Chapter 935 The queen arrives, lock the thief! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu gained legitimacy, and Aragorn got Du Yu's promise.Once the time is right in the future, Du Yu's refusal to fulfill this oath will have serious consequences. For the ruler of the Rohan Kingdom, the consequences are even more deadly than breaking the oath of Ino!

Du Yu absolutely cannot afford such a loss.Huge questions will arise about the legitimacy of his rule.

When Aragorn opens his mouth, Du Yu will fight for him. Is there anything more suitable in the world?
Of course he would agree.

Aragorn nodded after thinking for a while: "But I can't wait indefinitely."

Du Yu bowed and died with all kinds of expressions on his face: "My noble king, as I said last night, I am planning an offensive against Gondor to attack Denesse II who occupies the magpie's nest. No matter where you are Wherever you go, I will send you into that snow-white holy city!"

Aragorn nodded.

At this moment, another notification came: "Lord Elrond of Rivendell, Galadriel, lord of the Golden Forest, and King Thranduy of the Black Forest are here together!"

This news shocked the whole city!

Hearing these three names, the people in the capital of Edoras quickly boiled over!

The three elven kings came together, even in the history of Middle-earth, this is an unprecedented honor!

In the past, when the king of a certain country ascended the throne, he could only alarm one of them, so he could earn enough face and honor his ancestors.

But this time, the mere Ge Lima said that an unknown person, even the Luohan country has a lot of people, and I have never heard of his name, but he can actually alarm the three kings of the elves!
What is the background of this person?
Du Yu stood at the gate of the city and saw rows of people approaching in the distance.

Elves are notoriously proud and refined, they are born artists and aesthetic masters.The ostentation of the elf king made mortals even more dumbfounded.

The first to appear was King Elrond.He is a middle-aged elf, in the prime of life, tall and energetic, with a pair of deep sunken eyes, as vast as the ocean.His long dark golden hair hung down like a waterfall, and he was wearing a crown carved in the shape of branches and leaves, symbolizing his noble status as the lord of Rivendell.The horse under his crotch is also famously strong and fierce, and he is wearing a sapphire magic ring in his hand—the ring of Qi!

Such an elf king, even if he looked from afar, Du Yu instinctively felt a powerful threat!
The sharp feeling that hit the forehead directly on the forehead stimulated Du Yu all the time, making him ask himself if King Elon shot at him, would he be able to block it?
Du Yu's strong self-esteem and self-confidence made him firmly believe that he could do it, but he also had to admit that King Ailong could kill him enough!
And behind King Elrond were 500 elf knights.

Compared with the hussars of the Rohan Kingdom, the war horses of the elves may be slightly inferior in muscle and valor, and appear to be less wild and bloody, but if their combat power is ignored because of this, they are doomed to suffer a lot!
These elf knights from Rivendell, wearing golden composite armor, carved hollow flowers, beautiful and exquisite.Due to the elves' natural aversion to iron, their armor is mostly made of animal fur, rattan and mithril, but it is not inferior in terms of sturdiness, and it is completely better than human plate armor in terms of weight and flexibility.

And in their hands, they held an entire elf bow carved from heavy wood such as birch wood and gold carving wood.This is their trump card that scares all the forces in the mainland the most!When encountering elf troops in the plains and mountains, the shooting skills with amazing range and out-of-the-table accuracy are amazing and can make any opponent pay a heavy price!

And the elf knight wore an elf sword on his crotch.The elf sword is famous in the mainland for its small size and exquisiteness, cutting iron like mud and excellent balance.Compared with the masterpieces of dwarves who are also well-known in the mainland, the average quality of elf swords is slightly inferior, but almost all the famous swords handed down from generation to generation are elf swords.Among them is the Holy Sword of the Star of the West on Aragorn's waist.

500 fully armed elven knights are enough to deter anyone with evil intentions and ensure the safety of the elven king.

And behind King Elrond, followed by another team of elves with a longer history and more noble lineage.

It is no accident that the elves of Middle-earth live in three main groups.Their origins and lineages are quite different.The noblest ones are naturally the Noldor elves who migrated from the land of gods.This is the branch of the Golden Forest.Their closest relatives are the Elrond line of Rivendell, also relatively noble.But the dark forest elves relatively lack the noble blood and powerful abilities of their southern counterparts.

A golden carriage came slowly.

Four snow-white unicorns with a very handsome appearance kicked their furry horseshoes gracefully and came slowly.Although it seems that the speed is not fast, it does not fall behind the elf cavalry in the slightest.

The carriage is exquisite, with carved beams and painted buildings. It uses a large number of graceful curves and lines favored by elves such as branches, leaves and vines. , can also illuminate the surrounding environment.But the most commendable thing is that the whole body of the carriage is golden, as if it was made of a whole piece of gold!Its luxury and magnificence ranks first in the mainland!
"Is this made of gold?" an old woman exclaimed.

