Chapter 520 Beauty Princess, Metal Slug
Amidst the laughter around, Michela blushed like a prawn, gave her a hard look, and then led everyone away.

Du Yu finally figured out that Yizhen didn't come to him for sex, and the "good babies" were already on the table, and they really were good babies.

There are so many beautiful things in eyes, there is everything.

The strange thing is that Yizhen does not allow anyone other than Du Yu to buy it, not even Michelle.

Du Yu knew that the monk had a weird temper, but he didn't care about it. He waved his hand and summoned beauties, who would choose them at will, and he would pay the bill.

The beauties also knew that it was difficult for Du Yushu, so they didn't choose much, but Ningzhong stood up and chose a special item for Li Qinglu.

[EVA full simulation synchronous operation instrument]: A-level auxiliary props, even for big rookies with no experience in mechanical operation, they can also operate complex giant robots.As long as there is enough reaction.At the same time, it has its own protection and life support system, which can greatly improve the driver's chances of survival.

Note: If you buy a helmet, you will get an EVA full-body tight combat uniform as a gift.

This instrument is like a real helmet, when worn on the head, it can operate complex robotic instruments like arms and fingers.There is also a tight combat suit of EVA under it.Similar to Ling Boli and Asuka.

Of course, its selling price is also very astonishing. A mere helmet costs 110 million survival points, and no bargaining is allowed.

Ning Zhong simply bought it and threw it to Li Qinglu directly.

Li Qinglu was a little at a loss, why did she give herself this thing?

Ning Zhong said with a smile: "Every time you fight, you and Wang Yuyan are unable to fight because of your low martial arts skills. This helmet needs to challenge the brain wave frequency at the same time. It just so happens that Du Yu exchanged the model SV001-ⅡMS alloy warhead robot. Your sisters Both of you, no matter who can use it, you have to use this thing. I think you have some martial arts foundation, and you have a quick reaction to movement, so try it first."

Du Yu was overjoyed.

This Ning Zhongze, as expected of the eldest sister, thought of so many things.This [Alloy Slug] (model SV001-ⅡMS) was exchanged by herself, and she quickly put it behind her. Put into actual combat.This EVA training helmet is just what was needed.

What's even more rare is that Ning Zhong can still take care of Li Qinglu's feeling that he can't always be the main force.Much stronger than myself.

Li Qinglu couldn't feel tears flickering in her eyes, she threw herself into Ning Zhongze's arms, and called her sister.

Ning Zhong glared at Du Yu, and comforted Li Qinglu softly: "Someone assigned you to us to practice martial arts, and we didn't ask any more. Your kung fu practice is pretty good at this time. I remember you In the water pavilion, reading Xiaoyao School martial arts day and night, Tianshan Liuyang Palm and other kung fu is already very good."

Du Yu sweated profusely.

He did ignore Li Qinglu's feelings, and hurried over to hold Princess Yinchuan's little hand, trying to comfort her.

Fortunately, Li Qinglu is also an open-minded woman, so she didn't take it seriously. She picked up the training helmet of the EVA robot and played with it endlessly.

Yi Zhenwei yelled: "If you want to use robots to fight, it will be great! But the first thing you need to solve is the power problem of the robot, otherwise there will be no power, and it will be no better than a piece of scrap iron if you leave it there."

"Power problem?"

Yizhen complacently took out a large battery from his arms, which looked like the battery of an electric car ridden by aunts, and it was old and damaged.It also bears the trademark of "Made with Stark Group Honor".Yizhen decisively took out a dirty rag, wiped it on the battery, bit the damaged part of the battery with his teeth, and miraculously repaired the battery successfully, and put it on the back of the SV001-ⅡMS alloy warhead .

To be honest, Du Yu was very skeptical about the integrity of Yizhen's goods, because he borrowed Yizhen's werewolf and vampire bloodlines to make adventurers including Hou Xiaobai miserable.Yizhen is synonymous with profiteers in his eyes.

Therefore, Du Yu carefully looked at the EVA operating helmet and battery very suspiciously, for fear that these things would explode suddenly.

It's strange to say that once the real thing is installed, in terms of attributes, the artillery energy, jumping distance, and force field shield of the metal warhead have all been improved. The overall kinetic energy is like a Xiali, but it is equipped with an aviation motor. The power is just right.

"Hey!" Du Yu grabbed Yizhen by the collar: "These two things, you won't give me any small print notes or cheating unspoken rules, will you?"

Yi Zhenwei shouted: "One world, two brothers, will I cheat you?"

Seeing Du Yu's suspicious eyes, Yizhen coughed and said, "I bought the EVA helmet from regular channels, and the guy with the sextant roundness cough cough. As for the kinetic energy battery, it was from Tony Star Recycled from the discarded Iron Man trash!"

Yizhen patted his chest to assure that the kinetic energy battery recycled by Iron Man has absolutely no quality problems, and provides a three-guarantee service.

The two things charge a total of 200 million survival points.

