Chapter 684 Becoming Cheng Kun, fighting wits and courage! -Second watch for subscription

Michelle's voice sounded: "Captain, how are you? Where are you?"

This is the first time for Maishela and the wolf pupil team to enter the mission world and cooperate with Du Yu, but Du Yu is nowhere to be seen.

Du Yu smiled lightly: "I'm fine. But the identity arrangement has become Cheng Kun. How about you?"

Michelle exclaimed, "What?"

Du Yu said solemnly: "As long as you alone know. What are your identities?"

Michelle giggled and said, "We were assigned to the Mingjiao side. We became a group of pawns under the Five Elements Flag Flood Banner. Flood Flag's weapon is a water sprayer. The water is highly poisonous, and it will fester when it touches the skin. It should be It’s strong acid or something. But it’s very appreciated by Tang Yang, the envoy in charge of the banner. I’m now appointed as the deputy envoy in charge of the banner. Chengkun is a traitor, why don’t you surrender quickly?”

Du Yu laughed loudly: "Very good. You are separated from me and join Mingjiao, which is a plan I have already planned. We seem to be opposite, but in fact, if we use this identity well, we may get miraculous results. .Behave well within the Mingjiao and strive for a higher official position. Maybe you can replace the Zishan Dragon King who has left the Guangming Temple. It is unknown. What is the task?"

Mai Shela said in a deep voice: "Among the three tasks, the first one is to revive Mingjiao. It means that 54 of us are required to contribute a total of more than 54000 points to the Mingjiao forces to pass the level, and the rewards are quite generous. The second is to resist the siege of the six sects. If you survive the siege of the six sects, you can pass the level. The third is a team battle task. Kill the adventurers and story characters of the six sects that are hostile to us, and you can get Great rewards."

Du Yu figured it out: "Reviving Mingjiao does not require Mingjiao to exist forever. It is possible to destroy Mingjiao after completing the task and receiving rewards. The second task is also to survive the siege of Guangmingding. The third task, Be consistent with your own."

Du Yu heaved a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was the task of the Maishela wolf pupil team. He asked to support Mingjiao until the end of the task time.Then his mission will collide with the mission of the wolf pupil team, and a trade-off must be made.

In fact, even if there is a car crash, there are naughty programmers in Du Yu who can modify it at any time to avoid irreversible tragedies.

At this time, when it was time for the evening class, the Drum Tower of Shaolin Temple made a knocking sound, reminding all the great monks to go to various Buddhist halls in Shaolin Temple for evening class practice.

Flocks of ravens flew high from the setting sun in the twilight, their blood-red eyes shining with a strange light.This made the Muwan Temple, which was supposed to be peaceful and quiet, take on a blood-colored dignity.

"Very good!" Du Yu stood calmly on the square of Shaolin Temple in Raven Muwan, looking at the devout monks all around him, took out a treasure in the shape of a feng shui compass, and flashed it in front of his eyes.

That was the treasure of space that Du Yu worked so hard to obtain before—the weather compass.

The weather compass upgraded by Monk Yizhen can detect the weather of a known adventurer in the mission world, and judge the person's location like a radar.

He entered the weather of a white tiger.

That was Shi Guodong's weather.

On the feng shui compass, Di Liu suddenly turned, showing that this person was nearby.

Du Yu smiled and said, "Shi Guodong's group of teasers should be here soon, right? This is not good. I, Cheng Kun, have a lot of hatred, so I can't accompany you any longer."

He suddenly disappeared in place.

As Du expected, after only 5 minutes, a group of adventurers dressed as Shaolin lay disciples suddenly landed on the square.

A Zhike monk followed behind panting, and shouted: "I said, Master Shi, you suddenly said that you want to find Master Yuanzhen. He obviously had dinner just now, and he is wandering here? How could he be in the blink of an eye?" Missing people? Could it be that you are going to go to evening class?"

Shi Guodong, who was dressed as a Shaolin lay disciple, had a gloomy face, and sternly shouted: "Find it for me! Go search! This guy is disguised as Yuanzhen, he must not be far away. Kill him immediately!"

These murderous words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the Zhike monk, and made everyone around the Shaolin monks look sideways.

The Zhike monk coughed, clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful. Master Shi, although you, Henan Baihumen, are a big branch of my Shaolin lay disciples, and your power is not weak. But you must know that this is Shaolin Temple, but A quiet place in the Buddhist sect! You, a lay disciple from an outer sect, actually yelled at Master Yuanzhen, a disciple of Master Kongjian, so it is really a sin."

Shi Guodong's face was gloomy, and he regretted being too straightforward.

At this time, the timeline is around Zhang Wuji's 20 years old, after the completion of Nine Suns, and before the start of the battle of Guangmingding.At this time, although Master Kong Jian had already been killed by Xie Xun's Seven Injuries Fist, Master Kong Jian was a man of great wisdom and wisdom, with top-notch internal and external skills, won the hearts of the people, and became famous all over the world.His apprentice, Master Yuanzhen, although he is not one of the four great monks in Shaolin, is quite respected by Shaolin monks.Even if Shi Guodong is the head of Henan Baihumen, he can't openly shout and shout in Shaolin Temple.

