Chapter 989 Devour!Sima Yi's plan! - Ask for a monthly pass!

If it weren't for the fact that the city walls were too narrow to hold too many soldiers, maybe Sima Yi would have attacked in four waves, crushing the defense with one wave.

Taking a proud look at the offensive and defensive battle of the city wall, Sima Yi let out a roar, climbed the city himself, leaped onto the boulder, and fought Du Yu.

On this solitary boulder, Du Yu and Sima Yi turned out to be the battleground for the old enemies.

With a wave of his hand, Du Yu signaled all the beauties to join the battle, and drove the swarming Gondorians off the city wall again. He stood on the top of the boulder intently, waiting to face Sima Yi.

Sima Yi landed, and came slowly: "Boy, do you really dare to fight this old man?"

"Don't rely on your old age to sell your old age." Du Yu chuckled: "You are not worthy."

"Not to mention that my cultivation level is higher than yours." Sima Yi smiled coldly, stretched out his right hand, and on his middle finger was the Supreme Lord of the Rings!

"I have this baby, and I can destroy you too!"

He grinned grimly, and gently stroked the magic ring, feeling the delicate and moist texture of the magic ring, as if it was the skin of the most beautiful woman in the world, and as if it was the emperor's seal he longed for most.

Seeing this scene, Du Yu burst out laughing.

"As expected of an old man, he is indeed greedy for profit. He clearly knows the serious consequences of the Lord of the Rings, but he can't help but wear it in his hand. Are you afraid of Sauron's control and revenge?"

Sima Yi indulged in the magic ring for a while, and suddenly his eyes became clear, he took off the magic ring and put it in his arms.

"Haha" he looked at Du Yu playfully, "Aren't you a little disappointed? Are you looking forward to my playfulness? Unfortunately, I'm Sima Zhongda! It's really interesting to tease you just now!"

He laughed wildly: "At any rate, I have studied the plot. Don't I know what temptation the Lord of the Rings has? Whether I can achieve great things depends on the word forbearance! The mere temptation of the Lord of the Rings is really not worth it." Mention it."

Du Yu's eyes turned cold.

As expected of a conspiratorial talent, Sima Yi also has a clear understanding of the essence of the Lord of the Rings drinking poison to quench thirst.

But Du Yu is even more convinced that his understanding of Sima Yi's essence is even more thorough than himself!
The greatest charm of the Supreme Lord of the Rings is that it can infinitely magnify your inner desire.Those who desire beauty see beauty, those who desire power see submission, those who desire revenge see blood

As long as you have desires, the Supreme Lord of the Rings is not afraid of being unable to control your heart!
Its most feared master is a little farmer like Frodo, who yearns for serenity!

Du Yu is convinced that with Sima Yi's desires hard to fill, and with the S-level magic power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, there is no need to worry about Sima Yi not being hooked!

The reason why Sima Yi can still have a clear mind and not drink poison to quench his thirst is because he is not thirsty enough!
Then use your fist to make him feel thirsty.

Du Yu strode forward with great strides, rushing towards Sima Yi with a cold wind.

As long as Sima Yi is forced to have nowhere to go without the Lord of the Rings, then his end will come.

Sima Yi VS Du Yu.

Both of them have reasons to win, and they are very urgent, so there is nothing to say.

Endless decisive battle!
If Sima Yi is victorious, Du Yu's party has many legends, but no one can suppress his Nascent Soul stage cultivation, and he will use another move [Zhen. shooter.Cooperating with his various schemes, coupled with the favorable situation that the heavy infantry successfully ascended the city at this time, I am afraid that the victory of the Battle of Helm's Deep can be easily captured by him!

If Du Yu wins, Sima Yi's side will rely on his resourcefulness and clever calculations alone. If Du Yu defeats him once, no one will be able to threaten the walls of Helm's Deep.No matter how many people come, these legendary heroes will knock down the city walls one by one.

This is a battle that decides the outcome of the Great War.

Sima Yi's jackal's eyes fell on Du Yu, and there was endless greed in that unusual calmness.

"You know..." Sima Yi looked down at the city, the ants attached to the attacking army seemed not in a hurry to decide the outcome with Du Yu, and said leisurely: "The weather of our adventurers can devour each other. The strength of the weather depends on one person." The combat power of this person is more related to the direction of this person's future evolution."

Du Yu didn't answer, but just looked at Sima Yi coldly.

"The Elephant of the Wolf Gu" Sima Yi grinned and showed his white teeth: "It came from me in the first place, you know this allusion, right?"

