Chapter 914 Thousand-meter cliff, life and death together! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Du Yu heard the booming explosion from the top floor of Minas Tiris, and he knew what it meant.

Means the enemy is besieging!

Besieged his own woman.

We must make it in time.

He traveled so fast that he didn't even have time to dodge the incoming arrows.

Minas Tiris is in a mess.

Catherine stood against the wind.

The strong mountain wind from the peak of Baishan blew her long hair and rolled her dress, just like a fairy coming to the world, fluttering like a fairy.

But her situation is not beautiful at all.

Her current position is on the edge of the cliff in the cliff garden!
She is on the sharpest corner of the inverted triangle cliff garden.

In front were dozens of despondent, menacing, and insane inner-city assassins.

Sima Zhongda, who is unparalleled in wisdom and combat, leads the mixed army of East and West, and pushes the pregnant Queen Shinra to a desperate situation.

A real desperate situation.

Sima Zhongda showed a sinister smile.

He is not afraid of Catherine's tricks!
It can even be said that from the beginning of the layout, he had already calculated the terrain here, and intentionally or unintentionally pushed Catherine to the desperation here!
Even with god-level magic, Catherine's life cannot be saved here!

Because, the reason why Minas Tiris is known as the city that never falls is not only because of its unique and dangerous terrain that surpasses the continent!

It was also blessed by the God of the Earth during its construction.

According to legend, when the city of Minas Tiris was built in the blood of Isild, the God of the Earth appeared here in person, generously displayed his divine power, and blessed this great mountain city!
Since then, this fortress city against the demons has been immune to large-scale natural disasters, such as earthquakes, meteorites, sky thunders, and ground fires.

Therefore, even Sauron of Gondor cannot destroy this unfallen fortress with the terrifying magic power he possesses!
At the same time, any space-type magic in this city will be horribly weakened!

The longest transmission distance is less than 20 meters.This distance is not even enough to break through the first city wall.

This is also to prevent the enemy from using teleportation magic to break the city directly!
If it weren't for the god of the earth, with such strict protection, Catherine had already used the usual teleportation and teleportation technique and escaped!

For Empress Shinra, the teleportation scroll, as a life-saving card, can be taken out at will.

It's a pity that Zhong Da had already considered this possibility, and chose the location of the assassination to be in Minas Tiris, the city blessed by the God of the Earth!
This is a forbidden place for magic.

Catherine's dark attack spells are not affected. After all, the God of the Earth cannot ban all spells, and small and medium-scale spells will not be restricted.But her desperate struggle can't change the overall situation of the disparity between the two sides!

Sima Zhongda was like a skilled hunter, he drove Catherine, a beautiful sika deer, to a dead end without any haste!

Although this sika deer kept making stunning gallops and jumps, and could even cause terrifying damage, in the end, she followed Sima Zhongda's calculations and came to a desperate situation.

Sima Zhongda showed a smug smirk.

He already has the big picture in his hands.

This Broken Wall Garden is at least 3000 meters away from the ground.

And Minas Tiris, shielded from any teleportation magic.

Catherine jumped down, only to die.

"His Royal Highness" Sima Zhongda pressed on every step of the way: "Do you jump off by yourself or let us do it?"

Looking at Catherine's exquisite body, the high priests of the Vulcan Cult surrounded her with fire-breathing eyes.

Catherine looked cold, and slowly turned to the cliff.

Below, the white clouds are long, unintentionally emerging from the white broken wall of the holy mountain, and the sea of ​​clouds is so vast that it even covers the earth.

She has long been aware of Minas Tiris's magical curse, and she is aware of the plans of the assassins.

But she was powerless to break through the nets driven upward by the enemy.

"Have you still not waited?" Catherine murmured, looking at the sea of ​​clouds.

She stroked her smooth belly without a trace of fat.

There, there is a seed of Du Yu, conceived in the dark.

"I was careless." Two lines of clear tears flowed from Catherine's beautiful eyes.

"Beautiful things are always destroyed." Sima Zhongda grinned grinningly, pressing him step by step, "It's like I saw the death of Emperor Xian Dong and Empress Dong. Then wrap it around, tighten it slowly, queen, guess what? Alas, feces and urine are flowing, the stench is smoky, what kind of beauty, it's all like that, so that you can continue to be beautiful, jump off."

