Chapter 331 Moonlight Goddess Serena! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
He is the biggest hypocrite in the world.

As far as other people were concerned, Victor could barely count. He used lies to deceive Serena's trust, saying that the werewolf killed her whole family, but he actually did it himself.But most of the time, Victor can be regarded as an evil leader, but he is not as hypocritical as Calvin.

Du Yu saw a strong black man in a black windbreaker, leading a young man, following Michael who had just finished the operation and was on his way home.

Michael is a handsome young man with a tired look, unaware of the great danger that is following him.

The werewolves didn't notice either, and there were death walkers following them!
When Serena appeared in Du Yu's eyes, Du Yu couldn't help but be impressed by the beautiful vampire known as "Moon Goddess"!
The graceful body is tightly wrapped in a tight black leather jacket, which vividly outlines the curves of the beautiful vampire, making it tempting to imagine.

But what attracted Du Yu the most was the beautiful ice blue eyes under the short hair!

The beautiful eyes staring at the werewolves revealed infinite hatred and killing intent.

At this time, she still believed in Victor's words, and believed that her parents and family members were killed by werewolves.

Therefore, she joined the death walker team and continued to hunt werewolves.

Serena looked at the two werewolves on the platform with cold and beautiful eyes, constantly following Michael.

Du Yu immediately had to decide which side to help?
Is it to help Serena and kill the werewolf?

Or help the werewolf and capture Michael?

His brain was spinning at high speed.

Everything has to revolve around villain missions!

For the first time in the villain mission, he is placed on the side of the protagonists Michael and Serena, and the scope of protection even includes the vampire elder Victor and the werewolf leader Lucian who are sworn enemies!

What does it say?
He knew that the adventurers from the Church of Light would follow him and come to this world!

Explain the spatial judgment, even if the vampires, werewolves, and the protagonists (Michael and Serena) are combined, they are not opponents of the entering Illuminati Church forces!
The only solution is to put Du Yu, a player who is definitely classified as a villain, in the camp that should be the enemy, so as to achieve balance!
So it can be seen that the power of church adventurers.

Du Yu had a clear mind and immediately figured out the joints.

Only after you have figured this out can you figure out who is the enemy and who is the ally, and then you can decide who to help and whom to attack.

It is rewards and punishments that are more in-depth in judging the comparison of the strengths of the two sides!

In fact, every piece of information given to adventurers by the infinite space is useful.Experienced and observant adventurers can deduce many problems from every detail.

Take a look at the failure penalties for the three major missions:
The first one: the werewolf leader Lucian, the vampire elder Victor and the human doctor Michael Corvin.If any one of them dies, 20 attribute points will be deducted (optional), and if all three die, they will be wiped out.

The second one: Serena, the death walker, must be subdued (the implied condition is not to die).Failure penalty: 20 attribute points will be deducted.

The third one: Kill all the adventurers of the Church of Light who entered this world.Failure penalty: None!
This time, the villain mission [-] and villain mission [-] are not like before, and the failure is stipulated to be obliterated!Instead, only attribute points are deducted, and the last one doesn't even have a failure penalty!
This is a very important signal!
It shows that even if the strength of the protagonists of werewolves, vampires, and Serena are included in the calculation, and the strength of Du Yu is also calculated, the space is not optimistic about the combination of these people, and the punishment conditions given are relatively loose!

According to past experience, an unwritten rule is that if the task is simple, the reward will be less and the punishment will be heavy. It is like a strict teacher who will hit the board hard for students who do not do well.

However, for tasks with high difficulty and extremely challenging tasks, the space will be much more generous, with rich rewards and light punishments. The most extreme example is that there is no failure penalty at all.This time Du Yu was asked to protect four people (Lucien, Victor, and Michael in the first article, and the heroine implied in the second article of regaining Serena cannot die), and only attribute points will be deducted for failure, just like a teacher asking the first grade Children will not be severely punished if they do a linear equation in two variables. If they do it wrong, they will be rewarded heavily.

Space, not optimistic about Du Yu's combination!
Du Yu figured out this joint and immediately did one thing!

He directly hammered the fire alarm system next to him.

Suddenly, a sharp siren sounded deafeningly through the subway station.

People screamed and fled in all directions.

The werewolf Ryze and his companions who were tracking Michael were suddenly attacked by the fleeing crowd and retreated involuntarily, getting farther and farther away from Michael.

They tried to drive away the frantic crowd, but found that people were panicking, losing their sense and grace, running around without thinking.

If you want to forcibly achieve a reverse impact, it is not impossible, there is only one option-transform into a werewolf.

After transforming, the strength and agility of the werewolves increased greatly, and they could jump the wall and rush to catch Michael.

But at this time, Ruiz dared to transform into a werewolf in broad daylight and in full view of everyone?

