Chapter 941 Spatial abilities, forcibly breaking the formation! - Ask for a monthly pass!

In a cloud of black light, Catherine gritted her teeth and took out the [Heshi Jade Seal].Speaking of priority, this space treasure in perfect condition can increase skill priority by as much as 50 points.Even the well-informed Catherine was stunned for a long time when she saw the treasure lent to her by Du Yu for the first time.

"Your skills have high priority? Look at the effect of my dark magic under the Heshi Jade Seal!"

Catherine scolded in her heart, a black phoenix breath flew out from her thin body, and it was even more dazzling under the light of He's Jade Seal!
The teleportation array of the Prisoner Dragon Array began to tremble.

Sima Yi was stunned.

"What's the matter? Even the treasures of God General Hou don't work on this woman?" Sima Yi's eyes were fierce.

How could he fail at this moment?

A black feather fan, a deadly [Zhong Da Mou. Kill] shot at Catherine.

Interrupt Catherine's magic.

Catherine persisted for a while, and was immediately beaten to vomit blood by [Zhong Da Mou. Mie Sha].

Du Yu roared angrily and rushed to Sima Yi's side, and threw out the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms with all his strength.

Sima Yi sneered and greeted the enemy with a black feather fan.

In his calculations, Du Yu was considered a strong man in the outer city, but he was the top power in the inner city!
The difference between the two sides was a whole level, how could Du Yu pose a threat?

But the fact is that it is so ruthless, and the information Hou Xiaobai gave has gone awry again.

Sima Yi was kicked back by Du Yu's punch, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"Are you?" Sima Yi's voice trembled slightly, and even changed his voice: "Are you at the Nascent Soul stage? No wonder you were able to take Catherine and fall to the height of [-] meters above Minas Tiris without dying." !"

Behind Du Yu, a pair of faint wings appeared awe-inspiringly. They were the externalized wings of the Nascent Soul.With this, he can travel between Aoyou and Nine Heavens like a fairy!
"You only know now, it's too late!" Du Yu made another move to attack Sima Yi.

He was about to kill this man.

A trace of anger flashed in Sima Yi's eyes, but also a trace of fear.

He has read Du Yu's resume many times.

Up to now, this guy has only spent 10 plot worlds in the bloody city, and he is already at the Nascent Soul stage?

You know, Sima Yi himself has gone through untold hardships to raise his cultivation to this stage.

He is also at the Nascent Soul stage, otherwise, how could he use a black feather fan to drive Catherine, who is also an expert in the inner city, to a corner?

Du Yu started a fierce battle against Sima Yi, two strong men who had cultivated in the Nascent Soul stage.

After Catherine's magic was abruptly interrupted by Sima Yi's [Zhong Da Mou. Kill], she was immediately sucked into the prisoner dragon formation.

"Du Yu! Come and save me!" Catherine's voice trembled.

Although she is the Queen of Shinra, although she is decisive in killing, she still longs for a man's protection when it comes to life and death.

The assassins were overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, Sima Zhongda, a scheming guy, still hides such a deadly move.

If they could transfer Queen Catherine away, they would be able to kill her.

Du Yu is attacking Sima Yi madly.But Sima Yi's defense was airtight and difficult to break through for a while.Although Du Yu is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers and has a fierce aura, Sima Yi is experienced and seasoned, and he is actually superior in personal combat power.

The Beauty Wolf Pupils team and the inner city adventurer assassins inside and outside the line have become one with each other, and there are screams and fighting sounds everywhere.For a while, even if they wanted to help, they were powerless.

The nine ring spirits, on the ground, coordinated with Sima Yi's offensive, unceasingly launched powerful dark magic and combat techniques, killed Rohan's guards, and threatened King Elrond and the other three elf kings.

Aragorn fought hard and entered the middle of the Nazgul, barely stabilizing the situation.

Galadriel was cursed by Saruman and was still unable to fight, so she could only dodge around.

"It's useless!" Sima Yi laughed loudly: "Do you know that this one-time scroll was left by an immortal in the Zifu District! Otherwise, how can it be called the Prisoner Dragon Formation? Its priority is definitely not yours. These inner city adventurers can resist! Queen Catherine, you just accept your fate!"

Having said that, Sima Yi was also secretly marveling at Catherine's ability to save her life.

If anyone had been changed, even if it was God General Hou himself, Sima Yi firmly believed that he would be sealed by the Prisoner Dragon Formation within a few seconds, and then he would be taken away by himself.

But Catherine has an admirable aura, struggling to resist the absorption of the highest scroll prisoner dragon array in the Zifu District, and has not been sucked into the black hole so far.

Thanks to the high status of Catherine's queen, Sima Yi has never become suspicious of such a treasure. If Du Yu wears this He's Bi, Sima Yi is afraid that he will become suspicious at the first thought.

But even so, under Du Yu's helpless eyes, Catherine was sucked into the black hole again.

He finally roared angrily.

"Sima Yi! I'll fuck your ancestor!"