Du Yu nodded.Cao Cao's evaluation of Sima Yi's wolf Gu Zhixiang is very famous in history!
The appearance of an inhuman minister!
Sima Yi sighed: "Actually, I have been rebellious from the very beginning. I am very wronged. You know that I have spent my whole life working for Cao Wei. Even though I am promoted to a position of less than one person and above ten thousand, it is also a credit. Promotion, it can be said that every step is steady, there is no luck."

Du Yu nodded.Throughout his life, Sima Yi had never done anything obviously disobedient, and he had no choice but to deal with Cao Shuang.Others sharpen their knives and want to kill you, don't you fight back?

"But my son Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, usurped the throne after all." Sima Yi sighed with emotion: "And created a dynasty."

"It's a pity that you won't be able to enjoy the throne of the Jin Dynasty for a long time." Du Yu grinned, and he never let go of this opportunity to attack the enemy: "There is no good emperor, but there are idiots, idiots, and tyrants. There are talented people from generation to generation! "

This vicious blow immediately made Sima Yi's eyes sharpen!
He stared contemptuously at Du Yu for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Then do you know why the dynasty I founded didn't take long to enjoy the country, but there were so many foolish kings? So that it led to the tragedy of chaos?"

Du Yu shook his head, but a warning sign suddenly rose in his heart.

Because the way Sima Yi looked at him was so familiar.

Where have you seen it before?

Du Yu fell into a momentary trance.Fortunately, Sima Yi didn't pay attention to him at this time, otherwise he would definitely explode immediately.

"After entering the space, I was also researching. I finally came to a conclusion." Sima Yi stared at Du Yu with eagle eyes: "The power of weather."

Du Yu glanced at the fierce battle and the bloody battlefield, and found that the fighting situation of the elves was not so bad.The joining of the Legion of Beauty greatly relieved the pressure on the city wall, and the Gondor heavy infantry, which lacked arrow figures, retreated step by step.He had a good time to recover the innate essence that was spent in the fierce battle just now, so he regained his breath and said with a smile: "I would like to hear more about it."

Sima Yi cast a disdainful glance at Du Yu who was recovering.He just released [Zhen. Zhong Da Mou. Zi Dian Mi Shi] and other big moves several times, so why doesn't he need to take back his breath?
He said solemnly: "The weather on our adventurers is the gathering of a person's energy and spirit, and it determines a person's fate! Do you have any experience with this?"

How could Du Yu not understand it?
Since he entered the space, because of his wolf spirit, he has encountered all kinds of adventures that other adventurers can't even imagine.

Because of the wolf Gu Zhixiang, he was frantically hunted down by the court, tolerated by the protagonists of various plots, and tolerated by all major forces.

Because the wolf cares about the weather, he got the villain value again, frantically collecting heroines from all walks of life, and establishing his own power!
The so-called success is also Xiao He, and failure is also Xiao He.

It's all the fault of the wolf Gu Qi.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lang Gu Qiqi changed Du Yu's fate due to such an influence on fate.

Sima Yi said politely: "For a person, the weather determines the spirit and even the fate of that person! And for a country, it also determines the aura and status of a country! Just imagine, Qin's domineering, The majesty of the Han Dynasty, the creation of the Sui Dynasty, the broadness of the Tang Dynasty, and the conservation of the Song Dynasty, which one was not formed by the personal fate and temperament of the first two generations of monarchs who founded the country? The same is true for their country and structure!"

Du Yu's body shook.

As a network writer, of course he has studied history.For these dynasties, as Sima Yi said, the founding of the country and the previous generations of monarchs determined the fate and status of the dynasty and empire!
Qin Shihuang was domineering and tyrannical, destroyed the six kingdoms, and created hegemony, so Qin was strong and strict, but died in the second generation.

Hangao Hanwu was a master of martial arts, accumulated national power, and practiced fine riding, so he went on expeditions many times. Although there were many internal troubles, he did not suffer from external humiliation.

Sui Wen and Sui Yang were determined to create, opened imperial examinations, and built canals, so institutional innovations pushed a new pattern.

Emperor Tang Zongwu had a broad mind, embraced everything, and opened up the national policy. Therefore, all nations came to the dynasty, and the country was very prosperous, but it also planted the root of disaster.

Song Zu Song Zong didn't have enough chest, so he embraced the weak and defended the weak. Although the prosperity was prosperous, he regained the dark clouds and tried his best, setting the tone for the weak and destroyed country.

