Chapter 879
As soon as Adria gritted her teeth, a large number of Shinrikyo believers gathered around her.It turned out that she had already sent people to ambush around, ready to snatch the Soul Stone and Leah.

Du Yu was furious.

The release of the Dark Soul Stone was completely premeditated by Adria.Although Du Yu had already prepared, he couldn't grasp the soul stone at all.

But the little beauty Lia must not be captured by Adria!

He kicked away a pounced Shinrikyo believer, protected Liya with one move, and attacked Adria with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, who had already been reminded by Du Yu, rushed towards the enemy at the same time.

Adria failed to snatch Leia!

She took two steps back and looked at Li Ya and Du Yu coldly.

"How did you do it?" Du Yu pouted, "Snatch the soul stone from me?"

Adria laughed wildly: "How do you think that mere Horadric traitor Kule got this dark soul stone from the Horadric sect? This is the treasure that imprisoned the seven great demon gods? I personally It was stolen from Horadric Kane, and deliberately collected the souls of several great demon gods, and secretly put them into the cave of the Betrayer of Kule! How could I not do something about it?"

Du Yu nodded.

Culler's information at that time was also provided by Adria.

"You clearly used us to kill Kuller, making it all seem as reasonable as an adventure novel. Then use us to kill the king of lies and the king of evil all the way, collect the souls of all 7 demon gods, and make this dark soul stone , back to its prime?" Du Yu said surprisingly.

Adelia stared at Du Yu for a while, a trace of surprise could not help showing on her cold and beautiful face, and finally nodded: "Yes, what you said is absolutely right. I really need to revive the master in the strongest state. Need The soul of the king of lies and the king of crime follows you all the way and guides you."

Liya heard her mother's statement and cried bitterly: "Mom, you are not such a person! You are not!"

Adria sneered and said: "Is it very sad? But it's a pity, daughter, long before I met your father, I was already serving the dark witch. I gave birth to you with Aiden, and I also dedicated it to my master Dia Polo. Now is the time, come daughter!"

Du Yu sneered and said, "Do you think I will let you succeed?"

The dark soul stone was arranged by Adria in advance, and Du Yu couldn't grasp it, but no matter what Leah said, it was impossible to give it to this crazy witch again.

Adria jokingly said, "Haven't you noticed anything unusual?"

At this moment, those Truth Cultists suddenly blew themselves up one by one!

Really self-destruct.

Flesh and blood flew.

Blood spurted to the ground.

Adria suddenly began to chant the spell.

Under her spell, the blood of those Truth Cultists began to condense and flow, and gradually around Du Yu and the wolf pupil team, a huge demon six-pointed star summoning array was drawn with blood!

Such a bloody and cruel summoning circle made a powerful witch like Adria chant it in such a formal way. Who is the summoner?

There is no doubt that Adria summoned her master—Diablo!
Blood spewed and flowed, and blood-colored rays of light shot up from the ground to the sky!

All adventurers within the envelope of this red light are unable to move.

That is not a magic skill, but a fear from the depths of the soul.

Among the six pointed stars, the underground abyss gradually opened up.

In the bottomless abyss, terrifying flames of hell erupt at any time, and there are countless demon gods and demons roaring crazily!
As if in the dark, a pair of crazy red eyes full of destruction and killing desire stared at his soul in the dark!
The adventurers lost their ability to move.

And the core of the six-pointed star is Du Yu and Liya.

Adria laughed wildly, and walked towards the two of them step by step.

Du Yu and Li Ya couldn't move.Unexpectedly, this witch has already arranged it properly. Whether the adventurer wins or Azmodan wins, it is estimated that no one can escape the terrifying summoning array she painstakingly arranged.

But Du Yu looked resolute and firmly protected Leah, preventing her from being dragged away by Adelia's magic and dragged into the unfathomable abyss of hell.

"What can you do?" Adria walked slowly, gracefully like a sexy and hot hostess at a party, wearing a tight long skirt, swinging every step.

She walked up to Du Yu, raised Du Yu's chin provocatively, pressed it to Du Yu's ear and said loudly, "Little handsome guy, although you were rude to me last time, I still want to treat you bravely." Kudos to Kung Fu."

Du Yu said brazenly: "If Madam is interested, I am willing to provide follow-up services anytime and anywhere."

Adria's half-smile was not a smile, her long red nails left five bloodstains on Du Yu's neck like a witch.Leah screamed, "Don't hurt him, Mom."

Du Yu looked as usual.

Adria couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm really curious, where does your arrogant self-confidence come from?"

