Chapter 349 Feed the Love Flower Poison to the Younger Brother! - one more

According to legend, Her Royal Highness Catherine was assassinated by the church in the last world. Thanks to a lover from the East with strong martial arts, she escaped the catastrophe!
He suddenly realized why the church did not hesitate to spend 48 survival points in exchange for the effectiveness of his team!
Nima, this is simply buying cannon fodder!

These 48 survival points, plus 10 benefits, are basically their life-saving money!
Even if you can win against an adventurer with such a deep background, you will have to be strongly suppressed by Her Royal Highness Catherine when you go back to the bloody city!

She is the next queen!
His Majesty Joseph will listen to her!
Going against her is equivalent to going against the Shenluo Empire!
Although there is a church, will the church oppose Her Majesty Catherine for their mere team?

Think with your ass, they are also victims.

Captain No. [-] was full of regrets, and suddenly remembered what Sam and the others had said when they left the group.

"Captain! If you don't listen to us, you will only die, and you will die. What's the use of taking more money?"

Captain No. [-] knelt down immediately!
The group of adventurers who were fighting fiercely was startled by the captain kneeling down.

Even Du Yu, who was about to kill him, was taken aback.

"Stop! Fuck stop!" Captain No. [-] ordered angrily.

"Master, it's my eyes that don't know Mount Tai! You must forgive us." Captain No. [-] knelt on the ground and begged bitterly.

Andres Thenes seemed to be looking at an idiot: "At the beginning, you were the one who warned and persuaded me to prepare for battle, and you are the one who surrendered today. You bastard!"

With a wave of his hand, the vampires who were fighting fiercely screamed and fled to the inner core.

Although Du Yu was taken aback by Captain No. [-]'s arrogance, he quickly held his head with a sacred shotgun: "What do you want to say?"

The 16 adventurers were forced to kneel down and surrender under the coercion of Lan Xinbi Python, Rudolph III, and Haierfa.

In the distance, only Anakin and Amelia's chasing battle could be heard, but it was going away.

When the old man knelt down, he complained, "Captain, why are you so crazy?"

Captain No. [-] said with a bitter face: "I finally understand why Sam left. I just killed myself!?"

He flicked his bow left and right, smacked his big mouth, and then cursed the church.

Du Yu watched Captain No. [-]'s gaffe and self-abuse with cold eyes, and he was not going to let Captain No. [-] go.

Since you dare to collude with the church and deal with him together, you must be prepared to die.

Captain No. 58 was very straightforward and traded [-] survival points.

Although there was no shortage of survival points, Du Yu was still shocked by this huge sum of money he had never seen before.

For adventurers in the slums, the income of a world generally ranges from a few thousand to 1 survival points.

This huge sum of money is equivalent to the income of several worlds for a team.

Captain No. 3 was cruel again, handed over his No. 10 shield, put it on the ground, and knelt down respectfully: "Master! I was the only one who was confused and confused, and was bought by the church. They gave me back Personal [-] survival points."

"What?" The old man and other adventurers were shocked. This is definitely a secret.No wonder the captain forcibly passed to help the church despite the objections of Sam and others.

Captain No. 10 smiled wryly: "I chose the church. Although there is a factor of [-] survival points, the biggest reason is that I think the master is a soft persimmon."

"But after seeing the methods of masters, I know I was wrong."

"If you want to kill people to vent your anger, master, just kill me alone. I guarantee that the rest of the team will not take revenge, because we ourselves have no eyesight and chose the wrong side. It is lucky to let them go." Captain No. [-] held up With both hands, said loudly.

The old man adventurer was still moved to tears by the captain after all the trials and tribulations: "Captain, don't be like this. We voted collectively to join the war. Master, please forgive us."

Before Du Yu could speak, Li Mochou's cold snort came out from the heart of the castle: "Damn, you're a fool! When the battle is going well, you'll just squeeze the persimmons softly, and you'll turn back when you kick the iron plate. There are no such people left behind." Value, just kill them all. I see them acting. Bitter tricks."

Du Yu nodded, aiming the golden shotgun at the head of the second captain.