Du Yu furiously drew out the Doomsday Blade!
This artifact is his handy weapon for manipulating space abilities and breaking through the void.

Du Yu swung his sword away angrily.

On the blade of doom, red light burst forth.

Du Yu used his spatial abilities on this artifact, and slashed at the Prisoner Dragon Formation!

Catherine also knew that it was a critical moment.Seeing Du Yu's spatial ability activated, she brazenly threw the Heshi Jade Seal on her body at Du Yu like a meteor.

"Take it!"

Du Yu was overjoyed.His spatial abilities already had a very high priority, and if he added the Heshi Jade Seal, there was really nothing that could block his attack!

Du Yu caught the jade seal in the air with a ladder cloud, and the red light of the doomsday blade slashed on the light of the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation flowing out of the Zifu area!
King Elrond, Galadriel, Aragorn and other strong men watched all this with dumbfounded.

Although they don't know the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation from the East, but the instinct of talent makes these legends exist, and the instinct trembles!

They knew that if they were sucked into the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation, they might not even have the strength to resist, and would be directly sucked into another world!

It's a hunch, but no one doubts it.

The difficulty of the Zifu District, which overwhelmed the high level of the difficulty of the two worlds, directly shocked everyone present.

But what made them dumbfounded was that Ge Lima, this humble and treacherous minister, actually jumped up and slashed down with a sword, trying to cut through this prisoner dragon formation that even the legendary existence has turned pale?
What are the consequences?
Sima Yi smiled coldly when he saw Du Yu attacking with all his might.

He didn't believe that the one-time treasure he got from Zifu District would be deciphered by Du Yu.

Then how terrifying should this Du Yu's strength be?
But when the Doomsday Blade and the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation really collided, the grand occasion like sparks colliding with the earth, the collision of red lights and black lights, illuminated the night sky of Edoras King's Capital dazzlingly, It's like the end of the world!

Only then did Sima Yi's expression change!
The mysteries about Du Yu, with the deepening of his dealings with Du Yu, not only have not been solved, but more and more.

This kind of collision directly caused Du Yu's consumption of red light to accelerate rapidly.

Du Yu called to Caesar in the void: "Can't you give me some strength? We have the double blessing of space power and He's Jade Seal. How can the five-element prison dragon formation not be broken?"

Caesar is also calling out to all the programmers, fully cooperating with the master Du Yu, and frantically trying to break the five-element prison-dragon formation.He couldn't help complaining: "Boss, do you want to leapfrog the challenge every time? You know, this is a one-time treasure with difficulty in Zifu District? One-time treasures already have priority rewards, and the difficulty of Zifu District has a priority of 100 points." Let's go! If it weren't for the terrifying 50-point increase of your Heshibi, with the power of the Doomsday Blade, it would be impossible to cut through the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation at all!"

"I don't care how much energy you spend, just break it open first!"

Du Yu also knew that he still underestimated Sima Yi's energy.

As the spokesperson of a great force in space, as the most famous strategist in history, Sima Yi can be described as resourceful and powerful.No matter how Du Yu rises like a rocket, he will never be the opponent of Sima Yi + Hou Shenjiang + Pope in terms of strength accumulation!
They threw out a treasure from the Zifu District at every turn, and Du Yu was almost blinded. He could only watch Catherine being taken away!
But Du Yu doesn't believe in evil!
He roared angrily, injecting all the spatial abilities into the Blade of Doom!

The light of the Doomsday Blade, an artifact, overwhelmed the black light of the Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation for a while, and suddenly exploded!
"Break it!" Du Yu roared angrily.

The Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation is really starting to collapse? !
In the stunned eyes of Sima Zhongda, the cult of the flame god, and the assassins of the dead, the scroll [Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation], which was difficult in the Purple Mansion District, actually emitted traces of unbearable black energy, and began to slowly disintegrate.

Catherine had been completely sucked into the black hole, but under Du Yu's desperate attack, she successfully resisted and emerged!
Catherine took a deep breath of fresh air, feeling the freedom and the preciousness of life.

Du Yu's face was close at hand, with bruised veins.

Catherine was gently drunk.

She wished she could throw herself into Du Yu's arms right now.

Du Yu saved her again.In front of Sima Yi's lore.

But the crisis is not over yet.

Sima Yi had already mobilized his mana and rushed forward.

He never allowed his plan to be thwarted by Du Yu again.

The Five Elements Prisoner Dragon Formation is his greatest reliance on hunting and killing Catherine in this world.Originally, it could be used in Minas Tiris, but Sima Yi had a little selfish intention - if he could not use the treasure in the Zifu District given by the Marquis God, he would kill Catherine, and he might be able to hide the treasure privately afterwards. .

But the failure last time made Sima Yi dare not hide his secrets anymore, and this time he finally used his last hole card.

Must succeed.

Du Yu roared, Caesar and other programmers unleashed all their abilities at once!
Finally, the scroll with difficulty in the Zifu District exploded in the air!

The black hole suddenly spread!

Catherine fell out of the black hole.

She was saved.

(End of this chapter)

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