Chapter 334 Tackling Calvin Viciously! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Amelia, of course, also noticed this human youth.

She turned around and saw that all the vampires following her had been killed in the battle just now.

There is no doubt that this is an assassination carefully planned by werewolves.

The target is the leader of the vampire clan for 100 years—Elder Amelia.

She stood up indifferently and walked towards Du Yu and Serena.

"Why are you here?" Her pure blue eyes revealed an undeniable questioning look.

Serena looked at Du Yu: "Elder Elder, this person warned me that your special train would be attacked."

Amelia's blue icy eyes looked at Du Yu again, and the threat in her eyes became even colder.

"Human! I need an explanation!"

Du Yu stretched lazily, "invited" a dead vampire off the comfortable leather sofa seat, sat on it, and said, "Explain? What explanation?"

Elder Amelia said coldly: "Don't take it in front of me! Think you saved my life, it's fine"

Du Yu rudely interrupted the vampire elder, and said with a sneer, "Joke! You also know that I saved your life just now? I thought I spent money to fuck a whore!"

Amelia's face turned purple, her sharp claws protruded from her tight black lace top, and she said sinisterly, "Mortal! You are courting death!"

Du Yu suddenly disappeared in place.

His speed has already exceeded the limit of the difficulty of the slums!

66 points!
Even the vampire elders failed to capture the trajectory of Du Yu's movement!
This is Du Yu's brilliant achievement by sparing no effort to improve every potential and use every opportunity under the oppression of the imperial court, the Holy See and powerful forces!
He was forced to develop such a powerful strength!

Maybe he is still a small thief compared to Shadow Thief Killer, Six Doors Detective, Archbishop and Shinra Guard Cavalry.


Once he returned to the world of adventure in the slums, he was like a talented boy who jumped into a class in college, and he immediately recovered his true nature as a genius!
Amelia, pinched by Du Yu's neck, was lifted high in the air!

Serena stared blankly.

In her eyes, Amelia, the vampire elder, is like a god of death.When returning to the big house occasionally, she can take whatever she wants from ordinary vampires, and can deprive them of their lives at will.Everyone was terrified of her.

But now, this awe-inspiring and inviolable vampire elder was grabbed by the man in front of him without any resistance.

Who knew that Du Yu's attack had been planned for a long time.

Under Wang Yuyan's guidance, Du Yu had already begun to study Amelia's action patterns, and found that she would subconsciously raise her left hand when dodging.

It was this small detail that caused the vampire elder to be shamefully grabbed by the neck by a human man.

The shock in Amelia's eyes was deeper than Serena's.

She knew she was right, that's why she was so strong in front of Du Yu and Serena.

Who would have thought that this man was not at all intimidated by her title of Great Vampire Elder, and he chose tough methods when he came up.

Du Yu said coldly: "There is a saying in my hometown that a phoenix with its feathers plucked is not as good as a chicken! The vampire elder? Ridiculous! You brought a train of vampires, but you were killed by a werewolf and you are the only one left. You still have face in front of us." Make a big show?"

Amelia said angrily, "You bastard!"

Du Yu said leisurely: "As a famous vampire elder, your life lasts for a thousand years. Even if you are attacked by a werewolf who has mastered ultraviolet bullets, it should not be so bad. It is probably the year of the new term. You should fall into a deep sleep. Is it because of the drop in strength?"

Amelia's face suddenly changed.

Serena was shocked.

This is the core secret of the vampire family, how can a man know such details?

Du Yu threw Amelia on the sofa.

Amelia jumped up instantly and disappeared into the air.

She slapped viciously, intending to kill this ignorant man on the spot.

Otherwise, where is the face of her vampire grand elder?

Serena was worried for a while.

She couldn't tell how she felt about this man who was both good and evil.

But seeing what this man said was right, Serena felt a ripple in her heart.

maybe he

The werewolf has the ability to kill so many vampires and defeat the vampire elder, posing a serious threat to the survival of the vampires.

He is our savior?
"Elder, please be merciful!" she cried.

Who knows, the world is unpredictable.

