Chapter 342 Future Hope! -Ask for a monthly ticket at three o'clock

Michael was a perfectly normal-looking man, and he was a little nervous.

Du Yu chatted with him for a while, and invited Lucien and the chief scientist of the werewolves, the hale and hearty old man, to continue the experiment that the werewolves had been eager to do.

Seeing Lucian appear in the big house, the vampires grinned and focused their hatred on Lucian.Although Amelia announced her order, the thousand-year hatred and the blood feud between relatives and friends will not be changed because of a temporary order.

Lucien passed through the vampire group with a calm face, but when he glanced over the courtyard in the center of the hall and saw the sun shining down, he involuntarily touched the pendant on his chest.

His lover, Soria, the daughter of the great vampire elder, was pushed there by his father Victor in the sun and burned to ashes.

All she left for herself was this string of round pendants.

With a firm gaze, Lucian walked into the big house.

Seeing Michael, he sighed secretly.

Just one step away.

If Michael can be caught in advance, a perfect creature that combines the advantages of vampires and werewolves and shields the disadvantages of the two races can be cultivated.

As soon as he pouted, the old man walked up to Michael, took out a needle, pierced into Michael's blood vessel, and drew a tube of blood.

He carefully took out a flask and dripped blood into it.

Michael's blood, dripped into the reagent, changed rapidly.

Du Yu, Lucien, Amelia, Serena, and Michael stared at the reagent bottle at the same time, as if it was the whole world.

"Positive!" The old man exclaimed: "We finally succeeded!"

Lucian looked wildly at Michael, making the latter vigilant.

Du Yu knew this result long ago, but he had to confirm it.

Michael's blood did preserve the pure bloodline of Alexander Corvinus. It was of the same family as vampires and werewolves, but it was not polluted and could perfectly integrate with the bloodlines of vampires and werewolves.

Of course, vampires and werewolves need to bite him separately, inject the genes of the two races into his body, and activate him into a real terrifying existence.

The key is how to convince Michael to be used by Du Yu.

Michael in the plot is fighting for Serena.

Du Yu also had a very headache.

Michael is a man with a strong sense of justice. There is not enough reason to convince him to fight against humans for the survival of vampires and werewolves.

Even if Elizabeth is sent, he can only be reluctantly persuaded to accept this experiment, and it is impossible for him to deal with humans.

Du Yu sighed.

Sure enough, it is very difficult to solve this difficult space mission fundamentally.

Originally, 21 adventurers + werewolves + vampires on my own side were fighting against the Bright Supreme Group, but it took Du Yu a lot of effort to be neutral for those 20 adventurers.

He almost fought against the entire light force with his own strength.

Looking at the stubborn Michael, Du Yu shook his head, motioned Serena and Elizabeth to continue persuading him, and fought for vampires and werewolves. He pulled Amelia up and walked out of the house.

Amelia led Du Yu into the conference room, and arrogantly ordered Erica, who was following her, to retreat, closed the door, and knelt on the ground impatiently, with flaming red lips, seductively opened, and watery ice-blue eyes staring at her. Du Yu, the spring is rippling to serve Du Yu.

Du Yu stared at the gradually darkening night in the distance, and another night fell.

"How is the mission of investigating the Guangming Supreme Group?" Du Yu watched the lightning flashes.

The weather in this world always rains every night.

He looked far and wide, and in the night sky, the figures of vampire death walkers jumping fast in the city could be seen faintly.

Amelia was confused, pulled it out with satisfaction, and gave Du Yu a seductive look: "I sent the death walker led by Kahn himself. He is the best fighter and captain, and he will not let me down."

Du Yu nodded.

Suddenly, there was a scream, and Erica, who was dressed in a maid's leather outfit, stood at the door at a loss, holding a teacup and a coffee pot, and looked at Amelia who was kneeling in front of Du Yu in amazement.

"Elder Me", a young and beautiful blond female vampire, is full of shyness and embarrassment on her beautiful face.

Amelia laughed angrily: "You come in!"

She hooked her hand, and Erica couldn't help but walk in.

"Kneel down!" Amelia said majestically, "Have you been eyeing the master for a long time?"

Erica panicked and knelt down when the elder told her off, "I beg the elder to forgive me, I'm just a newborn vampire with no strength"

Amelia snorted coldly: "So you always want to seduce the master and gain power!"

Du Yu looked at the beautiful and sexy Erica, then turned to Amelia: "I have no objection to her joining."

Amelia stammered angrily: "You men don't have a good thing! Do you want me to recruit Serena?"

Du Yu chuckled, and brought Alikara over. The blond girl knelt on the ground obediently, and shared the man with the elder.

A seductive vampire elder, a young and beautiful blonde girl, Shuang-fei made Du Yu relax quickly.