"No, it's more luxurious than that." Aragorn said with a slight smile after hearing the words: "This is the oldest golden tree in the Golden Forest. It has been with Galadriel for nearly 2000 years. ), in an invasion of Sauron, after a heroic sacrifice, it was chartered to Galadriel to make a carriage to protect her forever. This carriage looks thin despite the hollow carvings, and it is said that even Sauron is evil Even the legion's attacking force, Ge Longde, can't destroy it in one go! Its defense is top-notch!"

When Aragorn talked about the origin of the golden carriage, it even aroused the crazy interest of the people of Rohan, and they rushed to watch.

The car curtain made of elven silk gauze as thin as a cicada's wings was slightly rolled up by the wind of the Edoras Plain, revealing the jade face of the goddess inside!

What a psychedelic face that was.
Bright golden long hair flutters behind her head, and the dreamy face of the goddess looms behind Sisha. On her graceful and charming figure, a dark golden tight-fitting long dress outlines a fascinating curve

The knights and people of Rohan Kingdom were completely dumbfounded.

Immediately, a large number of people fell to the ground.

This is different from Aragorn, the King of Gondor, whom they are loyal to on their pilgrimage, but a worship of the most beautiful, most exquisite, and most sacred beauty between heaven and earth.

Galadriel has such magic power!

Her beauty can even make her political enemies, such as Saruman, become obsessed with her and want to possess her at any cost.

But so far, in the face of Galadriel's powerful strength and extraordinary wisdom, all the pretenders, without exception, have all failed and ended disastrously.

Galadriel looked at the people of the Rohan Kingdom, admiring her goddess-like beauty and Fengyi from the bottom of her heart, worshiping her, and prostrating her body. Fang couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and arrogance in her heart.

Elves are the most arrogant creatures in the world. They are the darlings created by the gods in imitation of themselves. They are immortal, powerful in magic, invincible in bows and arrows, and superb in combat skills.Had it not been for the dark side of Sauron and the orcs, they would have ruled the land for a long time.Humans simply don't stand a chance.

And Galadriel, as the well-deserved queen of elves, a legend among legends, is naturally even more arrogant.

She came to Luohan, not so much to participate in the inexplicable inauguration ceremony of the regent, as to seek to solve the confusion of fate——in the water mirror, she turned into a sexy beauty, pleasing her with a lewd posture, and was finally taken away severely. The man who enjoys the house and enjoys wantonly must be killed in advance!

Galadriel remembered the prophecy in the water mirror, and the happy mood of the people who prostrated themselves on the ground, vying to see their beauty disappeared, and the goddess's beautiful face became clear.

Her beautiful eyes swept towards the high-class people from all over the world who were greeted by the city gate.

"That person!" Her beautiful blue eyes, as clear as the Bay of Belfalas (Bay of Belfalas), were fixed on a man!

That man was Du Yu, the new regent of Luo Han, who was wearing a fine attire and greeted him with a smiling face!

"Grema. Whisper?" Galadriel froze for a moment, and a murderous aura as clear as the Grinding Ice flashed in her beautiful eyes!
"The phantom I saw in the water mirror, that evil and wretched man, is he?"

Galadriel's eyes were murderous.

Although she was hazy and unclear in the phantom—the water mirror predicting the future is always so vague and ambiguous, but Galadriel judged in an instant with her extraordinary intuition, This Ge Lima, who just obtained the Luohan Kingdom by suspicious means, is 6% sure that he will be his own magic star in the future!
A disgusting man who puts himself and his granddaughter Arwen in the house at the same time!

The ring of water Nanya on her luxuriant finger, this magic ring made of mithril and inlaid with a diamond, instantly burst out with light comparable to the morning star, ready to explode at any time, killing this man Dregs!

"Queen?" King Elrond, who was riding in front, was keenly aware of the anomalies of Galadriel and Nanya. He wore Via, the ring of air, in his hand, and could feel the slight fluctuations of Nanya, the ring of water.

Via is inlaid with a sapphire, so it is also called the Ring of Sapphire (Ring of Sapphire), commonly known as the Ring of Qi.Via is the most powerful of the three rings of the elves. It has the power of healing and protection, and the power to manipulate tiny elements. Elrond once summoned the torrent when the ring spirits tried to invade Rivendell and repelled it in one fell swoop.

"Nothing." Galadriel put away the water ring Nanya.Although she wished she could kill this man as soon as she met her, she still had to worry about her status as a member of the Holy White Council, so she couldn't attack humans for no reason.Especially since this man is enthroned as the regent of Rohan today, there are many guests, so if he wants to do it, he can't do it in public, the influence is too bad.

(End of this chapter)

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