Chapter 129
Hey, so excited!The author's first book will be on the shelves tomorrow!
The author feels very difficult!Some babies know it. In fact, the author of this book has written it once before.But it didn't work, not even passing the signing.

At that time, the author was also a newcomer, and suddenly realized that his novel would not be signed.I was really disheartened at the time!Because not signing a contract means failure, there is no recommendation, and there is no chance to put it on the shelves.

The website the author was on at the time was still Yunqi, and an editor at Yunqi kindly told the author that the book had already been sold out, so let’s start a new one.But the author didn't do that.First, the author does not like the author who abandons the pit halfway through writing, and he also does not want to make himself such a person.Second, this book is like the author's child. How can anyone throw it away just because their child is not good?

Therefore, the author, with a glimmer of hope, voted for the starting point website.At that time, I thought that if I still couldn't sign the contract, I would just write it like this, even if I was killed, I would not give up!
Unexpectedly, the editor took a fancy to the author!So the author is fortunate to be a member of the starting point army.However, due to the merger between Qidian and Yunqi at that time, the author needs to take the book off the shelves at that time in order to start again at Qidian.It took a long time to make this, and the author was a little caught off guard when he blocked it.So suddenly disappeared without leaving any contact information.Say sorry to the old book friends here.

Later, because the editor was not at work during the Chinese New Year, it took a long time for Wenwen to come back today.The author also thinks it is really bumpy!

Fortunately, now the end of all hardships has come.

This testimonial on the shelf, I still hope that the babies can support the genuine version and continue to support the author.It is really not easy to write an article. Every chapter you read is written by the author after a long time of thinking and more than an hour.Your liking is the author's honor, and I hope that the babies can accompany the author to go on.

The author knows that many babies are students and have no money.The author also understands.But I still hope that the babies can continue to read the original version.Wenwen is not expensive, five cents a chapter.The author changes four times a day, and the cost of reading books for a week is not enough to buy a bottle of Nongfu Spring mineral water.Not much really!
Babies can recharge whether they use cards or Q coins.This is not too difficult.

Babes are poor, how can the author ever be rich?In fact, the author has been in a bad mood for the past two days, one is because of physical discomfort, and the other is the pressure of life.

The author is a junior this year and will be doing an internship during the summer vacation.As for the internship place, it can really be said that the environment is poor and the salary is low.This also indicates that the author is about to step into the society.There is no way, the author's major is not very good, and it is not only difficult to find a job, but also the public funding is not high.The author feels that it is very likely that he will support himself by writing novels in the future.I am no longer young, so it is impossible to reach out to my parents for money to increase their burden.

So, if the subscription is not good, the author will really eat dirt.

Hope the charge won't cause complaints from some babes.The author really doesn't understand those cursing readers.In fact, reading a book is like tasting food in a supermarket.Those free chapters are like tasting food, and if you like the food, you can buy it and take it home.Even if you can't afford it, it's okay. The big deal is to remember this thing and buy it when you are free.But those who think it’s not delicious, you don’t have to like it, and it’s okay to give your opinion, it’s not right to curse people.After all, you voluntarily tried it yourself, no one forced you!There are also those readers who swear at people because of the chapter fees, have you ever seen customers who swear at people because they can’t eat the sample food in the supermarket for free all the time?It's all the same reason. The author said in advance that he doesn't want readers to make trouble in the comment area.

After all, authors are human too.It is not a plant that needs sunlight and rain to survive.To live, one must find a way to survive.

Wenwen has more than 30 words for free. If you try it yourself, you will know how much work it is.The author works hard, but also enjoys it.I hope that the babies can accompany the author all the way, give encouragement and support to the author, support genuine reading, love you all!

It will be updated four times a day after it is put on the shelves!As for the addition of the monthly ticket for the reward recommendation ticket, the author hasn't figured it out yet.

By the way, Wenwen will be reversed because of too many words, that is, it will be charged from some previous chapters~ Babies who haven’t finished reading it hurry up, and babies who have already read it can secretly rejoice in their hearts~
Here, Mo Jiuxiao's identity, relationship with Luo An'an and the main god will be written later.Whether Luo An'an returns to the demon world to meet his parents, and where Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an will go, will slowly tell everyone.I hope that everyone will be able to smile happily when they see the author's text, and add a little happiness to their daily life.

Let us work hard together!Thank you guys for your continued support!

Well, the first order tomorrow is very important, I hope the babies will work hard tomorrow!Kiss~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ

 Ask for a first order, ask for a reward, ask for a ticket, ask for a comment!And what about the babies!
(End of this chapter)

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