Chapter 327 The Secret in the Crater! - Ask for a monthly pass!

The 6th floor costs 1200 villain points.

The 7th floor costs 1400 villain points.

In the branch option, Du Yu chose to increase the skill priority by 2 points.Facing the attack of the masters in the inner city, he had to do it.

The 8th floor, 1600 villain points.

9th floor, 1800

On the 10th floor, it doubled to 4000!

But Du Yu paid for it with all his heart!
He is like a local tyrant waving a lot of renminbi, wishing to buy everything in an instant.

11000 villain points!
Du Yu squandered all the gains from the previous world in one go, and raised Lingbo Weibu to the top level!
This is the first skill that Du Yu has practiced to the top level!
The attributes are: Level 10 Lingbo Weibu, B+ level skills, increase agility by 14 points, increase movement speed by 30 points.When moving, there is a layer of natural qi around the body that can attack the enemy, causing 2 points of internal qi damage to enemies within 30 meters (if it is not interrupted, it can cause repeated damage every time it passes by the enemy); 10 figures confuse the enemy's long-range attack, and the transformed figure disappears after being hit.When the enemy attacks the user of Lingboweibu, if the priority of the skill is lower than that of Lingboweibu, the attack must be dodged.This skill has a priority of 46 points and consumes 2 points of internal energy per second.

Level 10, although the price is doubled, the branch options that appear are definitely worth the money.

Your 10 phantom clones gain materialization.Enemies cannot deal damage to you until all clones are destroyed.

Du Yu's first hole card was slowly revealed.

That is his villain value, which can instantly increase the skill level!
He wants to skip the disadvantages of Eastern adventurers in the early stage in an instant, and reach the advantages in the middle and late stages!
In order to achieve this goal, Du Yu readily added the remaining 22 free attribute points to the agility attribute.

His agility instantly increased to 66 points!
The naked speed alone has reached 132 points.

In addition, Lingbo's micro-step skill increased the speed by 30 points, and the coach's leggings and Gale Boots increased the speed. Du Yu's speed suddenly increased to more than 180 points.

Still not satisfied, he spent more killing points and activated [Bloodthirsty]!
Use the killing value to increase the weather man's attack power, defense and speed by 10%, and each point of killing value is valid for 50 seconds.

For a moment, Du Yu's speed exceeded 200!

What is this concept?
As mentioned earlier, the running speed of a normal person is 10 points.

Converted down, that is 10 kilometers per hour.

Du Yu's speed of 200 hours means that his speed is 200 kilometers per hour!

Like a sports car!
I saw Du Yu hugging Catherine and rushing all the way!

The archbishops were caught off guard by Du Yu, whose speed increased sharply, and suddenly rushed out of the encirclement!

The wind of freedom whistled in Du Yu's ears.

The dense trees are retreating rapidly with the wind.

Terrified by the monsters, they ran away in fright.

In Du Yu's heart, there is only pride!

Lao Tzu runs much faster than the flying man!

"Damn it, is he really a slum adventurer? Looking at his attributes and skills just now, he doesn't have such a fast speed?" Romney was furious, stomping and cursing.

"Just now, in order to give Catherine a glimmer of hope and let her use black magic, we specially ordered the paladins to follow. As a result, this kid ran away. But it doesn't matter, I have planted the holy seed on Catherine, and she will get rid of it wherever she goes. without us."

Hilde's expression softened slightly, and he said slowly.

"It's better for you to be careful. But we should also use teleportation to let this kid know how powerful it is." The last archbishop cast teleportation.

"I'm here to inform the paladins so that they can intercept the enemies of God." Hilde informed the nearby knights through voice transmission using the Holy Word.

From the forest, three paladins galloped out.

If Roderick, the leader of the Knights, is covered with a faint holy light, the holy light on these inner city master paladins is like a substance, covering their knight armor.

The steeds under their crotches, the steeds and the horses, were so fast that they were not much slower than Du Yu.

Du Yu's speed at this time surpassed that of Yuan Tong, and he galloped crazily without even getting out of the horse.

His goal is the abyss of the poisonous lizard!

Fortunately, Catherine escaped all the way, and the target was the Abyss of the Monster Lizard where Du Yu was located. The two of them were already very close to the Abyss of the Monster Lizard.

But the chasing force of the church also frantically chased after him.

In the air, the figure teleported by the archbishop flashed from time to time, and holy spells continued to hit Du Yu and the others.

