Chapter 698 Decisive Battle!My old man is against my teacher! - Ask for a monthly ticket
Michela was distraught, the sniper rifle was fired, and a shot hit Miejue Shitai's shoulder!

As soon as Juejue Shitai joined the battle and even killed a deputy MT, the situation of the wolf pupil team became more critical.

Fortunately, Juejue Shitai was also a little tired after the series of big moves. In addition, he was hit by Michelle's concealed weapon. Although the firearm was weakened by 60%, he was not seriously injured, but he had to retreat temporarily.

However, the defense line of the wolf pupil team became weaker due to the defeat of both the main and deputy MTs.

Yamazaki Ryuuji laughed wildly, this is really God helping me, he went crazy, the snake whip and his legs attacked at the same time, and with the Tianyu team's attack, the wolf pupil team gradually couldn't resist.

Du Yu saw that the situation on the battlefield was critical, and the team was in danger of being destroyed at any time. With one move, Kanglong Yougui, blasted between Shi Guodong's ribs. Shattered, with both arms broken.

But Du Yu didn't care about killing Shi Guodong any more, he threw the life and death talisman in pursuit, and strode towards the team battlefield.

Shi Guodong narrowly escaped death, but was additionally hit by Du Yu's life and death talisman. Immediately, tens of thousands of ants ate away at his bone marrow.

Speaking of which, he is also a big man in the space. Even if he was defeated by Du Yu's Longevity Jue and Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in the direct battle with Du Yu, he would not utter such a shameful howl.But the life-death talisman is so vicious that people can't live without dying. Shi Guodong has endured to the limit and still can't bear it.

This time, he finally realized how powerful and terrifying Du Yu was.

Not only has the superior strength of space, but also is fierce and decisive. Even if the team is in danger, he does not forget to make up two marks for himself, which completely ruins his combat effectiveness.

Du Yu rushed to the battlefield, and with a volley, the flying dragon flew down in the sky and blasted towards Miejue Shitai.

At this time, Extermination's strength recovered, and once again led the female heroes of the Emei faction into the battle group.

Her Emei Nine Yang Kungfu and Emei Swordsmanship combined with Yitian Sword are a perfect match. Wherever she passes, not a single blade of grass will grow.Even if there are many good players in the wolf pupil team, it is difficult to resist.

Ding Minjun is the best at observing words and expressions. Seeing the great power of the master, which is a rare state of bravery in recent years, he hastily put on a stack of hats: "Master! The three Kongtong sects can't be taught clearly. As soon as you come out, you will fight immediately. Scatter these demons and heretics! Now in Jianghu, I am afraid that no one can stand shoulder to shoulder with you except the real Zhang Sanfeng!"

Miejue Shitai's face darkened, and he said angrily, "Nonsense! Master Zhang is a master of martial arts. How dare I compare him with Master Zhang?"

That's what he said, but looking at her gloomy horse face, she smiled slightly, and knew that Ding Minjun's flattery was definitely not a wrong place, and it pleased this stern and resolute Miejue Shi too much.

Although Zhou Zhiruo didn't like flattery, she was also listening secretly. When she heard the words and was about to say a few words, Miejue Shitai suddenly felt threatened!

The old nun with drooping brows looked up and saw Du Yu's furious palms on his head.

Du Yu saw Juejue Shitai leading the Emei faction and Wudang faction into his wolf pupil team, causing chaos in the front line of defense. At least 3 or 4 adventurers, including deputy MT Fuming, died in the fierce battle. How could he not be angry? ?
As soon as he spits out his palm strength, with a move of Flying Dragon in the Sky, he will forcefully press down like Ling Jueding.

Juejue Shitai's expression changed suddenly.

Kung fu has reached her level, so she can naturally hear that Du Yu's palm strength has already advanced to the realm of transformation, and even if she is careless, she can't stop it.

But Miejue Shitai is Miejue!

She coldly swung the blood-stained Yitian Sword, and slashed at Du Yu's palms.

Emei Nine Sun Kung Fu has been practiced by her to a very high level. This move is as imposing as Yuan Zhiyue, which shows everyone's demeanor.

Even Wudang Yin Liting, who has such a high vision, couldn't help applauding: "Master, good work!"

But Du Yu used his whole body's kung fu to the extreme, and suddenly jumped out like a dragon and wolf, and rushed to the top of Miejue Shitai's head.

The appearance of Miejue Shitai was completely different from any appearance Du Yu had ever seen. It turned out to be the reincarnation of Venerable Abhiro in Buddhism!
This Venerable Abhiro is one of the 500 Arhats.He used to be a butcher demon with bloody hands, killing people like hemp, but after a great enlightenment, he turned around and became a Buddha immediately, vowing to protect the Buddhist gate and kill all evil spirits and heretics in the world.

The appearance of this Venerable Abhiro is like Taoist Zhong Kui, with feet on a little devil, holding a sharp sword in his hand, with half of the devil's body in his mouth, with a murderous look, representing the power of punishment in Buddhism, and it is the powerful force of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva go-getters.

As soon as the air of Venerable Abhiro came out, in terms of momentum, he was not inferior to the dragon and wolf weather.

Du Yu was also taken aback.

If he uses martial arts, he is confident that he will never lose to Miejue Shitai, but if it is better than spirit, he can only say that there is a kind of person in the world called paranoid.

Miejue Shitai is one of the representatives.

Her martial arts may not be the strongest in the world, but her iron will definitely is.

