Chapter 339 Ambush!Bright Supreme Regiment! -Second more please subscribe!
Although the werewolves had excellent physiques, even Alexander Corvinas couldn't survive, and they werewolves naturally couldn't survive either.

Werewolves would suffer a lot.Lucian, who is the closest, will definitely die.

Du Yu's villain mission will directly fail.

The werewolf lair will be blown up to the sky, and the collapsed warehouse will trap the remaining werewolves.

Maybe, there will be a large number of enemies rushing over to destroy these werewolves immediately.

Du Yu summoned Xiao Longnv and others, whispered to each other, and all the girls dispersed immediately.

He shouted angrily: "Get out of there! The bomb is going to explode!"

Lucian and other werewolves were very vigilant, and they raised their heads when they heard Du Yu's voice.

"Spies! Catch him!" Lucien didn't believe Du Yu's words, but he could infiltrate the core of the wolf's lair silently, and he must not let him go.

Dozens of werewolves transformed immediately.

From the appearance of human men, their faces became prominent, their jaws grew out, and their hair grew long. They quickly turned into human-like vicious wolves, but they were much taller and stronger than vicious wolves.

"Roar!" Ryze, the leader, turned into a wolf with black fur, grabbed the wall sideways, and rushed towards Du Yu.

The werewolves behind rushed forward one after another.

Seeing that Lucian was not moving, Du Yu cursed secretly, took out the holy gold shotgun, and fired violently at the box.

As soon as the sacred gold shotgun was released, the werewolves felt restless, and Lucian yelled, "Get out of here!"

He grabbed the two werewolves and threw them into the distance, and rolled himself, dodging Du Yu's shotgun bombardment.

The werewolves were enraged by Du Yu, and more werewolves left their places and rushed towards Du Yu.

Lucian led the chase.

Du Yu retreated immediately.

The werewolves chased all the way, extremely fast.

With a bang, Du Yu shattered the glass and jumped out of the abandoned warehouse.

The werewolves chased out desperately.

This light hunter is the human being that werewolves hate the most. No matter what conspiracy he has, he must be killed.

Lucian had just left the warehouse with the werewolf, only to hear a loud bang!
An explosion resembling a mushroom cloud suddenly rose from the bottom of the warehouse, spreading loudly!

The warehouse was instantly razed to the ground.

Countless gravel, concrete, and broken glass were scattered and scattered, and were blasted to a height of tens of meters.

Lucian and the werewolves turned their heads in stunned amazement.

Ryze yelled angrily: "Ariel! No!"

Not all werewolves chased them out.

There are also some werewolves, old and weak, women and children, who stay behind.

As a result, all the werewolves who pursued Du Yu survived.

The werewolves in the warehouse were killed or buried alive.

Lucien turned his head and immediately understood the whole story.

"Damn it! There's something wrong with the box bomb!" He was furious, and the veins burst from his forehead.

"No wonder I always feel that these people have no good intentions???"

"No wonder he asked me to attack vampires last time, but he was still willing to trade when I refused???"

"He intends to destroy us at all."

Ryze rushed to the ruins with the werewolf, trying to pull the family out.

"Come back!" Du Yu roared, "Dangerous!"

As soon as his words fell, Ryze, who was charging forward, was hit by a sharp sniper bullet and flew into the air!
This ferocious werewolf weighing 250 pounds was blown away by a bullet!
It's unbelievable to say, but this bullet is still a bullet with bright holy energy attached!
To a werewolf, this thing is deadlier than a silver bullet.

Even Ryze, the wildest werewolf fighter, was hit hard by a single shot!
"The Church of Light!" Du Yu gritted his teeth.

Sure enough, the enemy is not waiting, but has been planning for a long time.

Du Yu took a first move and rescued Amelia, and the other party snatched the werewolf's first move.

One starts with vampires and the other starts with werewolves.

Judging from Du Yu's mission, the mission of the Guangming Church is probably the opposite.

Du Yu wants to protect Victor, Lucian, Serena, and Michael, and the task of the Church of Light is to eradicate these four leaders of dark creatures.

This is the first shot fired by the Church of Light!
Du Yu's fear of the Illuminati Church was far higher than the characters and creatures in the plot.

Because no matter how powerful the plot characters are, there are traces to follow and information to check. The Church of Light is a group of adventurers just like myself!
They have plans, brains, strength, and more importantly, they have numbers!

From the perspective of the principle of equal strength, Du Yu asked the adventurers bought by the church, and there were 20 of them!Then add the strength of the vampires and werewolves, plus your own strength, the strength of the Church of Light should be more than 40 people!
Of course, this book value algorithm made Du Yu suffer.Our 20 adventurers were bought by the Church of Light, and almost changed from 20+1+vampire+werewolves VS 40 Church of Light to 1VS60 adventurers!
If it is the latter, even if Du Yu has the ability to penetrate the heavens and penetrate the earth, he will still be hated on it.

