Chapter 1306 Hidden Curse
This was the first time Luo Anan had heard of such a thing.

"The hidden curse was created by a magic genius in the Lingguang Continent at that time. I only saw him make a few shots, and he had already ascended." Han Feng looked at Luo An'an again: "Why, this spell didn't work. Pass it down?"

Luo An'an shook his head, and asked again: "How can senior see the hidden curse in my body? And is that hidden curse made by drawing amulets in the air?"

Han Feng was finally amused once again: "You think too much, who can do the skill of drawing talismans in the air? Hidden spells are actually spells drawn on talisman paper, but they will only work if they are attached to human flesh .As long as you lightly pat the talisman paper on the person, the incantation will automatically be hidden in the flesh and blood of the human body. At this moment, the person who has been cast with the hidden curse does not know that he has been tricked."

"But this hidden curse also has a flaw, that is, a very small red mole will appear on the body of the person who is cursed. Here, there is one behind your ear, which is covered by your hair."

Luo Anan took out the mirror and looked at it, it was true!This red mole is only half the size of a grain of rice, and it happens to be hidden behind the ear.What's more, I had been showing off my appearance before, and when I changed, even this little mole also transformed, so the shit shovel officer didn't find anything wrong with me.

Did this thing lock your own space?No, it's clearly locking the induction between myself and all spiritual weapons!Now she can't even use the cloud crystal hairpin smoothly, and she always feels disconnected!

This breaking the hidden curse almost killed me!
Luo Anan asked with a dark face: "Dare to ask senior, how to break this hidden curse?"

"I don't know." Han Feng shrugged calmly.


What, I don't even know!What's the difference between that and not saying?
Luo Anan tightened her face, and said angrily, "Senior, stop joking with me, this junior is really in a hurry!"

"I really can't help it," Han Feng said helplessly, "Have you ever seen someone who dodges a spell, someone who attacks a spell? When did you see someone who dispelled a spell? If you don't mind the pain, you can dig out the red one Mole, maybe it will be of some use."

Hearing the ferocious words, Luo Anan couldn't help covering his ears and backing away.Just kidding, it is a waste to let the baby bleed a drop, and now you want the baby to dig a piece of meat?

There are no doors!

Luo Anan saluted with a dark face: "Thank you senior for letting me know, this junior will think of other ways."

After speaking, a certain fox ran away in a hurry, as if a wolf was chasing after it.

After Luo An'an ran far away from the forbidden area, a burst of strong light suddenly burst out from the forbidden area, which made Ergu's powerful people unable to ignore it.They thought that a secret treasure was born, so they immediately opened the barrier and broke in without thinking about anything else.

As a result, after entering, they never came out again, and none of them entered.

Luo Anan excitedly ran to Ruohua to claim credit: "Boy, I have already done what you said! Tell me what you have been divining all these years?"

Ruohua couldn't help laughing when he heard the excited echo: "Where is it done, why haven't I heard about it?"

"It will be done in two days, just tell me what happened in advance!"

"It's not going to work. I'll tell you when it's done."

Seeing that Ruohua refused to let go, Luo Anan had to wait patiently for another two days.As a result, there was still no movement in the forbidden area!

An Baobao couldn't sit still anymore, so he hid himself and ran to the forbidden area again.

Hey, why are there so many people kneeling?

A certain fox rubbed its eyes, seemingly in disbelief: Isn't this the elder Lianggu and his disciple who broke in two days ago? Why are they all kneeling together?
 Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, please~
(End of this chapter)

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