Chapter 847 There is medicine!capricious!Good start! - Ask for a monthly ticket for four more

Magtan looked at Leah's beautiful clear eyes, and there was a trace of distraction in his eyes, and he shouted: "You, you can't do this!"

"Nothing is impossible!" Du Yu leapt forward and landed behind Magtan. He used a move to move the universe, avoided Magtan's destroying ray, and then slammed his palm on Magtan's chest.

Liya's beautiful eyes were full of hatred, and an arrow shot through Magtan's back.

An unbelievable light flashed in Magtan's eyes.

This Liya is just a little girl, why is she so powerful?The power of this arrow almost directly catches up with those legendary Horadric heroes.

What surprised her the most was the strong Diablo bloodline in Leah, how could it go silent?Like a normal person, there is no sign of the demon possessed by Adria at all.

Du Yu slammed Magtan's frail body with one move, and flew into the air, and then Liya shot her through with an arrow.

Arrow through the heart.

A large amount of blood spit out from Magtan's purple lips, flowing out one after another, and his eyes quickly lost their light.

"Your mother, Adelia, will never let you go." Magtan laughed wildly when he was about to die, "You will transform into Diablo and become the scariest demon god!"

Du Yu didn't wait for her to finish speaking, and stomped on it!

Magtan screamed and died at Du Yu's feet.

Du Yu received a prompt from the space: "You have completed the main mission [City of Blood] and obtained 6600 points."

Although this process sounds very simple, there are many minions in Magtan along the way, and all kinds of twists and turns in the decisive battle were all avoided by the close cooperation of the wolf pupil unit and the parliament.

What excites the parliament state the most is that despite the constant dangers of the fierce battle, none of them were damaged in battle, and all of them witnessed the death of Magtan.This was an unimaginable result in the past.

Zulu and the others had to admit that they had to be protected by such a powerful and mature team as the wolf pupil team to fully exert their attack power.

What made the Parliament even more excited was that they got 6600 points out of 2200 points.Although each of them scored more than 40 points together, it was a good start after all.The Shinra, the Parliament, and the Eastern Undefeated Team that competed with them have yet to win a single point.

Sure enough, following the Du Yu wolf pupil team, there is a future.

When the wolf pupil team walked back to the secret camp with their heads held high, they found that Shinra, Sultan, and the Eastern Undefeated Team had all returned.

"Oh? Are you so free?" Du Yu was not stage-frightened at all, and came forward to say hello with a smile.

Lampard, Sai Yiwu, and Dongfang Bubai all had sulky faces and expressions of cold thinking. When they saw Du Yu returning from the task, they had different expressions.

"My dear allies," Lampard changed his haughty expression before, and greeted him with a smile, "You guys are amazing. You actually managed to force your way into Magtan's lair and kill the leader of this cult."

The so-called situation is stronger than people.

Although Shinra won the first place in the first act, Lampard knew it in his heart.That's what he traded with Du Yu for the dragon's horn many times.

Now that there was no dragon horn, Du Yu didn't need to look at him, no, he was the first to get 6600 points when he came up.

"Could it be that Du Yu really got something good in the goblin shop?"

This is the only reasonable explanation.

For the first time, Lampard regretted that he coveted the 10% extra points and gave up the opportunity to buy in the Goblin shop.

Facing Du Yu at this time, he could only humble himself, trying to find a way to break through the current powerless embarrassment.

Du Yu smiled slightly.

He was able to go so smoothly because after the first act, he saw the importance of blood bottles and blue bottles from a far-sighted perspective, and bought them in large quantities.

But even if there were 100 bottles of potion, it was only enough for the wolf pupil team and the parliamentary state to consume. For the others, there was nothing they could do.

The best solution is to find the Goblin Shop or Goblin Merchant hidden in this act.

Du Yu had thought long ago that the plot would not give adventurers a quest to die.The difficulty of this darkness is already high enough. If only a little supply is given when passing the level, the space will be too extreme.

In the plot, there should be hidden shops, even if the price is deceptive, at least give adventurers a way to survive, right?

But at this time he will not have any mercy on Shinra's situation.

Let the plot be difficult, kill these arrogant guys for a while, wait until they are completely desperate and sell themselves at the price of cabbage, then come and accept them.

Du Yu made a few perfunctory remarks on the scene, and then led the wolf pupil team who had rested, and prepared to embark on the journey again.

Shan Wanjing's blacksmith shop has been successfully upgraded to level 6, and her blacksmith skills have broken through the bottleneck, reaching the daunting level 13.

The appearance of the blacksmith shop hasn't changed much, but one of the most obvious features is that green suits have begun to appear on Shan Wanjing's shelves!
This is a scary change.

As long as the adventurer can create the green suit blueprint and provide enough materials and gold coins, Shan Wanjing can order it on demand to turn this blueprint into a green, mighty, and extremely powerful green suit!

