Chapter 534 Together with kindness, we will receive treasures! - ask for monthly pass

Du Yu smiled slightly, without saying anything, and shouted, "Where is your real product?"

Shi Long smiled bitterly and said: "Anyway, it's death, do you think I will hand this thing over to you, the eagle dog of a foolish king?"

Du Yu pondered for a while: "Let me guess, the real thing must be in your collection elsewhere, right?"

Shi Long's face was bloodless, and he lost his voice: "You you"

Even this backhand is clearly known by the Yuwen faction, so what else can be done to stop Du Yu?
He could only close his eyes and wait for death, but secretly, he pulled the mechanism that had been prepared for a long time.

In any case, the foolish king cannot be allowed to obtain the formula of longevity. Otherwise, the foolish king who has confused the world will not be a sinner through the ages for thousands of years?

Who would have thought that Du Yu would flutteringly pick up the foot that was stepping on his chest, and with a wave of his hand, the life and death talisman on his body would disappear completely again.

Shi Long was really astonished.

Seeing Yu Wenyu turned around and left again, he couldn't help shouting:

"Hawk dog! If you have the idea of ​​fishing for big fish with a long line, you are very wrong! I would rather die than give you the real thing"

He has sent out a warning signal, he must hold back Yu Wenyu, otherwise Tian Wenwen, a weak scholar, will definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of this master's tarsal maggot.

Du Yu turned his head and wondered, "Dead? Why should I kill you?"

Shi Long could hardly believe his ears.

The Yuwen Clan, who kills people like hemp, actually has such a young master?

He pays himself that he will be murdered to silence him, or at least severely tortured, asking him to hand over the authentic product.

The eagle dog let him go easily, isn't he really afraid of running away?

Since the Hunjun himself wants the formula of longevity, he must not allow himself who has read this book to leave.

Du Yu smiled calmly and said, "I have this fake copy in my hand, it is enough."

He raised the fake longevity formula in his hand.

"You..." Shi Long was stunned, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that the Yuwen Clan has also rebelled against that stupid lord early? Do you want to use the longevity formula as a bait to train that stupid lord to death?"

Du Yu smiled indifferently: "Everything is your guess, I have not discovered the truth about this fake. This fake has been practiced by Hunjun, is it effective?"

Shi Long smiled and said: "This book has more than 7000 ancient oracle bone inscriptions, and I, Shi Long, have deciphered more than half of them. I have painstakingly moved half of the oracle bone inscriptions quietly to ensure that no one will find out. If you practice according to the book, you will No one will die?"

Du Yu was sweating profusely.

If you don't know what to do, seize treasures and kill people, and happily practice according to this longevity formula, you will really die.

Du Yu put away the counterfeit formula of longevity: "But I will give you a piece of advice, quickly take that friend with you, as far as you go. Don't make mistakes."

Seeing Du Yu turning his head to leave, Shi Long finally let out a long sigh: "Forget it! Since Brother Yuwenyu is willing to let me and my brother's life go, I have to practice this longevity formula hard to find the right way. I think little brother Yuwen has an extraordinary bearing. Elegant and noble, and your elder brother Yu Wenhuaji, hehe, why don’t I give this to you! I’ll go far away! The formula of longevity is hidden in "

"Mr. Tian Wenjia, teacher in the east of the city, right?" Du Yu said the name calmly.

Shi Long's face was really pale.

He thought that he had done everything seamlessly, but who would have thought that Yu Wenji had already figured out everything, and even figured out the backhand.

"So you know everything?" Shi Long sat on the ground weakly, and said with a sad smile.

Seeing that Yu Wenyu really had no intention of killing him, Shi Long felt deeply that this person was extraordinary, and Yu Wenyu admitted frankly that he would not dedicate the real thing to the faint king, but might as well give it away.Anyway, I have practiced for so long and it has no effect.

His face suddenly changed: "Not good! I have sent a signal to tell Brother Tian Wen to leave Yangzhou with the formula of longevity. In this case, you need to rush to the pier to inform him."

Du Yu picked up the stone dragon and rushed out.

It's not that he has no idea about the longevity formula as he said.If Shi Long insisted not to give it, he would naturally look for Tian Wen.

However, at that time, Du Yu would not be polite to Shi Long after he got the formula of longevity.

He is not a pedantic and respectful person. Of course, if he can not kill people, he should solve the problem peacefully.This time, didn't Shi Long generously offer the formula of longevity?In this way, it will reduce some troubles for the follow-up plan.

But Du Yu had an ominous premonition in his heart.

In the original work, Shilong's body is really the genuine formula of longevity, and there is no such thing as a counterfeit one.

But the plot obviously won't allow adventurers who are familiar with the story to easily learn the formula of longevity, and this fake was born.

So will Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling steal the longevity formula on Tian Wen?

The answer was quickly revealed.

When Tian Wen, who was in a hurry, was stopped by a disguised Shilong on the pier, he was stunned, and then pleasantly surprised, but when he opened the personal package, he only found a cut hole

The formula of longevity disappeared.

Du Yu looked calm.

Sure enough, as he guessed, Space Wan didn't have a reason to generously hand over treasures such as the Jue of Longevity to adventurers as soon as they came up, otherwise the first villain mission would be like a gift.