While agitating with words, he disturbed Catherine's heart, while flashing the black feather fan, and with a move [Zhong Da Kill. Extinction], he fanned out countless black lights powerfully, stabbing Catherine's vital points everywhere!

Catherine moved Diablo [Hell Flame], and a ring-shaped flame rose ragingly. The members of the Vulcan Cult who rushed up screamed in pain, burned by the flames.

"The moves Du Yu gave me are all good moves." Catherine sighed, and was hit by Sima Zhongda's [Zhongda Kill. Extinct], and fell backwards involuntarily.

The sea of ​​clouds was vast, and she just fell off the cliff.

The background is a cliff and a sea of ​​clouds.

Minas Tiris, the land blessed by the gods, the land where mages fell.

"No!" Du Yu had already rushed to the seventh city wall, and saw the familiar Yiren's back standing on the cliff!

But in the next second, he was heartbroken to see that beautiful figure was hit backwards by streaks of black light.

Fall off a cliff!

Du Yu naturally also noticed that Minas Tiris was truly a forbidden place for mages.Many spells cannot be used here, and more spells are strongly imprisoned.Including his god-level skill [Doomsday Judgment], all of them cannot be used.His angel wings were also affected by the powerful forbidden spell and could not fly over the city.

This is stipulated by the plot, and it cannot be overcome by any skill priority.Even if Du Yu had the [Heshi Jade Seal], he still couldn't overcome the will of the gods.Unless one day he is stronger than the gods!
But at this moment, Catherine's delicate body, like a leaf falling in the wind, was knocked off the cliff by the enemy!

Du Yu roared angrily!
Catherine seemed to have a heart-to-heart connection, and suddenly, a thousand meters away, she turned around and saw Du Yu rushing up from below!

Her tears flew out in an instant!

"No! Don't come! Trap! Go!" Catherine screamed desperately.

It is enough to see him before death.

He must always have his own safety in mind to react so quickly.He must have overcome countless dangers to reach Minas Tiris in such a short time.He seems to be bleeding, is the injury serious?

Originally, Catherine had already accepted her fate when she was forced to go to the Cliff Garden.

But seeing Du Yu, she still shed tears of happiness.

At this moment, she had only one thought.

Du Yu, he must escape alive!

But Du Yu kept roaring crazily!He couldn't hear Catherine's scream at all.

He has used the weather compass, he has used the angel wings, he has used all the wit and force at his disposal!
But he still couldn't catch up!

The cliff where Catherine fell was thousands of meters away from him.

This distance is so big that nothing can catch it with a single jump.

Not to mention there will be no bloody plot, there will be a golden roc eagle that can fly out to catch the falling queen

and many more!

Back then when the Mordor army attacked Minas Tiris, the Nine Ring Spirits joined the battle!
This gave Du Yu inspiration!
Flying monsters!

Du Yu didn't have time to think, and immediately summoned Jasmine!

The giant dragon Jasmine can always catch Catherine, right?

But a ruthless scene happened.

Jasmine's vigorous dragon wings were actually so heavy that she could hardly beat them!

It was as if the gravity below had been greatly magnified, several times, dozens of times!
Jasmine let out a furious dragon cry, but fell down helplessly.

Blessings from the God of the Earth!
In order to strengthen the defense of Minas Tiris to the greatest extent, the gods have blessed them so much and restrained them so strongly that it is unbelievable and outrageous!
At this time, Du Yu had been identified as an intruder, and the defenders of Minas Tiris naturally activated all the magic circles.

The mighty queen of dragons, the giant dragon Jasmine, had already tried her best to rush towards the fallen Catherine as soon as she appeared, feeling extremely heavy.

The body seems to be filled with lead, the wings seem to be glued, the air is solidified, the body is heavy, and it is involuntary to fall downward.

"Bastard!" Du Yu roared angrily, and jumped on Molier's back.

Sima Zhongda, proudly staring down at him, stood on the broken wall, shaking his feather fan lightly, smiling slightly, looking at Du Yu, who was bristling with anger and whose eyes were about to burst.

"Flying monsters? Am I going to miss this obvious trick?" Sima Zhongda smiled and said, "Minas Tiris has a powerful magic circle that prohibits the air. As long as this protective magic circle is activated, the white mountain range will be the most vigorous An eagle can't fly over her!"