Shi Guodong nodded and smiled, "Of course Shi is joking with Master Yuanzhen. With my position, how dare I disrespect Master Yuanzhen?"

Even though he said that, the playful expression and cold killing intent on his face were not concealed at all.

Du Yu, Du Yu, do you think that just realizing your true identity can protect you from death?We are three strong teams. Isn't it a matter of minutes to kill you?

He had already notified the two teams through special communication means that they were coming in the starry night.On this vast land, the teams entering the world are not immediately distributed together, this is to allow a little preparation time for the team battle.

The Songshan Shaolin Temple where Du Yu was located was already the closest to the Baihumen in Henan.It took only a few minutes for Shi Guodong to rush over without stopping, but he was still a step late.

He also didn't expect that Du Yu had the most precious weather compass that could detect the weather position, so he could only be secretly annoyed that he was one step late.

But how could Shi Guodong let it go?
He mobilized all the members of the White Tiger Team, all of whom had the status of lay disciples of the Shaolin Temple. They made an open and secret investigation in the Shaolin Temple, looking for the figure of the monk Yuanzhen everywhere.

However, this monk Yuanzhen, that is, Du Yu, seemed to have disappeared from the world, and he was not found until the end of the class in the middle of the night.

"It seems that the kid really ran away," Baihu, Shi Guodong's loyal running dog, said in a deep voice.

The third master pondered and said nothing: "How did that kid find out about us? It is said that we became the Baihumen of Henan and have a deep connection with Shaolin Temple. He shouldn't know about this news."

Shi Guodong was also annoyed.

As soon as he came up, he, Yamazaki Ryuji, and Tianyu decided to carry out an assault.

The reason why he was willing to pay a sky-high price for survival points in exchange for the clarity of his identity was for surprise attacks.

I am in the dark, and the enemy is in the open, no matter what, I will succeed with one blow.

Who would have thought that Du Yu would react so quickly, put oil on the soles of his feet, and immediately slipped away.

But at this time the evening class in Shaolin Temple is over, and the great monks have to go to bed one after another, and then stay in Shaolin Temple, which not only arouses the suspicion of these martial arts masters, but also may provoke the three great monks and three hidden elders exist.

He had no choice but to lead the White Tiger Team out of the Shaolin Temple first, to the Banshan Pavilion halfway up the mountain, and wait for the reinforcements to arrive.

This Songshan mountain is extremely steep, and there is only one way down the mountain.This half-mountain pavilion is not only the only way for Shaolin Temple to go up and down the mountain, but also an excellent place to intercept and kill Du Yu.

There was a burst of wind.

The Tianyu team came to the Banshan Pavilion first.

Judging from Tianyu's profuse sweating, he had already entered this world, so he rushed over quickly with the Tianyu team without stopping.

Behind Tianyu, the big man holding the golden pestle, the boy with the leopard embryo bow, and the indifferent girl in white were all there.Of course, in addition to these main forces, there are also some strong people who have been absorbed in, but they are in the shadows, indistinct and unclear.

Tian Yu's expression was sharp, and he asked, "What about Du Yu?"

"Run away." Shi Guodong was also extremely annoyed, how did he leak the news?
A trace of cruelty flashed in Tian Yu's eyes.

Although it is called a genius by countless people.

But in his life, he hated geniuses the most!Especially a genius who is more evil than him.

When he was in Du Yu's novice plot, he had a conflict with Du Yu, Ning Zhongze, and Yilin on the wilderness blood field, and almost killed Du Yu.

If he had known that Du Yu was such a monster at that time, he would have led the Tianyu team to chase and kill Du Yu at all costs until Du Yu was killed!
But there is no regret medicine in the world.

Du Yu is not dead, and now he is rising slowly like a comet, dazzlingly eclipsing his own genius.

This is also the fundamental reason why Tianyu joined this hunting operation at all costs.

Compared with Wu Ren, who is also a genius in the outer city of Datang, Tianyu can't tolerate himself who is hailed as a genius, being surpassed by Du Yu, a little-known kid.

"What about the Japanese team?" Tianyu asked.

"I don't know. Their distribution location may be farther away. If it exceeds two hundred kilometers, they will arrive tomorrow at the earliest."

Shi Guodong felt unlucky for a while.

The most critical initial blow was missed.

This made him very uncomfortable.

"The key now is our identities, we can't reveal them." The leopard-born bow boy next to Tianyu said slowly, "I am in the dark, and the enemy is in the open, so we can deal with Du Yu and the Wolf Tong team."

"That's right. Although Du Yu can play disappear, but with so many people in the wolf pupil team, it is impossible for them to remain unknown forever. We just need to investigate the various sects, and see what new players have gained recently. Naturally, we can find wolf pupils." Team and Du Yu." The third master next to Shi Guodong finished his cigarette and blew out a smoke ring.

"Very good! Time is precious. Let's divide into two groups. One group will stay in the mid-mountain pavilion and continue to investigate Du Yu's whereabouts. The other group will go to the rivers and lakes to find out the news and see which sect has a large number of masters joining in the rivers and lakes recently. Then" Shi Guodong showed a trace of viciousness on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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