Chapter 961: Internal release fierce general, external support! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu smiled confidently: "That's right. You're right. As long as Sima Yi has enough time and patience to fight with us, even if we enter Helm's Deep, it will be difficult for us to resist his army's siege!"

"But!" Du Yu said coldly: "All the premise is that he has enough patience and time!"

"Sima Yi was very patient when he fought the water battle in Baicheng." Catherine warned: "Don't underestimate his ability."

Du Yu nodded: "That's right, but one moment and another moment. After the victory in Baicheng, Sima Yi immediately had the absolute advantage of aspiring to the mainland! He is desperately recruiting troops, recruiting troops, and preparing to expand aggressively. But you know, we have already In this world, after 2 months, the time left for him to kill us is only 10 months. However, Rohan’s national strength is weak, food is scarce, and it is still 10 months to survive in Helm’s Deep, which has the smallest number of people and is defended in a huddle There is no problem at all! You know, the Rohan Kingdom once defended Helm's Deep for several years during the long winter, avoiding the catastrophe!"

Catherine nodded.

Indeed, since Helm's Deep has almost become a refuge for Rohan's national disaster, a lot of food has been hoarded in Helm's Deep all year round.In addition, at this time, Du Yu deliberately mobilized food, grass and troops to gather in Helm's Deep, and if he retreated and defended, ten months would not be a problem.

"But your main mission?" Catherine asked worriedly.

Du Yu chuckled and said, "This is the only place where Sima Yi can blackmail us. But I have completed two-thirds of the main task (occupying the country and accepting Iowyn), and your main task is slightly worse. But I have There is a way to save you from this catastrophe!"

Catherine was surprised.

You know, they are members of the royal family, in order to avoid the bug of immortality, the space stipulates very strict punishment measures.As long as the main task cannot be completed, any props or fines exempt from punishment will not be able to offset the crime!
This is also the reason why Sima Yi ate to death, even if Catherine knew that there was an ambush in Baicheng, she still had to carry out the mission!
But Du Yu actually said, he has a way?
It turned out that since entering this world, Du Yu has noticed the powerful strength of the assassin, and has kept the energy of Caesar and other programmers as a backup in case Catherine's main mission fails.Even in the Doomsday Mountains, when Sauron and the Ring Spirits were chased like bereaved dogs, they didn't use the slightest bit!
Up to now, Du Yu calculated that Caesar and other programmers had broken through hundreds of teams, and all the energy they had was enough to modify Catherine's punishment terms, allowing her to pay a fine and escape death before talking to Catherine.

Catherine was, of course, surprised and delighted.To be honest, with Sima Yi in such an unfathomable situation, going to Minas Tiris to complete the main task is clearly sending a sheep to a tiger's mouth!
It's best if you don't have to go back.

In this way, Du Yu and Catherine's main tasks are not a problem at all.And Yang Guo's main task will also fail.But is the fine of 10,000+ survival points a problem for Catherine and Du Yu, who own the Shinra and Wolves teams?

Now that there is no need to worry about the future, Du Yu's idea of ​​sticking to Helm's Deep has immediately become a good business that is sure to make money!

Catherine knows very well the truth of keeping the green hills there without worrying about no firewood.Sima Yi has already occupied the general trend of the world, if he forces a confrontation with him, he will only continue to be led by the nose, and lose all of his already few bargaining chips!
Only by finding another way, taking a slanted sword, and playing cards not according to common sense, can it be possible to regain the initiative.

Sima Yi never imagined that Du Yu and Catherine would dare to give up the main mission and not attack Baicheng, but stick to Helm's Deep, which would make all his calculations come to naught.

Since Du Yu and Catherine didn't have to attack Baicheng, it was Sima Yi's turn to decide whether to attack Helm's Deep.

"What we lack now is time." After Du Yu said the plan, he also smiled bitterly: "We must race against time to transport all possible resources to Helm's Deep. Prepare for the big battle."

"You want to complete the great cause of moving the capital? Then there is one person you must fight for." Catherine said with a half-smile, "Iowyn."

Du Yu's eyes flashed, he nodded and said, "You're right."

To say that Éowyn's popularity and prestige in the capital of Edoras is really in full swing.In the original play, even King Theoden entrusted Iowyn with the important task of supporting the old and the young and leading the people to the fortress of Helm's Deep!
Du Yu looked at Eowyn.

Eowyn looked complicated, turned her head away, and didn't speak.

Du Yuwen said softly: "I made the decision to move the capital not for myself. It was for the old, young, women and children of the Luohan Kingdom to survive under Sima Yi's tyrannical rule! You probably don't know that Sima Yi has already made the decision to move the capital in the Kingdom of Gondor. There is a miasma of smoke, and ten rooms are empty."

Éowyn was silent for a while, and said decisively: "If you didn't know that Sima Yi, a traitor, was doing evil in Gondor, why do you think I wouldn't secretly bring out my elder brother Éomer and go to join him?"

