Chapter 845 The second act opens, and the parliamentary country seeks refuge! - Ask for a monthly pass

A burst of dizziness came.

When Du Yu opened his eyes, he really entered the second scene.

Caldeum, the capital of the East, is full of exotic customs.

"The demon king Belie has controlled the city," Archangel Tyrael sighed.He was rescued by the Shinra people from the prison behind the butcher during the life-and-death battle between Du Yu and the flower demon, and was rescued by the heretics.They also followed the crowd to the Eastern Continent.

Adventurers don't care about the plot of this scene, all they want are points and equipment.

In the first scene, the vested interests, Shinra and Datang, are of course gearing up and preparing to make another victory. The Sultan and the Parliamentary State, which were brutally obliterated, are gnashing their teeth and preparing to win back at all costs.

With the bloody obliteration, the possibility of everyone's cooperation is lower, and the possibility of confrontation is higher.

所有冒险者都接到了空间提示:“你们成功突破了第一幕。有队友的牺牲,也有丰厚的收获。但第二幕的挑战将更加激烈。每个冒险者的积分抹杀线,从50分提升到100分。其他规则不变。现将所有主线任务的列表和奖励,公布如下:【沙漠之影】4400 【往奥卡纳斯的道路】4600积分【血之城】6600积分【皇室亲见】1875积分【意外的盟友】5200积分【赫拉迪姆的背叛者】7425积分【血染黄沙】9650积分【黑灵魂石】10150积分【谎言之王】2325积分。”

"The random mission in this scene has [Turbulent Dust] 1575 points, [Racked Cellar] rewards two treasure chests, if you give up the treasure chest, you can get 2300 points. [Sharda's Treasure] rewards 1000 points."

Everyone looked at each other.

This time it was even more perverted.

Everyone completes at least 100 points!

Although, from the list of main tasks, the total amount of points has also increased, but it is conceivable that the difficulty of completing each task has also increased.

As for the number of adventurers, after the end of the first act, there were losses to varying degrees.The wolf pupil team had at least 2 dead, Shinra lost nearly 20, the Sultanate lost nearly 20, and the Parliamentary State lost more than half of them, leaving only 48 people.

How can such a lineup complete the second act?

Fortunately, there are losses and gains. As the battle continues, the equipment on the adventurers from all over the world has been changed one after another.Not to mention the wealthiest Shinra, even the adventurers from the parliamentary country have at least changed into a pair of enhanced blue equipment in Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop, which greatly increased their combat effectiveness.

A more invisible factor is that after adventurers from all over the world are familiar with the dark world, they are more comfortable with various potential threats and ways to complete tasks, and it is not easy to appear in the first act of the Parliament State [Mission of the Soul Pot] Massacre or Shinra being killed The butcher dispelled the scene of wanton massacre.

Maybe Space knows everyone's difficulties, and doesn't want to embarrass too much, so it simply throws out both the main mission and hidden missions, so as to save everyone from the trouble of searching hard.

Shan Wanjing, Tyrell and others also appeared in the secret camp, continuing to provide supplies and intelligence support for the adventurers.

"Let's go first." Sai Yiwu's eagle eyes swept across the crowd mercilessly, and coldly led the Sudanese out of town.It is estimated that it is to compete for the first main task.

"Hmph!" Lampard dismissively said: "Let's go too!"

Dongfang Bubai made a high-pitched voice, glanced at Du Yu, and followed suit.

The adventurers of the parliamentary country took the initiative to go to Du Yu.

"Boss Du!" Indra stretched out her hands enthusiastically: "How about playing with us this time?"

Du Yu smiled bitterly and said, "In the last scene, you still didn't escape the fate of the youngest. Don't you feel resentful?"

Toledo showed bitterness on his face, and seemed to think of his teammate who had been wiped out. He sighed and said, "If it wasn't for your help last time, we would have locked in the last place early. Now that we have lost 11 teammates, our strength is even weaker. By ourselves If you work hard, it is impossible to complete the main mission, let alone the Shinra people and the Sudanese. It is most suitable to lock up with you to take risks. There are more people and more strength."

Even the stinky Zulu was not arrogant, and respectfully said: "Boss Du, I have completely convinced you. If you have any ideas, please speak out. We are willing to act as pawns and go through life and death for you."

Du Yu nodded: "Since everyone trusts me, I won't be polite. Show some sincerity first."

He pursed his lips.

With some reluctance, Michelle took out the [U.S. Army Field Medical Kit] and 10 bottles of medicine prepared by Yilin.Since the Peach Blossom Island medicine field was reclaimed, Yilin, Rourou, and Li Mochou's medicine materials have been effectively guaranteed, and they can continuously refine a large number of high-quality tonics.But it's a pity that space is not a fool, and there are restrictions on the existence of such bugs.That is, the total amount of self-made medicines that the preventive team can carry each time is limited, and each person can carry a maximum of 3 medicines.And it cannot be supplemented in the plot.

