Chapter 344 Is This World Swollen? -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Victor grinned and said, "Human beings, hell is waiting for you. I just woke up, hungry and thirsty. It seems that your strength is good. Use your blood to restore my strength."

With a scream, he rushed down suddenly.

Du Yu smiled lightly, and a string of life and death symbols, like blue ice and snow, flew towards Victor all over the sky!
Victor screamed, and the life and death talismans were affected by his sound waves, and they missed one after another.

However, Du Yu's Life and Death Talisman, as the essence of Chinese martial arts, was not something that Victor could detect. Two Life and Death Talismans still penetrated Victor's sound waves and hit Victor's neck and left shoulder.

Du Yu secretly sighed that his life and death talisman skills were still not good enough. If Tianshan Child Elder used this life and death talisman, the first wave would make Victor's life worse than death.

Victor only felt a tickle in his neck, and suddenly his left shoulder and neck seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, and he lost consciousness.

He was startled: "This bastard mortal actually has such a trick?"

But the battle has already started, if he fails, where will he put the face of the great vampire elder?
Victor's figure was extremely fast, and he was in front of Du Yu in an instant!
His agility is no less than that of Du Yu.

Du Yu has 66 points of agility.

Victor's agility, at least above 50 points, greatly exceeded the limit of the difficulty of the slums, symbolizing his strength as a hidden boss in this world.

[Sword of the Hunter] A sword cut to Du Yu's neck.

At this point, Du Yu had countless choices.

One is Lingbo micro-step, dodge.

The second is that the stars move and rebound.

The third is the golden knife and the black sword, parrying.

The fourth is the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, opposing moves.

The fifth is to break the plum hand and break the sword in Tianshan Mountains.

The rich adventure experience and skill slots make Du Yu seem to be able to do a job with ease.

He chose the second option.

Victor's sword spirit is full of evil spirits, he is extremely eager to see the blood flying, and he is extremely eager to taste the blood of the enemy.

It's been 100 years, no killing, no fear, no blood, Victor wakes up and wants to kill people and drink human blood!

He thought that with his extraordinary and holy strength, everything would be easy to grasp, but this time, he was disappointed.

Not only did this move not hit Du Yu, but it slashed at his left side of the neck strangely!

A fright flashed in Victor's eyes, and he couldn't figure out why this happened.

It was obviously his own attack, how did he get bounced back?

No one can see your own actions clearly!

What's more terrible is that the life and death talisman planted by Du Yu on the left side in advance suddenly broke out, and the left side of the body became paralyzed!
At the critical moment, we can see Du Yu's layout ability.

He deliberately attacked the enemy's side to reserve a backhand for the next counterattack.

Victor couldn't dodge on the left side, and was slashed by his hunter's sword!

The purple black blood dyed the hunter's sword red.

Du Yu laughed: "Great Elder, are you hungry? Have you cut yourself to drink blood?"

Amelia laughed out loud.

The three elder vampires were at odds with each other, and she was very happy to use Du Yu's hand to attack Victor's authority.

Serena's expression was complicated.She didn't want her godfather Victor to be beaten too badly, and she didn't want her vampire benefactor Du Yu to be hurt.

Victor's face was gloomy. He didn't expect this seemingly ordinary young man to be so powerful.

"Good!" Victor screamed.

All the vampires in the big house squatted on the ground, their ears numb from the scream.Many vampires even became paralyzed and flustered, falling to the ground.

Vampire Howl.

Ordinary human beings will be shocked by this terrifying howl.

Relying on this trick, Victor has restrained many powerful enemies.

But Du Yu's strength is super strong, he has also cultivated deep internal strength, and his concentration is very strong. How could he be intimidated by the vampire's howl?
Victor's a cup.

He howled for a while, but he didn't see Du Yu being controlled, but Du Yu saw Long Zaitian with a slap, and sent him flying upside down with his palm!

Three ribs were broken!

The viscera were so vigorously shaken that the viscera were dislocated, and the spleen ruptured and bleeds!

Up to 400 points of attack power.

Du Yude was unforgiving, one move after another, the power of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms was poured on Victor.

Victor is finally old and hot. Although he evaded in a panic, he was never hit by Du Yu for the second time.

There was a terrible wave in his heart.

"Is this person so strong?"

"I have seen countless strong people for more than 1400 years, and I have also seen them in the church. How can there be such a strong human being?"

"These moves are simply unheard of!" He was in shock.

But after all, Victor is a peerless powerhouse. While dodging, the sword of the hunter counterattacked sharply, which made Du Yu dare not over-intimidate.

After all, the hunter's sword has 50% increased damage to humans and 15% blood-sucking skills. Together with Victor's blood-sucking ability, it is enough to change the battlefield situation.

He can't be careless.

An old fox like Victor, if he doesn't make a move, he will be killed if he seizes the opportunity!
Both sides had some understanding of each other's strength, and immediately became more jealous.