He could beat to death Ji Xiaofu, the heir to the mantle of his heart, with a single palm, just because Ji Xiaofu refused to kill Yang Xiao.

Just this determination to eliminate demons and defend the way, who in the world can match it?
This Venerable Abhiro is a Taoist guard who would rather bend than bend, and with Miejue Shitai's bullish temper, it is really true.

Once Miejue Shitai decides that Du Yu is an evil heretic, not to mention the breath of dragon wolf, even if the real dragon emperor comes, don't try to pull her back!
"Spirits and ghosts! Hugh is rampant!" Miejue Shitai slashed at Du Yu with one move.

Du Yu made an emergency stop in mid-air!

The Exterminator was too stunned.

Everyone in the fierce battle was stunned.

This is clearly a move that violates the laws of physics.

No one in the world can do this.

Even Ti Yunzong, the lightness skill that the Wudang School is proud of, can't do such a sudden stop in the air.

It was as if there was an invisible silk thread holding Du Yu in the air, and he could use it to stabilize his figure.

Miejue Shitai made a move, and the Yitian sword slashed in the air.

Du Yu suddenly roared.

The ghost prison roars.

His internal strength has already increased several times, and the power of this move is even more soul-stirring, shocking the crowd.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms came down immediately.

Miejue Shitai gritted his teeth, barely resisting Du Yu's powerful internal force bombardment, and once again performed the Emei Sanjue with a backhand move.

This move killed Fu Ming, this time he will definitely behead this Ming Cult master.

Du Yu finally slammed onto the Yitian sword with a fierce momentum.

One is vigorous and powerful, and the other is extremely sharp and invincible. Two peerless masters fight against each other. With one move at the peak, they finally fight together!
An invisible and ignored ripple erupted from the point where the two palms and swords intersected.

The surrounding Mingjiao disciples and Emei Sect disciples were affected, and they couldn't help themselves, and flew out one after another.

Du Yu's palm was pierced by the Yitian sword, bleeding profusely, and he was slightly injured.

But Miejue Shitai was even more seriously injured, and was blown backwards and forwards by Du Yu's move.

Streams of bright red blood oozed from her mouth, and she had already suffered serious internal injuries.Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms are already the pinnacle of internal palm strength in this plane, even compared with Shaolin Master Kongxing's Vajra Fingers, they are not inferior!
"Good! Good! Good thief" Miejue Shitai wiped the blood from his mouth and laughed coldly.

She is clearly in a critical situation and may be killed by Du Yu at any time, but she is still determined. It is very difficult to meet weak opponents like Kongtong Wulao, Huashan Xianyutong, Kunlun He Taichong and other masters. Long, it is completely different when encountering the strong man of the wolf pupil team who becomes a worm.

This old nun has a breath in her heart and a terrible obsession.That means she was subduing demons and defending Dao. Even if she was bombarded and killed by Du Yu immediately, she would die well.What's even more frightening is that she didn't just think about it, but believed in it in her heart, it was absolutely true!
This kind of brainwashed obsession is the most terrifying thing.

Du Yu was taken aback for a moment, but the time on the battlefield was short, so he made a move and blasted at Miejue Shitai!

Miejue Shitai let out a rage, swung his sword, and slashed at Du Yu.

Du Yu's moves were extremely fierce, yet flexible and gentle. This move, the fish with the eighteen palms of the subduing dragon leaped into the abyss, slipping like a swimming fish, dodging Miejue Shitai's Yitian sword, and slammed on Miejue Shitai's shoulders.

Extinction screamed wildly, and backed up again and again.

Du Yu's move had already shattered her shoulder blade and right arm bone, and the Yitian sword fell to the ground with a clang.

This master Juejue with superb martial arts was defeated by Du Yu.

She had a haughty face, instead of begging for mercy, she puffed up her chest, as if what she was facing was not Du Yu's life-threatening palms, but a Buddhist chant led by Buddha and Bodhisattva.

In her eyes, there was only firmness and relief, and a trace of regret that she could not kill Du Yu, but there was absolutely no fear.

This is the meteorological power of Venerable Abhiro, which can greatly protect the owner, so that she will not be shaken by all the fears of the human world, and there is only stability and peace in her heart that subdues demons and defends the way.

Du Yu's face was gloomy, so he wanted to strike again and kill Master Miejue.He is not Zhang Wuji's kind of person. Although he has some admiration for Miejue Shitai, he will never let him go easily.

Such a terrible enemy, only when he died, could Du Yu admit that he was a good opponent.

Seeing Du Yu's palms strike again, Miejue Shitai closed her eyes, as if preparing to die.

Who would have thought that just before Du Yu's palms hit Jue Jue's chest, a slim and beautiful figure threw himself into Jue Jue's arms and shouted, "If you want to kill my master, kill me first!"

Du Yu heard the desperation in that crisp voice, and abruptly closed his palms.

With tears in her beautiful eyes, Zhou Zhiruo protected her master Miejue Shitai with a determined face, and stood in front of Du Yu's palms.

And Ding Minjun, a flatterer, had long since escaped to nowhere, watching from a distance.

Miejue Shitai was prepared to die generously, but he didn't expect that his humble little apprentice Zhou Zhiruo jumped out at a critical moment and sacrificed himself to protect him.She shouted sharply: "Zhiruo! Back off!"

Zhou Zhiruo's beautiful eyes were full of tears. Although the fear of death shrouded her young body, she had the courage to protect her master from nowhere, and said in a trembling voice, "Master, run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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