Chapter 745 Forbidden everywhere, happy bamboo sea! -Third watch for subscription

Dai Qisi covered her chest, grateful and curious: "What are you doing?"

Du Yu sneered: "These Persians, since they are enemies with your mother and daughter, they are a serious threat to your heart, so you might as well kill them all!"

Such cruel words, even Daikis, who has always been hard-hearted and hot-handed, was shocked when she heard it.

But she soon had a smile on her face.Because the Persian envoy is indeed her confidant.That Great Sage Treasure Tree King, how could he have any compassion for her?If Du Yu hadn't saved her, she would be a hundred times worse than being burned on the stake.

They already knew about Xiao Zhao's existence, and it would be even more unimaginable if Xiao Zhao fell into their hands.

With a charming expression on her face, Dai Qisi said in her soft and sweet voice: "I am a woman, how can I have any ideas? Then, according to the master's words, bury these Persian envoys on this nameless island." on it."

Du Yu's eyes suddenly became hot, and he looked at Dai Qisi.

Dai Qisi has a hot body and a slender waist. She has both the Hu Fengyedang of a Persian woman and the softness and fairness of a Han woman.

Du Wangwang was used to stunning looks, but in front of this charming first beauty in the martial arts world, it was still hard to avoid embarrassment.

Dai Qisi is a familiar beauty, how can she not understand Du Yu's gaze?At this time, she completely relied on Du Yu's miraculous skills to help her and Xiao Zhao kill these Persian envoys.And at this time Du Yu has saved her mother and daughter several times, no matter how hard-hearted Dai Qisi is, she can't help being grateful.

She giggled, pulled Du Yu up, and walked towards the forest on Peach Blossom Island.

Du Yu smiled slightly, and followed Dai Qisi into the room.

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I heard the Persians hunting around in surprise and anger.

But the problem is, this is Peach Blossom Island.

Although Du Yu lifted the Immortal Restriction, a peach blossom formation was lifted, but the surroundings were still full of dangers.

Not long after, I heard two muffled groans. Two Treasure Tree Kings were conspired by the organs set up everywhere. One was struck by lightning and turned into ashes on the spot, and the other was cut into two pieces by a white light.

These Persians were suddenly shocked and did not dare to search around.

Du Yu snickered in his heart, on this Peach Blossom Island, how dare you be arrogant?

At this moment, I suddenly heard Xiao Zhao's pretty voice on the beach, crying: "Mom, where are you?"

Du Yu and Dai Qisi's complexion suddenly changed.

Those Persians, who couldn't think of it at first, have already retreated.After all, this Peach Blossom Island is full of restrictions and dangers, and Dai Qisi and the enemy cannot be found. The only problem is that the boat has been sunk by Du Yu, and there is no boat available, so I just want to go back to the big boat , nor can it be notified.I can only wait for the big ship to wait for a long time, and send someone to pick me up again.

At this moment, the Persians heard Xiao Zhao's voice, and they were overjoyed.

The leader, Liu Yunshi, led hundreds of Persians, rushing towards Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao is like a ignorant deer, just found all the way from the beach, and was immediately captured and controlled by Liu Yunshi.

Liu Yunshi laughed loudly: "I know the two of you are around! Dai Qisi listen, your daughter is in our hands. If I count to three and you still don't come out, I will let this little bastard take her place. You go to the stake first. I will do what I say! Fire up!"

After hearing this, the Persian guards immediately took out a lot of firewood from the woods, piled up a fire, and lit a raging fire.

This fire can be used as a stake to threaten Du Yu and Dai Qisi, and it can also be used to attract his accomplices with thick smoke.This Persian is very good at calculating, every move has a deep meaning.

Dai Qisi looked at Du Yu pleadingly.

Du Yu smiled evilly, put Dai Qisi's ear in his mouth and said, "If I save Xiao Zhao one more time, I will save your mother and daughter four times. How will you repay me?"

Dai Qisi said embarrassingly: "I have been taken advantage of by you, what else do you want?"

Du Yu lowered his head and smiled evilly, provoking the beauty and said, "It's important to save people first. You can think about it yourself."

He disappeared instantly from where he was, in a flash.

Du Yu brazenly attacked the Persian envoy!
These Persian envoys are nothing more than taking advantage of a strange martial arts. When it comes to broad and profound martial arts, when will it be the turn of Persian martial arts?
He showed no mercy to these Persian envoys, and suddenly killed them.

Hou Hou appeared behind the Persian envoy strangely, the Heavenly Demon Dafa sucked up all the internal energy around him, the Persian envoy's internal energy was not strong at all, and immediately his steps were sloppy, as if he was drunk.

Du Yu got Guo Jing's suicide note, and the upgraded Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon suddenly appeared out of nowhere, blasting behind Liu Yunshi who had captured Xiao Zhao.

Du Yu slapped Liu Yunshi with his palm.

That Liuyun Envoy was also amazing, with a strange twist like a swimming fish, he escaped from Du Yu's palm wind, allowing Du Yu's powerful move to land in the air.

