Chapter 320 Two heroes stand side by side! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Rays of golden light tore through the blood-red sky, descended from the sky, and shone on the leader!
At that moment, the leader was like an angel possessed, covered in golden light, majestic and majestic, making it impossible to look directly at.

"What's the matter with this bastard? Someone in the sky gave him special lighting effects?" Du Yu cursed secretly.

This yellow light, shining on the blue letter python and king poisonous lizard, fell into a state of blindness at the same time!
You know, as CC-level monsters, they enjoy a high priority of being immune to abnormal states. How strong a skill is it to succeed in blinding once?
The knight leader's light gradually faded, and his expression was tired, but he successfully blinded the two monsters, which has established the victory of the knights.

The two monsters that were blinded were once again slashed and killed by knights, attendants and warriors.The monster, whose injuries were getting worse, lost his former composure.

The premise is that the enemy lurking in the dark no longer launches surprise attacks.

But how could Du Yu sit back and watch this group of paladins, who must be mortal enemies, grow bigger?
In terms of the overall situation, he is a villain, Catherine is a natural ally, and the church and the imperial court are natural enemies.

At the moment, these guys are trying to steal monsters, and he can't stand it.

The paladins were frantically attacking the monsters, when they suddenly heard Dotrov's heart-piercing screams.

"God help me! This pain" He fell to the ground, writhing in pain, his face gradually losing color.

A gleam flashed in the head's eyes, and the enemy really came to attack.

But at this time, he focused all his attention on the monster that was about to be killed by the knights, and he had no scruples, so he could only order the priests: "Come closer to me."

Priests picked up the distressed Dotloff, and spells were cast to try to help him.

But neither the healing spell nor the dispelling spell could alleviate the pain of the head priest.

A priest was sweating on his forehead: "He must be cursed by the devil, otherwise why can't he be cured?"

Dotloff shouted: "I am not attacked by magic or a curse, but by Eastern martial arts!"

The priests were sweating profusely, picked up Dotrov, and rushed towards the knights.

Eastern martial arts are extremely mysterious, and many magic-fighting systems far surpass those of the West.

For example, this time, Dotrov was obviously unharmed, but he was in such pain that even God could not help him.

It was naturally Du Yu's life and death talisman that hit Dotlov.

The meridians of Westerners are naturally the same as those of Easterners, and this Life and Death Talisman is just the right medicine.

Seeing the priests running away, Du Yu threw out the life and death talisman like lightning.

Due to the strong inner strength and the power of the thousand-year-old ice silkworm, Du Yu's Life and Death Talisman was used like a fish in water, killing them one by one.

One by one, the priests fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

This life and death talisman is excellent against priests and mages.

Once planted with the Life and Death Talisman, life would be worse than death. The 36 cave masters and the 72 island masters are all bloody men who cut off their arms without frowning, wept bitterly in front of the life and death talisman, knelt down and begged for mercy, and had no integrity, not to mention these priests.

In an instant, the fragile group of priests were all wiped out.

The leader of the Knights looked in disbelief at the group of priests who were rolling on the ground.

He already knew that someone was spying on him and notified Dotloff.The latter ordered the priests to attach layers of protective spells to themselves.The head of the group believed that even if there were some top shadow thieves from the outer city, who would sneak behind the priests, there would be nothing they could do for a while.

How did the enemy quickly break through the divine shield?
Of course he didn't know that Du Yu's Life and Death Talisman was essentially internal force.This protective cover can only defend against sword magic, but it cannot prevent invisible internal forces.

Du Yu rushed out of the ambush, and Ling Bo rushed towards the four fallen priests with small steps.

In the blazing heart tactical system, priests play a huge role and can be called the core of tactics, but the quantity and quality of priests are always not enough.

If this group of priests can be killed, the Blazing Heart will not be able to fly.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are launched!

As adventurers in the slums, these priests are the easiest to kill because they have low health and low blood pressure.

The powerful palm shook hundreds of miles, causing a priest to vomit blood and fly, and fell into a deep coma when he landed.Li Mochou solved it with one injection.

Blazing Heart, the pastor has lost staff!
The head of the group shouted sharply.

When Coruscant and George died, he didn't suffer this much.

Without looking back, Du Yu quickly got to know the three priests with each palm.

The priests didn't even have a spell, and were killed one after another.

When it was Dotrov's turn, he finally tore a life-saving scroll, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of golden light.

Du Yu's palm couldn't pass through the protective shield, and Dotrov couldn't escape either.

Seeing Dotlov's terrified eyes, Du Yu chuckled, leaving him to Li Mochou who was chasing after him, and strode towards the Blazing Heart Knights.

Without the support of the pastor, the knights suddenly felt a bit of difficulty.

The two monsters were seriously injured, and at the critical moment of life and death, they also inspired the last vitality. The giant python entangled a heavy armored knight, strangled him, man and horse together, into a lump of iron, meat, horse and blood a mixture of.

The poisonous lizard used its sharp claws to tear open the throat of a war horse, then stabbed the fallen knight to death with his tongue, and devoured it.

