Chapter 709 Unpredictable Prophet, Sky Eye Autumn! - Ask for a monthly pass at the sixth shift

Du Yu thought about it: "Well, you treacherous Zhang Sanmaniac, you actually disguised yourself and acted together with your disciples to besiege Guangmingding?"

Zhang Sanfeng said in a low voice: "Exactly. How can I rest assured that these disciples and grandchildren will come to fight against you? It's better to fight against you personally. Tomorrow I will order it in a special way, so that Yuan Qiao and the others can avoid entering the secret It’s a dangerous place. Just rest assured.”

Du Yu was relieved.

There was only one last X-factor left in his mind.

So where is Zhang Wuji?

The protagonist of this plot has a strong protagonist's luck, and it is not surprising that he jumps out to make trouble at critical moments.

What role will he play when the six sects attack Guangmingding tomorrow?
Du Yu pondered for a while, and Yang Guo said, "Brother, where should we go to wait for the war to start?"

Du Yu smiled and patted the place: "How about right here?"

Yang Guo looked around and said with a smile, "Brother's eyesight is not bad. The terrain here is complex and extends in all directions, like a maze. Even if thousands of people come, they may not be able to find us. It is suitable for us to fish in troubled waters. Brother, tomorrow's battle, will I Can you accept the test of that space?"

Du Yu nodded and smiled: "It should be. So you should also recharge your batteries and prepare for a desperate battle with that formidable opponent. To be honest, these dead soldiers are not your opponents at all if you count their strength. But they They are all desperadoes, they have transformed their special physiques, and they are good at assassination combo stunts, I am afraid that this battle is extremely dangerous."

Yang Guo waved the wooden sword, and said calmly, "If you can't even get through these minions, how can you enter the space and take the risk with elder brother? Don't worry about me, elder brother, just think about other things."

In the heart of Du Yu's castle, Shen Luoyan's voice sounded: "That's right! My lord, according to my prediction, if my lord puts all her hopes on the black powder, she will be completely defeated in this battle!"

As soon as this statement came out, not only Du Yu, but also the other beauties in the heart of the castle were shocked!

At this time, at the foot of Guangmingding Mountain, the residence of the six major sects, Miejue Shitai was telling the head of the six major sects how he escaped from danger in detail.

When Master Kongwen of Shaolin Temple, Song Yuanqiao of Wudang, Wulao of Kongtong, He Taichong of Kunlun, Ban Shuxian, Xianyutong of Huashan and others heard about the Guangming Peak, there is actually a secret path besides the tiger leaping stream, which can be directly accessed from the mountain. Leading to the top, I was suddenly overjoyed.

To be honest, since there is no Cheng Kun in the plot, and he uses the secret path to attack Yang Xiao and other top masters, Mingjiao's strength at this time is much stronger than in the original plot.During the process of the six sects attacking the mountain, the bright left envoy Yang Xiao, the green-winged bat king Wei Yixiao, the white-browed eagle king Yin Tianzheng and other masters led people to rush down and snipe and kill the masters from all walks of life, which caused the leaders of the six sects a lot of headaches. .

The terrain of this Tiger Leaping Stream is extremely dangerous, birds are forbidden, there is only one cableway, and it is guarded by Mingjiao heavy soldiers, if you want to attack it, you have to lay the groundwork with your life.

But with this secret path, it will be quite different.

Naturally, Shi Guodong, Tian Yu, Ah Si, and Yamazaki Ryuji also participated in this meeting.

Hearing the news of Miejue Shitai's return, Shi Guodong felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, Juejue Shitai was so old that he broke the news of the secret way, which made Shi Guodong secretly hate him even more.

His credit value was immediately reduced by more than half because of Miejue Shitai's informant.

It is inevitable that the six sects will attack Guangmingding from the secret way.

Seeing that his wishful thinking failed, Shi Guodong exchanged glances with Tian Yu and Yamazaki Ryuji.

This high-level meeting was held very late.

The final result is that according to the strategy of Xian Yutong, the leader of Huashan Mountain, the plank road will be built tomorrow to cover Chen Cang secretly. Some people will pretend to attack the tiger jumping in front of the ravine, but most of the main force will draw their salary from the bottom of their hearts and directly go through the secret passage to surprise Guangmingding.

The task of feigning an attack was thankless, but the hero Song Yuanqiao unexpectedly persisted and fell on the Wudang faction, and the task of surprise attack was led by Miejue Shitai of the Emei faction. The three great monks of Shaolin Temple and the Kongtong faction , Kunlun faction, Huashan faction, and Emei faction, all attacking together must uproot the Ming sect.

Shi Guodong was in a dilemma.

This poisonous plan made by Du Yu not only deciphered his plan, but also followed his plan, forcing him to make a choice between storming the Guangming Peak and the decisive battle of the secret path.

In desperation, Shi Guodong had no choice but to follow the large army and attack Guangmingding together.

While Tianyu was meditating, he saw the leopard-born bow boy, with a gloomy face, signaling to him.

Tianyu made a confession, walked out secretly, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

The leopard-born bow boy said with a livid face, "It's the girl in white, Tianyanqiu. Her superpower Tianyan suddenly opened, and she foresaw the future! We will all die tomorrow!"

Tian Yu's face finally changed drastically.

He hurried to the camp.

Tianyanqiu is the real name of the girl in white.

