Chapter 322 Subdue the king poisonous lizard! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu's acute internal conflict gradually calmed down, although only temporarily.As Du Yu's internal strength continued to improve, it would become even sharper, but he finally won time.

Du Yu's internal force +4, strength +4!

This is a terrifying buff.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms increased the damage by a full 48 points!
He was very excited, and suddenly blasted out with a palm of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

The poisonous lizard was beaten to the brink of death, and finally rolled its eyes.

Fighting with real swords and guns against adventurers, it would rather die than surrender.

Li Mochou sighed helplessly.

It is not easy to recover pets in the space.This kind of powerful existence with a rank as high as CC rank is even more impossible to surrender to a slum adventurer.

Even if Du Yu killed it with real swords and guns, he would not surrender.

Du Yu and Li Mochou looked at each other and made up their minds.

Since it is impossible to regain it with the Shenmu King Bowl, we have to get rid of it.

Otherwise, when he fights against the knights, this guy will bite back, and there will be endless troubles.

But beside Du Yu, a beautiful blonde woman walked out.


She walked up to the dying and still stubborn King Monster Lizard, lightly brushed the Monster Lizard's eyelids, took a ginseng tonic from Yilin, no matter whether it was useful or not, she stuffed it into the Monster Lizard's mouth, and she still looked like a goddess Kind smile.

The King Monster initially looked alert and hostile, but soon relaxed, as if hypnotized by Elizabeth.

The African star on Elizabeth's body was constantly shining, obviously using the charm attached to it.

This skill is only effective for the opposite sex, but it seems that the king poisonous lizard is male?

In any case, Elizabeth's Level 8 Deception Diplomacy and 30 Charisma Points actually conquered the murderous King Monster, who couldn't help leaning on Elizabeth's body and sticking out his tongue.

Ning Zhong was nervously preparing to launch an attack, but was stopped by Du Yu.With the power of weather, he didn't feel the slightest murderous aura from the poisonous king lizard.

Sure enough, the murderous King Venomous Lizard, with its horrific tongue-twirling blade, is gentle like a house cat's tongue, licking obediently and docilely on Elizabeth's neck, not even a hair on the beautiful woman hurt.

Elizabeth took out the Shenmu king bowl again, and made a gesture of "coming soon to the bowl".

The King Monster lizard muttered for a while, tilted its head and thought for a while, sighed, and nodded.

Its 20-meter-long body instantly turned into a ball of green fluorescent light, and flew into the Shenmu King Bowl, which was only the size of a sea bowl.

Du Yu was pleasantly surprised to see that there was indeed a lizard the size of a gecko in the Shenmu king bowl with a broken leg. It was the majestic king poisonous lizard before.

It looks comfortable and lazy in the Shenmu king bowl, turning over its belly from time to time.

It can be seen that in the bowl of the Shenmu king, a trace of moist juice gradually rises from the bottom of the bowl, as if the first dew in the grass, crystal clear.

The King of Monster Lizards, like a junkie who sees the white face, sprints madly, lying on the bottom of the bowl, sucking the first trace of dew, and tilting his head up, as if intoxicated.

Du Yu saw that its broken limbs were rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and had already grown into granulation. He believed that it would soon be back to normal.

The poisonous king lizard had sucked enough of the first exposure of the wood elements in the sacred wood king bowl, and then lay motionless in the center, quietly absorbing and recuperating.

Li Mochou wondered: "This Shenmu King Bowl and Shenmu Wangding are indeed a set of top-grade poison artifacts. The function of the Shenmu Wangding is to refine poisons, and the Shenmu Wangbo is to nourish poisons, and both can attract poisons." .It's amazing."

Du Yu inquired that the poison in the Shenmu King's Bowl can be released to continue fighting, but there is only one life, and it will be lost permanently after death.And the poison that the Shenmu King Bowl can hold is limited, at most one A-level poison, or three B-level poisons, or nine C-level poisons.When there are too many, in order to compete for limited resources and space, poisonous substances will kill each other and devour them.

The Blazing Heart Knights saw that Du Yu took the mighty king poisonous lizard into it in a small wooden bowl.Although I don't know why, it must have greatly improved Du Yu's combat power, and he was so angry that his hands and feet felt cold.

They worked so hard to beat the poisonous king lizard and the blue letter python to the brink of death, but the benefits were taken away by this lurking enemy. How could there be such a good thing in the world?
"Captain, let's go to battle! Kill that kid and take the wooden bowl!" Greed and hatred flashed in Frank's eyes.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait until he catches up with Lanxin Bipyg and his vigilance is lowered, and then launch a surprise attack." The middle-aged head of the regiment looked resolute.

Xiao Longnv followed Lan Xin Bi Python and sent back a message soon.

Du Yu and others quickly caught up.

The blue letter python was seriously injured and couldn't escape far. He rolled over beside a stream, and the blood dyed the stream blue.

Du Yu was about to repeat the old trick and asked Elizabeth to come forward to recover the boa constrictor, but the boa constrictor slapped its tail frantically, determined to resist to the end.

Wang Yuyan said in a low voice: "The mutated monsters in the space are all very wild. They will not easily choose to tame them. Unless they can fight them with great strength and defeat them independently."

Du Yu had just broken through the fourth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, he was full of self-confidence, laughed, and strode forward to fight Lan Xinbi Python.