Du Yu viciously warned Yizhen that if there is a quality problem, he will be killed.

Yizhen received 200 million survival points with a smile, and flashed away.

Du Yu anxiously handed over the EVA training helmet, tight suit and [alloy warhead] SV001-ⅡMS to Li Qinglu.

Li Qinglu felt shy when she saw the tight-fitting combat uniform, but she turned around and went into the room to change.

When she appeared in the sight of Du Yu and others again, Du Yu's eyes suddenly lit up!
It turned out that the long-haired Princess Yinchuan and the beauty in ancient costumes were so charming in this EVA combat uniform.

EVA's tight-fitting combat suit uses space fiber materials of the same standard as space suits to maximize the safety of the driver. At the same time, in order to reduce the combat weight, the tight lines perfectly outline the youthful curves of beautiful girls, which is fascinating.

Seeing Du Yu's wolf eyes staring straight at her, Li Qinglu became even more shy, bit her cherry lips tightly with her white teeth, and walked quickly to the cockpit.

Her smooth black long hair floated in front of Du Yu, and Du Yu was drunk.

Li Qinglu sat in the cockpit, inevitably a little nervous.

She put on the EVA training helmet, and the hatch closed slowly.

After 5 seconds, [Metal Slug] SV001-ⅡMS did not move at all.

10 秒

20 秒

"I'll just say, this profiteer didn't tell the truth." Du Yu was furious, and wanted to settle the score with Yizhen.

But just at this time, [Metal Slug] SV001-ⅡMS suddenly stood up!
The metal slug robot stood up at this time, and it looked more imposing than in the game, standing tall in front of Du Yu like a steel king kong.

Height: 2.2 meters, length: 2.6 meters, width: 2.3 meters.

This mechanical giant, pure silver memory metal, has both plasticity and sturdiness, all of which project a punk mechanical style, but in the center there is a long-haired, peerless ancient beauty, wearing an EVA helmet and wearing a tight-fitting combat uniform , the beauty is overwhelming, but there is an indescribable natural beauty.

"Go!" Ning Zhong shouted.

[Alloy Slug] The SV001-ⅡMS model takes three steps, every step is as natural as a human being, and it is not mechanical.

"Shoot!" Ning Zhong pointed at a target on the training ground.

The 12.7mm 6-chamber unlimited-ammunition heavy machine gun with an alloy bullet rotates readily and shoots the bullets to the target accurately.Under the powerful kinetic energy of the alloy slug itself and the infinite kinetic energy of Iron Man, the 12.7mm bullet tore through the target without hindrance, leaving bursts of bullet holes in the courtyard.

Li Qinglu screamed excitedly, and the 130mm main gun on the back of the alloy warhead began to adjust the muzzle slowly, and Du Yu shouted: "Stop! Stop! My yard is not a wilderness blood field."

"Haha!" Li Mochou laughed triumphantly, "With this thing, a powerless beauty can become an existence comparable to a top expert."

Wang Yuyan said calmly: "That's right! This metal warhead robot combines attack, defense and assault speed into one. It's very powerful. If it's used well, it can definitely play a role that a top expert can't match in certain situations."

Later, A'Zhu and Wang Yuyan also took the EVA operating suits and went up to conduct experiments.But in terms of synchronization rate, Li Qinglu has the highest synchronization rate, followed by Ah Zhu, and Wang Yuyan, the smartest, has a lower synchronization rate, which is embarrassing.

"It's also thanks to the EVA suit provided by Yizhen." Wang Yuyan herself was not very depressed: "Otherwise, the complicated instructions of the [Alloy Slug] SV001-ⅡMS type are enough to make people dizzy. The real-time simulation operation of the finger ground, as long as the driver makes a movement, the robot will make a corresponding movement. It is very convenient to use. In addition, the infinite kinetic energy of Iron Man gives this robot the endurance to fight in the whole world. There is no need to worry about energy issues, and it is more cost-effective than paying survival points to dispatch.”

"In the next world, we may enter the world of Legend of the Double Dragon of the Tang Dynasty. It will be a chaotic world where wars are frequent and human lives are like dogs." Du Yu said with emotion: "This [alloy warhead] SV001-ⅡMS type, I am afraid that in this chaotic world, It's a great show."

"Are you going to collect He's Jade Seals?" Xiaolongnv Bingxue is smart, and she knows the meaning of strings and songs.

"That's right!" Du Yu sighed, "Another person entrusted me to find the evil emperor relic. Alas, I'm going to confront a demon like Shi Zhixuan again! I don't know if my kung fu can compare to him."

"Don't be careless." Ning Zhong said solemnly: "You need to know that what you are about to enter is the world of difficulty in the outer city. This is your first time trying this difficulty. If you underestimate the enemy and be careless, you will die a miserable death."

Du Yu nodded: "So, we need to retreat to strengthen our strength."

At this time, he is in the state of rapid cultivation, so he naturally needs to practice hard and strive for greater breakthroughs.

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(End of this chapter)

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