Victor tried several times to use false moves to trick Du Yu into attacking. Before he became a vampire, he was a well-known swordsman and warlord. After 1400 years of honing, his swordsmanship has reached its peak.

But this young man didn't seem to care, and he avoided several moves and swordsmanship.

Victor didn't panic, his swordsmanship was even more vicious, like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole.

Even with Du Yu's frenzy, he failed to bounce back Victor's swordsmanship.

The two stalemate.

Suddenly, Victor screamed, and his eyes turned pure black!

His previous eyes, at least kept the color of human pupils.

Once turned into pure black, Victor immediately looked strange and unpredictable.

"Be careful, he uses blood energy, which will greatly increase his combat power and speed!" Amelia couldn't help reminding.

Victor screamed and stabbed with a sword.

The hunter's sword drew gusts of wind in the air and howled, as if the countless innocent souls who died on it were whimpering.

His speed suddenly increased from 50.

Du Yu only saw darkness in front of his eyes, and felt a lightness in his abdomen.

There was no pain, just like being bitten by a vampire bat.

Blood spurted out.

In the hands of Victor, this two-handed sword displayed unimaginable combat power.

Du Yu's life value leaked crazily.

His physical strength was originally a short board, and at this time he was hit hard by a blow.

Even with the soft armor, which offset most of the damage, it was still succeeded by Victor.

Victor's figure suddenly flashed in the far corner, smiling sinisterly, staring at the blood beads slowly rolling down from the hunter's sword, licking it with his tongue, showing a satisfied smile.

"Your blood is very sweet." Victor said with a sinister smile, "My sword also has the effect of expanding wounds and blood. Do you feel dizzy?"

The vampires were immediately excited: "Grand Elder, kill him!"

"Kill this mortal!"

"We stand only for your rule. The mortal is a liar!"

Even Amelia felt very stabbed.

Victor's strength is really unfathomable.

Serena came out suddenly and stopped in front of Du Yu: "Victor, he has done a lot to our group, let him go this time."

Victor laughed strangely: "Serena, get out of here. This is an order."

Du Yu didn't expect Serena to be so loyal at the critical moment. He smiled slightly and patted her on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I won't die."

Serena said angrily: "Who cares about your life? I am worried about the safety of the ethnic group."

Du Yu smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I will teach Victor a good lesson."

Victor heard that this mortal was still so stubborn when he was about to die, he was sullen in his heart, and said coldly: "Mortal, if you kneel on the ground and admit your mistakes, for the sake of the help you have done, I can give it to you." You are happy."

Lucian wanted to come out angrily.

Du Yu stopped him with his eyes, covered his wound with his hand and said, "Victor, why don't we make a bet?"

"Bet? What are you betting on?" Victor smiled charmingly.

Victory is already at hand.

He sucked blood once, converting Du Yu's health into his own, and his energy skyrocketed.

"If I lose, I will admit that I was wrong and let you suck blood."

"You won?"

"I won, and I don't want your life, but you have to swear to become my servant within 100 years, otherwise you will be punished by the destiny. At the same time, hand over a tooth." Du Yu said indifferently.

With the precedent that Rou Rou betrayed the oath and did not die, he naturally knew that the oath also has a lot of tricks to avoid.But what he wants is for Victor to be obedient!
Having mastered the two elders, Victor and Amelia, Du Yu is considered to be in control of the vampire clan.

Hearing Du Yu's words, Victor laughed loudly: "Okay! I promise you!"

He is eager to restore his authority and strength, and he thinks that it is impossible to prevent the situation from coming back.

Amidst Amelia and Serena's worried eyes, a decisive battle begins that stakes each other's lives and freedom.

Victor screamed, and his speed increased to the limit again, turning into a faint shadow in the air, almost impossible to catch with the naked eye.

The powerful vampire elders launched an attack.

But the reality is brutal.

But he rushed in front of Du Yu, smugly waving the sword of the hunter, and when he was about to taste the blood of the loser, Du Yu unhurriedly took out a golden shotgun.

Holy Gold Shotgun!
Almost intuitively, Victor felt a mortal threat!
He didn't have time to think about it, so he gave up the attack and retreated abruptly.

But it's over.

This sacred golden shotgun ejected a curtain of bullets!
Hundreds of bullets with holy breath woven into a web of death and shot at Victor!

Victor could only let out a scream.

This is a powerful A-level weapon that killed the son of Gabriel and Lucifer!
Specially restrain dark creatures such as vampires!

Double attack!
Victor was blasted into a sieve, no matter how fast he was, he could only accept his fate if he caught up with the shotgun.

The vampires looked silly again.

Victor screamed, desperately, and flashed to Du Yu's side again, and the hunter's sword slashed at Du Yu.

Du Yu's speed was like the wind. While retreating, he coldly raised the golden shotgun and fired again!
Victor was blown away again!

He roared in grief, what is wrong with this world?

 Ask for full order!Ask for a reward!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for crazy monthly votes in the last three days of this month!The old pig will explode to reward everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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