Plane Conqueror

Chapter 75 The Invincible Barbossa

Chapter 75 The Invincible Barbossa
Barbossa didn't take it seriously, he gnawed on the apple and laughed loudly: "You bastards, come and kill the great Captain Barbossa, haha."

With one shot, he smashed the brains of a British lieutenant and fell to the ground.

A British soldier was full of anger, and his bayonet stabbed deeply into Barbossa's chest.

Under the moonlight, Barbossa looked at the lieutenant with pity, took a bite of the apple, and stuffed the gnawed apple into the mouth of the British soldier. With a thrust and a pull of the long sword in his hand, the British soldier's eyeballs protruded. out!
His blood was dripping all over the Black Pearl. This ghostly ghost ship actually sucked up the blood in an instant without leaving any trace of blood.

"Come on! No matter how many of you come here, you will be no match for the undead Captain Barbossa!" Barbossa stabbed another British soldier's chest with precision.

Under the leadership of Barbossa, the undead pirates began to fight back, howling.

Even Barbossa, the monkey, was jumping up and down, screaming and gouging the eyes of the British soldiers.

The British army suddenly became chaotic.

"I said long ago that this won't work." Wang Peng sneered, "Barbossa will never die unless his curse is lifted."

Du Yu didn't answer, Da Dao continued to fight with Barbosa.

Although his agility is very high, there seems to be a gloomy air around Barbosa's body, and it is icy cold when he approaches it-this should be the curse of the Aztec gold coins. Although it is painful for Barbosa, it is also greatly Increased his combat power.

Every time Du Yu hit Barbosa, he could only helplessly see his bones, but he couldn't hurt him.

But his eyes were burning with the fire of wisdom.

"Judging from the damage, Barbosa's physical strength exceeds 20 points, and he should have 250-300 points of life. His strength attribute crushes me, and it should be above 15 points. Agility is the only place where I am higher than him."

"Cursed immortal body, whenever he bathes in the moonlight, his injuries can be healed."

"With our current strength, we must not kill him. I wonder if we can kill him after the curse is lifted?"

In fact, if Du Yu shot with all his strength, he might not be unable to try to kill Barbosa at this moment, but the premise was that Yilin and Ning Zhong could attack at the same time and cooperate in the battle.

With Sea Otter and Wang Peng behind him, he refused to go all out and just waited for an opportunity.

Sure enough, after fighting for a while, Barbosa pierced Du Yu's abdomen with a sword, knocking out a full 56 points of his health!
Du Yu yelled, dodged behind the sea otter, and drank the small medicine bottle to recover his blood.

Barbossa made another sword move, blocking the sea otter's Wuhook, and pierced the sea otter's thigh with another sword.Sea Otter cursed and fell on the deck.

Du Yu rolled over again and jumped behind Wang Peng.

Barbossa stabbed at Wang Peng like a poisonous snake.

Wang Peng's eyes flickered, and he swung Barbossa's stabbing sword away.Being able to pick apart the fast sword of the captain of the Black Pearl made this hand look extraordinary.

Du Yu roared angrily, and slashed at Barbosa's leg.

Barbossa was indifferent, sneered and drew his gun.

Du Yu had been prepared for a long time, and his speed was extremely fast, and he flashed behind Wang Peng.

Wang Peng was shot in the waist and abdomen, and with a low growl, he rushed towards Barbossa.

He and the sea otter were originally not going to intervene, but Du Yu painstakingly created the situation. After several provocations, the two in the melee couldn't help themselves and got involved in the battle.

The three besieged Barbossa.

Barbossa took a bite of the apple, and suddenly swung his long sword, and the monkey on his shoulder howled and jumped at the sea otter.

Just as the sea otter's Wu hook hooked the monkey away, Barbossa's long sword pierced straight ahead!
His shoulder blades were pierced!

The sea otter was about to attack, Du Yu stepped forward to block Barbossa's attack.

Wang Peng shook his long sword and let out a dragon cry, piercing deeply into Barbossa's bone wrist.This is Songshan Thirteen Swords' tiger-turning style, which can make the opponent abandon the sword with one blow.

It's a pity that he was facing Barbosa, and this blow was useless.

Hai Otter and Wang Peng also had a hard time. They were on the front line of the Black Pearl. If they refused to use all their strength, they would not be able to save their lives in front of Barbossa.

As for Du Yu, what he wanted was for them to jointly attack and expose Barbosa's life-saving cards one by one.

Barbossa's body trembled suddenly, and three swords swished, swishing, swishing, shooting out like lightning, one sword faster than the other.It should be another skill after the separation of humans and monkeys.

Du Yu observed Barbossa's battle. This demon king was the target he had to eradicate. The more detailed the observation, the more certain he would be in killing him in the future.

Barbossa's skills are not out of the general category of sailors, but his sword skills combine speed and strength, and are both fierce. Wang Peng is also an excellent swordsman, but in front of Barbossa, he scored three swords in a row. , screamed and fell to the ground.

Du Yu rushed up to cover, and the gust of wind and swordsmanship swept through the remnant clouds, and saved Hai Otter and Wang Peng at the cost of being stabbed in the leg.

Seeing Du Yu being so loyal, the two showed a trace of gratitude in their eyes.

Du Yu looked at the British soldiers around him, and his eyes were full of fear.

