Chapter 905 Disaster for the country, imperial concubine Su Daji! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Where does Du Yu have the slightest awareness of being loyal to the emperor?

Yi Mei tidied up Du Yu's appearance, her playful and beautiful eyes sparkled, "I can't tell, you're actually quite handsome, don't you?"

Du Yu coughed, "When are we going?"

"Received the imperial edict, of course it is now." Yimei said in a natural tone.

Du Yu could only sigh, and followed Yimei to the palace.

From the central axis, passing through the inner city and the gate of the imperial city, he stepped into the imperial city for the first time.

The road was so long that it took half an hour to walk.

Although Du Yu is only an adventurer in the outer city, once he becomes the Qin Tianjian, he is eligible to directly enter the imperial city to face the saint.

The gatekeeper general in the inner city and the admiral of the nine gates in the imperial city all smiled when they saw Yimei.Yimei introduced Du Yu, and the two generals smiled and flattered them again, but there was indescribable shock and envy in their eyes.

An adventurer from the outer city can actually serve as a fourth-rank official!
In the history of the Tang Empire, it cannot be said that there is absolutely no such thing, but it is also extremely unexpected.One must know that Hou Xiaobai, the son of God General Hou, is no more than rank six.And Zheng Guogong's eldest son has not even become an official.

How is this kid so lucky?

But seeing him closely following Yimei, the two generals suddenly realized.

That's right.

Sure enough, he started with a humble face, and the rocket soared?
No wonder.

Of course Du Yu also noticed the strange faces of the two generals, he must have regarded himself as a little boy, but he couldn't tell the difference, so he could only follow Yimei with a wry smile.

The first time I saw the palace, I was really shocked.

The six kings are finished, and the four seas are one; Shushan is Wu, and Afang is out.It is not enough to describe the aura of the palace of the Tang Dynasty.

The pressure is more than three hundred miles, and the sun is isolated.Not enough to describe the scale of the Datang Palace.

Five steps to the first floor, ten steps to a pavilion; corridors with unfinished backs, eaves and teeth pecking high;

The song stage is warm and full of spring; the dance hall is cold and the wind and rain are miserable, which is not enough to describe the luxury of the Tang Dynasty Palace.

The star Yingying, the green clouds disturbing, one muscle and one face, extremely beautiful, not enough to outline the beauty of the Tang Dynasty palace like a cloud, the beauty of the country.

No matter in terms of scale, scenery, luxury, or the cloud-like beauties inside, this Tang Palace is something that Du Foresight has never seen or heard before.

Unexpectedly, in the bloody city, there is such a luxurious ultimate enjoyment.

Du Yu couldn't help but think of the cabin sheltered from the wind and rain in the slums where the sewage flowed when he entered and exited the space.

At that time, only I, Ning Zhongze, and Yi Lin were the only ones who depended on each other for life. How could I have imagined that there were people living such a luxurious life in the same city!
Yimei reminded Du Yu: "Don't look sideways, don't look at these beauties, otherwise you will be punished for disrespect."

Du Yu didn't take it seriously, but he also knew how many pairs of eyes were staring at him, so he acted cautiously.

However, from the palace gates, corridors, and pavilions on both sides, pairs of watery and charming big eyes stared at Du Yu, bringing out infinite charm.

The 72nd concubine of Sannomiya Sixth Hospital!

Three thousand fans are eager to be pampered!

Where did these beauties come from?Why here.This is all a matter of Du Yu's curiosity.

But he was even more curious about why the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty wanted to promote him, and what other tasks he had to entrust to him.

Yimei's recommendation is of course an important factor, but the position of a fourth-rank member is so important, and it shouldn't be the whole reason.

Qianqing Palace, Compassionate Ning Palace, Chuxiu Palace, and Long En Palace walked through one palace after another. Yi Mei's delicate back finally stopped in front of an exquisite palace and asked a big eunuch: "Where is the emperor's holy car?"

The eunuch looked at Yimei respectfully, lowered his head and said with a sly eyebrow: "Qi reports to the supervisory censor, the emperor does not live in the palace, at the moment he is at the place of the noble concubine Su Daji."

When Du Yu heard it, he almost spit out.

Su Daji?
In this imperial palace, there is such a superb imperial concubine's name?
Sure enough, upon hearing Su Daji's name, Yimei couldn't help frowning.

"Going to that coquettish vixen again?" Yi Mei's pretty face was frosty, she turned her head and left.

Du Yu cautiously asked Yimei: "Su Daji? How could you come up with such a domineering name? Wouldn't it arouse people's associations?"

Yimei suddenly turned her head and said with a sneer: "Who do you think this Su Daji imperial concubine is? She is exactly the Su Daji you imagined!"

"Ah!" Du Yu was really shocked.

