Chapter 336 Strong strength, capture the thief and capture the king! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Amidst the fierce firing and screams of the vampires, Du Yu walked towards Calvin step by step.

Of course, no matter how mysterious the footsteps are, they can't stop the rain of bullets.A bullet still hit Du Yu's body.

But so what?
For the sake of the rebellion, Cavin worked hard and got a large number of ultraviolet bullets from Lucian.This kind of bullet has been specially modified, and the bullet is equipped with a transparent ultraviolet bullet. Once it enters the vampire's body, it will quickly melt into the blood, flow throughout the body, and cause organ failure and death.

But to Du Yu, a normal human being, the bullets that made Amelia terrified and helpless were nothing more than red potion bullets and BB bullets. With his 17 points of physical strength far beyond ordinary people, it was basically ignore.

Under normal circumstances, vampires can choose to change bullets, but it takes time to change magazines.

Du Yu's speed is so fast, where do they have time to change bullets?

As a result, the same kind of people were killed and injured, but Du Yu only had an extra body of purple ink.

Finally, Calvin couldn't bear the huge casualties, and shouted: "Cease fire! You idiots! Who are you helping?"

"Hey! If you are over-exposed to ultraviolet rays, you may get skin cancer?" Du Yu muttered, and rushed to Kawen's side in a blink of an eye!
His Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, wrapped in an extremely fierce wind, blasted towards Calvin.

"You have to be responsible for my skin!"

With his palm, Cavin howled miserably, and flew back up.

At this time, Du Yu's internal strength + strength reached as high as 72 points, and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms had even reached the sixth level.

The power of one blow is as high as more than 400 points!

Carvin is only the first difficulty boss.

It's hard for him to meet a pervert like Du Yu who often collides with strong teams from the outer city!

Fortunately, Kawen is worthy of being a strong man in the agility department. Although Du Yu hit this palm very quickly, he still dodged it at the nick of time and failed to hit it completely.

Even so, his three ribs and one leg bone were still smashed to pieces under the palm of the thunderbolt.

Calvin was beaten to the point of crying.

Physical pain, of course, is one aspect.But more importantly, it was a heavy psychological trauma!
How can there be such a big contrast?
The contrast is too great for the mind to bear.

This is obviously a weak mortal, the food of vampires, how can he beat himself, who is at the top of the food chain, like a dog?
Calvin felt that he was being prevented and slapped his face severely.

This pumping made me spin like a small spinning top.

The whole big house became extremely quiet in an instant.

Hundreds of vampires quietly looked at Calvin who was blown away by the mortal's palm, their mouths couldn't close their mouths in surprise.

This is simply an anecdote.

Once upon a time, a human man could crush a powerful vampire so much?
Calvin is also the leader of the vampires.

He spoke so utterly and loudly just now, but he was blown away by someone in the end when they met face to face.

This is Chi Guoguo's slap in the face.

Serena looked at Calvin who flew out, and was speechless in surprise.

Although Du Yu has always been very tough, riding like a thousand on the train, he has never killed a vampire himself, and Calvin has always been arrogant and domineering. He did not expect the result of the collision to be so tragic.

Amelia smiled happily: "Cool! Hit me hard! Hahaha!"

As soon as Du Yu disappeared in place, he threw another Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms at Kawen.

Calvin was slapped into a rage, and pulled the large chandelier on the top of the hall in the air.

This vampire's castle is a Gothic building. There is a large metal chandelier occupying half of the hall on the ceiling. After hundreds of thousands of candles are lit, it looks resplendent and magnificent, with blurred candle shadows.

Cavin jumped onto the big chandelier and pulled out two whips from behind!

These two whips are actually made of human vertebrae connected together, which looks extremely strange.

He grinned at Du Yu: "Human! You successfully aroused my anger, and I decided to cramp and skin you. Come up!"

Du Yu smiled coldly and jumped up.

The two stood on top of the large chandelier, facing each other.

Serena shouted: "Don't go up, he is a vampire, he is best at moving around in small spaces. His whip is also most suitable for exerting its power on a large chandelier!"

As soon as she said this, all the vampires in the big room turned their attention to her, and Calvin on the chandelier roared angrily: "Bitch! You actually betrayed my secret for a human being. I will definitely concoct you when I go down." .Wait."

Amelia glanced at Serena with a half-smile: "Not bad, we got it so quickly."

