Chapter 1310 Feng Pinggu

After waiting for another two days, Han Feng saw that those people seemed to be procrastinating on purpose, so he punished them severely!It's not over until those people are tidied up so that they no longer dare to think carefully.

Master Migu cried with a bruised nose and swollen face, "I don't know what else the ancestor ordered?"

Han Feng took a breath, and pondered after a while, "It is said that there is a cultivator from Tianmen Sect who is all-rounder in four arts and ascended to the ascension at the age of [-], isn't it?"

Master Migu said cautiously: "Old Ancestor, you mean Immortal Venerable Jinhao?"

Han Feng thought for a while, and it seemed to be the name, so he nodded.

"This matter is true, this person is really...incomparable!" Master Migu pondered: "The Tianmen Sect suffered a catastrophe before, if this person did not support all the forces, the Tianmen Sect might have declined. Jinhao Immortal Venerable's status in Lingguang Continent is really incomparably lofty!"

Han Fengqing coughed, and asked uncomfortably: "Then he is really all-rounder, so powerful?"

"Oh, it's true. The four major valleys in the world of cultivating immortals, Pill Valley, Migu, Xungu, and Konggu, were all suppressed by this person and couldn't breathe. What's more, this immortal venerable created the method of alchemy. The elixirs produced are top-grade elixirs, and there will be no erysipelas after eating, and any elixirs can be used!"

"We really hate and love this Immortal Venerable. Although he suppressed us, we can also obtain high-level pills from him. It has both advantages and disadvantages."

"But although he has ascended, he has left behind two good apprentices. Both of them are under the age of twenty, but they both broke through and became Jindan Zhenjun." Speaking of the two valley masters, they both sighed worriedly.

Han Feng was dumbfounded at this moment, oh my god, there are such geniuses in the world!Or people?

Seeing this, the owner of Xungu's eyes widened a bit, and immediately took out the scroll with Jinhao Immortal Venerable respectfully: "Look, ancestor, this is his image."

Han Feng took it, took a deep breath, and was speechless for a while.

Seeing Han Feng's expression from surprise to numbness to indifference, the two valley owners were puzzled.

"Old Ancestor... what's the matter with you?" Master Xun Gu asked cautiously.

"It's nothing." Han Feng's expression was very indifferent: "It's just that Wei Ping is not only useless, but also ugly."

Master Xun Gu: ... the disciple of Old Ancestor Wei may have done something that I'm sorry for you, but I hope you don't take offense, old man!


Han Feng's efficiency was very fast, and Luo An'an received the news of the merger of the two valleys after a day.

And the name of the new valley is: Fengpinggu.

After hearing this, Luo Anan rushed to find Han Feng again, and said bitterly, "Oh, why don't you understand the point! You always miss the best one!"

"What's the best one?" Seeing that the matter had been completed, Han Feng was about to dissipate his remnants and really go to accompany Wei Ping when Luo An'an came again.

An Baobao said proudly: "You didn't enter the Tianmen Sect the first time, and you misunderstood. If you didn't enter the second time, Senior Wei passed away early. Are you going to miss the third time now?"

"Shouldn't what you have to do now be to let Feng Pinggu join the Tianmen Sect?!"

Han Feng really looked confused: " join the Tianmen sect?"


"Forget it, it's too troublesome. Life and death depend on fate, wealth and honor, and I can't control them so much." Han Feng smiled faintly: "I miss Wei Ping very much, and now I just want to be with him. "

It's rare for Luo An'an to see someone with such a Han style expression at that time, indifferent, wanting nothing, welcoming death with joy.

"Do me a favor." Han Feng caressed Wei Ping's clothes preciously in his hand: "After I die, bury me and Wei Ping's memory fragments together with our clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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