"Could it be?" Du Yu gasped.

"That's right!" Yimei sneered and said, "It's the daughter of Su Hu in "Fengshen Bang", the vixen queen with a beautiful face and a troubled face, who makes troubles in the world—Su Daji!"

Du Yu was so shocked that he staggered from side to side.

"Plot character?" He lost his voice.

"Yes!" Yimei curled her lips helplessly: "In my Tang Dynasty, I didn't get Zhuge Liang, Zhao Zilong, Li Jing, Zhang Juzheng, the pillars of the country, but I got Su Daji. Hmph!"

Du Yu's saliva almost flowed out.

"Hey, take your saliva back!" Yimei said angrily: "Is it true that you men must be very interested in hearing that this kind of alluring beauty is clearly at the level of beauty and disaster?"

Du Yu nodded viciously in his heart. If I became emperor and heard that Daji was haunted by wild animals, my first reaction would be to eliminate harm for the people. It would be unreasonable not to fill the harem with such a seductive beauty who is so charming and angry. .

But on the surface, he still had a righteous expression on his face, and was about to speak sternly, when Yimei kicked him away and said, "Stop pretending, I've already seen your true nature."'

She pondered and said: "Since you are already a senior member of the fourth rank, I should let you know about some secrets of the imperial court. This Su Daji is a character in the plot, on the surface she is powerful in the inner city, and she is indeed a national beauty in the world. I feel sorry for you , I was discovered by Zheng Guogong somehow, and offered it up. My emperor is obviously wise and powerful, but he can't help but accept this beautiful disaster of subjugation. I persuaded it several times, but the emperor always said with a smile, Taking history as a mirror, one can dress properly. But since having this person, Zheng Guogong has become more powerful and domineering, and in the harem, the trend of extravagance is gradually rising, which makes me extremely headache."

Du Yu coughed.

Judging from the size and beauty of the harem, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was a lustful person, okay? Seeing a beauty like Su Daji, who has brought disasters to the country, how can he not accept it?Things that can be understood at a glance.

He was even more sure that Yimei had an unusual relationship with the emperor.The so-called one-leaf blindfolded, who must be close relatives, would be so partial to the emperor and gritted his teeth at Daji.

Hearing that the emperor was at Daji's place, Yimei had no choice but to take Du Yu to an extremely exquisite place.

Surrounding the gorgeous leopard room, there are guard masters holding shining sharp blades.Du Yuheng glanced over and found that each of these masters was unfathomable. At least according to his level at this time, each of them was very powerful. There were many masters in the inner city and even hidden in the imperial city.

[Leopard Room] is a magnificent palace with carved beams and painted buildings, and a large area. After entering the Leopard Room, you can hear the roars and roars of various terrifying monsters from time to time.

"This is" Du Yu judged from the voice: "A-level monster Fengyun Leopard. It is said to be a speed-type monster that can compete with Fengyun. It is very powerful. There is also A-level monster Li Tianhou, a powerful melee monster with sonic attacks."

All of them are A-level or above monsters.

Du Yu was shocked.

Each of these magical beasts that reached level A or above has an IQ and pride that is not inferior to that of humans. It is not a problem to kill them with the strength of the emperor, but it is extremely difficult to capture them alive.

But the shocks were one after the other.

Earth Devil Bear, Thunderbolt Wolf, Frozen Spirit Rhinoceros, Nine-Tailed Spirit Fox, Bloodthirsty Demon Jackal

Du Yu was shocked by the monsters above Grade A one after another.

How much manpower and material resources will this cost?

Hearing these unheard-of high-level monsters roar one after another, Yimei could not help but frown, showing embarrassment.She had just boasted to Du Yu that the emperor was a wise and mighty king, but this

It seems that there is no difference with the king of Jie and Zhou, right?

After spending so much money, collecting high-level monsters?
Yimei's face darkened.

Du Yu secretly smiled.

"I'm sorry, Lord Yimei." A stern-faced and fully armed commander of the Imperial Forest Army stopped him: "The emperor has ordered that when he is with Concubine Su, no one should disturb him."

"Get out of the way!" Yimei shouted sharply.

The commander of the Royal Forest Army was embarrassed for a while.

But he knew Yimei's transcendent status, so he didn't dare to stop her forcibly, and he didn't dare to let Yimei in easily, so he could only stand in front of Yimei with a wry smile.

At this time, a majestic voice came: "Yi Mei? Come in!"

Yimei opened her eyebrows, and said in a loud voice: "I, Yimei, brought the new Qintian Supervisor, Zheng Du Yu, to thank Long En."

She pushed away the commander of the Imperial Forest Army and led Du Yu straight in.

Du Yu looked up.It was also the first time he saw the emperor who ruled the Tang Dynasty.

Opening his eyes, Du Yu was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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