This object should have fallen into the hands of Yangzhou Ssangyong.If you want to take it away, you are destined to go through a bloody battle, and it may last for a long time.

Du Yu smiled coldly.

Since he came to this world, he is not afraid of causing trouble.

For the next goal, Du Yu quickly found Boss Yan, the leader of the Yangzhou Bamboo Flower Gang. After exchanging punches and kicks, Boss Yan, with a bruised nose and swollen face, nodded and bowed and led Du Yu to the abandoned courtyard in the east of the city where Shuanglong lived.

It's a pity that Du Yu was one step too late again, and the room was empty.It seems that Ssangyong really got the rare book of the formula of longevity and fled away.

Du Yu fulfilled his promise and released Shilong and Tianwen's family. The two escaped from the dead were grateful, and they fled from Yangzhou wharf with their family in disguise, and promised not to spread a word.

Du Yu's benevolence was not in vain.

Shi Long jumped onto the boat and was going down the river when suddenly he waved his hand and shot a dart at Du Yu.

Du Yu grabbed the dart in the air.

There are eight characters written on it.

"Stone Dragon Dojo, the east wing is sandwiched between the walls."

Looking at Shilong who was going down the river.

In addition to being a little lost, the latter has a sense of relief.

After practicing the longevity formula for three years, if Du Yu hadn't been merciful, his family would have been ruined, and Teacher Tian, ​​who had cut his throat, would have been buried with him.

Throwing this hot potato to Yu Wenyu made Shi Long feel relaxed after being in the cage for a long time and returning to nature.

He had a premonition that at a young age, this son possessed the martial arts and family background of Yuwen Gao, and also had a trace of benevolence that Yu Wenhuaji did not have, and his future achievements would be limitless.

The counterfeit formula of longevity that I painstakingly created, but it is practiced by the innocent and foolish king. If you train him to death, it will be a blessing to the world.

Shi Long smiled slightly, waved goodbye, sailed eastward by boat, and quickly disappeared from Du Yu's eyes.

Du Yu immediately rushed towards Shilong Dojo.

Shi Long should have left something behind to thank him for not killing him.

Stone Dragon Dojo was quiet at this time, probably because the disciples of the sect had already fled after hearing that the teacher had brought a murderous disaster.Yang Guang was extremely cruel, often killing nine clans, causing disasters to all his masters and apprentices.

Du Yu's eyes fell on the east wing of the Stone Dragon Dojo, and he walked in quickly.

Sure enough, in the wing room, there was a seamlessly disguised wall.

Du Yu opened it carefully, and inside was a package of paper wrapped in oiled paper.

Open these papers, it is densely written.

It turned out to be the deciphered text of the formula of longevity!
As mentioned earlier, according to oral traditions of the past dynasties, the Jue of Longevity comes from Guangchengzi, the teacher of the Yellow Emperor in ancient times. It is written in oracle bone inscriptions. Decipher the entire book.There are a total of 3000 glyphs in the book, but only more than [-] glyphs have been deciphered.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling said that they had practiced the formula of longevity, but naturally they couldn't understand any oracle bone inscriptions. They only practiced two of the seven attached pictures at the end, and they have achieved their great achievements!
So, what if you have mastered the formula of longevity?
What about these inscrutable oracle bone inscriptions and all the seven pictures that follow?

Is it possible to become a fairy, step through the void, and soar in the daytime?
Du Yu didn't know, he could only vaguely feel that there was indeed a mystery in it.

Shi Long devoted himself to the study of the formula of longevity for three years, exhausted the sea of ​​books, and searched for the research and deciphering results of the formula of longevity by the sages of all ages. Although he still couldn't read the formula of longevity fluently, it finally opened up a possibility for Du Yu!
The possibility of leading to the road to immortality.

"You got an important plot item, Shilong [Notes on the formula of longevity]!"

"Comparing the Jue of Longevity with this item, you will be able to read 47% of the Jue of Longevity."

Before Shi Long left, he handed over all the precious research results to Du Yu as a token of gratitude.

Du Yu put Shilong's "Explanation of the Jue of Longevity" and "The Judgment of Longevity" (fake) into his bosom, pondered for a while, and then took out a treasure from his bosom.

With Yangzhou Ssangyong's cunning as ghosts, Du Yu couldn't catch them at this time.

The plot world will never allow a task that takes three years to be completed by an adventurer in just the first day.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were so familiar with Yangzhou City that they could escape from the city with their eyes closed.In the plot, Yu Wenhuaji used Yangzhou soldiers and horses to attack with all his strength, but failed to keep these two young men.

Coupled with the good luck given to their protagonists by the plot, it is impossible to say that even if they are on the street at this time, and they are openly blocked by Yu Wenhua and their soldiers and horses, they will kill someone like Fu Junmao, Du Fuwei, or even Li Jing and Cheng Yao on the way. Jin and the like fought against each other, and the two took the opportunity to slip away.

This kind of thing is by no means a fantasy.

But unfortunately, Du Yu couldn't control even the space!

Because he has a space wonder!
【Weather Compass】.

Space wonders, props of unknown level.You can track a person of a specific weather or a specific organization at the cost of 3 survival points. Before tracking and searching, you need to enter the weather image of the other party, and you can track only one person per 1 world.The effective time is in the same world as the tracked object, and the display range is within a radius of 1 km of the tracked object.

(End of this chapter)

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