Chapter 1320 Persuading the City Lord

In fact, Luoan Anfei's talk is just to give them a vaccination.

There may be ways to deal with natural disasters since ancient times, but man-made disasters, huh...

This small town was already in dire straits, if there was an infighting in the middle, it would really be dead.Luo An'an didn't want the innocent children in the city to suffer, so he said a few more words.

But the effect still looks good. Seeing the serious expressions of these four masters, they obviously heard this in their hearts.

"I've made up my mind and I'm leaving tomorrow. You still have to rely on yourself if you want to survive. You people don't hide your secrets anymore. If you have nothing to do, find some good seedlings to teach the four arts. One more person to share is also an extra share Power, do you understand?"

"Yes, remember the teaching of adults."

After Luo Anan finished speaking, he let them go down, leaving only the city lord.

"I don't know what the city lord's plans are in the future?" Luo Anan asked after blowing on the heat from the tea.

The city lord turned pale, and said falteringly: "This, this..."

"It seems that the city lord wants to leave."

Luo Anan looked up at the city lord in a leisurely manner: "But I don't know if the city lord has thought about where to go after leaving?"

Seeing that Luo An'an already knew what he was thinking, the city lord stopped hiding it immediately: "Perhaps your lord will think that my practice of abandoning the people in the city is very selfish, but people have to think about themselves, don't they?"

"I finally got a Lin'er two years ago, and now it's time to babble, how can I have the heart to put him in danger? And if my lord is willing to stay, I naturally have confidence in defending the city. But now so--"

"To tell you the truth, my lord, my heart is always up and down, and I'm really terrified!"

Luo Anan said helplessly: "But if you leave this city, the monks will be even more frightened! How can such a city be guarded? And there are beast hordes everywhere in the world. If you leave, where can you go? ? If you don’t believe me, contact the city lords of other nearby cities, they must all be dead.”

"How, how is it possible!" the city lord stammered.

"How is it impossible? If I hadn't happened to pass by yesterday, and I was willing to intervene in your affairs. I'm afraid there will be no one alive in this city!" Luo An'an couldn't bear it as he talked: "Tell me yourself Where can I go?"

"Then, what about the big sect? I can take my child and flee there!" The city lord said with a confused heart: "Yes, yes, nothing will happen to the Tianmen sect! We can go to the Tianmen sect!"

An Baobao raised his eyebrows and yelled, quite discerning.but--

"Tianmenzong is hundreds of thousands of miles away from here, and it will take a lot of time just to sit in the teleportation array. What's more, many teleportation arrays have been abandoned. And there is no one to protect you. You will most likely die in the Halfway. Either linger in an equally dangerous place and let your little son suffer with you."

After these words, the city lord was already in a cold sweat, he knelt on the ground with a thud, and kowtowed to Luo An uncontrollably: "Please show me a way to survive! It doesn't matter if I die, but my youngest son is only two years old! Please my lord!"

Luo An'an helplessly avoided his kowtow: "Aren't I just talking? You should get up first."

The city lord refused to get up, but looked up at Luo An'an expectantly: "Please guide me."


That being the case, Luo An'an also said bluntly: "There may be many safe places in the world of cultivating immortals, but the safest place for you at this moment is this small town. Don't rush to refute, just listen to me." .”

 Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by "A Yu Xiaoruo" baby, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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