Chapter 894 Take Diablo!Get the soul stone! - Ask for a monthly pass!

His spiritual consciousness is fully open, and every move around him cannot escape his eyes.


Diablo let out a roar, and decisively sprayed out the demon beam.

Amidst the lightning flames, a huge wolf slowly walked out.

"This bastard!" Diablo naturally recognized that this was the dragon wolf that had bitten his soul four times, and it seemed that it was caused by that kid.

"No!" Although Diablo has recovered his body, he still has an instinctive fear of dragons and wolves.

From its perspective, the dragon wolf seemed to be a higher existence on the food chain level, capable of devouring his soul unscrupulously.

Dragon Wolf is indeed such a bold and reckless person, greedily staring at Diablo, not only without any fear, but with a lot of greed.

With a roar, Diablo rushed forward to fight the dragon wolf.

The two bit each other, and both were covered in cuts and bruises.

The dragon and the wolf became more and more courageous as they fought, and they actually gained the upper hand.

"No!" Diablo was worthy of being the demon god who ruled hell, and soon became suspicious: "How could this guy be so brave? I can't hurt it at all. This is an illusion!"

He realized that he had been fooled again, and jumped up angrily.

Du Yu and Hou Hou used the illusion three times, all with profound meanings.

The first and second illusions, based on the fact that he was imprisoned by humans, teased Diablo, making him lose his mind and fight even more crazily.

Although the crazier Diablo has higher speed and attack, he also has more flaws.

Du Yu was able to catch Diablo's weakness and beat him hard, taking advantage of this weakness.

The more Diablo lost his mind, the worse he was beaten.

And this third illusion, after Diablo suffered setbacks and lost his will to fight, he made trouble!As for exactly what Du Yu was planning, that was a secret.

Diablo howled crazily, constantly wrestling with the dragon and wolf phenomena in the illusion, but no one could defeat the illusion.

Neither can Diablo.

So, it retreated decisively.

While retreating, he looked for flaws in the illusion.

It is unwise to wrestle with this illusion of invincibility.

The dragon and wolf are in the air, chasing after him fiercely.

Diablo, being chased by the dragon wolf, fled forward step by step.

But in the eyes of many adventurers, it was Diablo who rushed all the way into the gap in time and space.

The so-called space-time gap is the tunnel of time that was forcibly opened by Diablo with his great power in a perfect state, leading directly from the burning hell to the highest heaven.Follow this passage to escape back to hell.

Diablo, returned to hell?

The adventurers looked at each other.

The poor should not chase after him, let alone a Diablo who was driven to a desperate situation and returned to hell?

In hell, how terrifying would his combat power be?
No one dared to pursue.

Except for one person.

It is Du Yu.

He made a violent impact and rushed into the space-time gap without thinking about himself.

Only him.Yang Guo and others were ordered by him to wait here.

"Is this guy crazy?" People looked at each other.

Du Yu rushed into the space-time gap, but slowed down.

Because Diablo at this time was lured by him and Houhou's illusion. Among the many branches of the space-time gap, he wandered around in confusion, but couldn't find a way out.

Du Yu waved his hand.

The Beauty Wolf pupil team all appeared and surrounded Diablo coldly.

This is Du Yu's plan.

Before, the purpose of winning over Sudan and Shinra, and forbearance to Dongfang Bubai and Tian Yulang was to use the help of others to weaken Diablo to the maximum extent.

At this time, Diablo's health was less than one-fifth, and he became a frightened bird. He was afraid of Du Yu in both soul and physical battles.

This is the perfect battlefield for Du Yu.

Diablo finally realized the danger, stopped running, and turned his head to growl: "Du Yu! What are you leading me here for?"

Du Yu smiled and waved his hand.

Leah stepped out of the darkness and stood in front of Diablo.

The breath of the dragon wolf also came out, pressing on Diablo's back, whining and growling.

"You have two choices." Du Yu said proudly: "First, it is to be swallowed alive by my dragon and wolf aura, and its soul will be wiped out. It has not been upgraded for a long time. If it swallows you, it will definitely be able to upgrade to the fifth level Bar?"

Diablo roared furiously: "Who do you think you are? How dare you threaten me like this?"

Du Yu shrugged: "Second, you and Leah are connected by blood, so you can be Leah's summoned beast."

Liya was obviously also taken aback, and took a step back: "How is it possible?"

Du Yu said coldly: "This dark soul stone, if I guess right, can allow the owner to temporarily borrow your Diablo's power, right?"

Diablo was taken aback for a moment, then grinned grinningly: "How do you know?"