What happened next was even more absurd.

The big bed was creaked and creaked, and Du Yu's strong internal force, wave after wave, made Amelia and Erica die, taking turns to have fun one by one.

The figure of the vampire beauty is so beautiful that it is slender and fair that human women can't achieve, and she has a wild nature, which makes Du Yu conquer, especially comfortable and hearty.

For a long time, the big house fell silent.

Du Yu put on his clothes and stood alone in front of the window where the rain was beating heavily, staring into the distance.

He couldn't help being startled.

Since practicing internal strength, his concentration has gradually increased, and he is not an absurd person (all the girls in the heart of the castle: who believes it?), why did he enter this world and become like this?
Serena, Amelia, Erica, none of them are spared.

Perhaps it was the killing and blood in this world that affected his state of mind, making him tyrannical and absurd.

Every world has a theme.

In the world of Underworld, the theme is killing, survival and hope.

He sat cross-legged in front of the window, breathing out.

But absurdity has its advantages as well.

When Du Yu practiced many exercises before, he focused on masculine internal strength, and the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu is full of yang energy.

Beautiful vampires such as Amelia and Serena were attracted to Du Yu, apart from practical factors such as strength, it was probably because of Du Yu's pure yang internal energy and full of vitality.

The vampire's physique is cold and cold, and it needs the injection of pure yang internal force.When Du Yu was having fun with the beautiful vampire, he involuntarily used the practice of double cultivation of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classics to inject part of the yang energy he didn't need into the beautiful vampire's body.

In this way, yin and yang harmonize.

Du Yu was very satisfied with the reason he gave himself, so he closed his eyes and settled down.

He didn't know, although it was ridiculous, it was true.

With Amelia's arrogance, Serena's coldness, and Erica's cunning, no matter how satisfied they are with a man, they won't rush to recommend themselves as pillows.Amelia even ignored the dignity of the elders and was willing to serve Du Yu together with a newborn vampire.

Under Du Yu's intimidation, she dared to risk the disgrace of the world, and risked the anger of Victor and Marcus in the future, and agreed to the alliance of vampires and werewolves.

It is because of Du Yu's pure yang internal energy and blood that female vampires are the only way to improve their strength.

Amelia also has Xiao Jiujiu in her heart.

Every time she is raped by Du Yu, the pure yang internal energy she absorbs is enough to last a year of deep sleep. If this continues, she will be able to restore her full strength in a short time.

Therefore, not long after Du Yu fell into samadhi, he felt the vampire female elder crawling towards him like a leopard, kneeling in front of him again, licking her charmingly.On that haughty face, the ice-blue beautiful eyes revealed endless sultry, fit and slender naked body, only wearing black lace suspenders, snake waist like a female leopard, every movement twists and turns, showing the deadly curves of the buttocks and legs, Move with the beauty's licking.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Serena's urgent voice sounded: "Elder Amelia, hero Du Yu, our death walker action team is back! The situation is critical!"

Du Yu stood up and walked to the door.

The moment Serena opened the door, she saw Elder Amelia, who was still coquettish, and Erica, who was on the bed with her high buttocks and her lingering charm.

Erica was her best friend in the big house, but was accepted by the hero.

She couldn't help feeling sore in her heart, biting her red lips tightly with her white teeth.

The vampires gathered in the hall, watching Karn.

Du Yu couldn't help being surprised when he saw Kahn.

Kahn, a powerful black vampire warrior, was already out of shape, with numerous blisters all over his body, which were the marks of being burned by the holy light, and one leg was broken at the root.

Seeing Du Yu and Amelia, he said with trembling lips, "We were discovered. All the brothers died at the hands of church hunters! But I still sent this thing back."

He tremblingly held up a mobile phone, and then died.

Du Yu sighed, ordered Kahn to be buried, and picked up the phone.

The video is not very clear, it can be seen that the shooting distance is very far, but it is enough to see the people and conversations above.

Edward, the head of the Bright Supreme Regiment, a priest adventurer, and a priest dressed as a bishop had a long conversation in a hotel.

Edward introduced his companions to the bishop and priest, and asked how the plan to lay siege to the vampire's lair through the local church was going.

As soon as these words came out, all the vampires present changed their expressions!

Well said heroes!
This abominable light hunter, through the local church, tried to persuade the government to attack vampires together!
If humans decide to go to war against vampires, even a lair with hundreds of vampires will not be able to stop the bombardment of armed helicopters and tanks!

In terms of masters, the opponent's Bright Supreme Regiment has already proved its restrained combat power against vampires and werewolves in the ambush battle!
Whether it is quantity or quality, humans and the Church of Light have the absolute upper hand!
 Please subscribe!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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