Chapter 682 Master Cheating VS Space Liar! -Four more subscriptions

Shi Guodong has already found the feeling of being a god, and said with an evil smile: "Then what is more ruthless for him?"

Tian Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't we arrange him to be Kun himself?"

"Cheng Kun's martial arts is not low, right?" Yamazaki Ryuji said.

"Brilliant move!" Shi Guodong said overjoyed, "Although Cheng Kun's martial arts are good, but not a single bit of them will be automatically inherited to Du Yu!"

He gave a thumbs up: "Brother Tianyu is really clever. This Cheng Kun has done a lot of evil, and everyone shouted and beat him in the plot. First, because his junior sister became Mrs. Yang Dingtian, Yang Dingtian became mad, and then he tried to subvert Mingjiao, pretending Being drunk and defiled the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun's wife and killing his whole family, the Golden Retriever Lion King hated him a lot, and even Zhang Wuji's protagonist power also regarded him as the greatest enemy. Mingjiao hated him deeply. And lurking in Shaolin Temple, He also secretly killed many people from Shaolin Temple, Wudang sect and other famous sects, provoking the famous sects to besiege Guangmingding. The only advantage of Cheng Kun is that it is hidden in the plot and is not easy to be discovered by the plot characters, but we are different. We There is a way to get Cheng Kun, played by that kid Du Yu, out of Shaolin Temple! Make him the protagonist, the Ming Cult, the Six Great Sects and other good and evil sides, and everyone in the world will be a street rat who shouts to be beaten and killed!"

"If we can get the assistance of Zhang Wuji, the golden-haired lion king Xie Xun, the bright left envoy Yang Xiao, the white-browed eagle king Yin Tianzheng, the three great monks of Shaolin Temple, Zhang Sanfeng of the Wudang sect, the Juejue Shitai of the Emei sect, and many other powerful people from both good and evil sides," Tian Yu said with a smile: "Even if Du Yu's hands and eyes are open to the sky, and he has countless supernatural powers and skills, he can't get out of the sky! Our three powerful enemies will spy from behind, find an opportunity, and wipe him out completely. Isn't it once and for all?"

Yamazaki Ryuji laughed wildly: "This is a good idea! I have no doubts about our victory. Haha, this cooperation is really happy."

Then Shi Guodong did what he said, using the controller to adjust the role assigned by Du Yu from Yin Yewang to the hidden character Cheng Kun.

At this moment, Shi Guodong, Tian Yu, and Yamazaki Ryuji all have a sense of superiority to become the gods of the plot world, and they can better understand the kind of phone scammers in later generations who can swindle endless money by flicking their tongues in front of the phone. Come hurry up.

With a flick of a finger, he gently prevents a powerful enemy and puts him in a certain death situation. Is there anything more enjoyable than this?

A system prompt sounded: "You are trying to use a cheating device to put the opponent in the team battle in a situation that is too difficult. Are you sure?"

Shi Guodong clicked hard to confirm!

"What I really want is for him to die!"

The system prompts: "Start to submit this change application to the space"

"Because of the special nature of the team battle, and because Cheng Kun's hidden hatred for almost all the characters in the plot exceeds 80, the difficulty factor is far higher than that of the outer city. The system submitted it, but it was rejected, and the application failed."

"What?" The three were shocked and angry.

This cheating device doesn't seem to be a panacea, and it will be rejected by the space.

Shi Guodong was still rational, and calmly applied: "What is the node that cannot pass the application to check the space rules? What is the reason? Is there any way to pass?"

The cheater Shasha replied: "After inspection, it was found that the difficulty factor assigned to the other party was too high, reaching an unprecedented 5. Once the other party completed the villain task, the space could not provide enough reward resources to give to the other party. If you insist on assigning, please ask the applicant Only by taking out enough resources to make up for this shortfall can it pass.”

"Want money?" The three said in unison, unbelievable.

Using a cheating device by yourself, actually asking for money?
The three of them suddenly felt like being caught by a liar?
This foolish setting, do we have to pay money to help the system, pay Du Yu task rewards, and the system will approve the application only after there is a sufficient guarantee?

The three fell silent, and Shi Guodong fed back the news to Hou Xiaobai.

What these powerful adventurers don't know is that they use cheating devices to submit applications to the space. They should have passed the program of the main god of space. Seconds later, the application will be automatically approved.A space without a space manager is like an urban traffic command center with no one to direct it. It is completely unable to judge complex situations and can only allow cheating applications to pass.

For hundreds of years, such applications have been approved many times by default, so many powerful people like Hou Xiaobai have long been accustomed to it, and never think of any accidents

At this time, eight furry primates appeared in front of the screen in the space control center that was supposed to be empty!These three humans are being watched intensively!

When they received the application from the S-level cheating device, requesting that their masters be prevented, artificially increasing the difficulty of the task completely in violation of regulations, and placing them in a certain death situation, Caesar, the leader of the strong program ape, grinned. Put on a very humane smile.