The Tianyu team is small in number, but all of them are elites.

As a genius swordsman himself, Tianyu has approached the strength of the inner city in just a few worlds, and was even rated as 79 points by the space. After holding the Yitian Sword, he can barely compete with Zhang Sanfeng in this world.

The leopard-born bow boy is invincible with divine arrows, and has added various unpredictable Taoist and fairy skills, which can use bows and arrows as a murderous weapon to attack enemies from thousands of miles away.

The big man with the demon pestle is born with supernatural power, and he is a first-class brave general who charges into the battle. When he exerts his full strength, not even an army can stop him.

As for the mysterious and unpredictable girl in white, she was able to be among them because of an extremely rare talent in space—the eye of the sky!
At this moment, she was lying in the tent with her eyes closed tightly, but the third eye in the center of her forehead slowly opened.

As an adventurer in a mere outer city, someone can open the eyes of the sky!

If this news gets out, the Tianyu team's evaluation will probably go up to a higher level.

But Tianyu never leaked this news, and all adventurers who saw the girl open their eyes were mercilessly killed by Tianyu team.

The Tianyanqiu girl is the trump card of the Tianyu team!
Absolute trump card.

Whenever the Japanese language team encounters a major danger, Tian Yanqiu will fall into a deep sleep, and then make predictions, with every shot and never making a mistake.

This time, when the Tianyu team was about to have a decisive battle with the wolf pupil team, she fell into a coma and fell into a deep sleep again, and spoke a prophecy. How could Tianyu not be shocked?
He was even more grateful.

Even if Du Yu was extremely clever and able to predict the future, he would never guess the existence of Tian Yanqiu.

Tianyanqiu said slowly: "Tomorrow's battle will be fierce!"

Tianyu knew that Tianyanqiu could only answer a few limited questions at this time, her prophecy ability would be exhausted, and then the world would lose all its power.

Although there are only a few questions, they are strong enough for adventurers who can foresee the future!
Tianyu said in a deep voice: "Where is the danger? Wolf pupil team?"


"Where do we die?"

"in the secret passage"

"What about the cause of death?"

"I saw explosions, landslides, raids and deaths. A lot of deaths"

Hearing these words, Tianyu, the leopard-born bow boy, the big man with the magic pestle, and other strong members of the Tianyu team all changed their expressions.

Tianyu still needs to ask more questions, but the three questions have exhausted the energy of Tianyan.Tianyanqiu passed out completely.

"The matter couldn't be more obvious." Tianyu gritted his teeth: "That idiot Shi Guodong thinks he has a plan, but in fact his explosives have long been controlled by Du Yu of the wolf pupil team! He really shot himself in the foot!"

Adventurers such as the leopard-born bow boy and the Jiangma pestle big man looked at each other, sweating profusely.

I waited for others, thinking that everything was under control.If it wasn't for Tianyanqiu's Tianyan, it would have been too late to repent after a crushing defeat this time and when death was imminent!

Thanks to Tianyanqiu!

"What should we do? Shall we tell Shi Guodong right away and tell him to be careful, or even change his tactics?"

The leopard-born bow boy said in a deep voice.

"No!" Tian Yu's eyes began to roll quickly.Start to figure out this complicated situation.

At this time, the six sects, Mingjiao, Zhang Wuji, Zhao Min, Du Yu, Shi Guodong and himself all had their own calculations, and the situation was beyond chaotic.

But after peeling off the cocoon, Tianyu said coldly: "We can't let Shi Guodong know about this! Instead, we have to hide it from him and let him think that everything is under control. But we have to use our tricks to kill Du Yu and Shi Guodong, figure it out together!"

The core of the Tianyu team, such as the leopard-born bow boy and the Jiangmochu big man, all changed color.

"You mean, my scheme will be seen through?" Du Yu asked Shen Luoyan puzzled.

Shen Luoyan said firmly: "That's right! Although it's not 7% sure, I'm at least [-]% sure that your layout will be seen through by enemy adventurers."

Du Yu repeatedly calculated his own layout and deduced it several times, thinking that there was no flaw.

Shen Luoyan sneered and said, "My lord, your biggest problem is the lack of toughness in the layout! It is the so-called reserve cards and reserve strength. Let me ask you, is the key player in the victory or defeat at this time the black powder you have mastered?"

Du Yu nodded.

"If you are dealing with plot characters, such as the Six Great Sects, I can rest assured. Because the Six Great Sects do not know that there is such a thing as black powder, but if you have to deal with the top teams in the outer city who are equally adventurous and experienced, it is still four , Then why do you think that they will only rely on one kind of hole card? Why do you think that they have no adventurers and can discover this clue?"

Shen Luoyan talked eloquently.

Du Yu broke out in a cold sweat.

Indeed, he was used to dealing with plot characters, and he felt that as long as he counted his hole cards well, he could win a big victory.But this time they have to deal with the same four powerful teams who have been victorious and invincible in countless adventure worlds!
Adventurers have different talents, who can guarantee that they have not discovered their own plans, and there is no second or third hole card?

"Then what do you think should be done?" Du Yu humbly asked for advice.

Shen Luoyan smiled and said: "Don't dare! My Shen Luoyan layout has always been multiple traps, making it impossible for them to guard against it. At this time, you have two of the sharpest cards in your hand, why don't you quickly invite them out?"

(End of this chapter)

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