Captain No. [-] saw that the situation was not good, and shouted: "I have information to sell to you! In exchange for the lives of the regiment members!"

Li Mochou, who was seriously injured, appeared on the spot, looking coldly at the No. [-] captain who was begging for mercy.

She held her chest in her hands. The sniper injury caused by Anakin last time has not healed, otherwise, with her combative personality, she would have already jumped out of the big kill.

"What information do you have?" Du Yuhan asked in a low voice.

"About the church's plan for those bastards" Captain No. [-] was dripping with cold sweat, thinking Edward, you bastard, since you use me as cannon fodder to put Catherine and the master at the guns, don't blame me for not keeping you secret.

"Say!" Du Yu said coldly.

"Yes." Captain No. [-] wiped off his sweat: "The church is trying to control the plot priest, lobbying the US government, and sending troops to exterminate vampires and werewolves. The main target is the big house!"

Surprised and angry, Serena grabbed his collar and shouted sharply: "Why did they do this?"

Captain No. [-] smiled wryly: "We all belong to the same Supreme God, and the Supreme God will assign tasks. Brother Master and I will be assigned to your forces, while the church team will eradicate you."

Serena, Victor, Amelia, and Lucian looked at each other, and only then did they truly believe Du Yu's words that he was the savior.

Relying on technology and numbers, human beings have an absolute advantage.

The vampires and werewolves were convinced of Du Yu at this time.

Du Yu has been promoting the reconciliation of the two races and jointly dealing with potential threats to the church and humanity, but Lucian and Victor have always regarded each other as their greatest enemies, and continue to engage in small actions in secret.

The two who were supposed to be father-in-law and son-in-law looked at each other, and for the first time there were other factors in their hatred.

Join hands to save lives and continue the race.

Serena was more concerned about Captain No. [-]'s words, and shouted: "Speaking of it, what is the attitude of the human government?"

The No. [-] captain has already betrayed the Bright Supreme Team anyway. He sold it once, and he sold it ten times.

He broke his heart and said, "In order to convince me to go into the water and show the bright future, Edward did not hesitate to reveal his future plans. As far as I know, the human government parliament voted for the first time, and most of the members opposed the direct use of force."

Serena and the others let out a sigh of relief.

But Captain No. 24 smiled wryly and said: "I didn't finish. But there is another A-level scroll [Sacred Book] presented by the Archbishop of the Bright Supreme Regiment, which can forcibly change the attitude of a plot character, valid for [-] hours. He has He ordered the head pastor to forcibly control the attitude of the mayor of this city, and issued an order to wipe out alien races among the police and the National Guard!"

Du Yu frowned, the situation was worse than expected.

The human government has remained neutral and calm, which shows that adventurers have to borrow powerful plot forces and, as always, have to go through severe tests and harsh conditions.

The racial war between humans, vampires, and werewolves is imminent.

"Do you know when they plan to attack?" Du Yu asked.

"At this point, we should have started." Captain No. [-] smiled wryly.

Serena couldn't restrain her anger, and roared, "All we want is to survive! Why don't humans let us go?"

"It's the Bright Supreme Regiment!" Li Mochou reminded coldly.

Michael fell silent when he heard of the Light Supremacy's despicable plans to wipe out vampires and werewolves.

He is kind-hearted and doesn't want to fight against humans, but it is clear that it is not werewolves and vampires, these seemingly evil creatures, who start the war.

But a careerist with ulterior motives!

"Okay!" Du Yu said calmly, "Since you have chosen to surrender, I accept it. But the premise is"

With a wink from him, Li Mochou flipped his hand, and sixteen black pills appeared in his hand.

"You're going to take these pills."

Facing life and death, under the muzzle of the golden shotgun, Captain No. [-] had no choice but to take the pill.His team members ate them one by one.

"What kind of poison is this?" Captain No. [-] was frightened.

"Poison of Love Flowers" Li Mochou showed a charming smile.

"What is the poison of love flowers?" Captain No. [-] was confused.