Du Yu curled his lips: "It's not difficult to guess. As far as I know, many powerful heroes who wanted to kill you were eventually seduced and corrupted by you. Leah's father Aiden and the great mage Tarasha once I used the dark soul stone to seal your demon gods, but they all chose to seal your dark soul stone in their own bodies, and they were finally seduced and corrupted. Since they know it is dangerous to do so, why do they insist on doing this?"

"There is only one answer, that is, you use the dark soul stone to lure them, and you can borrow the power of your demon god!" Du Yu pressed on step by step, walking towards Diablo.

Diablo laughed loudly: "That's right! You guessed right, kid."

"The soul of our demon god can be collected into the dark soul stone. Once we are killed, the dark soul stone will be activated and can be used by humans." Diablo said proudly: "Those heroes who were once so powerful, no one can Resisting the temptation of power, we unanimously chose to master the soul stone, and use our power anytime, anywhere. This makes them an almost unstoppable existence on this plane. God!"

Diablo laughed grimly: "Of course, there is no free lunch in this world. While gaining absolute power, they also lost a lot. It is their own soul!"

"If my guess is correct, you have injected your true blood into Leah's body. With the power of this blood, it is very convenient for her to manipulate the Dark Soul Stone!" Du Yu said coldly.

"That's right." Diablo looked at Leah covetously, "If I hadn't been ruined by you and I had to borrow the body of a fool like Adria in a hurry, but was perfectly resurrected in Leah's body, you can't Beat me!"

Du Yu said indifferently: "You don't have to wishful thinking, now you have to choose. Whether to be killed by me and fed to the dragon and wolf's breath, or willingly, to enter the dark soul stone, be used by Leah as a summoned beast, and fight for her anytime, anywhere .”

Diablo laughed wildly: "You think so beautifully, child. How can my majestic Diablo subdue like a dog?"

He stuck out his tongue ferociously: "But you, with these women, underestimated the enemy and chased into the cracks in time and space. Even if I have only a few lives left, it is impossible for me to be afraid of you!"

He roared angrily: "Wait to be devoured by me!"

Du Yu shrugged, and said to the concubine beside him, "Why are there so many people in this world who don't cry when they don't see the coffin?"

Concubine Shixuan flicked the Sekong sword: "He is a beast, so naturally he doesn't understand."

The fierce battle began again.

It's just that, this time, the protagonist is replaced by the Beauty Wolf Pupils.

Du Yu still took on the heavy responsibility of the main attacker.

As Diablo said, although he only has one-fifth of his life left, he has been fully awakened, and his attributes of speed, attack, spellcasting, and defense are doubled, and he is playing extremely crazy.

But the problem is, the opponent he faces has also become extremely powerful!
Du Yu gained so much in the dark, but his personal equipment was given by Michelle, so where did all his wealth go?
The answer is - armed beauty!
On the graceful bodies of the beauties, each of them is wearing a top-quality green suit!

Du Yu, as the captain of the wolf pupils, has obtained huge wealth in this world, which is used to create top-quality equipment for the beauties.

Shi Feixuan's Sekong sword has been upgraded by Shan Wanjing. At this time, the sword is full of energy, and a sword pushes away Diablo's scales and pierces his jaw!
Little Dragon Girl's Gentleman and Lady Sword, driven by the Ancient Tomb School's Jade Maiden swordsmanship, chopped off the Demon God's legs to the point of flying flesh and blood.

Li Mochou's poisonous needle pierced Diablo's eyeball, and the green liquid immediately followed the blood, and the space poison penetrated into every corner.

Molly appeared with a roar, and when Diablo was held down, a burst of dragon flames spewed out.

Li Qinglu drove a metal warhead, a bounce, pressed on Diablo, the 130mm main gun fired against Diablo's chrysanthemum!
The three Yi swords of the three Fu sisters pierced Diablo's vitals together.

Diablo suffered a lot of damage in a short period of time.Dying.

He never expected that Du Yu, who seemed to be alone, had such a powerful army of beauties!
The fighting power of these beauties even far surpassed that of the adventurers outside.

At the end, Diablo's soul shuddered to see the dragon wolf drooling excitedly, falling from the sky and landing on his chest.

"No!" Diablo, who was beaten to death, yelled frantically, "Don't devour my soul! I can promise you any conditions."

In the face of absolute power, Diablo was powerless to resist, so he had to succumb.

If he had 100% health, even if Du Yu had a team of beauties, he would definitely not be an opponent of the Demon God.