The Blazing Heart Knights gradually suffered heavy casualties and were pushed to the brink of collapse.

Frank, the dismounted knight, witnessed the destruction of the priests, the murderer rushed forward, roared, twitched the long sword stained with green blood, and slashed at Du Yu.

Du Yu, on the other hand, dodged Frank's sword attack very wretchedly, but didn't step forward, but kept firing life and death talismans to interfere with the actions of the knights.

What he wants is that both knights and monsters will be hurt, and it is best to be dying, and then rush up to kill and explode keys, kill monsters and grab materials!

Such a good thing is simply a fantasy.

It is only with the Shenmu Wangding and Shenmu Wangbo that he can mobilize these two CC-level monsters like his arms and fingers.

The leader of the Knights finally came to his senses.

The enemy's strength is not weak, and he has been tricked.

Facing Du Yu, his voice was like a bell: "You have offended our Blazing Heart Knights, let's see how you will stay in Shinra in the future!"


The head of the group resolutely said.

Flicka turned his head and said angrily: "Captain, are you crazy? These two monsters are dying, and they can be killed if they charge again. Besides, we are entangled by monsters, how can we leave?"

"Use the collective scroll to return to the city." The leader took out a light golden scroll from his arms.

The quality of this scroll is not low, and the price is ridiculously higher.

But the church is never short of money.

Dotrov, who was captured by Li Mochou, nodded repeatedly. His life was hanging by a thread, relying on the indestructible life-saving magic to survive.The leader wants to escape, which is simply in line with his wishes.

Flika glanced at the corpses of his teammates sadly, recalling the teammates who had been eaten, a burst of heart-wrenching anger spontaneously arose, and he looked at Du Yu: "Oriental, this time our church, with your Liangzi, it's completely over!"

Du Yu smiled: "It's an honor to offend the powerful church."

He also made a point of bowing.

Another dismounted knight was bitten to death by the King of the Venomous Lizards who were on the verge of death.

The leader became cruel and tore up the scroll.

Accompanied by a golden light, all the members of the Knights present disappeared in the local area.

"They just ran away like this? It's cheap for them." Li Mochou said regretfully, "I still want to attack back and forth and completely destroy this knight group."

Du Yu nodded regretfully.

The Knights' valuable instant return scrolls meant that Du Yu couldn't wipe them all out.

The bridge between the church and itself is thus forged.

He couldn't help laughing wryly.

I really am a natural troublemaker.In the Tang Dynasty, he somehow offended the imperial court, was chased by the six gates all the way, and fled to Shenluo. Before his butt was hot, he offended the powerful church.

If the one who offends is the Shinra Royal Family, Catherine can make amends on her behalf.The church can only die.

Judging from the performance of the Blazing Heart Knights, these guys are not weak and are more organized.The head of the regiment was even more decisive.

He didn't even fight against himself, seeing his attack to eliminate the priest, he resolutely gave up the previous victory and chose to retreat.

Now, it is Du Yu's turn to be in the light, and the Knights are in the dark.

He said back to the city, who knows where he went?
Maybe they will lie in ambush near the left, waiting for the second comeback.

Du Yu looked up at the seriously injured monster.

Lan Xin Bi Mang was gutted, his body was covered with scars, and his injuries were extremely serious.

The poisonous king lizard was also seriously injured, with green blood lying everywhere, and one limb was cut off.

But the two demonic beasts are still majestic and majestic, and they will not fall when they die.

It takes a lot of effort and a lot of risk to clean them up.

The backlash of a dying beast is the most brutal.

Du Yu's face darkened, he put away the Shenmu Wangbo, turned and retreated.

The two monsters looked at each other in disbelief.

Seeing that they were about to be wiped out by humans, why did they give up one after another?
However, if you can save your life, everyone is naturally happy.

Their gazes were set on the only divine wood king tripod.

If there is a Shenmu King Bowl, and the two do not fight unfamiliar monsters, they may cherish each other, one for each, and the matter will be divided.

But now both beasts are seriously injured and urgently need to recover their strength.

In the wild blood field, there is no strength, only a dead end.

Swallowing this wood-type material that contains extreme toxins can recover the injury in the shortest time, and even use the power of the material to directly break through.

One strong and one weak, life and death divide.

The king poisonous lizard pulled the Shenmu king cauldron in front of him with one tail, and lowered its head to devour it.

The blue letter python pulled out its giant snake tail, and staggered the poisonous lizard.

The two monsters who met each other with a smile to wipe out their grievances, once again fought to the death.

And the wolf pupil team, under Du Yu's command, was on full alert and slowly walked into the distance.

Li Qinglu watched the two monsters fight to the death, and looked at Du Yu with admiration: "Grandfather, why are you so exhaustive?"

As Du Yu walked towards the forest, he watched carefully, and said casually, "It's not that I'm accurate, but I have grasped their psychology so that they have to fight and dare not not to fight. This is taking advantage of the situation to create momentum."

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(End of this chapter)

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