Even though Du Yu was not Ruiz, he dared to gamble, but Ruiz didn't dare!

Because werewolves have been hunted and killed by vampires for centuries, their living space has been greatly reduced, and they are forced to hide in the darkest corners.

The vampires thought that the werewolves were almost wiped out, so they were so extravagant and lustful.

The werewolf can survive, thanks to the agreement between Lucien and Cavin.

If Ruiz reveals his identity at this time and turns into a wolf openly, not to mention whether Michael can be caught, at least the vampires will notice the existence of the werewolf-Karvin is only a temporary management position, not covering the sky with one hand.

The result can only be that Calvin was forced to send out more death walkers to hunt and kill werewolves on a large scale.Lucian's plan is also in danger of being completely revealed.

Ryze dare not take this risk!
Therefore, he and his companions could only watch helplessly as the crowd pushed them further and further away.

Du Yu took this action for two reasons.

First, every power of the vampire and werewolf at this time is precious, and he doesn't want both sides to lose in the fierce battle.

Second, he doesn't want the hero and heroine Michael and Serena to meet like a plot.That beautiful encounter means that Mr. Du Yu, who has ulterior motives towards the Moon Goddess, is more likely to fail to accept Miss Vampire and stand aside.

To pry the corner of the protagonist, the first thing is to get in touch with the heroine first.

Du Yu smiled and walked towards Serena.

Who knew, Serena's face was cold, she grabbed Du Yu's collar, and asked word by word: "Who told you to sound the fire alarm?"

Du Yu whistled: "I decided on my own."

Serena resisted the thought of twisting the neck of the hateful man in front of her, and said viciously, "Why did you do this?"

Du Yu laughed and said, "It's the first time we meet, I hope to leave a deep impression on the goddess in my heart."

Before he finished speaking, Serena laughed lightly.

"Sir, I have to say that you really left a deep impression on me. Even after another 100 years, I should still remember you. If you haven't been torn apart by Calvin and others."

She pushed Du Yu to the death walker next to her, and shouted sharply, "Take him back to the big house."

A young man said: "What about you?"

Serena's beautiful eyes floated aside and stood in the crowd. Michael, who was at a loss, raised the corner of his mouth: "The werewolves are not interested in him at all. I want to discover this secret."

She walked slowly towards Michael.

In the confusion just now, a woman had been trampled and Michael was eagerly bandaging her.

Du Yu did not stop Serena's behavior.

He has to protect as many as four plot characters, but so far, he has only one.

So the best way is to bring them together.

Serena walks up to Michael.

But Michael seemed to have an innate sense of danger, so he turned and disappeared on the spot.

In his blood, after all, there is the purest blood—the blood of the same ancestor as vampires and werewolves.

Serena frowned, turning left and right to search.

But nowhere.

It seemed that Michael was able to survive for such a long time under the attention of werewolves, not without his uniqueness.

Serena raised her eyebrows and looked at Du Yu: "It's all because you missed me!"

Du Yu shrugged: "Beauty, maybe I saved your life."

Serena's beautiful ice-blue pupils wrinkled, and she grabbed Du Yu's collar: "What do you really know?"

Du Yu regained his lazy look.

The goddess of the moon Serena was so angry that Du Yu was speechless, her towering breasts rose and fell rapidly: "Take our friend to the big house. I will teach him a lesson myself."

Du Yu was pushed into a retro car by two death walkers, and drove quickly into the distance.

Du Yu was not blindfolded, perhaps because Serena felt that after the lunatic who ruined her good things entered the big house, she would never have a chance to come out again.

The sky was gray, just like the sky in the space, and lightning kept cutting through the sky, illuminating the front.

The haze in the sky did not affect Du Yu's mood at all.

The adventurers from the Church of Light who entered this time may be very powerful.

But the iron law of space seems to be well observed.

The plots of the same difficulty can only be entered by adventurers of the same strength!
The strongest adventurer who came here was only on the difficulty of the slums.

A team of the level of Blazing Heart!
Even if a whole knight group entered, it would not be enough to move Du Yu.

In the space, he was beaten very depressed by the church and the shadow thieves, and ran all over the place, but that was a bloody city without a novice protection mechanism!
In a story world of equal strength, he is the king!
Du Yu has the absolute confidence to control the overall situation.

The retro car sped out of the city at high speed in the rain.

The vampire's lair is in a remote suburb.

In the haze of misty rain, a grand gothic villa appeared in front of Du Yu's eyes.

With towering towers, magnificent halls, magnificent decorations, and aristocratic design, the entire villa exudes a luxurious and decadent atmosphere just like in the original book.

 Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Please complete the subscription!The plot is unfolding, hehe, it is guaranteed to be exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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