The old man, the adventurer, was puzzled: "I've heard of it! An adventure story world in the Tang Dynasty, is the Condor Heroes. There is a kind of love flower in it, which is extremely dangerous."

As he spoke, his body trembled.

Li Mochou smiled like a devil: "Look at your poisoning instructions. The poison of love flower is the priority, and even the Guangming Supreme Group can't do anything! They have two adventurers who are weakening and dying day by day. Within 10 days, if you don't accept The antidote is death!"

Captain No. [-] broke down after reading the explanation, and cried, "Master, spare me!"

The 60-point priority poison, with the strength of their mere slum adventurers, is simply unattainable.Even the masters in the inner city are helpless.

Maybe after returning to the space, the Bright Supreme Group has a solution, but I believe that those two unlucky guys can't wait for that day.

Li Mochou chuckled: "It's not difficult for you to live. But from now on, you must submit to my master. If you have the slightest intention of rebelling, I will make you die a miserable death!"

Du Yu began to sing red faces: "I will accept your 58 survival points and Edelman steel shields, and I will give you a road to self-rehabilitation. Don't worry, just follow me, and I will keep you safe. Every ten days, I will I will give you an antidote."

Thank you very much for Captain No. 15 and the [-] adventurers.

It was a surprise to be able to save his life.

How dare you care about those 58 survival points and treasures?
It's just that in their hearts, they scolded the church and Edward so badly.

From a free body to being reduced to a poor vassal who may die at any time, it is all thanks to the church.

Du Yu saw their hatred faces, smiled lightly, and explained the origin of the golden shotgun.

I heard that Andre, the owner of this golden shotgun, was bought by the church as cannon fodder. He died and the lights went out, leaving only his partner in a miserable state. Captain No. [-] felt the same way, scolded the church, and promised to return to space, and must spread the word The despicable means of the church to combat the hypocritical image of the church.

Du Yu nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, as long as I do things effectively, I will give corresponding rewards, and maybe I will return the treasure to you."

Captain No. [-] was grateful: "You want to capture Andres Thenes? We have just been recruited, and we are willing to be the vanguard!"

Du Yu nodded.

Led by Captain No. [-] who turned his gun, the team of adventurers quickly approached the depths of Andres Thenes' lair.

Amelia is also back, but also badly wounded.

She gritted her teeth.

Anakin is worthy of being a murderous, ruthless and iron-blooded special soldier. His combat awareness and tenacious spirit are by no means comparable to ordinary adventurers.

At the critical moment of being approached by Amelia, he actually used two desert eagles and the military close-range combat method to escape abruptly, and in turn shot the vampire female elder three times.

Amelia was seriously injured.Du Yu checked the injury, and all three shots hit the chest!

If it wasn't for Amelia and Du Yu's frequent joys - well, after absorbing the inner power of pure yang, and recovering 7% to 8% of its full strength, these three shots would be fatal.

"Is this Anakin so powerful?" Du Yu frowned.

But the surprise attack of the vampire female elder was not without gains.

Anakin was caught off guard, and the sniper rifle he used was captured and confiscated.

When Du Yu brought it over, it turned out to be a Bartley heavy sniper rifle!

Terrible murder weapon!
Just a heavy sniper has already achieved such lethality. With the sniper bullets, shooter skills, and weather power, it is expected to break through the 300 mark!

It's no wonder that a perverted old monster like Victor would be seriously injured. Under Anakin's ultraviolet sniper bullets, the leader of the Ryze werewolf was killed by a single shot!
But what was even more strange to Du Yu was, as an adventurer in the slums, how could Anakin obtain this weapon, which was obviously difficult in the inner city.

Even if there is no problem with his skills, talents, and attributes, this precious sniper weapon will never appear in the plot difficulty of the adventurer in the slums!
Du Yu looked at the guns in the No. [-] captain's team.

In the world of slum difficulty plots, even in western plots, pistols are usually dropped, and shotguns are already heavy weapons.

If you can get weapons such as automatic rifles, they are either plot weapons with limited attack power and are easy to jam and damage, or D-level weapons with limited muzzle kinetic energy. "

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(End of this chapter)

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