Chapter 718 The Bright Dome Collapses, Cruel Justice! -Ask for a monthly pass at the fifth watch

Yamazaki grinned grimly and said, "What kind of shit is the Wudang Seven Heroes, it turns out that they have gained a false reputation. Compared with my Dongying Japanese martial arts, your Wudang faction is simply vulnerable."

Yin Liting and the others were shocked and angry, but they also sensed that there was no internal force in their bodies, and they were knocked down by the adventurers such as Nikaido Benimaru.

The heroes of Wudang looked at each other in blank dismay, in addition to being angry, they were puzzled.

Before going down the mountain, Daoist Zhang Sanfeng told him to be more careful.Everyone in the Wudang School is very careful about the usual diet, and they do it by themselves. It is absolutely impossible for anyone who is not their own family to get close to the kitchen.

Why is it still poisoned?
Yamazaki Ryuji laughed wildly and captured the Wudang Five Heroes.

Shi Guodong and Tian Yu, who had caught up, were immediately confused when they saw that Yamazaki attacked the Wudang faction of their decent faction and captured the Wudang Five Heroes alive.

"What tricks are you playing?" Shi Guodong said angrily.

Yamazaki said arrogantly: "I said that this world wants to acquire the martial arts of the Middle Earth. In addition to the 72 stunts of the Shaolin School, this world is famous for the Wudang School's Tai Chi, Tai Chi Swordsmanship and Light Kung Fu. I captured the Wudang Five Heroes , Whether it's torture or exchanging with Zhang Sanfeng, you can get martial arts secret books."

With a wave of his hand, Ghost Hattori and others suddenly appeared and arrested Song Yuanqiao and others.

Song Yuanqiao and the others were furious.

Yamazaki said proudly: "By the way, I forgot to tell you. Your seventh younger brother, Mo Shenggu, died tragically at the hands of my Dongying people. If you don't know the current affairs, I will send you off one by one later."

Hearing the news of Mo Shenggu's death, Song Yuanqiao and the others burst into anger.

The Seven Heroes of Wudang are united in spirit and have extraordinary friendship.

Mo Shenggu didn't return all night, and he unexpectedly died tragically at the hands of these Japanese wanderers.The Dongpu people used despicable poisons against themselves, and against Mo Shenggu, it was by no means an open and aboveboard battle.

Yamazaki Ryuji looked around.Fortunately, there were only Wudang Five Heroes around, and the feigned attacking troops besieging Guangmingding. After seeing the explosion of Guangmingding, they all panicked and hurried up to try to treat the seniors of their sect. They were in a mess and no one stayed here.

"Let's go!" Shi Guodong didn't stop Yamazaki either.

At this time, due to Hou Xiaobai's conspiracy, dealing with the Wolf Tong team is no longer the top priority.In this case, it would be a good way to wipe out the Wudang faction and get enough oil and water.

As for the same camp?
An adventurer like Shi Guodong still has scruples about being in the same camp?
As long as there are enough interests, even brothers and adventurers can kill each other, not to mention that I am only playing a member of the six sects?
The Wudang Five Heroes, in the eyes of the three strong teams, have become secrets of the Wudang sect such as Taijiquan, Taijijian, and Ti Yunzong.

Every cheat can make huge profits in the space, and can greatly improve the team's combat effectiveness.

What's more, this time Yamazaki used Shixiang Ruanjinsan and the traitor Song Qingshu to make his hands and feet very clean.Without anyone noticing, no one saw who captured the Wudang faction.Even if Zhang Sanfeng came after him, he would probably be looking for the Ming Cult's bad luck, and he didn't expect it to be the work of a few unremarkable third-rate sects.

Du Yu hugged Zhou Zhiruo and ran wildly all the way, while happily watching the reminders from the space keep ringing.

"You used 500 tons of black powder to blow up the Bright Summit of the Mingjiao General Altar!"

"You have completed Cheng Kun's task of capturing Bright Peak, rewarding the villain with 10000 points, and the current villain's total value is 47680 points!"

"Although the left and right envoys of the Mingjiao, the four great protectors, and the five scatterers all survived, due to the bright holy flame of the Mingjiao main altar, it went out together with the collapse of the bright roof. The task of [Subverting Mingjiao] is judged to be completed! The completion rate is 60% of the pass .As Cheng Kun, you can continue to kill the experts of the Ming Cult to increase the degree of completion."

Du Yu laughed wildly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the difficult task of capturing Guangmingding was accomplished by Cheng Kun using the secret way and Shi Guodong's explosives.

This is still a long time away from the one-year mission deadline.

This time, he was a fisherman in the chaos army, and he actually gained 47680 villain points in one fell swoop, which can be called the most in all previous adventures.

But Du Yu knew in his heart that this was also the credit of Caesar and other programmers.

Usually, hundreds of good and evil parties are blown up to the sky with black gunpowder. Even if the space allows it, the rewards will be greatly reduced for such a heaven-defying thing.

As Caesar said, the principle of equal risk and return in space is the highest principle.

The correct way to open the two tasks of "Subverting Mingjiao" and "Overlord of the Jianghu" is that Cheng Kun, with the aura of dominating the world, sneak attack, assassinate, forcefully attack, and instigate, and kill the masters of both good and evil one by one.

But it's definitely not like now, a little dynamite will send all the opponents to the sky!
This must be regarded as cheating by the space, and a substantial reduction in rewards is inevitable!