Du Yu's face sank like water.The martial arts of the three Persian envoys were obtained from the Persian Torch Order written by Huo Shan, an old man in the mountains.Although he only got [-]% or [-]% of the martial arts of the Great Teleportation of the Universe, but he was changed beyond recognition by these Persians, and he trained them a set of strange physical martial arts.

Dai Qisi's martial arts internal strength was originally higher than any of these three envoys, but facing the siege of the three, she immediately fell into a disadvantage and was eaten to death by the three.

At this moment, what Du Yu wanted was to kill him in one blow, and he had to defeat the combo technique of the three envoys first.

The astonishment in Liu Yunshi's heart was only known to him.

This Du Yu obviously just spat out his palm force, but it actually made him feel irresistible and powerless.I just feel that Du Yu's palm force has a very strong adsorption force, which makes him involuntarily sucked by Du Yu.

And in that palm force, there was an endless threat, which convinced the Liuyun envoy that as long as he was hit, he would definitely die.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Miao Fengshi hastily clapped two orders and stepped forward to pinch.

But since Du Yu dispatched the wolf pupil beauties, how could there be only one Houhou?
Shi Feixuan's Sekong sword drew a natural arc in the air, and cut towards Miaofengshi.

Little Dragon Girl, Li Mochou, Shang Xiuxun, Shan Wanjing, Li Xiuning and other beauties appeared one after another and launched a fierce attack on the remaining nine treasure tree kings and Persian guards.

But Houhou, who is good at speed, ran rampant and rushed towards Xiao Zhao.

As long as Xiao Zhao is rescued, Du Yu can directly enter Peach Blossom Island.With all kinds of restrictions on the island, the Persians had nothing to do.But Du Yu was free to act and destroy the Persians.

But the Ever-Victorious Treasure Tree King saw through Houhou's action plan at a glance, rushed straight to Xiao Zhao, and shouted: "Kill that evil species!"

The two Persian guards roared, and the Persian long knife slashed at Xiao Zhao's back.

Xiao Zhao yelled and almost fainted from fright.

This Persian is fierce and good at fighting, killing people like hemp, he is dead this time.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu was in mid-air, and it looked like he couldn't catch up, but he used the 10-story Wudang Ladder Cloud Zong, changed direction like a fish, faster, and hugged Xiao Zhao.

Two Persian sharp knives pierced Du Yu's vest, but they were firmly blocked by the soft hedgehog armor, failing to kill Du Yu.

Du Yu let out a cold snort, and spit out his internal force. Two fierce Persian warriors suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, flew backwards, fell to the ground and died.

Du Yu rescues Xiao Zhao.Xiao Zhao cried and threw herself into Du Yu's arms.

Du Yu chuckled, "Your mother is fine now. She's waiting for you in the dense forest."

Xiao Zhao raised her head in surprise, and she was smiling like a flower amidst the tears, which made Du Yu startled.

Xiao Zhao couldn't help being superficial, and kissed Du Yu: "Uncle, you are so kind."

Du Yu screamed in his heart.This Xiao Zhao is only a young girl, but she has such a magical power to turn all living beings upside down, she really learned a lot from her beautiful mother.

However, Dai Qisi and Xiao Zhao's mother and daughter are really a perfect pair.hey-hey???
Dai Qisi jumped out of the dense forest, her hands were like lightning, and golden flower hidden weapons shot out wave after wave. The Persian warriors, Shi Feixuan and others who were besieging the void, did not know that there were masters ambushing behind them. The flowers flew down, causing heavy casualties.

Dai Qisi picked up Xiao Zhao and fled back to the woods, her beautiful eyes looked at Du Yu gratefully.At the same time, Du Yu ordered Jin to withdraw his troops.To deal with the Persians, he has another way.

Dai Qisi, a half-Han Persian beauty, was really grateful to Du Yu for her life-saving grace several times.

Du Yu laughed loudly and said, "There is no need to join the war. I originally asked Xiao Zhao to take the universe and move it to you for atonement. But since these Persians don't know good from bad, there's no need to be polite. Kill them all, and you'll do the same." No atonement required."

Dai Qisi wiped away her tears and regained her usual charming demeanor.From his bosom, Xiao Zhao took out the mental method of Great Teleportation of the Universe and handed it to her.

Dai Qisi didn't even look at it, and returned it to Du Yu: "Master, you have saved me many times. This secret book is too precious. Dai Qisi deserves it."

Du Yu smiled slightly, and when Dai Qisi stretched out her hand, he touched her boneless Rou Yi, and said with a smile: "Dai Qisi is welcome, you and I are related, and we definitely deserve this gift."

There was a blush on Dai Qisi's delicate face. Du Yu's relationship between you and me was obviously implying that he dedicated himself to him.

Dai Qisi is not a pretentious woman, simply accepting this great shifting of the universe.Her own martial arts are not extremely high, this great shift in the universe can greatly enhance her and Xiao Zhao's combat power.

After some pushback, Du Yu settled Dai Qisi and Xiao Zhao, and walked out.

The nine treasure tree kings and the three envoys saw that Du Yu was furious again, and immediately brought people to kill him.

With a stern expression on his face, Du Yu drifted towards the depths of Peach Blossom Island.

(End of this chapter)

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