But at this moment, when he was exhausted, Du Yu grabbed his sore foot and beat him continuously. He was really bullied by dogs.

Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood.

Diablo thought so.

Didn't Aiden and King Leoric seal him, but they were seduced and corrupted by him in the end, and became their pawns?

Grandpa admits it!

Unceremoniously, Du Yu jumped up and took the Dark Soul Stone from Diablo's forehead.

Diablo's soul was suddenly involuntarily sucked into the dark spirit stone!

And his possessed body, due to the departure of the soul, quickly rotted and disintegrated, turning into dust on the ground, together with the strong wind from the cracks in time and space, it has gone with the wind, and I don't know which plane it has blown to

Lia cried like tears.Although Adria's soul has passed away, this body was once her mother after all.

The dark soul stone in Du Yu's hand lit up again!
The souls of the seven great demon gods gathered in the soul stone again.

Du Yu took a closer look at the attributes and smiled.

After Diablo was collected into the Dark Soul Stone, the Dark Soul Stone shone brightly!

Dark soul stone attribute: "S-level item, unique in space. It absorbs the souls of seven great demon gods including Diablo, Baal, Mephisto, Andariel, Duriel, Belial, and Azmodan. When you have the special blood of the Dark Lord, you can release one of them to fight for you."

"Reminder: Only those who have exchanged Diablo's blood can temporarily summon the demon god to participate in the battle. The demon god needs to consume the blood (life + mana/internal force) of the party involved. When the blood is insufficient, the demonic energy will invade the party's body Be careful! Countless heroes who think they can control the demon god are used by the demon god to seduce them into the dark abyss."

Du Yu picked up the soul stone, but turned around and handed it to Li Ya.

"Give it to me?" Leah was extremely surprised.

"Yes!" Du Yu said with a smile: "You are the only person in this world who can use the dark soul stone. Having this soul stone will make you stronger. When we are in a critical situation and need your help, you have to activate yourself The blood of the demon god, release Diablo, and help the team!"

Shen Luoyan said from the side: "So you still have the idea of ​​this demon god?"

She said earnestly: "It's not that I can't understand your thoughts. After all, the strength of the team is limited now, especially for the big things you want to do, the masters in the inner city, and even the top powerhouses in the imperial city may attack you But controlling Diablo is too difficult and dangerous! I remind you that you have seen it too. Diablo is by no means a beast willing to be commanded by others, he is a demon king! Now his submission is only created by us. Offensive, fighting to the end, it's a temporary expediency. Once he regains his vitality in the soul stone, he will immediately start seducing Leah. Aren't you afraid that Leah will really change into Diablo and come back to you?"

Du Yu nodded: "What you said makes sense. But the problem is that you ignored me!"

"You?" Shen Luoyan was dumbfounded: "What can you do to suppress Diablo?"

Du Yu shrugged and took out a treasure.

Heshi Jade Seal!
Yes, it is the most precious treasure of China with a long history - the Heshi Jade Seal.It was stained with the aura of countless real dragons and emperors, and in Du Yu's hands, it shone brilliantly!

The deep darkness of the dark soul stone was dissipated a lot under the faint dragon chant and the emperor's domineering energy of Heshi Jade Seal.

The demon king Diablo's scream came from the soul stone: "I have surrendered, what are you going to do?"

Shen Luoyan, Shi Feixuan, Wang Yuyan and others looked at each other.

Concubine Shixuan pursed her lips and smiled: "This He's Bi is indeed a treasure of space, with the majestic air of the emperor, able to suppress all evils and filth, how can it be compared to a king of monsters? After all, Diablo is just a legend. It's just a strange beast."

At this time, in the dark soul stone, surrounded by the powerful Heshi jade seal, the dazzling light irradiated his eyes so much that he couldn't open his eyes, and Diablo, who screamed again and again, was full of anger!
Alien beast, your sister!
 Thanks to Black Tinder for your generous reward, thank you to the boss of Ant Suppressing Elephant for your generous reward, thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, crazy patriotic big for your generous reward!Thanks to Chaos Promise, Ruler of the Night, Duoexistence, Book Friends 150215165333130, Huhua Fanfan, Xiaotaihu, volt002, etc. for their generous rewards!Laozhu wishes everyone an early New Year, and promises to update normally during the Spring Festival, with daily updates and never-ending updates.Hehe, I wish you all good luck in the Year of the Goat!Laozhu is really grateful for a year of companionship and support. In the new year, Laozhu will use better stories and more exciting plots to give back to everyone who is enthusiastic.

(End of this chapter)

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