But Du Yu did not have any punishment.

This is the rolling bonus for him to master the rules of space, master the programmer, and open his golden fingers!
Du Yu had a premonition that through the imperial court, he had mastered the programmer, which further strengthened his ability to cheat in space.

From now on, Hou Xiaobai and Shi Guodong will be hanged and beaten if they are caught cheating!

And as long as I have the ability, I can unlock cheats however I want!

If Shi Guodong, Hou Xiaobai and the others found out, how would he be so defiant, how would he be blown up?

Du Yu was thinking about how to spend the nearly 5 villain points obtained by opening the golden finger?
He heard Caesar's sigh.

"Master, you probably also thought about it. This time you used black powder to blow up the Guangmingding. It would have been prevented by space, and even various accidental factors would make your black powder unusable. But I brought the programmer , forcibly consumed all the energy, changed the process, and artificially interfered with the calculation of space rewards, which has benefited you a lot, right? But we have exhausted our power, so we can't help you much in the future. Space also has a complicated compensation calculation mechanism. Sound master, you should be more careful in the future. Remember to charge me again, rustling sound"

Communication is cut off.

Du Yu sighed, knowing that Caesar could no longer help him.

Gold finger is open, there is always a head, isn't it?
To be able to do this, Caesar is already defying the sky.

But what is the so-called compensation calculation?
Du Yu instinctively felt something was wrong.

It's not that Space thinks that you have taken advantage of this time, and next time you have to pass other assessments, increase the difficulty, downgrade rewards, special tasks, or sudden tests, come to make up for it, right?
Du Yu smiled wryly.

Zhou Zhiruo in his arms woke up with a warning.

She exclaimed: "Master! Master!"

She saw the earth-shattering explosion and thousands of meters of dust in the distance, and the Guangmingding had disappeared, and she couldn't close her mouth in shock.

It wasn't until she saw Miejue Shitai being caught by Yang Guo, her sleeves fluttering, walking at the same time, that Zhou Zhiruo felt relieved and looked at Cheng Kun.

Why does this old monk always look at himself with lecherous eyes?

Zhou Zhiruo shy for a while.

But always being rescued by him, her heart will inevitably be touched.

For a moment, she also felt that this Cheng Kun didn't look so old and ugly, but rather cute.

Behind them, Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, with their big sleeves fluttering, took Miejue Shitai and Song Qingshu all the way down and galloped away.

When Song Qingshu saw his grand master appearing, he almost fainted from fright.I have done so many bad things, if the grand master finds out, I will die without a place to die.

Who knows, what to be afraid of.

The leader, Du Yu, turned his head and said with a slight smile, "Song Shaoxia, why are the other heroes of the Wudang faction missing?"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu was about to tell a lie, but Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were so profound that he didn't even have the courage to lie. He said in a sad voice, "My master! I'm a beast. I'm sorry, father and all the masters." Uncle."

Zhang Sanfeng has lived for a hundred years, and he knew something bad was going to happen at a glance, he said coldly: "What the hell have you done, you bastard? Why don't you tell me the truth!"

Zhou Zhiruo actually had a good impression of Song Qingshu, because he was a young hero after all, and he was also the candidate for the head of the Wudang School. He didn't expect that this happened to Song Qingshu, so he looked over curiously.

Song Qing's writing was ashamed, and he couldn't care less about the beauty of Zhou being hugged by Du Yu, who couldn't get used to it. He peeked at the beauty of the Emei School and was discovered by Mo Shenggu, and was seduced by Ryuji Yamazaki. Spit out all the filthy things that killed Uncle Mo Qi and poisoned the food of father and others.

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this, he was so frightened and furious that he wanted to slap him down, and ended up being a traitor and a son who bullied his masters and ancestors, and rebelled against his parents.

Hearing that this person actually went to his Emei faction to spy on all the seniors and sisters living with him, Zhou Zhiruo exclaimed, with shame and indignation on his face. Unexpectedly, this person seemed to be so high-sounding, but he was so nasty, and immediately buried his head in Du Yu In his arms, he was no longer interested in looking at Song Qingshu.

Miejue Shitai didn't know Yang Guo, but she knew Zhang Sanfeng. She was ashamed at the moment, but she sneered, "What a young and promising young hero of the Wudang sect. Master Zhang, your disciple and grandson, you have trained well."

Zhang Sanfeng was speechless.

It is really Song Yuanqiao's misfortune to have a disciple like Song Qingshu.

Knowing that the Wudang faction was in danger, Du Yu and others naturally rushed to the side of the Tiger Leaping Stream, but found only traces of fighting, but no trace of Song Yuanqiao and others.

"They were taken away by someone." Du Yu pressed Song Qingshu: "The person who ordered you to poison me was that Dongying wanderer?"

Song Qingshu's meridians were invaded by Zhang Sanfeng's ruthless internal force, and he couldn't bear the pain, so he hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Zhang Sanfeng has always treated people peacefully, even Song Yuanqiao has never seen his master get angry, but today, he has been arrested as a Wuxia Wuxia.How can Zhang Sanfeng not be angry when his apprentices who have been together for decades have been arrested?
Du Yu chuckled, picked up the weather compass, and found the weather of Shi Guodong, who was running fast.Du Yu said to Zhang Sanfeng: "Third brother, don't worry, how about I let you rescue the disciples this time and complete the assessment task of entering the space?"

(End of this chapter)

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