With his slender and nimble fingers, he tapped the keyboard twice, and the message was sent to Du Yu's mind who was teleporting through space.

"Boss, someone wants to fuck you."

Du Yu said indifferently: "That's exactly why I asked you to come. Send me an application to revise the mission and have a look."

When Du Yu saw the application sent by Shi Guodong, he was speechless for a while.

Actually let me change from Yin Yewang to Cheng Kun?
He pondered for a while, and asked the programmer to make an inquiry.

"Help me find out, if I become Cheng Kun, how will the villain mission and villain value be rewarded?"

After the programmer checked, Caesar grinned and said, "It's very difficult, my master. If you consider the factors of these three strong teams, after you become Chengkun, the possibility of facing the siege of Jianghu is extremely high. Space for this task The judgment is difficulty 4. This means that once you complete the task, the reward factor will be quadruple! And in the villain mission, there will inevitably be generous rewards for the villain with no upper limit, and the failure of the mission will not obliterate it. But I still recommend you to reject them Right. Cheng Kun's only advantage is his identity concealment. Now the truth is revealed, no matter which side it is, Cheng Kun will not be let go."

Du Yu smiled and shook his head.

Since he has the power of programmers and spatial rules, if the other party wants to play insidiously with him, it is really impossible to beat him!
In fact, Du Yu is seriously lacking in villain value at this time.

Among other things, there are at least six beautiful beauties in the space, all of whom cannot be summoned to join the battle due to lack of villain value.

Not to mention that on the road of Du Yu's immortal cultivation, he still needs endless villain points to improve the level of his immortal cultivation skills.

In this world, Du Yu plans to play a big game.

His eyes rolled quickly, apparently assessing the relationship between risk and benefit.

Become Cheng Kun, the degree of difficulty is high, but the villain value is also great.But risks also come with them.No matter it is Shaolin School, Wudang School and other decent schools, or Mingjiao, Tianyingjiao and other evil schools, even Zhang Wuji, Xie Xun and others, they will not let themselves go.

But at this time, Du Yu was no longer Wuxia Amon.

He has full confidence and judgment in his own strength and the strength of the wolf pupil team.

He made up his mind!

In fact, even without these three unlucky children taking advantage of him, Du Yu still wanted to use the power of the programmer to let himself play the role of the big villain once and get a lot of villain points.

Of course, modifying the plot settings requires a lot of programmer energy.

Now, someone else is willing to replace Du Yu and send Du Yu to the position of Cheng Kun's big villain.

Why not Du Yu?

After he made up his mind, he began to use the name of space to play a more sinister intellectual game with the three confident conspirators as if they were chatting on QQ!
It's just that it seems that the programmers will play each other to death in a way that the other party can't even imagine.

Under the anxious eyes of the three of Shi Guodong, after more than a minute of calculation, the cheating device continued to rustle: "After calculation, the difficulty of the opponent's own adventure is 2. And the difficulty for you to try to raise the opponent is 5. The difficulty in the middle The difference in difficulty coefficient is 3. You need to submit 3000 million survival points, otherwise you will not be able to pass.”

The three of them were going crazy.

3000 million survival points?

The savings of their three strong teams at this time, together, are not enough to make up this number.

Although the harvest in each world is not small, but it is necessary to strengthen training, purchase props, and improve skills. Which team does not spend more money than its face before entering the next world?
But the space doesn't care about this, and quickly jumped out a string of text: "If you can't make up the difference within 5 minutes, the space will recognize you as bug cheaters. You will be punished by obliteration!"

Seeing the blood-red obliteration word, the eyes of the three captains went dark, and their souls flew away!

"Nimma, what kind of cheating device is this!" Yamazaki Ryuji roared.

"Didn't you say that you will never be arrested?" Tianyu panicked for a while.

"When did space become so intelligent?" Shi Guodong was shocked and angry.

Under the strong pressure of obliteration, the three dared not neglect, and hurriedly sent a short distress signal to Hou Xiaobai.

Only four words.

Help!Ask for money!
Hou Xiaobai was also taken aback.But under the desperate urging of the three, they had no choice but to get 3000 million survival points from Hou Shenjiang and pay them to Shi Guodong immediately.

But Hou Xiaobai always had doubts in his heart.Why does space make such rude demands?

This principle is easy to understand.

The relationship between space and adventurers, to put it bluntly, is the relationship between casinos and gamblers.The reward of space is the life money for gamblers.I'm bidding you not to complete the task.And the gambler, penniless, only has one life, so he bet his life on tomorrow.Space is like a banker, and risk takers are like gamblers.

How can the banker not have enough money and ask the gambler to pay in advance?
Thinking of this, Hou Xiaobai cried out in despair: "Paralysis, I met a liar!"

He hurriedly called Shi Guodong.

But it's too late.

Shi Guodong's paging was full of busy tone, which was the result of the turbulence of time and space in his space transmission, which interfered with the communication.

Hou Xiaobai looked desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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