Chapter 888 Du Yu's Final Speech! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
But Anakin's nostrils were still pouted upwards.

In the Crystal Colonnade, everyone met Imperius.This powerful existence who was once the number one angel in the heavens was defeated by Diablo in the first battle. At this time, he was organizing the angels to counterattack. When he saw Du Yu and others coming, he not only did not thank him, but even threatened the formation. Array.

Du Yu and the others ignored this lunatic who had an overly sense of justice, and immediately entered the gate of the Silver Spire.

When they crossed the Tianyi Bridge of the Silver Spire, another powerful BOSS, the fallen angel Izul, appeared in front of everyone.

"Stop! Mortals! The God of Destruction ordered me to hold here, he is destroying the crystal arch."

Du Yu was speechless for a while, who is this Yizuer? Why did he betray Diablo's whereabouts as soon as he came up?Can everyone stop her?

Sure enough, upon hearing the term crystal arch, the expressions of the three accompanying angels changed at the same time.

"Diablo must be stopped!" The middle-aged male angel hurriedly said: "The crystal arch is the core of our high heaven plane, which can support the space rules of the high heaven. Once it is destroyed by Diablo, all our angels will will lose power."

The female angel said eagerly: "At all costs!"

"So that's how it is," Du Yu muttered, "Is it the crystal arch?"

The adventurers drew up their positions and once again had a bloody battle with Izual.

This is a veritable bloody battle.When Izual was an angel, he was the most capable angel general under Tyrael.I wonder if you still remember its majestic and heroic appearance in Diablo 2?At this time, Yizuer, who was resurrected in the fire, was even more ferocious, with dark golden wings, a thick body, and a big knife in each hand, with a murderous look.

Dongfang Bubai, Tian Yulang, Du Yu, Yang Guo, Zhang Sanfeng and other masters all came out and rushed towards Yizuer.

And the angels didn't dare to neglect, and started a full-scale siege mode.

The Shinra people suffered heavy casualties, but they still did not hold back against the last boss before Diablo, and launched a fierce attack with all their strength.

Jack the Ripper, who had been resurrected from the dead, sneaked behind Izual, constantly launching violent assassinations.

In the end, Izual fell, but the price for the adventurers was even bloodier.

18 adventurers stayed in this high heaven forever.

All teams suffered heavy losses, including the Wolves.

The number of adventurers has dropped to more than 160 people.

Can such a lineup and such strength be able to kill Diablo?
Adventurers return to makeshift supply points, patch up gear and prepare for the final onslaught.

Du Yu, Yang Guo, and Zhang Sanfeng were sitting together, all of them panting slightly.

Just now Yizuer put a lot of pressure on everyone. Even though this demon is only one person, he is invincible in melee combat. Where the two machetes pass, ghosts cry and howl. Many adventurers were chopped alive by his machete. broken.

Limiting Izual's speed is the key to victory, but at this point, the adventurers did not do well.Izual's attribute is really too strong, even stronger than Belial in the second act and Azmodan in the third act. Even Li Tang and Captain No. Adventurers bleed like rivers.

Hitting this level of hell difficulty, every boss will cost the adventurer blood.

"I quit!" A Shinra gunman angrily threw the food in his hand to the ground, smashing the plate, he stood up and said furiously: "This is suicide! There is no hope. I don't want to go What about Diablo?"

Lampard said gloomyly: "Are you crazy? Wayne? Don't forget that you are an adventurer belonging to Queen Catherine, and Her Royal Highness Catherine also gave an order this time to get back the Dark Soul Stone. If you don't want to go back and die miserably , just give me a good job, I will not treat you badly."

There is only one Diablo away from the Dark Soul Stone. How can Lampard give up?

But Naveen has already fallen into hysteria, screaming: "Fuck the queen, fuck the order, I only belong to myself, understand? I belong to myself! Kill Diablo, you want me My life. No one can try to influence me."

He turned and walked away.

"Kill him!" Lampard squeezed out these words coldly through his teeth.

"Crack!" A sniper gun rang out.

Wayne turned his head in disbelief, looked at Lampard, and finally fell slowly into a pool of blood.

There was a bullet hole in the back of his forehead.

Anakin raised the muzzle of his gun coldly, and said solemnly: "Attacking Diablo was collectively decided by our four big bosses of Shinra, and it is an extremely glorious task. Escape before the battle? Die!"

The death of Wayne made the adventurers afraid to speak, but everyone showed resentment.

Du Yu stood up: "I know, you don't want to kill Diablo, I know, the most precious thing in space is life."

"But!" Du Yu's voice became impassioned.

