Chapter 734 Seven insects and seven flowers!The wolf pupil stands up! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Shen Luoyan's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she whispered to Du Yu: "Don't listen to this person's lies. I am good at observing people. When he talked about the space team, his eyes were firm, his eyes did not flicker, and his tone was firm. It’s true, but when he talked about cooperating with us in the next world to fight against powerful enemies from all over the world, his vision was vain, scattered but not gathered, and he looked to the upper left corner, it was clearly a lie! Kill them and talk about cooperation.”

But Du Yu didn't seem to hear, walked towards Shi Guodong, and stretched out his hand: "You say you are loyal to me, and you are willing to take these poisons? Then make a poisonous oath first."

Shi Guodong and others gathered together, there were about 70 people left, and everyone was injured, finally had a chance to breathe, so everyone cherished this hard-won opportunity, gasping for breath, swallowing various tonics, Cherish every opportunity to breathe.

Shi Guodong is an old bird in space, when he heard Du Yu's words, he laughed, his tongue lit up, and he swore the most vicious oath.

"If I violate this oath, let me be struck by thunder and thunder, and my brother will not live in peace in the spirit of heaven."

Du Yu nodded in satisfaction, turned his hands indifferently, and a large amount of poison appeared: "You all know that our wolf pupil team is good at preparing poison. This poison is very violent. It is composed of 7 kinds of poisonous flowers and 7 kinds of poisonous insects in space. Even if you have the support of big bosses behind you, if you don’t know which 7 kinds of poisonous flowers, 7 kinds of poisonous insects and their ratio, you can’t save them. Eat it!”

Li Mochou looked at these bitter adventurers with a smile.

Shi Guodong saw today, if he didn't take these poisons, he would never get away.He secretly hated, as long as he leaves this world and immediately joins the boss, the next time he makes a comeback, he will definitely prepare more carefully, and must kill Du Yu by the roots!
But Shi Guodong didn't dare to take this poison lightly.

At this time, there are more than 70 remaining adventurers in the three teams. The number of wolf pupils at this time is only 40, and everyone is injured. In addition, the dozen or so strong players of the beauty team are no more powerful than him. Strong out is limited.If he fights desperately, even if the Wolf Tong team can win, it will inevitably pay a heavy price, and it will be difficult to continue to compete with Hou Xiaobai's Ah Si team.

If Du Yu used tricks to deceive him and forced him to take the poison, and then suddenly made a fuss and killed someone, wouldn't he shoot himself in the foot?
This is really a dilemma.

Du Yu's face turned cold, and he said sharply, "Don't you want to eat? Then there is no sincerity, and you pretended to surrender?"

He waved.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng's long sleeves fluttered, they were full of energy, they were about to strike.

Michelle and the others lost 14 brothers to the tragic death in front of the third team. The blood feud was deep, and they were gearing up to continue the bloody battle.

The world of adventurer team battles is usually such an endless situation.

As for the three strong teams, San Ye, Bai Hu and others looked at Shi Guodong beggingly.

It's not that they coaxed them to be soft-hearted, but fighting with peerless masters such as Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng, Shi Feixuan, and Wan Wan really scared them.

Yang Guo's Ecstasy Palm, Zhang Sanfeng's Taijiquan and Taiji Sword, Shi Feixuan's Sword Heart Illumination, Wanhou's Heavenly Demon Dafa, Xiaolongnu's Ancient Tomb Jade Maiden Swordsmanship, Li Mochou's Death Whisk, especially Du Yu's peerless Martial arts, killed them all so heartbroken, it was hard to resist.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shi Guodong finally gritted his teeth in desperation and looked at Du Yu.

Du Yu's face was full of awe-inspiring righteousness.

Shi Guodong laughed secretly in his heart, this guy is obviously a beginner with no combat experience, he had an idea, and used the competitive team battle in the next world to confuse him and give himself a way out.

With the strength of the boss behind him, what is a mere high-priority poison?Any poison, in the space, has a higher priority antidote to solve.

As long as you can get out of the catastrophe, everything will be fine.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the adventurer of Nikaido Benimaru's blood approached Shi Guodong, and said in a low voice, "This matter should not be trusted! What if the poison is a strong one? What if everyone dies here? "

This Nikaido Benimaru fought fiercely with the wolf pupil team. Vacuum Temari and Lightning Fist severely injured at least three wolf pupil members, posing a great threat to the wolf pupil team.It can also be seen that the Yamazaki team is also full of talents, and there are many powerful figures.

Shi Guodong hesitated again.

The crux of the problem is whether the poison is strong or chronic.

As long as he can leave this world alive, everything will be fine. Even if Shi Guodong is asked to kneel down to call Grandpa Du Yu, he will still kneel down.


Du Yu's face turned cold: "Shame on your face! Then keep killing!"

Unexpectedly, Shi Guodong grabbed the white tiger suddenly, not allowing the latter to resist in horror, he touched the white tiger's acupuncture point, and fed the poison to the white tiger.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Baihu protested in fear.

Shi Guodong snorted coldly: "This Du Yu grew up under your hands. How many opportunities do you have in the Caribbean world? Killing him, this mistake will kill you once and it will be cheap. Now it's just a test of medicine, isn't it too much?"

Baihu was speechless.