Serena is known as the goddess of the moon, and she is usually calm and composed, so where does she have any contact with men?This time, she openly made an enemy of Calvin for the sake of a human man, and was suddenly embarrassed and shy by the crowd. She stared coldly, and stared everyone back.

But Serena's heart is also causing waves.

"This man, I'm just afraid that if he dies, Calvin will succeed as a villain. I don't really care about him." Serena made excuses for herself.

Although her thoughts were chaotic, the vampires were also talking about it.

Although Du Yu knocked Calvin into the air with one palm, the vampires were still optimistic about Calvin's victory.

"The last time Elder Victor selected the foreman, he asked Cavin to choose the battlefield by himself. It was on the chandelier that Cavin used a long whip to compete with the elder, and he lasted for 20 rounds before losing. The elder Therefore, it has been decided to transfer power to him temporarily."

"Although this human being is powerful, he cannot be Kavin's opponent."

The two stood on the chandelier, and Calvin laughed wildly: "Look at the trick. Human!"

The sharp white bone whip was pulled up in the air and swung towards Du Yu.

The whip wind was everywhere, and the candles were extinguished one after another. Only the white bone whip came biting like a poisonous snake.

Du Yu jumped up, dodging Kawen's whip.

Unexpectedly, this Kawen really had a trick. He chose two whips in a rare way, similar to fighting left and right, and the other whip was drawn in the air, causing a bloodstain to appear on Du Yu's back.

Du Yu was almost whipped by Calvin's weirdness and pulled down the big chandelier.This Kawen's attack power is really impressive, and when he whips it down, his flesh and blood are bloody.

The skeleton whip is different.

Du Yu's face became serious.

His body grabbed, swung, and turned over in the air, and he appeared around Kawen.

His moves are mainly close combat, the closer he is, the more powerful he is.

However, Calvin turned over cunningly, jumped to the other side, and whipped the two whips again.

Calvin whipped the two whips alternately. The length of the whip was just as long as the large chandelier. No matter where Du Yu hid, he could hit it with one blow.

And every time Du Yu tried to approach Calvin, the sensitive vampire leader would jump to the other side and continue to attack.

Du Yu sneered: "I don't have a remote for bullying me?"

He waved his hand lightly.

The unrestrained movements, similar to the magic of snapping fingers, the icy blue life and death talismans left the fingers one after another and floated towards Calvin.

That life-death talisman contained Du Yu's thick and cold internal energy, and the power of a thousand-year-old ice silkworm, which was no small matter.

With a strange cry, the two whips lashed left and right, knocking down several life and death symbols.

But the life and death talisman is the secret of the Xiaoyao faction. How can an ignorant vampire like Cavin escape?

After hearing a few puffs, Cavin was hit by the life and death talisman, half of his body froze immediately, and his movements were no longer as fast as the wind.

Du Yu smiled: "Unfortunately, in the long-distance competition, I seem to be better!"

Calvin was furious.

He drew out the automatic rifle at his waist, which was loaded with ordinary bullets for Du Yu.

"You're dead!" He grinned.

"Is it better than a gun?"

Du Yu coldly pulled out the holy gold shotgun!

As soon as this thing was turned over, the temperature of the whole big house seemed to drop by tens of degrees!

Although the vampires don't know the terrifying weapon in the "Constantine" movie, they are very familiar with the sacred aura emanating from it!
"You??? You turned out to be a vampire hunter?" Calvin screamed, his expression suddenly changed!
If he knew that Du Yu was a vampire hunter, he would never fight Du Yu alone with guns!

This kid is simply the messenger sent by God to punish him.

Compared with melee combat, his Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms made him look like a spinning top.

Bi Zhongcheng, his life and death talisman nearly paralyzed him.

Better than remote, this time!

They have a sacred golden shotgun specially designed to restrain vampires!
Calvin didn't know what to say.

Du Yu bit the magazine, pressed the [special bright bullets] into the magazine one by one, and said with a smile: "To deal with vampires, it is indeed better to use professional equipment!"

He loaded the bullet and fired openly!

There was only an earth-shattering bang, and the holy golden shotgun shot out a holy white light!
This light is more terrifying than ultraviolet rays to vampires!
Because ultraviolet rays are at most natural light, but the lethality of this holy light is at least twice as strong!
Cavin let out a terrible scream, and was sprayed with hundreds of holes in his body by the holy golden shotgun. He flew upside down screaming and fell off the chandelier!