He stared at Du Yu who was rushing towards Catherine: "By the way, jump, jump with your lover"

Du Yu's lover relationship with Catherine can be hidden from many people, but Sima Zhongda is not included.

He never took any enemy lightly.Even though Hou Xiaobai has been belittling Du Yu.But Sima Zhongda knew that an adventurer who could squeeze the Hou family to the point where they could not gain a foothold in the capital and sabotage the Hou family's plans several times, even an adventurer from the outer city, should not be underestimated.

After careful investigation, Sima Zhongda was even more surprised.

This Du Yu turned out to be a lover with Catherine, whom he was going to assassinate this time.

Although there was not enough evidence to ascertain this fact, Sima Zhongda had already ascertained this fact after following Du Yu and observing secretly for a holiday.

He is already planning.

After Catherine's death, he planned to set up a trap to trap Du Yu and complete the second-stage killing streak.

However, he didn't expect Du Yu to come so quickly!
In just over an hour, Du Yu judged that something happened to Catherine and appeared in the city.

How he did it, Sima Zhongda couldn't understand.But he knew that such a terrifying enemy would not allow him to survive.

Otherwise, one's own plan will not be able to be carried out.

Since Du Yu was willing to jump and fall into the sea of ​​clouds together for the sake of his beloved empress mistress, that would be the best.

Sima Zhongda was full of confidence in Minas Tiris' abnormal forbidden spell.He had gone to great lengths to come here himself to check the terrain.

The God of Conspiracy did not come out of thin air, it was the result of ten thousand times of painstaking effort and ten thousand times of exacting details.

In the end, his conspiracy layout succeeded.

Catherine was dead.

No dragon or Pegasus can fly over this forbidden city after Minas Tiris' defensive circle is activated.

Seeing Du Yu jumping behind the crumbling Jasmine, Sima Zhongda looked up to the sky and laughed.

Behind him, the gloomy and majestic Regent of Gondor, Denather II, dressed in black fur, came ruthlessly: "According to the agreement, I have been mobilizing troops to cooperate with you in chasing and killing this woman. The divine power of this unfallen city has activated the magic circle. You must hand over the head of Aragorn, the son of Arathorn, to me as promised."

Sima Zhongda nodded: "Don't worry! Once these two people die, I will definitely do it. Eliminate the hidden dangers of Aragon for you. Your position as regent is as secure as Mount Tai."

He smiled slightly and said, "Du Yu and Empress, your biggest mistake is that you didn't understand why we spent 1500 million survival points and dragged you here at any cost. Because the Pope of the Holy See has already worked hard in this world. Dozens of times in the world! The relationship with the Prince Regent has been raised to a state of extreme intimacy! This is the burial place arranged by the Pope for Catherine, there will never be a single mistake!"

Du Yu jumped on Jasmine's body with all his strength, and flew forward with a bang!

The innate primordial energy in his body began to run crazily!
Watching his beloved woman fall?


Determined to revenge?

A gentleman's revenge?

Ten years is not too late?

no way!

Du Yu would never choose!

As staunch as he is, there is only one choice!

That's what I want her to be alive!

I want this beloved woman to live a good life and give birth to many children for myself!
Don't hurt a single hair!

My will is the highest will!

With such determination, Du Yu jumped up, regardless of the consequences!
No gain or loss!

In Sima Zhongda's view, this is courting death.

The western forbidden spell system is enough to block any teleportation magic.

Minas Tiris' protective forbidden magic circle can even temporarily block flying monsters.

At this time, even if the nine ring spirits and the Fengshen Dapeng all rushed forward, they could only fall helplessly one by one, and fell into a pulp.

No one can jump from a height of thousands of meters in the cliff garden and survive.


He always smiles.

Looking at Du Yu with a smile, he rushed towards the fallen Catherine with Jasmine as the pedal.

Catherine didn't scream.

When she jumped down, she had already given up.

All she wanted was for Du Yu to live in peace.

If it can take revenge, it will be more perfect.If not, there is no resentment.

To love someone is not to make any demands on him, but to only want him to be well.Just fine.

But when he saw Du Yu, he rushed towards him despite everything else.

Catherine's tears were flying in the clouds.

"Don't come! Don't come!" Catherine screamed hysterically, tears uncontrollable.

How lucky is it to meet a man who is willing to die for you before you die?

Life is the highest gift an adventurer can give to his lover.

(End of this chapter)

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