"If you don't kill Diablo, will you control your own destiny?" Du Yu looked around the adventurer, and people were attracted by his speech and stood up.

"Of course!" Someone said disdainfully: "We will not go to die."

"Think about our bloody city!" Du Yu said with emotion: "Every day, every moment, our current story is happening! If you don't kill Diablo, you will definitely die. Go and kill Diablo. Polo, however, may gain both man and wealth, and become the strongest in one fell swoop. Don't talk about taking risks, our destiny itself is not in our own hands! It belongs to the damn space! Blame it, blame us for being pulled into This terrifying bloody city!"

When he roared and roared, every adventurer showed a thoughtful expression.

"Our fate is not in our own hands." A Tang adventurer murmured, "How well said."

He burst into tears.

Yes, today, everyone can blame Du Yu for dragging them into this dangerous situation, but these adventurers are already in different dangers, with their heads stuck in their crotches, and they continue to create various miracles.Becoming an adventurer is the most risky thing in itself, killing Diablo is just a small episode in the system risk.

Even if they don't have to face Diablo today, do they dare to guarantee that they will survive in the next world?

Since it's all about taking risks, in the world of dark team battles with rich rewards, it's not a good deal to fight Diablo to the death?
What's more, after all, there are more than 160 hard-working brothers who accompany me to the execution ground?

"Life and death depend on fate and wealth!" Myshela roared angrily.

"Damn it! Give it a try," Li Tang echoed.

The wolf pupil team are all Du Yu's fans, even if Du Yu takes them to hell, they dare to go.At this time, they all stood up and echoed Captain Du Yu's decision.

The other adventurers also roared.

Lampard, Saiwu, Zulu and others looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, Du Yu still has such speech skills, but the effect is very good.

Lampard took advantage of the situation and said, "I still have some gems and equipment here. Fuck it, share it with everyone! After resting, we will set off. Don't forget that there are three angels following us to kill the crystal arch. Kill Diablo!"

The Shinra adventurers were finally inspired to get the things first and then kill the powerful enemies, at least they would not be starving ghosts.

The teams distributed the hoarded goodies to the adventurers one after another to boost morale.

"The final decisive battle is here!" With both spiritual and material encouragement, the adventurers repaired their equipment at Shan Wanjing and finally embarked on the final journey.

It depends on the vote whether to return home with a full load or to sink the halberd into the sand.


Stepping into the highest heaven again, adventurers enter the peak of heaven.

As the name suggests, it is the highest place in the entire Supreme Heaven, overlooking the Supreme Heaven.

Imprius, again.

"Stupid humans! As I said, the Supreme Heaven does not need your strength."

This angel of courage is extremely majestic.

But a dramatic face slap is always after pretending to be aggressive.

Before Prius could finish his sentence, there was only a crisp sound from the highest peak, and a halo of light flashed from where the crystal arch column was located, quickly covering the entire heaven!

Imprius trembled.

"Damn Diablo, he actually destroyed the core of Heaven!"

The three angels in the team also knelt down on the ground at the same time, trembling all over.

Although they didn't say anything, even ordinary adventurers can find that the angels' originally magnificent and bright wings have disappeared.

The divine power of the angels is completely gone, no different from ordinary humans.

Without angels, adventurers are the only combat power that can deal with Diablo.

The adventurers looked at each other.

The morale that had been boosted just now collapsed.

Hearing Diablo's roar from above his head made everyone feel heavy and fell to the bottom of the valley.

"The angel can't be counted on?" Lampard stared blankly at the angel who had lost his power, and laughed wildly: "What are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding," Du Yu said coldly, "I can figure it out with my ass, how could the space let you go to this extent? Only with your own real strength can you be reliable."

Lampard glanced at Du Yu weakly.

The previous courage has long since disappeared.

The terrifying followers of Diablo, the King of Despair and Izual, have frightened the adventurers. With the current severely reduced and dilapidated lineup, how can they fight a hundred times stronger than these generals? Diablo?

Moreover, it seems that this Diablo is the soul of the seven great demon gods, a terrifying existence merged into one?
Diablo in perfect condition, more intimidating than ever.

"Go!" Du Yu patted Lampard on the shoulder: "Don't forget that you are a paladin. Fearlessness and courage are the best armor and sharpest spear for a paladin."

Lampard smiled bitterly: "These are all deceptive words, do you believe them too?"

Du Yu shook his head: "Now you, besides believing these lies, what other choice do you have? Follow me!"

Lampard was disheartened. The glory of the Holy See and the orders of the Big Four all seemed so eclipsed in front of Xiaoming.

(End of this chapter)

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