That is to say, even if there is a first-class pharmacist, the medicines of Du Yu's team are not in unlimited supply.

How could Michelle have no opinion?
But the adventurers in the parliamentary country were overjoyed when they saw the US military field medical kit and 10 bottles of medicine!

To be honest, what they lack most now is not equipment or manpower, but potions.

These brave desperadoes are brave in battle, but what they are least good at is protracted warfare.

In the past, in the story world, such a high-intensity battle lasted for 10 days and a half, which was considered long.As for the dark world, you have to go through 3 acts!
This is just the second act, and some adventurers have already run out of food.All the potions in the space were used up in the fierce battle, and there was no stock left.

Although what Du Yu sent was not enough to support the whole scene, it was tantamount to sending charcoal in the nick of time.

Indra smiled wryly: "How do you know we are out of food? These things are too precious."

Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "Take these as small gifts. Everyone take risks with me, and I will be responsible for your lives. Now let's talk about the main task."

The adventurers of the parliamentary country were so grateful. After a simple assignment in the team, Du Yu ordered Yilin to come out and use the recoverable Dharma to heal the adventurers of the parliamentary country.

He took care of the parliamentary country in this way, not to abuse good people, but to use the sharp knife of the parliamentary country to deal with the powerful monsters in the second act and deter the Eastern Invincibles!
This parliamentary country adventurer is already good at fighting, and what he lacks is nothing more than an excellent command and logistics system, but this is the strength of the wolf pupil team!
The two are more closely combined, and Du Yu will have more than 110 experienced and united adventurers who have gone through the first bloody battle.

This power will become Du Yu's trump card to complete the challenges of the first three acts and finally break into the highest heaven.

"After entering the second act, the difficulty of the task should be greatly enhanced. I went out to test it just now, and the damage output of all the monsters in the Caldeum area is much higher than that of the monsters in the first act." Du Yu talked eloquently.

Leah, Michelle, Li Tang, Cormack, Zulu, Indra, Toledo and others looked at each other with gloomy expressions.

"Another bad news is that the number of monsters in the second act has also greatly increased. As mentioned above, the monsters are much stronger, and adventurers can easily fall into the siege of a group of monsters," Du Yu said calmly.

"Boss Du, what do you want to say? Just tell us directly!" Zulu said bluntly.

Du Yu smiled lightly and said, "I want you parliamentary country adventurers to absolutely obey my command!"

The adventurers from the parliamentary country looked at each other with hesitation.

After all, they belonged to the parliamentary state. To put it bluntly, if Du Yu used them up and kicked them away, they would not escape the fate of being wiped out.If two scenes in a row are wiped out by 20%, the number of people is too small to even take revenge.

It can be said that if one believed in Du Yu, one would completely entrust his fate to Du Yu.

Du Yu was not in a hurry to speak.

But Liya couldn't bear it anymore, jumped out and shouted: "I said, you adventurers, why are you mother-in-law? How many times did Du Yu save you in the first scene? How many points did he give you? How many good things? Why are you still hesitating?" ? Think about it, is it possible to get through the second act by yourself?"

As the heroine of the plot, Leah's words are very convincing.

Indra, Zulu, and Toledo looked at each other, and finally made up their minds and nodded, "We decided to join the group. Boss Du, we have no problem with how you distribute the points!"

Xie Wa led the adventurers from the parliamentary country and cheered from behind.

They have all seen the magic of Du Yu, and being able to join Du Yu's wolf pupil team is undoubtedly a huge guarantee for survival.

Du Yu nodded: "Since everyone has entrusted their lives to me, I hereby guarantee that this time, No.1 and No.2 will be fulfilled!"

Everyone cheered and encouraged, smiling.

Michelle looked at the excited faces around her and sighed inwardly.

If Saiwu or Lampard said this to everyone, would it have such an effect?

The answer is no!
Even with such big bosses, everyone didn't believe that they had the ability to win the top two positions.

But Du Yu can!
There seems to be a characteristic in him that can make people trust him completely invisibly.

This is the result of Du Yu's selflessness, generosity and loyalty along the way.

He saved the lives of countless people along the way, and made the wolf pupil team, the No. [-] captain team, and the bladeless team all integrated around him. Now even the proud and unassuming parliamentary country desperadoes have come to join them and offered their oath of allegiance.

Tina and Wu Ren also looked at each other, shocked by Du Yu's cohesion and appeal.

Du Yu analyzed on his own: "The second act is the most critical act. In this act, everyone has accumulated good strength and equipment, and it will be very easy in the next three or four acts. In terms of equipment selection for this act, Everyone should give priority to equipment that increases blood volume, pay attention to the preservation of health, and pay more attention to formation and protection, so as not to be besieged by monsters and suffer unnecessary loss of health and manpower."

(End of this chapter)

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