Sima Yi sighed: "After I learned the history of the Great Jin Dynasty, I tossed and turned, and the result of in-depth reflection was that, as the ancestor of the Jin Dynasty, my personal image was that of a jackal. There was more than enough conspiracy, but not enough righteousness! I couldn't suppress the fate of a country! "

Du Yu let out a long breath, and said leisurely: "Yes, a wolf, no matter how hard you try to plan, it's still just a wolf. Let it take on the duties of a dragon, how can it do it?"

Sima Yi smiled generously, "You're right. That's it."

Du Yuqi asked, "Why did you share what you got with me?"

Sima Yi showed his white teeth. For some reason, Du Yu saw that familiar look again.

He suddenly thought, this is Su Daji, the eyes that stared at him in the palace at that time!
Du Yu immediately thought of a terrible fact, and exclaimed: "So that's how it is! She let me go because she wanted to"

"Not bad!" Sima Yi sneered coldly: "This time I broke through the limit, stepped through the void, and came to the city to get a chance to be reborn! I want to show my strengths and do a great job. Create a new dynasty!"

"But if we don't want to repeat the same mistakes, we have to change our fate against the sky, put the jackal weather in order, and make some changes!" Sima Yi said coldly: "And your weather is close to mine. It is also the spirit of the wolf. The same kind, but your aura has the aura of dragons and wolves, but it is neutral and yang! My jackal aura is neutral and yin! I can devour your aura, and after the perfect upgrade, my fate With both yin and yang, the dynasty created will also last forever!"

Du Yu chuckled: "The weather that devours me? It's a good idea, but I hope you have the same good teeth as your appetite, otherwise your mouth will be full of broken teeth!"

Sima Yi floated into the air, and his power of weather gradually emerged in the air.

A jackal the size of a buffalo slowly walked out of the void.

There is a legend in ancient China that the jackal is the nemesis of the tiger!There are also idioms such as jackal nature, jackal heart, jackal blocking the way, etc., which shows the ferocity of jackals.

Sima Yi, a jackal, should have devoured the vibes of many similar adventurers. Seeing the greedy aura of Du Yu's superiors, it is almost ready to come out!
Du Yu faintly felt stronger power from this jackal and wolf, and even his usual sharp dragon and wolf aura made him shrink back a little!

"The fifth level?" Du Yu asked in surprise.

"Exactly!" Sima Yi said with a sinister smile, "Your weather power should be at the fourth level, and it has been there for a long time, right?"

Du Yu was silent.But it has been defaulted.

Sima Yi laughed loudly and said, "Don't be surprised why I know. It's because I searched hard for a long time before I figured out what to do after entering the Tao at the fourth level and becoming a god at the fifth level!"

He said word by word: "That has nothing to do with the killing value, but to devour the same kind!"

"You should have devoured many powerful weathers in the past, but you failed to meet the upgrade requirements." Sima Yi pressed on step by step: "Only by devouring the same kind of weather over a certain level can you continue to upgrade. Although your fourth-level weather is only It’s a small piece of fresh meat, but the material is better, so I’ll eat it anyway. The country is important.”

He smiled, waved a black feather fan, and the lightning shot at Du Yu.

At the same time, that jackal, the size of a buffalo, suddenly jumped and rushed towards Du Yu!

Who knew that when Du Yu saw the jackal rushing towards him, not only was he not afraid, even the dragon wolf, who was a little timid at first, changed his face and howled ferociously!

He is alone and a wolf, clearly acting in a play!

It's a good show to trap Sima Yi's jackal appearance!
Don't forget, Du Yu owns the Heshi Jade Seal!

100% Heshi Jade Seal, with [True Dragon Son of Heaven]: After equipped, it can gain the coercive effect of weather power, weakening the combat effectiveness of other weather powers by 50%, this kind of weather combat attribute of anger and hatred!

No matter how evil Sima Yi was, how defiant he was, and how cunning, how could he have thought that Du Yu, an adventurer in the outer city, would actually have such a heaven-defying treasure as He's Bi?

And the most wretched thing is that this guy, Longlang, has learned from his master badly, and has become like a film king. The timidity, trembling, pleading, and all kinds of expressions of a mouse meeting a cat when the low-level weather meets the high-level weather are vivid and vivid. Performed a full ten!
Otherwise, with Sima Yi's sophistication, how could he easily release the life-threatening jackal to fight Du Yu?

It's like a man would never dare to release that thing easily for a beauty to bite before he has figured out the details of a woman.Don’t you see that Temujin, the great Mongol emperor, is Genghis Khan, an old man, controlled by his wife, because he conquered Xixia, the old man couldn’t help talking about being a teenager, and wanted to force the princess of Xixia to be bitten by a beauty, but he was bitten off In order to bleed profusely, at the age of 65, he died unfortunately?

(End of this chapter)

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