Chapter 551 Going north to the canal, there are many tests! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

This Li Shimin always gave Du Yu a sense of inscrutable and unpredictable.Although he used the meteorological reconnaissance skills several times, there was no result.

Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, and Li Jing pressed forward.

The aura of Kou and Xu is even more extraordinary, it seems that the efficacy of the formula of longevity is really extraordinary.But Du Yu has been busy cleaning up the account books of the Dongming faction these days, and has no time to practice the formula of longevity.

Li Jing is the most eye-catching, because this is Li Shimin's great hero who conquered the world and destroyed the Turks in the future, and he also has the spirit of fighting for the rest of his life, which is not to be underestimated.

Seeing Li Shimin's question, Du Yu smiled, cupped his hands and said, "So it's brother Shimin, brother Shimin doesn't know something. I asked Princess Shan Wanjing to come with me, it's not a threat."

The corners of Li Shimin's mouth turned up, and he smiled softly: "It's not coercion, could it be that Princess Dongming voluntarily swims with my brother?"

His eyes turned to Shan Wanjing.

Du Yu had to admit that Li Shimin did have the capital to fight for world hegemony.Just his smile, even if he is in the enemy's line, it is difficult to generate hostility.

Even the well-informed himself can't see through the truth. If Li Shimin is not a man of integrity and integrity who combines the best of the world, he is a super performer who is astoundingly treacherous and loyal.

Shan Wanjing's eyes turned red, and she was about to reprimand the Yuwen Clan to Li Shimin, a bosom friend, but was secretly transmitted by Du Yu: "Dongming faction, Piaoxiang."

Shan Wanjing reacted immediately and glared at Yu Wenyu, this despicable bastard actually threatened herself with the Dongming faction who had not left the Yangtze River, not to tell the truth.

But at this time, my mother, Shan Meixian, was still seriously injured, and she was captured by this bastard again. Piaoxiang was at its weakest stage. If he offended him, not only would she die after taking the poison, but the Dongming faction would also be unable to escape Yuwen. Valve's attack again.

Shan Wanjing's beautiful cold eyes stared at Du Yu, and after a long while, she finally uttered with difficulty: "Brother Shimin, Yu Wenyu and I are going to the north together. We are not coerced."

She said, her eye circles were already red, she turned her head and left.

No matter how unruly a princess is, she is a girl after all.

Li Shimin showed an angry expression, and said loudly: "Brother Yuwen, stay on the front line when doing things, the princess is so wronged, it must be"

Du Yu took a deep breath: "Brother Shimin, do you have any other business? If not, please disembark. I still have the emperor's order, so I have to hurry back to face the saint."

Li Shimin's tiger eyes showed a bright light: "Are you really unwilling to let him go?"

Du Yu laughed out loud, showing strong self-confidence: "If the Li family dares to openly intercept and attack the imperial envoy, then prepare to go to war!"

Li Shimin's gaze stayed on Shan Wanjing's infinitely beautiful back view, and the atmosphere on the boat suddenly became solemn.

Kou Zhong sneered: "Xiaoling, did you see that there are people in the world who clearly imprisoned the princess, but insisted that she traveled with him voluntarily. It's really shameless."

Xu Ziling had complicated feelings for Shan Wanjing, so he didn't answer, but took a step forward.

After practicing the longevity formula, Xu Ziling's temperament has undergone a huge change, like a leopard that has just grown up.

Seeing that a big battle was inevitable, Li Shimin suddenly burst out laughing: "Since brother and Princess Shan are swimming together, Shimin is troubled."

The four of them were stunned at the same time.

Unexpectedly, the fight was about to start. Li Shimin, who was upright and wanted to uphold justice, suddenly gave up.

Li Shimin pressed the displeased three people, gave a code, and said loudly: "Then let's talk about the second thing. This time, brother, you sneak attack, no, you visited the Dongming faction and got an account book, right? ?”

Du Yu suddenly realized.

It turned out that Li Shimin's focus was not to ask for Shan Wanjing, but to record the account books for the Li Clan's purchase of weapons.

Du Yu is planning to dedicate this account book to the faint king to frame Li Clan.

Obviously, Li Shimin, who was well informed, received the information first, and rushed to Pengcheng to intercept Du Yu, and wanted to get back the account book.

This time, Du Yu raided the Dongming faction and not only took away the account books of the Li family, but also robbed 3000 sets of weapons and armor of the Li family.

But Li Shimin is also very strategic.

He first made an unimportant request, begging for Shan Wanjing, and taking care of the Dongming faction's face, and retreating to advance.

Du Yu rejected the first request, so Li Shimin further proposed the second.

If they refuse all of them, it will appear that Du Yu is unreasonable and does not take care of Li Family's face at all.

Later, the Li Clan met each other again, which seemed to be justified.

Du Yu secretly sneered in his heart.

It's a pity, this time, we are destined to carry Li Shimin all the way to the end.

He smiled lightly: "What account book, I have never seen it before."

Li Shimin, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling looked at each other.

They have seen all scoundrels in this world, but Du Yu is such a brazen, open-eyed and nonsense genius, which is really rare.

Kou Zhong said angrily: "We, Yangzhou Shuanglong, have clearly seen that account book on the Piaoxiang of the Dongming School."

Du Yu immediately cut off the conversation: "Since Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling have seen this account book, brother Shimin needs to find them two if he wants to inquire about the account book. Or you can go to Mrs. Dongming."

Li Shimin was silent for a moment, his face darkened already.