Catherine was embraced by Du Yu, her beautiful eyes flickered,

Who would have thought that an adventurer in the slums could surpass the masters in the inner city in terms of speed?
No one can imagine.

For ordinary adventurers, the first choice for strengthening is physical strength, followed by strength, and then agility.

Catherine had killed the three assassins of the Shadow Thief, and only now did she understand that Du Yu was hunted down by the assassins and did not use his hole cards.

Once this speed card is used, he is no slower than a professional assassin.

But even with the speed of a professional assassin, the two still couldn't outrun the teleportation and holy spells of the three archbishops.

Every time the space warps, an archbishop will walk out and cast spells such as holy spear, holy word, and holy fist.

Thanks to Lingbo Weibu who rose to the top.

This oriental lightness kung fu, which was born out of Wanli Lonely Walk and Nine Turns Demon Shadow, under the display of Du Yu, fully demonstrates oriental martial arts and mocks western magic!
It can even be called playing.

After Du predicts, he pulls out 10 phantoms, full of phantoms. Not only are they full of power when they run, but what's more terrible is that every time the Holy Spear and Holy Words are used, they will hit one of the phantoms.

At most, the phantom would stagger a bit and suffer several high-level spell damage before it would be shattered, and there were 10 such phantoms behind Du Yu!
The three archbishops were completely outraged.

They have never encountered such a difficult enemy.

Even the dark saint Catherine in the information, under the holy spells of the three of them, has no power to fight back.

But the boy from the slums in this intelligence used magical oriental martial arts to play with the three of them to his heart's content.

If you can't take him down, what face will you have to go back to the inner city?

"Holy spring!" Hilde pointed upwards, spurting streams of holy spring from the ground, hitting Du Yu's phantom group.

A seriously wounded phantom was shattered immediately, but the rest of Du Yu walked around the overlapping holy fountains with brisk and mysterious steps and rushed over.

"Fire Fist!"

Romney yelled.

A giant fist formed by flames descended from the sky and hit a phantom clone of Du Yu, smashing the clone into pieces.

But Du Yu was still running.

The paladins rode tall horses and fired at lightning speed.

"Adults, please hand over this kid to us!" The paladins launched an assault.

Their lances, put down outside the sacred air, can reach tens of meters in length.

A phantom, picked up by the lance, quickly disappeared into the air.

But more attacks were avoided by Lingbo Weibu's mysterious footwork.

Du Yu didn't dodge the attack on purpose, but ran away all the way at the pace of the eight trigrams and yin and yang according to the records in the cheats of the Xiaoyao School.

"This kid, why is he so powerful?" Romney said angrily.

"We can't let him escape!" shouted the leading Archbishop Gore.

"He can't escape, death is only a matter of time!" Hilde said confidently.

Under the teleportation of the archbishop and the assault of the paladins, although Du Yu had 10 layers of Lingbo microstep protection, after running for 15 minutes, only his real body remained, holding Catherine.

Catherine sighed: "If you can survive, the future will be very scary. I don't want you to save me. Let me go and run for your own life. I will hold them back."

Du Yu chuckled: "Escape? How can you take advantage of these bastards from the Holy See?"

Catherine said helplessly: "Don't you still want to beat them?"

Du Yu nodded: "Of course! How can people who offend me end well?"

Catherine's chest heaved with anger from Du Yu who repeatedly blew her breath, she snorted, turned her head away, and stopped talking to Du Yu.

Du Yu laughed loudly, but was suddenly stabbed in the back by a lance.

His health dropped rapidly, but he was still sprinting tenaciously on the road like a little strong.

The paladin roared angrily, failing to kill this kid with one shot was an insult to him.

But the lake in the Abyss of the Monster Lizard has already been experienced vividly.

Du Yu hugged Catherine and jumped off the lake desperately.

Remember his swimming prowess?
In the water, due to his water-based proficiency, water-dependent existence, and agility attribute, his swimming speed is not slow at all!
The archbishop and the paladins, who had chased to the shore, looked at each other.

"Why did he come here?" a paladin asked in confusion.

"Will there be an ambush here?"

"A powerful monster?"

"Get a map?!" Archbishop Gore shouted.

"Looking at the map, the military map we surveyed does not show monsters above CC level. On Komodo Island, the most poisonous lizards are C level."

"It doesn't pose any threat to us. With our six strengths, we can enter the lair of a B-rank monster!"

"Being able to kill Rothrick's blazing heart means that they have accomplices?"

"No matter how many people there are! Kill!"

