Chapter 1318 Unlucky Mo Jiuxiao

Although Luo An'an is physically and mentally exhausted at the moment, he is doing good deeds and will be rewarded in the future.Can Mo Jiuxiao——

After he came to the Hehuan Sect, although he was spared the anger because he sent someone to spread the news, he was now assigned a job of managing the Hehuan Sect's pigsty...

It's bitter, smelly and tiring, and the number of spirit stones is the least!It can be called the worst job in the whole Acacia sect!

What's more terrible is that if a spirit pig does not grow to a qualified weight in a month, it will be punished...

Fortunately, Mo Jiuxiao has experience in raising foxes, so he treats pigs like Luo An'an to raise pork, and it's so expensive!Mo Jiuxiao soon became the best pig breeder in the history of the Hehuan Sect...

But this was not Mo Jiuxiao's final goal. After working in the pigsty for a few days, he took care of the deacons so that he could be assigned to a better place to work.According to his plan, he was approaching Qinghong's main peak step by step.Silently sneak into the enemy's interior.

Unfortunately, things backfired.Some elders in the door suddenly found that the pork tasted better, so they went to find the pig breeder.As for Jiang Zi, after going round and round, Uncle Mo returned to the pigsty again...

This period of time was completely fruitless.

Finally, the beast tide came.Uncle Mo thought about getting away and going back to the Youer Pavilion by the partition wall to find the fox, but in the end...

"No, you can't go. The beast tide is too dangerous. If you accidentally die, who will raise the pigs!" The deacon shook his head like a rattle, repeatedly rejecting Mo Jiuxiao's request.

Uncle Mo said lightly: "Deacon, I am willing to do my best for the sect."

"You've done your best to raise your pigs well." The deacon patted him on the shoulder with an educational expression on his face and said, "Boy, you can't underestimate the work of raising pigs. The pork is delicious, disciples Only then will you have more strength to deal with monsters, so you can deal with monsters indirectly, right?"

After finishing speaking, the deacon whispered to Mo Jiuxiao: "Besides, how dangerous it is to deal with the beast tide, how can it be safe to stay in the sect? If it weren't for your filial piety, I wouldn't have given you such a good opportunity Hey! Listen to what my brother said, take advantage of this period of time when all the male cultivators are out, hurry up and double cultivate with the seniors and sisters in the sect, and your cultivation base will increase quickly. If you can be a disciple of the inner sect, it will be better than anything Raising pigs is strong, right?"

Mo Jiuxiao: ...! ! !
Lord God: Hahahahahahahahaha! ! ! !Go raise your pigs, stop thinking about harassing An An!
Mo Jiuxiao had no choice but to return to the pigsty with a cold face, and began to think about what to do next.I didn't expect him to be so lucky that he could not walk!

Uncle Mo opened the God's Domain card, but he couldn't contact Master, nor could he contact Little Things.I don't know how my fox is doing now, whether it has lost weight these days, or has been bullied again...

The more I think about it, the more worried I become!
"Ah, ah, it's so cruel! But I really like it!"

On the gate tower, a group of female cultivators couldn't help becoming crazy looking at the back of Luo An'an killing the monster.This man is so tall and strong, I really want to have sex with him!
Luo Anan's figure moved slightly, and another monster died under her sword.Now the monsters finally receded slowly, Luo Anan cleaned up the corpses of monsters all over the place and began to return to the city.

"Hero, you have worked hard again today."

Many female cultivators scrambled to be the first to Luo An'an's side to show their courtesy, causing Baby An to have a headache.No, she has to leave tomorrow!No one can keep it!
"Go and find all the monks in the city who know formations and draw talismans." Luo Anan waved at the original city lord.

(End of this chapter)

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