Chapter 1009 I have an object

Standing aside, Feng Xue could hardly bear to look at this scene directly, thinking about the old man's pickyness that Master explained, he finally had a deep understanding.Even a Nascent Soul cultivator wouldn't be able to produce such a thing, right?
What's more, Kunlun is still a great power in the fusion stage!
Seeing this, Kun Lun was also complacent, and it was all right now, saving another treasure.

"Fengxue, what's the matter with Uncle Master asking us to come?" Mo Jiuxiao asked lightly.

Before Feng Xue could speak in the future, Kun Lun rushed to Mo Jiuxiao and said, "Hey, young man, do you want to consider defecting from the teacher's school and come down to the old man's school?"

Mo Jiuxiao: ...

"Thank you, no need." Mo Jiuxiao thanked Bumin.

"Oh, it's a pity." Seeing this, Kun Lun returned to his seat again and lazily took out the wine gourd.

"Master asked the two of you to come here to meet Senior Kunlun." Feng Xue said slowly.

"Young man, do you have a match, do you want me to find you one?" Kun Lun cocked his feet carelessly, and started to matchmaker again after 2 minutes of silence.

"No need, I'm not single anymore." Mo Jiuxiao still coldly refused.

Kun Lun obviously didn't expect Mo Jiuxiao to say this, "What, you already have a partner? Are you really Jin Hao's apprentice? Hey, who is the target, let the old man palm his eyes to see if he is compatible with you. "

Luo An stood leisurely in front of the shit shoveling officer, and kissed the shit shoveling officer: "Old man, his partner is me, do you think he is worthy?"

"This, this, you..." Kunlun was obviously stunned.He's so good, these two people are too different from that kid Jin Hao, right?The master has been single for thousands of years, but the two apprentices quickly came together.This is really...

"Okay, okay, the old man lost his eyes and didn't notice it. No wonder this kid doesn't want to follow me, so someone cares about him." Kun Lun took a sip of wine in a serious way, and sighed: "It's nice to be young! "

Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao both had black lines on their faces, and they stopped talking to this obedient old man.So Baby An turned around and went to find the rabbit.

At that time, the spirit of the secret realm was rolling on the bed with a five-flavored carrot in his arms. Alas, it was very comfortable to find a backer. There was someone waiting for him every day, and he even provided a carrot that he had never eaten for free!

Such a life is simply wonderful!
Not long after thinking this way, Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao arrived.An Baobao picked up the long ears of the rabbit and said angrily: "It seems that you have been living very comfortably recently. I heard from my uncle that you still let four disciples serve you at the same time! Enjoy it so much, Master Spirit of the Secret Realm, huh?"

The rabbit waited with a pair of short legs and kept struggling: "Oh, let me down! I am your distinguished guest, shouldn't I be treated carefully!"

"What a distinguished guest, I think you know how to enjoy life!" An Baobao threw down the rabbit angrily, "Don't forget your job."

After the rabbit came down, it poked its ears with its two front paws, and said guiltyly: "I haven't forgotten, I've been waiting for news from you all this time!"

Luo Anan sat on the rabbit's big bed and jumped a few times. The bed was quite elastic.She squeezed the mattress and said: "Don't worry, the formation will be opened in a few days. I didn't say that you won't be allowed to enjoy it, but don't reveal your identity. Otherwise, some troubles will be caused, huh!"

"Really!" The rabbit almost jumped up happily after hearing the good news, "Don't worry, I'm not a fool, how could I do stupid things."

Seeing this, Luo Anan was relieved a lot, and she took out a scroll: "Then I don't worry, you should prepare this first. This is a formation, and I will enter the secret realm to set up formation again in two days, you have to be ready .”

Rabbit took down the scroll, hesitated to speak.

"What's the matter?" Luo Anan asked helplessly.

"Well, do you still have the five-flavored carrot?" Rabbit held up the carrot in his arms and asked, "This is the last one. It will be gone after eating."

(End of this chapter)

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