This change made Shinra and the Sultanate salivate.

But helpless.

Their rare materials had already been exploited by the wolf pupil team in the previous building.

But now, due to the lack of stamina, the mission has come to a standstill, unable to break through the monster defense line that has doubled in strength.

Lampard, who has always been strong, bowed his head to Du Yu and made him feel very embarrassed.

After all, we are number one at present, how can we condescend and bow our heads to you?

Not to mention the Sultanate and the Undefeated East.

It was harder to make Dongfang Bubai bow his head than to kill him.

Several people snorted coldly, each frantically looking for alternatives.

Gold coins are definitely not enough.

Then you can only frantically look for places like Goblin shops.

The Shinra adventurer set his mind on the Archangel Tyrael.

This angel must have a way to provide a wide range of healing.

Du Yu ignored these guys, and after completing the repairs, he picked up Magtan's head and went straight to the palace of Kardim to meet Hakan the Great.

Everyone knew that Emperor Hakan himself was the villain BOSS and Demon King Bilie, and he was ready to fight before meeting him.

Entering the palace, there are all kinds of luxury along the way.

"What shall we do next?" Maishela asked Du Yu: "Emperor Hakan is not a good guy. How do you fight?"

Du Yu smiled indifferently and said, "A mere Emperor Hakan, do you want us to escape?"

He smiled contemptuously: "Fuck me, beat this bastard!"

Everyone in the wolf pupil team is sweating.

This is a plot rule. Emperor Hakan owns the entire royal guard. Isn't it fun to pack more than 100 adventurers?

Who knows, Du Yu said sternly: "I'm not joking. As soon as this grandson shows his feet later, everyone will come to me together. He'll kill you."

Michelle was dizzy for a while: "Boss, do you know what you are talking about? Then Emperor Hakan has a lot of troops, how can we beat him with so few people?"

Du Yu smiled: "Don't we have a plot advantage? When we meet this kid later, don't be polite with long-range firepower. My second and third younger brothers and I will naturally rush up and teach him a hard lesson."

He said indifferently: "Our wolf pupil team has endured enough. This second act is the time for a big explosion. From now on, we will no longer keep a low profile, and we must do everything in a high-key way! Be a high-key person!"

Seeing Du Yu's unquestionable eyes, Michela nodded inwardly.

Du Yu never made a foolish move.

Every move of his chess has a deep meaning.

In the first act, he kept a low profile, kept a low profile, and even gave away points.Let the wolf pupil team directly sit in second place without attracting the attention of all parties.

In the second act, why is it so strong and high-profile?

Du Yu didn't reply in time. After a golden scene, a majestic emperor stepped out of the resplendent screen and looked at everyone coldly.

Du Yu coldly threw Magtan's head at Hakan the Great.

"My lord, this is our gift to you."

After seeing Magtan's bloody head, Emperor Hakan laughed loudly.

"Your achievements are really not small. But unfortunately, I can only pay with death."

The cold and majestic emperor waved his hand.

Groups of demonized soldier guards frantically surged out from the four corners and surrounded them.

"Enter eternal death!" Hakan said mercilessly.

"Death?" The corners of Du Yu's mouth curled up, showing a confident smile: "It's a pity, Great Emperor, the purpose of our entering the palace is to assassinate you."

He waved.

Li Qinglu appeared in the void with a metal warhead, and a 5mm main gun with a cooling time of 130 minutes launched a violent bombardment!

The power of this main cannon was indeed weakened by 60% in the cold weapon plot, and the cooling time was even more heinous, but even so, the power of this cannonball was not something that the astonished Emperor Hakan could stop !
There was only a "bang", and Hakan, who was majestic and grinning a second ago, with an expression of "you've been fooled", was blown away without face and dignity.

Of course, as the demon king Bilie, he is extremely powerful, and it is impossible for him to be killed by this mere cannonball, but he is so embarrassing, and the king of lies has never encountered it.

Du Yu whistled lightly, then flew up suddenly, and went straight for Bilie.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng also divided their troops into two groups and went straight to attack Emperor Hakan.

Whether Bilie, the king of lies, is perfect or not, the three Du Yu brothers must personally measure it!
Who would have thought that Bilie, the demon king, is indeed the king of lies who only speaks but does not act. Seeing Du Yu's bravery, he turned around and ran away without turning his head.

I've seen a boss with no lower limit, but I've never seen such a shameless boss.

After all, you are the boss of the second act, why did you run away without saying a word when you saw the adventurer attacking?

Encircle and suppress!

Now, the plot is completely reversed.

Instead of rushing out of the siege all the way along the southern part of the palace in panic, the wolf pupil team chased and killed all the way, crushing monsters all the way, chasing and killing Hakan, who was transformed into the demon king of Bilie.

This unlucky emperor ran very fast.However, a large number of monsters were left behind to greet the wolf pupil team.

(End of this chapter)

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