One shot!
Only one shot!
Cavin was punched with holes all over his body.

Holy gold shotgun + special bright bullet, that is the legendary weapon against Gabriel and Lucifer!
Although the sacred gold shotgun was damaged and dropped from A-level to C-level, the main power did not drop too much.

To deal with Kawen, who is difficult in this slum, the firepower should not be too strong!
The power of this shot attracted even Amelia and Serena's attention.

This is an instinctive fear of vampires.

Amelia's beautiful eyes narrowed into a slit.

"This man is getting more and more interesting." She murmured.

Serena just felt a little worried, not knowing whether the appearance of this vampire hunter would be a blessing or a curse to them.

Du Yu stood proudly on the top of the big chandelier, and jumped down!

His knee is like a UFC free fight, that volley knee impact!
With this collision, there was only a crisp sound from Calvin's legs!
Everyone felt pain in their leg bones.

Calvin's leg is useless.

The pain made Kawen stick out his tongue, his eyes bulged, and he looked at Du Yu ferociously.

Du Yu raised the knife with his hand and cut off Kawen's tongue with a golden knife and a black sword!
Calvin's tongue was a sticky black-purple sticky thing, and it felt disgusting when Du Yu held it in his hands.

But he directly used the appraisal scroll that Catherine gave him, and received a prompt: "You have collected the tongue of a hypocrite. Quality: Grade A."

"Okay! Although you are not S-rank, you are still a liar with a smooth tongue."

Du Yu smiled slightly.

Calvin's tongue was cut off, and there was only pain and anger, drinking and screaming on the ground, looking directly at Du Yu with resentment.

All the vampires, there was silence.

Who is this?
If you say punch card text, hit it, if you say cut your tongue as a gift, you will kill it immediately!
Too bad!
When Calvin was at his most ruthless, he wasn't so cruel.

The vampires drink up the blood of people at most, how can they do such a cruel thing of taking parts from people for nothing?
Amelia's colored contact lenses, however, ignited a little fire.

"This boy suits my taste very well."

Serena looked at Amelia's greedy eyes, as if her food was being targeted by a wolf.

Du Yu took a step forward and pressed the cold sacred gold shotgun against Calvin's temple: "Are you going to die or live?"

Calvin said bitterly: "I admit defeat. How can you let me go?"

"Where is the werewolf's lair?" Du Yu said coldly, "I'll ask your accomplices one by one, and if they tell you something different, they'll all collapse."

At this moment, Calvin was like a man in the water, grasping at every illusory hope. Besides, he was Lucian's cousin, wishing that his cousin would be beaten to the bum by Du Yu, and tremblingly revealed the location of the wolf's lair.

"Also!" Du Yu said coldly, "Do you know where the ultraviolet weapons in the hands of the werewolves came from?"

He already knew that the power of the Church of Light would infiltrate here. If the strength of the werewolves increased sharply, and the infighting among vampires had nothing to do with the Church of Light, ghosts would believe it!

Calvin said weakly: "As far as I know, they got it from the human military."

Amelia and Serena looked at each other.

The source of this news is too important.

Human beings participated in the internal strife between vampires and werewolves, and assisted the relatively weaker werewolves to deal with vampires!
Now that this secret, which has been kept for thousands of years, is known to human beings, the survival of the vampire family suddenly becomes very dangerous!

Werewolves can get weapons, so they can sell vampires' secrets and weaknesses.Isn't this ultraviolet bullet a sharp weapon developed by humans to deal with vampires?

"You know everything!" Amelia came coldly.

Du Yu took care of Calvin by himself, and the remaining vampires didn't even have the courage to resist.

The vampires were silent when they saw the sacred golden shotgun that could smash Kawen into pieces.

Coupled with Du Yu's powerful strength.

Vampires are immortal, but the longer they live, the more timid they are afraid of death.

They knelt down one after another, begging for forgiveness from the Great Elder.

The so-called law does not blame the public, they all participated in the rebellion, Amelia can't kill all the vampires.

Amelia stepped on Cavin's head, pointing the steel crossbow at Cavin's head: "I should shoot you to death with one arrow."

Du Yu reminded: "Unfortunately, this Kawen is my prisoner."

Amelia raised Du Yu's chin seductively: "This Kawen is planning a rebellion, and I have to interrogate him overnight. Why don't I exchange myself as a prisoner for you?"

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(End of this chapter)

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