In the Caribbean world, he and the flower dog of the Red Python team were manipulated by Du Yu, which became an important stage for Du Yu to soar into the sky.Shi Guodong was very dissatisfied with this.

He can only accept his fate.

Shi Guodong stared at the white tiger.At the same time, more than 70 adventurers and medical experts gathered around to observe Baihu's reaction.

Are there any masters among these adventurers?There is no shortage of masters who have studied poisons and toxins deeply.The ninja Hattori Motomo of the Yamazaki team is deeply influenced by the Black Dragon Society and is very proficient in toxins and the human body.

After Baihu took the poison, 15 minutes passed without any change.

Hattori Motomo, who is proficient in poison, checked Baihu's physical condition with a body tester, and said in a deep voice, "My device is an A-level item given to me by the boss of the Black Dragon Association. It is the most advanced medical device in space. , can track the changes of the toxin in his body. It should be a chronic poison."

He lowered his voice and reported to Shi Guodong in the team channel: "I have analyzed the ingredients of this poison, which are Shixincao, Dumantuo, Xianrenlian, Sembapeng, Folixi, Gechuncao, and Liulishuang in the space. Composed of seven kinds of poisonous weeds, seven kinds of poisonous snakes including seven step snakes, black green vipers, bamboo flower crisps, and black mambas, blood of cockscombs, Darling lizards, and subspecies dragon poison glands. Although the treatment difficulty is not low, But I, Dongying Black Dragon, can master medical skills, so I should have a way."

Shi Guodong nodded deeply, but sneered in his heart.

My team, accept treatment from your Black Dragon Society?

I'm afraid that my White Tiger Team and Tianyu Team, just out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den, will be controlled by your "treatment" from the Black Dragon Society, right?
But at this time, everyone is helping each other, so it won't fall out.

He said indifferently: "Very good. Now that the ingredients are known, can you confirm that the enemy cannot detonate the toxin in advance?"

Hattori Motomo grinned and said, "Why would I make fun of my own life? The poison of seven flowers and seven insects is indeed extremely powerful, but its medicinal properties are also slow. My instrument even detects that the poison will not be poisoned until 10 days at the earliest. Fa. If we try our best to complete this mission and pay the fine, we can always escape back to the space, right?"

Shi Guodong nodded.

Before entering the world, the three teams were inexplicably fined 2250 million survival points by Space, and they didn't have much money left.But selling the equipment to pay off the debt, no matter how they can get out alive.

As long as you are alive, there is hope for everything.

As for the equipment, I can't feel distressed anymore. Who made them lose?
He settled down in his mind, and after probing so carefully, if he still followed Du Yu's way, he could only admit that he was not good at learning, and he didn't know people well.

Du Yu's kid, it seemed that he was moved by his rhetoric, and he wanted to regain his third team, otherwise he would not have used this chronic poison to control himself.

Having made up his mind, he stepped forward with awe-inspiring righteousness, and swallowed the poison of the seven flowers and seven insects in one gulp.

More than 70 adventurers, without exception, swallowed the poison one by one.

Du Yu waved his hand.

The wolf pupil team lifted their sword-to-knife posture, but they were still on full alert.

Concubine Shixuan, Yilin, Zhou Zhiruo and other beauties who believed in Buddhism and had a kind heart, they all breathed a sigh of relief seeing Du Yu willing to spare the lives of these murderers.

Even within the wolf pupil team, they feel support and admiration for the captain's handling of the stubborn enemy who is willing to surrender.

After all, although the wolf pupil team won a complete victory, but to completely annihilate these more than 70 powerful enemies, it will take at least 10 or 20 more lives of the wolf pupil team to get it done.

Who wants to be a cannon fodder victim before the big victory?

It is the best policy to be able to subdue the enemy's soldiers without fighting.

Shi Guodong saw that he had taken the poison and the wolf pupil team still hadn't lifted the siege, he laughed: "Brother Du Yu, younger brother and others have been poisoned and become fish on your chopping board, don't you feel relieved? Your wolf pupil team We’ve heard about the poison you used for a long time. I heard that even western adventurers are controlled by you with poison after defeat.”

Of course, he was referring to Captain No. [-] and others. After the defeat, these guys became Du Yu's younger brothers. Many people knew about this matter through the church.

Du Yu smiled slightly: "Okay. Now that you have surrendered, I am not afraid of you playing tricks. Now we are a family."

He waved again, and the wolf pupil team lifted the siege.

Shi Guodong laughed loudly, stepped forward, bowed deeply to Du Yu, and said gratefully: "Little brother Shi Guodong, thank you for not killing me!"

The more than 70 adventurers behind him bowed at the same time, bowing to Du Yu and the wolf pupil team.

Everyone's eyes are full of unwillingness.They are all powerful teams in the outer city, but after this defeat, they became vassals of Du Yu's wolf pupil team, and even their lives are in their hands, and they can't help themselves. It's really sad.

Du Yu, Mai Shela and other members of the wolf pupil team looked at each other and smiled.

After this bloody battle, although the wolf pupil team paid the price, they wiped out Shi Guodong's White Tiger team, Tianyu's Tianyu Aoshi team, and Yamazaki Ryuji's Dongying team in one fell swoop. It will resound throughout the entire Tang Dynasty in an instant!

No, even the strong teams of the other three countries never dared to underestimate the wolf pupil team.

(End of this chapter)

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