Chapter 965: Sima smashes eggs!The giant eagle is furious! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Immediately, the enemy's fencing shot with lightning, and sparks flew wildly, as dazzling as the legendary Thor's Hammer!
Gandalf flicked the enemy's sword coldly.

This world-famous magic weapon immediately shot at the three-eyed Haidong Falcon like a flying sword.

The three-eyed Haidong Falcon is an A-level monster with keen perception. When it senses something is wrong, it makes a shriek and rolls in the air like a swift, with a speed like lightning! ,

But the enemy's fencing sword, full of lightning and sharp light, hit the three-eyed Haidong Falcon instantly like a ray of light piercing the night.

The Sanmu Haidong Falcon screamed shrillly, its wings fluttered, and it desperately broke free from the shackles of the lightning cage, and fled with its life.

It staggered and landed on Sima Yi's shoulder. With a pair of black agate-like eagle eyes, it looked at Gandalf on the giant eagle with hatred.

"The flat-haired beast runs backwards?" Gandalf was slightly surprised.The Lightning Summoning Technique he used just now, coupled with the sharpness of the enemy's fencing sword, can definitely injure the Ring Spirits severely. He originally planned to kill people and avenge his friends. How could this seemingly inconspicuous falcon escape from death?

The two sides confronted each other like this.

Wind King Guan He kept circling high in the sky, his chest feathers were already stained red with blood, his hatred was thick, he screamed sharply, he seemed ready to rush down at any time, tearing these despicable ambushers apart!
But Gandalf was scheming. He intuitively believed that the underground ambush came so strangely that there must be a conspiracy.And the one-day fall of the three great elf kings made the wizard even more wary of Sima Yi.

The Lord of the Rings and the Fellowship of the Ring are on Guan He's back, let alone any loss.

The plain of Edoras has already been experienced vividly, and it can be reached in half an hour at the speed of Guan He.

"Forget it, old friend," Gandalf said in relief, "we must hurry. The Lord of the Rings must be sent to Edoras safely as soon as possible. Let us go."

Guan He is by no means a mindless giant eagle. He neighed furiously, indicating that tonight's account will be recorded for the time being, and we will talk about it later.

Just as Guan He and his descendants were circling upwards, preparing to continue to rise and rush towards Edoras, just as the priest of the fire god was terrified of Sima Yi coming this night, miscalculating his ambush and secretly laughing, Sima Yi was still in the old well. no waves.

Suddenly, with a wave of his big sleeve, a big egg came out of it!
The egg is pure white and is as big as an ostrich egg in later generations.In the eyes of the priest of the flame god, the bird egg was constantly wriggling, and it contained the breath of life impressively, and it was about to break out of the egg.

As if sensing it, Guan He, who was flying at an altitude of a thousand meters, suddenly looked down at Sima Yi!

Then, its eagle eyes immediately turned red.At the same time, his son and grandson of the eagle let out an astonishingly high-pitched neigh.

Even if they don't understand the language of the giant eagle, everyone can hear the deep resentment of hysteria, outbursts of rage, cramp and skinning, etc. from the neighing!

And Sima Yi next, with a slight smile, drew Feng Ru's sword, and pierced this bird egg that was about to move and broke out of the cocoon with one sword!
Guan He's eyes were about to burst, he no longer ignored the dissuasion of his old friend Gandalf, he screamed crazily, his wings fluttered, and he swooped down immediately!

Its speed is like electricity, its power is like a torrent, its sound cracks gold, and its claws smash rocks!

The wrath of the giant eagle is irresistible!

The son of the eagle and the grandson of the eagle also swooped down crazily.

Giant eagle, what a noble creature.

According to "The Silmarillion", the giant eagle was created by Manw, the head of Valar, so it is also called the Eagles of Manw.Manwe sent them from Valinor to Middle-earth to watch over the Noldor elves and their enemy Morgoth.

That is to say, in fact, the identity of the giant eagle, like Gandalf and Saruman, is also one of the Mayas sent by the gods to Middle-earth for business!

Guan He's ancestor, Fingolfin, once singled out Morgoth, the God of Darkness!
And his son Thorondo directly scratched Morgoth's face!
There is no doubt about the strength of these giant eagles Maier, who can fight against the God of Darkness and traumatize him.

Therefore, every time Gandalf has to use Galadriel, who has a better relationship with the giant eagle, to barely mobilize these rebellious companions!

However, now the noble giant eagle Mai Ya actually witnessed the precious egg that he was about to hatch, being pierced with a sword by the human who just ambushed him in front of him!

This kind of hatred is as big as someone pulling out your child in front of you and killing them face to face.

Those who are parents, seeing such a situation, can only show their eyes tearing apart, pick up the axe, and hack the dam to death!