You must know that vampires and werewolves are not united, or even hostile to each other. It is difficult for adventurers to integrate in a short time.

In other words, Du Yu's side is purely a bunch of pig teammates.

Weak and not united.

Ryze was not the only werewolf who was attacked by the church. More werewolves were knocked down by the dense silver bullets fired by automatic rifles by church adventurers who stood up in all directions!
For a time, the werewolves were in turmoil.

Lucian was furious because he had identified the person leading the deal, right in the middle of the group of attackers!
Arm yourself, use yourself, but you didn't do what they thought, after launching an attack on the vampire, they resolutely attacked themselves!
Lucian went berserk.

He led a group of werewolves and attacked frantically from the flanks.

But a team of 5 paladins in front formed a shield formation with shields.

A large amount of protective magic is attached to the sturdy knight shield, making it even more indestructible.

Lucien led the werewolves, scratching frantically, unable to break through the shield formation, but was injured by the shield blows of the paladins instead.

Two werewolves were beaten unconscious.

The healing magic of the priests behind hit the werewolf, like a curse, sizzling.

A church soldier standing at the front was 2 meters tall, holding a thick mace, and with one stick, beat a dizzy and seriously injured werewolf until his brains burst and he flew to death!
"You are the one who traded with me last time!" Lucian snarled wildly. At this time, he had turned into a strong werewolf with a height of 2 meters, and scratched a paladin's shield with 5 cracks.

"That's right! It's me!" The soldier laughed wildly: "Remember my name, I'm Edward the Sweeper. Your werewolf?"

He smiled coldly, raised the big stick high, and hit it hard twice, smashing the head of a werewolf again.

"Bastard!" Lucian rushed madly.

His claws grabbed Edward's chest fiercely, leaving streaks of blood.From the deep bone wound, blood spurted out.

"As expected of a character at the level of a small boss, it's a pity that he can hit me hard!" Edward laughed.

The group of priests behind him continuously injected light into his body, and the wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Our Light Supreme Regiment is the strongest church knight order in the slums, bar none. I can even make you attack wildly, but there will be no results." Edward laughed.

"Damn it!" Lucian clawed at him again, Edward's injury healed faster than his injury.

"Are all my werewolves going to be wiped out here? Killed by these churches of light?" Lucian looked down at the pendant on his neck with a face full of reluctance: "Sonia's revenge has not been avenged yet! Victor's enemy is not dead, How can I die?"

He howled even more frantically, piercing Edward's chest with one claw.

Led by the leader of the werewolves, the werewolves also used their strongest moves to violently attack the group of adventurers from the Church of Light.

But no matter how hard the werewolves tried, the church adventurers who mastered the mystery of the silver bullets easily used the tight shield array, the powerful silver bullets and the cooperation of paladins, priests, and soldiers to beat the werewolves into a mess. It was about to collapse.

The sniper hidden in the dark shot one by one with incomparable precision, and he specialized in killing the most violent and strongest werewolf warriors.

Lucien was stabbed in the chest by Edward's sword. Although the werewolf possessed infinite healing ability, the sword was attached with a lot of silver, and the wound healed extremely slowly.

He was kicked by Edward and fell to the ground weakly.

Until his eyes saw Du Yu!
"That man, bring us werewolves out of the explosion core!" Lucian's rebellious gaze became hesitant, seeing that Ryze was beheaded by a knight, and the huge wolf head, as it rolled, gradually turned into a wolf head. Lucian finally made up his mind about the head of the black man who died with regret.

"Hey! No matter who you are? I decided to take a gamble. If you can save us, I will obey your orders, how about it!?" Lucian never lowered his head, in front of the overwhelming church power , finally low.

He can give up his dignity and freedom for the sake of his clan and revenge.

Du Yu nodded.

Just now, he was not idle, but directed Xiao Longnv and others to set up counter-ambush rings around!
The werewolves were beaten helplessly by the long-planned Church of Light, and finally bowed their heads to themselves for help.

This is an excellent opportunity to reclaim the werewolves.

If he wanted to deal with the Church of Light, he had to integrate the power of werewolves and vampires.

The jade flying pigeon has already flown out.

Seeing that the Church of Light had indeed dispatched the Supreme Light Regiment, with as many as 40 adventurers, Du Yu instinctively sensed that it was extremely dangerous.

Last time, there were only 24 Knights of Blazing Heart, and they were killed by Rudolf III and Lan Xinbi Python, which made Du Yu take advantage of it.

This time, the enemy had planned for a long time and attacked Du Yu intensively.

If not, Lucian and other werewolves would not be able to last so long.

Du Yu directly took the most extreme measures.

Summon the strongest strength and kill the Church of Light!
A huge blue letter python broke through a residential building from behind the church's ambush circle, and suddenly rose up. The huge snake's head let out a terrifying scream, and then sprayed out a green poisonous mist!
B-level monster—Blue letter python, attacking the Bright Supreme Group!
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(End of this chapter)

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