A Barbossa, standing on the bow, is one man and one man is in charge!
Barbossa was not complacent at all, as if he didn't care about the situation in front of him, but suddenly turned to the distant sea.

There was a sailboat, sailing fast in the moonlight.The burly figure of Xiong Xiazi and Elizabeth Swan, who was punching and kicking, could be faintly seen on it.Will was nowhere to be seen, so he probably didn't succeed.

But Barbossa gritted his teeth: "The cursed gold coins, and the blood of the shoelaces, they are taking away! Those stupid crew!"

He glared at Du Yu, who was covered in blood and was fighting hard, and then glanced around at the hundreds of British troops, and at the British fleet that was densely surrounding Black Pearl.

Barbossa said coldly: "Do you think these miscellaneous boats can stop the great Captain Barbossa and the Black Pearl?"

He grinned grimly and swung his long sword!
On the originally windless night sea, the Black Pearl's black sails, which were riddled with holes, suddenly moved.

Barbossa's shriveled monkey jumped onto the sail, shook it vigorously, and screamed.

Panic in the British army spread.

Because... the Black Pearl, which has been anchored, has started to start slowly!

"It's impossible!" Du Yu's shock could not be concealed: "There is no crew member under this boat. It is impossible for it to move."

"Boy" Barbossa raised the brim of his three-cornered hat with a gun, and smiled with yellow teeth: "This black beauty in the Caribbean Sea is known as the fastest ship. Is it for nothing? She has her own boat. Soul, as long as there is me and her, you can ride the Caribbean! Haha!"

Du Yu's heart suddenly became clear.

This Black Pearl actually has its own soul, which can receive the captain's wishes and gallop freely!
Then, no matter how he tried to divert the tiger away from the mountain, he would still be unable to capture the Black Pearl.

The only way to get it is to sink it, or kill the captain!
"Get out of here, get out of here quickly!" Du Yu shouted.

"Haha, you bastards, you want to leave even though you're here!" Barbossa swung his sword, and the remaining undead sailors howled, chasing after him.

The British jumped into the sea like dumplings.

The Black Pearl is like a top-notch sports car. In just a few seconds, it quickly changed from standing still to sailing with bulging sails, riding the wind and waves. I really don’t know how its sails are full of holes, how it can achieve such speed!
The Intercept stopped in front of it, but the laughing Barbossa swung out his sword: "Crush it, haha!"

Black Pearl is like a sports car with full power, rushing towards a stationary QQ at 200 pulses per hour!

The poor Interceptor was hit in the center by the Black Pearl, and immediately capsized to the other side.The Black Pearl, which had an advantage in terms of tonnage, actually rode the unlucky Interceptor, and its keel was crushed little by little!
"My God, I must be delusional. Or the hell demon is too powerful. The Interceptor was crushed!" A British soldier who fell into the water shouted.

"Why doesn't our ship fire?" cried another British soldier.

"You idiot, we are all here, you want us to be buried with you if you fire?"

The Interceptor let out a helpless cry, and was crushed by the black pearls bit by bit, the snow-white sails snapped, and the curtains snapped, like an English lady wearing a keel corset, being ridden by a black pirate of the Caribbean. On the body, the dress is broken little by little, and it is crushed on the silver carpet...
The Black Pearl succeeded, and with an irresistible momentum, it crushed the Interceptor relentlessly and rushed towards the gliding sailboat.

Du Yu knew that Xiong Xiazi and the others were in trouble.

He also admitted that the Black Pearl is worthy of being the king of the Caribbean Sea. If she can't be weakened to the limit, even if Ah Fu's strategy is used and a dozen British warships are used, there is no way to keep her!
But he did not give up, jumped into the sea, and continued to follow.

"If I expected it right." Du Yu was wearing a sharkskin swimsuit, with water-based proficiency skills and water-avoiding pills, like a fish swimming at an astonishingly fast speed: "Since the White Tigers have sent you to do great things to gain benefits, you must give some Life-saving cards, right? The Black Pearl's relentless pursuit should be within your calculations."

On the dark seabed, he followed the direction of the big black and followed the small sailboat closely.

With his proficiency in water and the ability to prolong his underwater time with Waterproof Pill, he didn't have to worry about being chased by the Black Pearl.

Sure enough, when the Black Pearl was about to catch up with the small sailboat, the small sailboat suddenly flashed with light and disappeared!

Barbossa on the Black Pearl was ferociously preparing to massacre, but angrily found that all the people on the small sailboat had disappeared, and he didn't know where they were teleported!

He swung his stabbing sword angrily.

The Black Pearl came overwhelmingly, crushing the hapless little sailboat to pieces in an instant!

Barbosa didn't stop there, just now he used the black pearl's special ability to activate it suddenly, catching the British by surprise.If they are stopped by ships such as the Courage again, and the artillery fires, it will be very bad.

As for the sailors he threw at Port Royal, they were all immortal anyway, and they couldn't die if they wanted to.I really can't beat the British, just jump into the sea and walk back from the bottom of the sea.They had a faint sense of the Black Pearl, and finding this ship would not be a problem.

As Xiazi Xiong started the teleportation, the big black in Du Yu's hand suddenly lost its direction.

He knew that it was probably beyond the effective range of 1000 meters, and Dahei couldn't track the breath of the body.

(End of this chapter)

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