Lan Xinbi python struggled.

The so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and its strong self-esteem does not allow it to surrender to this weak human being.

The blue letter python spat out the blue snake letter, roared, and sprayed out a poisonous mist!

The Heart of Garuda on Du Yu's neck emitted a ray of light, protecting Du Yu.

Lan Xin Bi Python discovered in disbelief that the toxin was useless to this human being.

Du Yu punched the sky and covered the sky.

Lan Xinbi python's snake tail lashed at Du Yu's body and sent him flying.

This blow was extremely powerful and had a crushing effect.

Du Yu wiped the blood from his mouth, stood up, and charged at the giant python again.

With the improvement of strength and rich experience, Du Yu became more and more fond of head-to-head hand-to-hand combat.

This kind of fist-to-flesh feeling is direct, sturdy, and full of masculinity.

He punched again, hitting Lan Xinbi Python seven inches away, the severely injured python retreated two meters, and pounced on again.

The giant python's bloody mouth was biting at Du Yu like lightning!

Du Yu couldn't avoid it, so he used both hands to forcefully break the python's kiss.

Inside the giant python's mouth, a fishy wind blows to the face, the smell is unbearable, and it is highly poisonous.

The heart of Garuda on Du Yu's neck protects Du Yu from toxins.

Those ordinary creatures, the poison of the giant python that would die if they smell it, will only be absorbed quickly when they touch the heart of Garuda, like a sponge absorbing water, bit by bit, all of it will enter.

Du Yu's power is 23 and his internal strength is 49. Although he is still not as good as the masters in the inner city, he is already comparable to the adventurers in the outer city.

The sharp fangs of the python were held tightly by Du Yu, unable to penetrate into Du Yu's body.

This is a fierce confrontation.

Du Yu used his internal energy, and the steady stream of internal energy made up for his lack of strength attribute, and controlled Lan Xinbi Python within a certain range, but he was still unable to succeed.

Lan Xinbi python frantically shook his body, and his thick waist, which was embraced by several people, slowly wrapped around Du Yu's body, trying to strangle Du Yu to death!

This is its strongest move.

As long as it is tightly entangled by it, even the poisonous lizard will be strangled into a lump of meat.

His bones were shattered and he died a miserable death.

Du Yu persisted with his internal strength.

The knights watched from a distance, and there was a vicious gleam in everyone's eyes.

"My God, the old man has finally opened his eyes. Every bone in that bastard's body will be crushed and eaten by the blue letter python." Dotrov recovered a little bit of energy.

Frank spat, "That bastard, it's too easy to die. Let the poisonous python eat him in one bite, and finally devour his head. Coruscant is still in its stomach waiting for revenge."

The head of the Knight Order ordered: "Prepare for an assault! We must seize the opportunity of that kid being killed, defeat those women in one fell swoop, and catch them alive!"

Dotloff looked at Elizabeth's graceful figure and smiled evilly: "Of course, God's servants will definitely judge these witches who have gone astray carefully. I will check them carefully."

The knights acted quickly, with the crusaders in heavy armor in front and the dismounted knights in the rear. Unfortunately, the priest was completely killed by Du Yu, and Dotrov was left alone to cast spells. It was a bit sad no matter how you looked at it.

Du Yu was wrapped more and more tightly by the blue letter python, every bone in his body rattled unbearably, and his whole body was about to be crushed.

Du Yu's heart was as peaceful as Mount Tai.

His Nine Yin Manual and Yi Jin Jing are running at full speed, and his internal strength is long. Although he is fighting against a CC-level monster, he can also last for a long time.

Lan Xinbi python is seriously injured, how long can he last?

In addition to this reason, there was another idea in his mind.

Lure out the church knights lurking in the dark and surround them!
Since you are tearing your face, let's kill it!
If one more person from the Church Knights dies, there will be less trouble in the adventure world.

He waited quietly in the dark, waiting for the enemy to attack.

Seeing that Du Yu was gradually unable to support herself, Li Qinglu, Wang Yuyan, A Zhu and other beauties looked anxious.

"Hurry up and help him." Wang Yuyan shouted in the heart of the castle.

Ning Zhong smiled slightly and said, "Little beauty, your time with him is short after all."

Li Mochou curled her lips: "This person's wretchedness is beyond imagination."

They watched Du Yu being surrounded and devoured by the giant python bit by bit, but they just smiled and didn't intend to save him at all.

Suddenly, I heard the trampling sound of iron hooves coming from the forest!
A holy light shines from the forest in the distance, and immediately, the Knights of Blazing Heart shining with golden light come out again!
"These guys really don't give up." Du Yu murmured as he was gradually entangled to death by the giant python.

At this time, only his head was left outside, and his body was completely wrapped.

From the point of view of the paladins, Du Yu had already been defeated and his fall was imminent.

The paladins attacked frantically, and their targets were Du Yu and his women.

"For the glory of God!" The head of the Knights shouted, holding the cross sword high.

The dismounted knights and knight attendants also charged on horseback, and Frank shouted: "Kill these oriental bastards!"

With a fiery heart, I want to smash this young man from the east and take revenge!

The giant python is about to devour this ignorant little thief, and they will kill both the giant python and the little thief, and then take away these beautiful women.

 Four consecutive explosions today!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Please subscribe and reward!
(End of this chapter)

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