surrounded by a dragon and a tiger, seems to be swallowed at any time.

Du Yu turned to Li Mochou: "Congratulations. You now have two pets."

Li Mochou said angrily: "The situation is clearly life-or-death. You are still in the mood to joke!"

Du Yu smiled: "Although these beasts are powerful, they are beasts after all, so don't be afraid."

Li Mochou asked curiously: "Do you have a way to defeat this CC-level monster?"

Du Yu simply said: "I can't! But I have a way to divert one of them. Maybe the effect will be better."

He didn't miss it, and threw the Shenmu Wangding far away.

Li Mochou was in a hurry: "This is a B-level treasure, how can you just throw it away?"

Du Yu pouted.

The Shenmu King Cauldron was born out of nowhere, and sure enough, the poisonous King Lizard, who coveted it so much, quickly turned to that side, and Nobuko greedily rolled the air.

It detected that the small wooden cauldron that was thrown had a strong smell of wood-type toxins attached to it!
If it can devour this tripod, there is a great chance that it can directly break through the current CC-level bottleneck and become a B-level existence!

On the wild blood field, the existence of C-level and CC-level is still not high-level.Only by reaching the B level can one be called the overlord of one party!
Its territory can annex tens of hundreds of kilometers around it in an instant, doubling its ruled area several times!
There is an essential difference between B-level existence and C-level existence!


And it is not the only one who has this idea!
The blue letter python, spitting out the blue snake letter, also detected the value of the divine wood king tripod!

In the wild bloodland where the weak prey on the strong, the monsters pursue stronger power, even more eager than the human adventurers in the bloody city!

Because the weak prey on the strong here, the devouring is carried out more nakedly and without rules.

Only strength is the rule.

Lan Xinbi Python, who was always confident and calm, swam wildly, and swam towards the Shenmu Wangding that was thrown far away with lightning speed.

Lan Xinbi Python and the king poisonous lizard had a confrontation around Shenmu Wangding!

Both are at the overlord level of this place. Although they are usually hostile to each other, they are well aware of each other's strength and will not easily start a war.

This kind of evenly matched existence, once a war starts, it will only benefit the fisherman.

If Du Yu's wolf pupil team didn't have this thing, the two CC-level overlords would just kill the wolf pupil team together, yell at each other, threaten each other not to enter the territory, and then walk away.

That kind of super existence, the idea that you will die when you meet, only exists in the wishful fantasy of adventurers!
They have evolved to this point, they have already developed intelligence, and they will not do stupid things.

But with the Shenmu Wangding, everything changed!

Both sides are CC-level creatures, both are eager to break through, and both are afraid that the other party will become stronger and devour themselves.

Well, there is only one battle.

Du Yu led the wolf pupil team and retreated frantically.

"Even if you lose this B+ level treasure, it's worth saving your life!" Du Yu said loudly.Compared with life, all treasures are floating clouds.

Li Mochou also reacted, and followed Du Yu silently, turning her head to look unwillingly from time to time.

In the world of Divine Condor, her strength can be called an unsolvable existence.Except for a few masters such as Guo Jing and Huang Yaoshi, Li Mochou is not afraid of any existence!
But after entering the bloody city and the wild bloodland, Li Mochou deeply realized that her strength is insufficient!

Du Yu mentioned to them that they might find a way to change jobs in the future so that they could become official adventurers.

Although Li Mochou and other beauties in each world have progressed by about 15%, the speed is not slow, but if they become real full-time adventurers, they can benefit from adventure missions, and the speed of progress will only be faster!

However, Li Mochou knew she was right, if she changed her job to become an adventurer now.With strength, in the difficulty of adventurers in the slums, you can naturally walk sideways.But it is difficult to break through the bloody city gate!It's difficult in the outer city, I'm afraid it's even more difficult!
Only increase the strength faster.

These two mutated CC-level overlords are both masters of toxins. If they can be given to her, her strength will leapfrog into a CC-level existence.

That is to say, he is not afraid of any masters from the outer city!

In the case of Du Yu being chased and killed again, she can strike out brazenly and kill a powerful enemy.

As a peerless master, but being forced to walk all over the place, Li Mochou and Ning Zhongze held back their anger?
It's a pity that these two overlords are not something that the current Du Yu team can provoke after all.

They were able to leapfrog and kill 17 C-level poisonous lizards, which was already an incredible achievement.

"Don't lose heart." Du Yu said in a deep voice, "We will come back and take everything!"

Du Yu's promise made Li Mochou smile with satisfaction.

On the hill in the distance, the blue letter python and the king poisonous lizard had already erupted in a decisive battle at the level of overlord.

Du Yu and others are closely watching the situation, waiting to launch an attack at any time.

The blue letter python is extremely powerful, and its entanglement is full of power. Even if it is as strong as the king poisonous lizard, it dare not be entangled by it.What's more, it has a thick tail. Once it is hit, its strength is no less than that of being hit by a huge boulder. The king poisonous lizard was hit once, and it was dizzy for half a day.

But the king poisonous lizard also has even more perverted weapons. Its tongue is extremely fast, and even the smooth and tough snake skin of the blue letter python can't stop its crazy attacks.The poisonous lizard's claw attack is even more powerful, capable of tearing apart several meters of snake skin at a time.Its bloody mouth is even more powerful, and when it bites, blood is dripping.

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(End of this chapter)

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