Du Yu wiped off his sweat, only then did he know that Princess Iowyn had really thought about it and wanted to escape with her brother.

He was happy.

Thanks to Sima Yi, after the big victory, Li Ling was stunned. In order to get enough troops in the shortest time to realize his personal interests, he did not hesitate to kill chickens to extract eggs, suck the marrow and squeeze the bones, which made the sky angry.This is also evil comes with evil!

If Sima Yi had put on a gentle face, Du Yu, whose foundation was not stable, might have already lost the political power of the Luohan Kingdom by this time, and he would take the blame.

Eowyn said sadly: "But I also have conditions. You must release Eomer unconditionally. And allow him to continue serving the country as an ordinary Rohan knight!"

Du Yu laughed a few times, but he had entrapped Eomer a lot: "The key is your brother, will you continue to work for me?"

Eowyn said decisively: "Eomer is fighting for Rohan, defending his family and defending the country, which is the fate of every Rohan boy! After he heard about Sima Yi's rise and threat, he has already asked me to tell you, as long as you dare With him, he is willing to use the spear, to guard Rohan."

Du Yu nodded.

Although he murdered Prince Xiyoude in the process of seizing power, but fortunately the matter was not done, leaving behind the lives of King Xiyoudun and Eomer. Now that Sima Yi's battle is imminent, under the severe test, the decision of this choice Resilience manifests itself.Between Du Yu and the old nobles, there is no room for maneuver.

Du Yu nodded: "Bring Eomer up here."

Éomer went into the palace in fetters, shambling, and bruised.

His chestnut eyes full of hatred, spurting out anger, stared at Du Yu sitting on the throne: "How dare you see me?"

Du Yu smiled coldly: "Why don't I dare?"

"I have never forgotten Xiyoude's blood feud. I must also avenge my sister's vengeance that was taken by you!" Eomer said seriously.

Du Yu felt calm in his heart.

This Eomer is indeed a pure Rohan, bright, upright, a real man, he can say whatever he has, and he is not afraid of revenge or suppression.If it wasn't for the national crisis of Luo Han country this time, and the imminent disaster of Sima Yi's army, he estimated that Potian would not come out to help him.

Du Yu stood up calmly and ordered: "I am willing to hand over the eastern theater to you again! You will gather in Helm's Deep with all the knights recruited by the eastern theater in 10 days."

Eomer nodded silently, turned around and walked outside the hall without saying a word.

Du Yu said loudly: "If you are determined to be the third commander, you will lead the knights in the eastern theater to watch from the sidelines and watch the whole country of Luo Han being killed by Sima Yi in Helm's Deep. I'll take it instead, and I don't have anything to say when I see people walking away!"

Yiomo trembled, turned around, and said in a voice like a bell, "You sycophant, think that we Luohan men are all as despicable and shameless as you!"

He walked away angrily.

Shen Luoyan worried beside Du Yu: "Eomer is the king who succeeded King Theoden in the plot, and he has the aura of destiny. Now that he is released, will he really gather loyal knights and watch from the sidelines?" ?”

Du Yu smiled calmly: "The reason why I sent him is because no one in Luohan Kingdom can do better than him! He is the commander in chief of the eastern theater, and when he goes back to recruit the old troops he is familiar with, the efficiency and effect are undoubtedly the best. And This strange soldier will also become a trump card in our decisive battle with Sima Yi. As for whether he will betray me and take the knight on the sidelines, one is that Eomer himself is an upright hero, and the other is that her sister, uncle, and even The whole country is here with me! How could he, how dare he not come back?"

"The problem now." Du Yu narrowed his eyes: "How to keep this group of smelly and hard elves in the latrine by my side to assist in the battle of Helm's Deep."

After Du Yu left, Galadriel, Arwen, Legolas, Hadir and other elves held another meeting with Aragorn.

The theme is how to take revenge.

A fierce quarrel broke out at the meeting. Aragorn urged the elves to attack the White City as soon as possible. Hadir suggested retreating to the three forests, recuperating, and waiting for the opportunity.Legolas and Arwen had been brooding.

Finally, Galadriel made a decision.

She was the most prestigious legendary existence of the elves, and the Holy White Council listened to her advice. At this time, when the elf kings fell, she kept her word.

"Since there is an allied army, our elves will take revenge and cannot rely on ourselves alone. I agree to stay in Edoras temporarily to prepare for Sima Yi's invasion. I will also wait for the arrival of Mithranda and the Envoy of the Ring." Galadriel made a final decision.

After receiving the news, Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief.This means that the [-] elves of Edoras will stay in Rohan's capital for the time being.Luo Hanguo doesn't have to worry about being rushed by Sima Yi's quick attack.

But the migration route is still extremely dangerous.

Don't forget, Rohan has an ambitious neighbor!

At this time, the coalition forces were defeated, the elven kings fell, and the elven army suffered heavy losses. In Saruman's view, the Rohan kingdom was like a flock of sheep, being watched by his wolf eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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