Du Yu couldn't move, raised his brows and said, "I am also puzzled, ma'am, where did your groundless confidence in victory come from?"

Adelia bickered and lost to Du Yu again, and grabbed her hard. Du Yu's chest was dripping with blood.

Leah nearly passed out.

Her lover and mother actually fought each other, which was unexpected at any rate.

Adria said fiercely: "After my master is perfectly resurrected, I will ask him to reward me with you, and I will torture you every day, making your life worse than death!"

Du Yu actually nodded and smiled and said, "I'm willing to help, ma'am."

Adelia was half-dead from Du Yu's composure, but it was still a big deal. She grabbed Liya with one hand, and the dark soul stone with the other hand, and said with a smile, "little baby Liya!" , you have the great blood of Diablo in your body. But it is a pity that it is suppressed by this set of armor of Horadric. Don't cover it up. Mom sent this dark soul stone into your forehead. You will become a real perfect Diablo Polo! Be the ruler of the world! Hahahaha!"

Liya screamed: "I don't want it! Mom! Let me go. I don't want to become that ugly monster, I want to live! Be with Brother Du Yu!"

Adria Mann said: "Little baby, it won't hurt, just one click. You will become the supreme existence. This is mother's love for you"

Before she finished speaking, Du Yu kicked her hard on the back of the head!

Adria screamed, a dog ate shit, and fell straight out, losing two of her front teeth.

How powerful is Du Yu's anger?

Liya lost her bondage and was held in Du Yu's arms. She said pleasantly, "Brother Du, are you not trapped?"

Du Yu wiped off his cold sweat.

Really underestimated Adria.Unexpectedly, the power of the plot is so great.With his careful arrangements, he almost fell into the witch's way.

The little beauty Leah was almost inserted into the forehead by Diablo's soul stone, and the transformation was successful.

Seeing this, all the adventurers, including Lampard, Sai Yiwu, Yakun, Anakin and others, were dumbfounded!
They didn't try to please Leah very much before. The key issue was the irreversibility of the main plot. For the characters in the plot, fate was irresistible.

Leah was destined to become Diablo.

Otherwise, there is no main boss in the fourth act, how can we start the fight?

So when they were trapped by Adria's six-pointed star formation, they didn't resist much.Because no matter how much she resists, Leah will be successfully transformed by Adria, and then step into the highest heaven.

But at this moment, Du Yu used his own strength to attack Adria!

Their eyeballs almost popped out!
Is that okay?

Is it really good to do this?
Can a mere adventurer change his fate against the sky and forcibly change the plot?

Adria's mouth was full of blood, she got up from the ground in embarrassment, and screamed: "Impossible, how could the six-pointed star summoning array I arranged with the power bestowed by the master be broken by a mere mortal like you?"

What is the secret that Du Yu can rely on to break through the compulsory restraint stipulated by the plot and prevent the little beauty Liya from being transformed?
Caesar of course!
He used the power of Caesar and others for the last time!
Caesar and others, using the power of space rules, forcibly broke through the six-pointed star bondage array originally issued by Diablo, liberated Du Yu, and beat up the maddened Adria!
Du Yu's success in one fell swoop was directly related to his weakening of Diablo four times in a row.

Diablo was terrified to death of this mortal.

The first time I encountered it, I tried to devour it, and lost an arm.

The second encounter, meddling with Liya, ended up being cut to the ground and scorched.

The third encounter, looking for another chance, was almost smashed to the ground and wiped out.

A series of blows came one after another. As a result, Diablo's strength was weakened a lot. At this time, Du Yu forcibly broke through and succeeded in one fell swoop!
Adria knew the master's strength best, and when she saw that this person was so against the heavens, she immediately took a step back in fright.

Du Yu didn't stop doing anything, and Ling Bo rushed up with a stride, and wanted to repair Adria severely.

"No! Oh!" Adria was sent flying horizontally by Du Yu's blow, her teeth were chipped and grooved, and her cheeks were red and swollen.

Then came another round of blows, hitting Adria badly.

"Don't hit it anymore." Li Ya's beautiful eyes were red and swollen like peaches, and she pulled Du Yu.

This witch, after all, is her mother.Kind Liya, how could she bear to watch her mother being killed by Du Yu?

Du Yu's anger persisted.

What if his spatial ability is not enough to break Diablo's hexagram blockade?

Leah will be gone forever.

Adria stood up dazedly.

Her eyes were blood red, and the dark soul stone in her hand continuously emitted dazzling light.

"You bastard, even the master can't deal with you?" Adria laughed wildly, with tears streaming down her face.

She stopped suddenly, with infinite hysteria in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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