What old friend, what Lord of the Rings, what ambush, all were completely forgotten by Guan He and his descendants.There is only one thought in their minds!
It is this person who must die!
Sima Yi looked at Guan He who was approaching at high speed, and said with a sneer, "It really is a flat-haired animal. Not long after I entered this world, Guan He and Lan Chuwa, the descendants of Suorondo, lived in the Misty Mountains. ) to the east of the Great Wasteland (Wilderland), looking for the eggs of these giant eagles. Because the giant eagles are the biggest variable between the elves and the protagonist, they are the ones who saved Frodo in the Doomsday Volcano. As expected, these giant eagles are very important to I am very confident in my strength, and I didn’t cover up the nests much. You can find their nests on the cliffs above the piles of huge animal bones in the wilderness. After the wind king Guan He attacks, the eggs are easy to get It is really appropriate to use it on them now to pull hatred!"

As he spoke, he ran away without looking back.

Just like what he said, the hatred of Feng Wang Guan He is really incomparably stable. It is estimated that even if there is a ring spirit crazily prostrating behind Feng Wang's chrysanthemum, Guan He will not turn back.

He was chasing after him.

Gandalf was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot!

He is very scheming, why doesn't he know that this is the enemy's trick to lure troops?

Guan He's power can be best displayed in the air.Although the enemy has the monstrous Hai Dongqing, but he just took advantage of the momentary surprise attack, and in the end, Guan He must be the one who wins!

But the enemy is now drilling into the dense forest roads and jagged rocky ravines, and its sinister intentions are self-evident.

But no matter how earnest Gandalf is, Guan He, the giant eagle who lost his mind due to the pain of losing his son, couldn't listen to a word!

Gandalf deliberately led Frodo and others, and jumped off the eagle's back.It is estimated that Guan He will not object - he can go faster without dragging him down.But after calming down and thinking about it, Gandalf decisively rejected his idea.

Even if he could ignore Guan He's life or death, it would definitely not be a good idea to divide his forces on his own initiative under the lure of a cunning enemy.

Guan He must rush after Sima Yi, how far can he walk with Frodo?

The enemy has been plotting for a long time, how many traps have been laid on the ground?
Gandalf did not know.

Therefore, the smartest thing he can do now is to stay the same and stay with his old friend Guan He.

He is confident that with such a luxurious lineup as himself, Guan He, the son of the three-headed eagle, and Jin Li, no matter how many vicious ambushes the opponent faces, he can use all his strength to break through tricks and save his life!

This is the courage and arrogance of Gandalf who has walked the continent for thousands of years!

Sima Yi was like a mouse being chased by the eagle's grandson, scurrying from east to west in the mountains and fields. When struck by the giant eagle's claws, he was in a panic, but every time he was able to dodge the attack dangerously, and then he burrowed into a certain cave middle.

Guan He, the giant eagle, knew the most reasonable saying passed down by his ancestors, "Don't enter the forest, and don't drill into the cave", so he finally hesitated and stayed at the entrance of the cave.

His wind control ability is useless in the cave.The highest sky is his best battlefield.

Yingzi Ying's grandchildren also hesitated.

Revenge is one thing, but death is another.

But just when Gandalf and the others were brimming with joy, Sima Yi came out coldly again.

At this time, in his hand, he actually raised another bird egg that was about to hatch!

Guan He, the giant eagle, suddenly lost his mind.

Paralyzed, you want me to have no children or grandchildren.

A basic logic is that the stronger a species is and the higher it is on the food chain, the lower its fertility will be.

A giant eagle needs thousands of kilometers of territory to provide enough food, so there will never be too many giant eagles.

But this time, Guan He managed to get his wife Lan Chuwa to hatch two extremely precious eggs, hoping that they would continue to carry on the family line.

But both fell into the hands of this mouse-like despicable human being!

He was so angry that he went crazy, not to mention that Sima Yi drilled into a cave, even if he drilled into the surging crater of the Doomsday Volcano, Guan He would have no hesitation, and would go in and tear him apart.

The clever thing about Sima Yi is that he only made a gesture of killing, but he didn't really destroy the only giant eagle egg.Seeing Guan He's eagerness to save people, he smiled coldly and went into the cave.

Gandalf and others couldn't help themselves, and were pulled in by Guan He.

The sorcerer looked solemn, and said to Jin Li who had recovered his sanity after falling on the ground and said word by word: "Friend, prepare your sharp axe and fight."

At this moment in the palace of Edoras, Du Yu stared at the misty mountains in the west, with a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Will Sima Yi go to ambush Gandalf and Guan He?" Shen Luoyan was in his arms, with a bouquet of forget-me-not flowers from the grassland pinned to his head.

The moonlight is like silver, and the beauty is like jade.

Catherine went to Ozark Tower to persuade Saruman, and Shen Luoyan accompanied Du Yu.

"If it doesn't meet my expectations, it will." Du Yu's expression was cold.

"I don't doubt Sima Yi's military strategy, but Sima Yi's combat ability, can he deal with Gandalf + Guan He? You know, it seems that the dwarf Jinli is also in the Fellowship of the Ring."

Du Yu sighed and said, "For other people, I think it would be very difficult to get the Lord of the Rings with such a luxurious lineup of guards, but it is really possible for Sima Yi who is full of strategies."

Shen Luoyan smiled and said, "Are you afraid of being beaten by Sima Yi? Do you admire him so much?"

Du Yu said word by word: "It's not Sima Yi's ability that gives me the most confidence. It's the Lord of the Rings!"

(End of this chapter)

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