Goyle didn't hesitate.

Du Yu, who swam to the other side, picked up the wet Catherine and continued to run away.

Catherine's leg injury has always been troubled by the Holy Lance, corroded repeatedly, and the recovery is extremely slow.

Catherine sighed: "There is no powerful existence on this island. With our strength, we are not enough to escape their pursuit."

Du Yu laughed and said, "No one knows the outcome until the end of the matter!"

He hugged Catherine and rushed all the way to the crater at the core of the island!
After a mere few seconds, the three archbishops flashed to the shore.

"The breath of the Holy Seed is there!"


Paladins arrived one after another, chasing and killing them on horseback.

Six powerful adventurers from the inner city hunted and killed Catherine frantically.

Hunting and killing this dark saint was an order personally issued by Empress Tracy and Pope Paul.

Although there is no conclusive evidence, this suspicious dark woman must not become the queen of Shinra!

The surreptitious removal of her would have provoked Joseph's rage, but the Regent, Empress Tracy, assured control of the situation.

The pope made a bold move.

Six inner-city masters are enough to guarantee that this dark saint can't escape this catastrophe.

Du Yu hugged Catherine and sprinted all the way.

Many monster lizards were cleared during hunting, and there were not many roadblocks at this time.

Du Yu rushed to the crater smoothly.

Every time he approached the volcano, he felt a strong sense of crisis with his keen dragon and wolf aura.
What Rudolf III and Lan Xinbi Python said was right.

There is indeed a powerful existence lurking in this crater.

It's just that its aura is hidden in the extremely deep volcano, and it is constantly covered by the crisis of volcanic eruption. If Du Yu hadn't known the terror inside, he would never have found this slight threat signal.

The more powerful an existence is, the harder it is to be discovered.

Catherine saw Du Yu holding her and walking to the crater, and smiled wryly, "You don't plan to jump off the lava with me in your arms, do you? It's better than burning at the stake."

Du Yu glanced at her.

Catherine suddenly felt that the youth in the slums in front of her was so interesting.

She has known Du Yu for so long, and it seems that she has never seen him lose his temper.

"Could it be that he really has a way to let me escape?"

Catherine's heart beat violently twice.

But she quickly came to her senses calmly: "Impossible, no matter what kind of variables, they can't break the church's absolute advantage. There are no monsters above B level here."

Du Yu raised the tail of a monster lizard high and threw it down towards the crater.

Catherine was relieved to see that he didn't seem to be committing suicide, but she was even more curious.

What kind of medicine does this man sell in the gourd?

One by one, Du Yu threw down the tails of the poisonous lizards that he hadn't taken away.

Later, he simply lifted the rocks and dropped them one by one.

The entire crater is half a meter wide, and the boiling magma is only a few meters away from the crater. It is dangerous and dangerous, and Catherine's heart palpitations.

The entire crater echoed with the rolling sound of Du Yu throwing boulders down, as well as the rumbling sound before the eruption.

"What are you doing, kid?" Romney asked strangely.

"Isn't it hopeless to jump into the crater?" Hilde said.

"No! Stop them! His Holiness the Pope personally ordered that people should be seen in life, and corpses should be seen in death. We will make it difficult for the Holy See if we jump off." Gore yelled sharply.

Three paladins rode their horses up into the air and quickly approached Du Yu.

No matter what methods Du Yu tried, he couldn't force the thing out,

Picking up Catherine, she really jumped off the crater full of smoke!
Catherine screamed and screamed, echoing in the [-]-meter-wide, unfathomable crater: "I hate you!"

Seeing Du Yu holding Catherine, the three paladins jumped off and looked at each other.

As strong as they would not dare to jump into the crater filled with sulfurous and other highly toxic gases.

Catherine was screaming, gradually being suffocated by the thick sulfur gas, her eyes could not be opened, and her breathing was gradually becoming difficult.

She is a dark saint, but neither werewolves nor vampires like high temperatures.In the Dark Parliament, there are very few devils who like high temperatures.

However, Catherine, as a master in the inner city and a princess, has a lot of fire resistance items on her body, so she will not be poisoned or burned to death.

What shocked her was that Du Yu's whereabouts were even more calm all the way, as if the burning heat and poisonous gas had no effect on him at all.

 Thank you Dianniang for not cheating me, Sui Yunyun, book friends 131119133742617, Undulating waves, I'm still waiting for book friends to reward enthusiastically!Today is still three to twelve thousand!Please subscribe!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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