She tried to plead with Amelia, but she was slapped on the face, and her cheeks were red and swollen, but it was not Du Yu!

It was Amelia the perpetrator!
She slapped him inexplicably, not only did not slap the man, but she slapped her own face by mistake!

The vampire female elder was stunned.

Serena, the death walker, was stunned.

Just now, in the blink of an eye, Du Yu's slap was so clever that he turned Amelia's slap back and slapped her on the cheek!
This is slapping yourself in the face!
Although Amelia was even more angry, she knew that the man in front of her was unusual, so she didn't dare to act rashly, and shouted, "Who the hell are you? Why do you know the secret of my vampire?"

Du Yu sat on the sofa again, and said leisurely, "Beautiful vampire elder, shouldn't you think more deeply about what happened tonight than my identity?"

Amelia stared at Du Yu with cold and beautiful eyes, "What do you want to say?"

"For example" Du Yu picked up a glass of red liquid, smelled it, it was blood, and splashed it on the ground unluckily: "You survived a catastrophe, don't you want to think about why there is an ambush tonight?"

A murderous look flashed in Amelia's eyes: "I was betrayed!"

"That's right!" Du Yu clapped his hands, "Then who betrayed you?"

"The first possible one is you!" Amelia shouted.

Du Yu shook his head: "Since I want to kill you as a werewolf, why come to save you again? You know very well in your heart that with your current strength, even if I openly try to kill you, you won't be able to defend yourself."

Amelia bit her lip.

She naturally knows that Du Yu's strength is unfathomable. From the ghost prison Yinfeng Roar that rushed into the wolves just now, to the capture hand that captured her, and then to the strange rebound and slap in the face, she didn't even know how Du Yu did it. of.

This man's martial arts are completely different from all the martial arts she has known for thousands of years.

Bullets, knives and guns, he didn't use them all.

Although this man was loud, his words were not empty talk.

Amelia had to reconsider.

"To judge a suspect in a case, we must start from one standard." Du Yu said leisurely, "Who will benefit the most after the death of the victim?"

"You are the elder who rules the vampires. After you die, who will benefit the most?" Du Yu sneered.

There was a flash of light in Amelia's eyes.

She has lived for thousands of years and experienced countless power struggles.

After a short thought, she had confided a name.


Serena narrowed her eyes in surprise.

But after careful calculation, it is true.

Although Calvin holds great power, he is currently only a temporary leader, equivalent to a steward, and the ruling power belongs to the three elders.As long as the three elders die, he can justify his name and sit on the throne of the first ruler of the vampire family.

"But even if Elder Amelia is dead, there are still Victor and Marcus." Serena shook her head and said, "They are extremely powerful."

Du Yu laughed and said: "Don't forget, the awakening of the vampire elder requires a special awakening ceremony, otherwise serious and irreversible damage will be caused! If Elder Amelia dies tragically on the return train, no one will hold the awakening ceremony. Of course it will be postponed indefinitely by Calvin!"

"No one wakes up. Of course, Marcus, who should be in power next, cannot wake up smoothly and will stay asleep forever. Calvin can continue to control the power of the vampire family!" Du Yu hit the nail on the head.

Amelia clenched her fists: "Karvin! Victor's confidant!"

"Victor may not know about his adultery." Serena, a loyal supporter of Victor, said firmly, "I'm sure of that."

"No matter what," Amelia sneered, "I'll find Calvin and settle the score."

"The point is." Du Yu looked at Amelia with pity: "You are so weak now, no wonder Calvin dared to betray you, let the werewolves launch a surprise attack, and returned to the big house, are you sure you can deal with Calvin? Among the vampires after three generations, they have great authority."

"No one dares to resist the three elders!" Amelia was furious: "I don't believe he can turn the world upside down!"

In the rainy night, the train roared towards the terminal.

The train stopped, and Amelia jumped out, grimly, and walked towards the big house.

Serena followed closely.

Du Yu walked leisurely behind.

The reason why he took such a step-by-step approach was precisely to control the vampire clan in his hands!

One of the first elements to get rid of is Calvin.