"It seems that there is really nothing to talk about this time?" Li Shimin looked directly at Du Yu: "I, the Li clan, don't want to start a war with the Yuwen clan."

These words are upright, but they also give people an unquestionable threat.

Du Yu couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders: "I told you, you don't believe me either. But if you really want to intercept the imperial envoy, brother Li should think about the consequences. I won't send you off."

On the shore at this time, the general manager of Pengcheng had already rushed to the shore with 5000 Sui troops, nervously watching the confrontation on the canal.

Although the Li Clan is also a world-renowned giant of a wealthy family, the Yuwen Clan has a sacred mandate at this time, and the imperial envoy with a gold medal is trusted by Emperor Sui Yang.If the two clans fought on the canal, he could only order to attack the Li clan and rescue the imperial envoy.

Seeing that the reinforcements had arrived and it was impossible to take action on the Pengcheng River, Li Shimin's face was gloomy, and he glanced at Shan Wanjing who was teary-eyed at the cabin door, and there was a hint of greed in the tiger's eyes.

But Du Yu was keenly aware of Li Shimin's wink.

Suspicions arose in his heart.

This Li Shimin, who seems to be a gentleman, why did he show such a soul-inspiring expression? Could it be that Shan Wanjing really has such a big attraction for him?
Accustomed to seeing the stunning beauty of Xiaolongnv and others, although Du Yu admitted that Shan Wanjing was an outstanding super beauty, he was not so hungry and thirsty.

He looked at the four figures of Li Shimin flying back, showing a pensive expression.

Kou Zhong couldn't help asking: "Brother Shimin, why didn't you order to attack that Yuwen Sterile?"

Li Jing couldn't help laughing and said, "He's obviously called Yu Wen Yu, but you changed his name to Yu Wen Yu?"

Kou Zhong proudly said: "This kind of cruel and ruthless thief has lost his morality, God will not give him an heir. I just changed my name by chance."

Li Shimin couldn't help laughing either, turned his head to look at the Yuwen faction fleet and the Sui army on land, and said in a deep voice: "He has a sacred mandate at this time, unless I, the Li faction, turn against him immediately, I can't attack him."

Xu Ziling said in dissatisfaction: "Could it be that he was allowed to be rampant and return to the Hunjun all the way? You need to know that he still holds the evidence of your Li Clan's weapons trading."

Li Shimin naturally knew that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were eager to avenge the Luocha girl, so they spared no effort to encourage him to start a war against Yuwen. His tiger eyes flashed, and he said leisurely: "Don't worry. Although in the boundary of Pengcheng, I can't openly attack him. But right now, the rebel army is everywhere, and there are wars everywhere, if the imperial envoy's boat sails to the uninhabited river section, it is not uncommon for the boat to be destroyed by a group of rebel thieves, right?"

He said, but looked at Li Jing.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were taken aback for a moment, but then they were overjoyed.

"Exactly!" Kou Zhong laughed, picked up his big knife, and said lazily, "Xiaoling and I are the best at diving. In addition, Brother Li and Brother Shimin use soldiers like gods and command invincibles. How can we do it this time?" This Yuwen is sterile, go to the bottom of the water to become a water ghost!"

Xu Ziling interjected: "But Du Fuwei and Li Zitong were capable of attacking up and down, and they were all defeated by him and fled. Li Clan didn't have many sailors this time, even if Brother Shimin and Brother Li commanded like gods, It's not easy to kill this thief."

Li Shimin's eyes flashed, and he smashed a cup: "If he doesn't do anything, I'm unjust! You can't just sit back and watch Princess Dongming being imprisoned by him. Since he is the murderer who killed your mother Rakshasa, then Yang Gong Baoku Most of his secrets were stolen by him. I know that Peng Lianghui and other forces, the four bandits and other thieves all covet Duke Yang's treasury. If I let the wind out and let the thieves attack it, let's make the last blow! Li Jing! This matter is under your full authority."

Hearing Li Shimin's order, Li Jing's general demeanor was calm, but a trace of excitement was burning in his eyes.

He has been on the battlefield for decades, followed Du Fuwei, but he saw that this man was looting, not the real dragon emperor who wanted to dominate the world. He happened to meet Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and Susu, so they went north together, but they did not expect to meet Li Shimin.

This time, he was able to get the opportunity to lead troops to fight, and he finally got the opportunity to verify his well-known military tactics.

Without even thinking about it, Li Jing slowly unfolded the map and pointed his thumb to a place: "Here is the place where Yu Wenyu was buried!"

Li Shimin, Kou Zhong, and Xu Ziling were all overjoyed, and the four of them discussed in secret here, and after all the calculations were done, they immediately split up and acted.

Du Yu watched Li Clan's warship turn around, turn upstream and leave quickly, but his heart always sank.

This time, his enemies were Li Shimin, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and Li Jing.

Each of them is a hero of the world, and they are definitely not easy to deal with.

Especially Li Shimin, he would never sit back and watch him go to the faint king and report him to the Li Clan for buying weapons without permission. A fierce battle is inevitable.

The chief executive of Pengcheng came on board to meet Du Yu.

Although Du Yu was in the court at this time and had no position, but this time he captured the formula of longevity for the emperor, and killed the Rakshasa girl who assassinated the emperor. Because of the emperor's favor for the Yuwen Clan, he was promoted to a noble position this time. Soaring to prosperity is almost a certainty.It's better to curry favor first.

This kind of high-ranking disciples, if they want to get ahead, have much more chances than humble scholars.Those who have a little ability and are willing to curry favor with the emperor can occupy high positions.

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(End of this chapter)

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