This idiot vampire leader is not only arrogant, but also colludes with the werewolf leader Lucian, becoming a major obstacle and an unavoidable stumbling block to Du Yu's future plans to integrate plot forces.

What's more terrible is that he is a possible candidate for a hypocrite.

The reason why Du Yu was deliberately captured by Serena and sent to the big house was to confirm with his own eyes whether this Calvin was one of the materials he wanted to find?
The results are exciting.

Calvin is the hypocrite.

With his eloquence, he tricked Victor.

He eats inside and outside, colluding with werewolves.

He talked with honey and sword, and murdered the vampire elder.

If he is not a hypocrite, who is?

This time Du Yu rescued Amalia, but a weak vampire elder was not enough to pose a threat to Du Yu, and Amelia would definitely eradicate Calvin!

Although Du Yu was not afraid of Calvin, there were hundreds of vampires in the vampire castle. If he wanted to kill Calvin himself, he would have to fight against the vampire army.

It is not a wise idea to kill vampires at a time when the Church of Light does not know where to kill them.

It is better to use the power of the vampire itself to eradicate this Kawen.

Amelia kicked open the gate of the castle with a livid face!
The drunken vampires in the hall were startled and stood up one after another.

But what they saw was the murderous Amelia.

Amelia walked straight into the castle, and her angry roar resounded throughout the castle.

"Where's Calvin? Come and meet me! Now!"

Calvin was in a bad mood.

He knew he was going to be in trouble ever since he got the call from Lucian, who was rushing to the support train.

With a livid face, he scolded Lucien on the phone.

Even if Lucian threatens to tear up the agreement again, it will not help.

He felt that from the moment the human man entered the big house, nothing went well.

First, Serena, whom he regarded as forbidden, ran away with this kid.

Immediately after receiving a call, the kid and Serena rushed into Amelia's special train, rescued Amelia, who was in a severely weak stage, from the elite werewolf troops, and beat the werewolf away.

"These useless trash!" He smashed the phone angrily.

Immediately, Amelia's angry roar was heard.

What should come will always come.

He took his confidants, armed with weapons, and walked towards the hall fully armed.

If not, then

Forced political change!

seize power.

Neither Victor nor Marcus was awake, just a severely debilitated Amelia, and Serena and the man.

Although forcibly killing the elders will cause dissatisfaction among the vampires.

But at the critical moment of life and death, Calvin couldn't care less.

He walked slowly in front of Amelia and knelt down respectfully.

"Welcome Elder!"

The expression on his face at this time was so respectful and submissive that even Amelia couldn't pick out the slightest flaw.

Unmoved, Amelia walked to Cavin coldly.

"Welcome?" She sneered, "Do you sincerely welcome me back? Or"

"Of course it's sincere." Calvin was submissive, almost touching the ground with his head.

"Very good!" Amelia smiled and walked to Calvin's side: "We will hold the awakening ceremony right away!"

How sharp is her eyesight?

I have already seen Kawen's best friend, with a bulging waist, obviously hiding weapons and plotting evil.

If Calvin is declared a traitor at this time, there will certainly be many loyal vampires in the big house to help him, but Calvin jumps over the wall in a hurry and backlashes, which is also a headache.

Now that his vitality has been exhausted and his strength has been greatly weakened, then wake up Marcus who has just been asleep for 100 years, and work together to eradicate this wolf Calvin easily!

Two vampire elders are enough to crush any conspiracy.

Even if the entire big house rebelled, Marcus and his own strength were enough to suppress it.

For Marcus, Amelia is very relieved.

He and Victor have always been at loggerheads, and Cavin was paid by Victor, and Marcus will never look down on Cavin.More importantly, Calvin's betrayal damaged the overall interests of the vampire family!It is absolutely impossible for any vampire elder to sit idly by!

If you can betray yourself today, you can betray the sleeping Marcus and Victor tomorrow, who can bear it?

The vampire elder will never have a good temper.

As soon as Amelia said this, Cavin was sweating profusely.

He naturally knew that among the three elders, Marcus thought he was the least pleasing to the eye. If this person came back to life, even if he was fine, he would find an excuse to kill him.

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(End of this chapter)

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